Just to add, North Korea has a proven track record in our timeline of drawing away international attention away from others.
Observer 1: Hmmm… Guangchou is acting mighty suspic—

It's a shame that Star Trek TOS ended in 69, because if the Klingons are the Russians, and the Romulans are the Chinese, then Guangchou is like... the Remans, but queer coded.
@HeroCooky , could i trouble you to give Reputation & People's Opinion costs for the following?
-[] Construct Low-Tech Consumer Goods Factory - Rather that making the immediate jump to a late 20th century standard of living through the expensive import of foresign consumer goods, this simple factory mass produces simple solar and muscle powered appliances and tools that can be made quickly and cheaply and still impart a sizable improvement in quality of life. Some of the items manufactured include:
Solar Dehydrators,
Rocket Stoves,
Composting Toilets,
Solar Autoclave,
Geared Hand Drills,
Pedal Powered Tools, etc.
Heavy Industry
-[] Construct Geothermal Industrial Park - The low exergy heat that is otherwise wasted by a geothermal power plant can be put to productive use when paired with other industrial processes that benefit preheating chemical precursors or accelerating drying or evaporation processes. While concentrating industry in this manner makes it vulnerable to disruption from enemy attack, it also allows for the commensurate concentration of our own defenses, as well as allowing for more efficient production of materials with lower environmental impact.
–[] Chemical Plant
–[] Power Plant
–[] Paper Mill
–[] Oil Refinery
–[] Aluminum Smelter
–[] Metal Recycling Plant (We don't have enough waste metal to recycle???)
-[] Expand Your Train Network (Helpful)
–[] The Central Trunk Line - A mammoth project that will see multiple tunnels dug out from the mountainside and numerous bridges constructed so that heavy trains can move from one end of the island to the other along the most economical path.
-[] Revamp Your School System (Helpful) (-4 Reputation)
–[] Reject the primitive exam and rote memorization based system of the Queendom and institute an educational system based upon Scientific Pedagogy that emphasizes the creation of an environment that supports the individually directed growth of each child, allowing them to discover their strength and weaknesses and grow into their best selves - 'From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs' applied in the classroom. (+China Opinion "Wow, this is totally different from how things were done by the monarchy!")
[ ] Durable Goods Libraries - A good way of improving quality of life without needing to produce too many consumer goods is to implement a program where people can borrow more infrequently used goods from a central storehouse - things like vacuum cleaners, specialized cookware, hand tools, etc. The libraries can also double as social and entertainment spaces by including a television or radio depending on the size of the library and the number of people served, and these activities act to draw people to the library, increasing their familiarity with it and their odds of using it.
[ ] Rationalize the Language - Gunagchou is an unholy combination of Chinese and Japanese, with enough loan words from Korean and Malay to make up a non trivial portion of the overall syntax, and more exceptions than English. And it's written with Hanzi characters that often don't match their Mandarin counter-parts, and never mind that the grammar and word construction don't always line up. Even before the systematic destruction of the island's infrastructure by the IJN air raids, literacy in Guangchou was among the lowest in the Asia-Pacific - largely because the language was simply a massive headache to learn.
With the impending establishment of a robust schooling system - a keystone of the current five year plan - we have a golden opportunity to correct this and grant the nation a competitive advantage in international relations in the future. Guangchou will be rationalized and streamlined in order to make it easy to understand, pronounce, and read. Special care will be taken to make it more phonetically and syntactically compatible with the languages spoken by Guangchou's geopolitical allies and opponents: Russian, Mandarin, English (the first two being close allies, the later their greatest threat). (+++ Chinese Opinion "Holy shit, these gays are serious about the Cultural Revolution!")
[ ] Create the Guangchou Survey Corps - Form a body tasked with the methodical survey and preservation of Guangchou's geological and biological resources - from undiscovered veins of minerals, to plants and animals that can serve a useful purpose (or can be bred to do so). (Roll 1d20 every turn, on a 20 something useful is found?)
[ ] Begin
Marine Farming - While naturally occuring kelp forests are an excellent source of food, the harvesting process can be improved by allowing the kelp to grow on lines that float on the surface, such that they can be easily harvested by boat without the need for divers. The yield of a kelp farm can also be improved by cultivating mussels, scallops, and oysters in predator-proof containers, as well as laying traps for shellfish along the bottom.