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You currently do not know. Though if I had to guess, I'd look somewhere... with beer.

this doesnt help that much. i am currently uncertain whether there exists a catgirl in a dirndl at oktoberfest or a catgirl in a flatcap in a pub in the east end

or some other mysterious catgirl thus far unforeseen...

this is the grand mystery at the heart of the quest, i see now
I think the US might be thinking we're telling the literal truth when we call an aircraft carrier obsolete.
I think it might be too late to convince anyone that we didn't mean what we said.
And in that room, confronting a man that thought her a deviant whore, and had discarded all of her speeches with barely any mental effort, he did something unprecedented. Something that would forever change the world's fate and be subject to many dissertations in the future by political students too haughty to realize they understood nothing about what they were writing.

All because he was drunk, he did something he had never done in his adult life: listen to a woman's words, and take them seriously.
"-and it is with that, that the Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou, Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth holds the Sailors of the Aircraft Carrier Iwo Jima of the United States of America in contempt of littering Industrial Quantities of Obsolete Military Materials while on shore-leave. We hereby issue a formal complaint against the American Navy and American Government for their soldier's actions and the check for cleaning up the mess they made. Thank you for your attention."

Then all hell broke loose.
At best, we MIGHT convince people to do the polite fiction of 'believing' it as just big talk. But, we unfortunately very much did not set ourselves a reputation of just talking nonsense, and this incident brought the first insight in our armed forces since we came to power.
I think it might be too late to convince anyone that we didn't mean what we said.

At best, we MIGHT convince people to do the polite fiction of 'believing' it as just big talk. But, we unfortunately very much did not set ourselves a reputation of just talking nonsense, and this incident brought the first insight in our armed forces since we came to power.
At the very least we can be safe in the Knowladge that we started ww3 based on the meme we had super science.

Well we do but not for the tech we claim.
I think it might be too late to convince anyone that we didn't mean what we said.

At best, we MIGHT convince people to do the polite fiction of 'believing' it as just big talk. But, we unfortunately very much did not set ourselves a reputation of just talking nonsense, and this incident brought the first insight in our armed forces since we came to power.
Of course it's obsolete. The thing is literally second World War vintage. At this point OTL they were basically relegated to anti-submarine and helicopter duties.
Well, after the Essex class, there were the Midway, Forrestal, and Kitty Hawk conventional carrier classes. Then they made the nuclear Enterprise, and now they are working on the Nimitz class. So the Essex itself being obselete might not be that much of a stretch. It's aircraft moreso, but it wouldn't be too out there to say it can't handle the current cutting edge of naval aircraft due to the design being built for WW2 era propeller planes. At some point the upgrade needed to keep Iwo Jima useful isn't going to be worth it compared to just scrapping it and making a new carrier.
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Also, Iron Tiger turbine engines + electric motors might let us build a variable bypass turbofan engine for our fighters by leaning on its existing hybrid electric power train to mechanically decouple the fan from the gas turbine, which is like.... 40-50 years ahead of the state of the art. :V

So yeah, those jets are about to be reeeeeal obsolete.
Also, Iron Tiger turbine engines + electric motors might let us build a variable bypass turbofan engine for our fighters by leaning on its existing hybrid electric power train to mechanically decouple the fan from the gas turbine, which is like.... 40-50 years ahead of the state of the art.
Are the Iron Tiger engines turbines? I thought the ret-con was just bringing them down to turbine levels with them still being more conventional diesel engines.
this doesnt help that much. i am currently uncertain whether there exists a catgirl in a dirndl at oktoberfest or a catgirl in a flatcap in a pub in the east end

or some other mysterious catgirl thus far unforeseen...

this is the grand mystery at the heart of the quest, i see now
Could be Iran, seeing as they invented it,* or Egypt, as they used to be famous for it
*The first chemically confirmed barley beer dates back to the 5th millennium BC in modern-day Iran
So yeah, those jets are about to be reeeeeal obsolete.
*Laughs in F-15!*

*Laughs in F-14 Tomcat*

*Laughs in US Airforce RnD Budget!*

No...nothing is Obsolete...your are Encouraging the Americans to get better than you and they will try and Fail, and they Succeed a few months later after a billion wasted Dollars having made A fighter that will be used until the 2000s with a decent track record..

Because if you think you can keep any form of superiority above America they will just steal it outright and take the international hit because why should America give a shit if it means getting another advantage.

Its how we got the water wheel and the Industrial Revolution across the pond.

Because the people running the America Negaverse aren't compete braindead idiots.

I should know...I wrote it with Anon's help.

Speaking of which I should really make another one.
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*Laughs in F-15!*

*Laughs in F-14 Tomcat*

*Laughs in US Airforce RnD Budget!*

No...nothing is Obsolete...your are Encouraging the Americans to get better than you and they will try and Fail, and they Succeed a few months later after a billion wasted Dollars having made A fighter that will be used until the 2000s with a decent track record..

Because if you think you can keep any form of superiority above America they will just steal it outright and take the international hit because why should America give a shit if it means getting another advantage.

Because the people running the America Negaverse aren't compete braindead idiots.

I should know...I wrote it with Anon's help.

SPeaking of witch I should really make another one.

Ehhh, I know that's the meme, but there are limits to how much money you can throw at a problem. Like, look at land-lease: America found itself in a position where they were producing so much material that they literally could not use all of it because of the logistical bottleneck that was the channel+France and had to start giving the extras to allies I they wanted said equipment to have any effect.

Similarly there are bottlenecks to R&D, only so many researchers, only so many research labs, only so many researchers you can throw at a problem before the work of communicating and organizing everyone starts to slow progress to a halt.

And it's not like we've got a lot of examples out there for America to steal? Like, they'll figure it out eventually, but it's not something they can solve in a few months or even years.
Ehhh, I know that's the meme, but there are limits to how much money you can throw at a problem
I know there is such a thing as too much money at a problem it becomes ineffective, corrupt and prone to slowdowns and incompetence.

Just like Congress.:V
Like, they'll figure it out eventually, but it's not something they can solve in a few months or even years.
I give them a Decade before making progress on something substantial.

Less if the Digging for a Nation in the Desert is Canon to this quest and the Shananigins that come with NOT!Outer Heaven doing something.

I give them three more turns before they start to fight most of the Middle East.
I know there is such a thing as too much money at a problem it becomes ineffective, corrupt and prone to slowdowns and incompetence.

Just like Congress.:V

I give them a Decade before making progress on something substantial.

Less if the Digging for a Nation in the Desert is Canon to this quest and the Shananigins that come with NOT!Outer Heaven doing something.

I give them three more turns before they start to fight most of the Middle East.

Oh, and you have to consider the non-linear nature of technological discovery. The Soviets for instance cracked full flow staged combustion rocket engines while the Americans gave up on them as impractical IIRC, so I don't doubt that they'll figure something out, but it's not guaranteed that it'll be the same thing we we did.
A Rudderless Ship

A Rudderless Ship

The People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) was not ready. He could not conclude anything different when he went over the numbers, again and again. Xiao Jinguang had been working on rapidly expanding the Navy right, but while the number of ships in PLAN had already been greatly expanded in the last year alone, with a plans to double the size of the Navy within the next 3 years, none of the crew for these new ships were prepared. He already knew, even from his first naval operations on Yijiangshan, Dachen and Yushan islands nearly 2 decades ago, it was training which determined how well the army worked together.... No amount of new technology or metal could make up for the fact that for most of the new crews, it would be their first time truly operating their craft, much less trying to work together in a formation.

If only he could use many of the newly built craft. More than 20 ships and 3 subs lay freshly built in the docks, as loyal comrades had worked extra hours for the safety and glory of China. But the crews just weren't ready. It didn't matter what Kang Sheng had said in his mad ramble of a letter. China simply wasn't ready for a true naval showdown. They could not simply go to the island and annihilate the enemy. They were not prepared for the American retaliatory response at all!

He looked again at the letter. He had a feeling that this might not be the statement of the entire gang of four, and might simply be Kang Sheng's personal position. While Sheng perhaps had far more diplomatic experience than any of the four, Xiao knew that things were not that simple. Kang was attempting to make a statement, and to drive events back home in Beijing. It was far too easy for Xiao to imagine that the gang of four might be furious, but unable to act, afraid of losing his support.

He looked out to the sea. Mao had just died, and now the communist revolution itself was threatened. And yet, what did the politicians do? Squabble over position. Had they not all fought for their country a mere few decades before? They needed to be united! That was the lesson back then, during the revolution! His comrades could not afford to let these minor squabbles prevent them from responding to the situation! If they did.... If they did, he could only imagine what would happen to the people's republic...

He breathed deeply, before discarding his frustration. There was nothing he could do about the situation in Beijing. No, there was nothing he should do about the situation in Beijing. His responsibility was the Navy, and he needed to focus on that, rather than the political 'game'. He was a soldier, and he would do his duty. He needed to be thinking about what would be happening around the carrier, and not what was happening in Beijing.

He glanced at the pile of documents and communications on the corner of his desk. While very little information had been received from Guangchou, he made sure he received a copy of every single piece of news. For now, the US were pretending that the ship full of armed marines had beached their ship accidentally. However, he could imagine how easily this could be used to justify a 'liberation' mission. It would be far too easy for the US to bring warships instead of rescue ships. It was all so convenient for this to happen right after Mao had died. He wondered how they even knew to time things so well, so that the ship beached itself right before Mao's actual death, so that know one could claim they planned.. every-...thing.... It would have to insane.... operation of cunning ...and of treachery.

He almost felt himself lose everything to the anger, but he pulled himself back. This was not his responsibility! Even if! Even if they had somehow done something to-... He wasn't the one who was supposed to determine that. He was never good at ferreting out the truth from backstabbers and liars. It was his job to lead the men, and that is what he would.

As his emotions still failed to calm, he remembered the dozens of young men that had died under his command during the civil war. The sombering truth helped shake the insipid, useless anger from his head. He knew, even if his most deeply feared suspicions were true, that a war would not be won by emotions. How many of those young men in the civil war had gone sprinting to their deaths, confident that their need for vengeance would protect them from bulletfire. Strategy, tactics and preparation were always more important than the spirit of vengeance. He could not just wallow in rage. He needed to protect his country today. That had to be his main concern.

He looked back at the map, as he considered the realities of the military situation, and the lack of organized support from Beijing. He could only despair as he understood that the american scheme would probably work. Looking again at the maps of the southern sea, Guangchou had been a pillar to the defense in the area. It had allowed acted as a natural wall and gate, as all traffic was forced to be diverted into two narrow channels (one between Guangchou and Japan, and one between Guangchou and China Taipei). The geography made it much much easier for the chinese Navy to defend against any forces coming from the south, and it had been a lynchpin for any plans to resist a direct invasion from the US.

However, now that island may fall into the hands of the US. He could already see the Americans paving a new airstrip, and preparing bombers on the island. He could see the new port, filled to the brim with supplies for an invasion, and supplied further by factories in Japan and Korea. While an invasion of china was supposed to be a logistical nightmare, firmly preparing Guangchou would make most of those problems disappear. and if the US could invade and succeed, they almost certainly would. No, losing Guangchou now was unacceptable. He could not allow it to become a US supply base for a future invasion. He could not allow the Americans to truly succeed this scheme of theirs.

He considered all the important facts again. He didn't have the forces to face the US navy just yet. And he couldn't allow Guangchou to fall. Worse yet, he seemed to be on his own, as all messages from Beijing seemed to be emphasizing that he either destroy the carrier, or that he not let anyone know that Mao was dead yet. He had no real support from Beijing. What was he supposed to do? What could he do on his own?

A new message from Guangchou had appeared on his desk. It was their public statement.... He couldn't help himself. He chuckled at the idea that Guangchou was demanding littering fees. It was silly... It was quite silly. Was he supposed to take this at face value? That they just wanted a littering fee?

Even worse, to suggest a US carrier was ever obsolete rang warning bells in his head, although he really didn't have the resources to deal with Guangchou'a hidden secrets, if they actually had any. If they had a superweapon that rendered the carrier obsolete, it could only help him. However, he knew he shouldn't rely on maybe's. He had to assume when push came to shove that Guangchou would not be able to provide any real naval support. However...

It seemed as if Guangchou was attempting to resolve matters peacefully and quietly. He knew that things were too chaotic in Beijing for any of the politicians to come up with any sort of plan quickly. All that could really happen, all that he could really do is ready all the ships for departure, and send a message of what would happen if the US tried to escalate things.

However, he still felt anxious. He knew the US would try something. Something sneaky. And he didn't have any forces he could....

He looked over the list of ships operating in PLAN over the course of the last year. He did have two nuclear subs currently in operation, with trained crews he personally trusted. They were hilariously out of position, but if he ordered them to immediately return and patrol the island...

When the americans inevitable tried to sneak something onto the island, would two nuclear submarines be enough? They would certainly be viewed in the right, once they sank whatever military forces the US was sending, but this would only work if they were successful, and returned with evidence. So he asked himself again, would the two subs be enough?

He had to hope so. He began to draft the orders. Unlike the politicians in Beijing, who demanded the fate of the people's republic be put in their hands, he knew that the cold hard truth that it would be his actions in the next few weeks might save or doom his country.

After he had penned the orders, he began to pack his bags. He knew he had to move his headquarters as close to the island as possible. He needed to be ready to take command of the situation, in order to prevent the worst from happening. He had a duty to his country.

AN: So, most of this is using knowledge from Wikipedia. Feel free to correct me on any of this, because I know I probably got something wrong. I know that I almost certainly got people's character's wrong, and the numbers are just made up. I am not actually sure on how many ships the Chinese navy had at this time, even, although it does seem like this even occured just as they were in the middle of the process of expanding their navy.

Also, this omake is not really tied to the horserace going on in Beijing. I explicitly tried to use a neutral (at the time) admiral, so that any response he had wouldn't really reflect on the events going on in Beijing. This omake is more about the immediate reaction the chinese navy may be having. Honestly, reading into things a little, it seems as if this situation had only happened a few years later, they would be far more prepared. So yeah, we are going in with an unprepped chinese navy to support us, and wow that does not help things with this crisis.

edit: story was edited a little to try and improve it a little. Nothing major, but wanted to make some things clearer, and make the thought process flow a bit better.

They are being built, but it has only been about a day or three since the incident. Give it a hot minute to be built.
Thanks for the update on this. I kind of figured this might be the case, but I didn't see anything written about it in the update, so I wanted to be sure.
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Two more things occur:

Firstly, we don't actually need to use batteries on our vehicles, and we can use titanium flywheels instead. For military vehicles flywheels would mean better instantaneous power output when they need it. For civilian vehicles like buses, the lower energy density if flywheels is offset by much faster charging (the bus is going to have to stop at a few main stations anyway, so it can recharge while passengers are getting on and off. This saves us from having to lay overhead wires everywhere. And unlike batteries, flywheels have effectively infinite charge/recharge cycles, especially titanium ones because we can just anneal them when they start to develop microfractures.

The other thing to consider is that both Jungmin and Jing are ass deep in responsibilities that are very likely to intrude on their personal lives and interfere with raising their kids. Now, nannies are great and they would certainly help, but I have a feeling that it would be a sore topic for Jungmin given his daddy issues. I know I made the polyamorous Wei familly thing as part of a joke, but maybe it's not a bad idea to add a third partner that the other two can trust to always be there for the kids?
Two more things occur:

Firstly, we don't actually need to use batteries on our vehicles, and we can use titanium flywheels instead. For military vehicles flywheels would mean better instantaneous power output when they need it. For civilian vehicles like buses, the lower energy density if flywheels is offset by much faster charging (the bus is going to have to stop at a few main stations anyway, so it can recharge while passengers are getting on and off. This saves us from having to lay overhead wires everywhere. And unlike batteries, flywheels have effectively infinite charge/recharge cycles, especially titanium ones because we can just anneal them when they start to develop microfractures.

The other thing to consider is that both Jungmin and Jing are ass deep in responsibilities that are very likely to intrude on their personal lives and interfere with raising their kids. Now, nannies are great and they would certainly help, but I have a feeling that it would be a sore topic for Jungmin given his daddy issues. I know I made the polyamorous Wei familly thing as part of a joke, but maybe it's not a bad idea to add a third partner that the other two can trust to always be there for the kids?

So the engineer is me is horrified at the though of using flywheels in an environment where they might get damaged, because those things can be dangerous. On the other hand, considering how easily mechs explode, flywheels are par for the course. So yeah, its absolutely something we could do.

Also, I wouldn't mind Jungmin and Jing going the polyamory route. It sounds like a good idea. I just hope that it isn't more marraige interviews like last time. I get why we used those for the quest, but they feel a little.... unnatural and rushed. I wouldn't mind something paced a bit better for romance.
So the engineer is me is horrified at the though of using flywheels in an environment where they might get damaged, because those things can be dangerous. On the other hand, considering how easily mechs explode, flywheels are par for the course. So yeah, its absolutely something we could do.

Also, I wouldn't mind Jungmin and Jing going the polyamory route. It sounds like a good idea. I just hope that it isn't more marraige interviews like last time. I get why we used those for the quest, but they feel a little.... unnatural and rushed. I wouldn't mind something paced a bit better for romance.

I mean, any sort of energy storage system is gonna be dangerous - you just get to pick what kind of dangerous. :V
But flywheels right now are used on the new American aircraft carriers to deliver instantaneous power to the electromagnetic catapults, and ships have used stabilizer gyros for ages (not sure how much they do it these days, I think the trend is to go towards bilge keels?). Gyrobuses are also a technology that stretches back to the 40s. I think the dangers are manageable.

It might be cool to have Jungmin and Jin go undercover to look for a third? Gives them a chance to get some time away from the palace life as it were.

edit: Oh, funni thought. What if the Wei polycule just keep growing, until you get this joke:

"What do you call a polycule in Guangchou?"

"A government."
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I mean, any sort of energy storage system is gonna be dangerous - you just get to pick what kind of dangerous. :V
But flywheels right now are used on the new American aircraft carriers to deliver instantaneous power to the electromagnetic catapults, and ships have used stabilizer gyros for ages (not sure how much they do it these days, I think the trend is to go towards bilge keels?). Gyrobuses are also a technology that stretches back to the 40s. I think the dangers are manageable.

It might be cool to have Jungmin and Jin go undercover to look for a third? Gives them a chance to get some time away from the palace life as it were.

edit: Oh, funni thought. What if the Wei polycule just keep growing, until you get this joke:

"What do you call a polycule in Guangchou?"

"A government."

I mean, my general rule is that you don't want to put stuff like flywheels in a place where they can be shot... But you're right, this is the problem with any battery system. A battery is always stored energy, and if that system is damage or destroyed, then all that energy can sometimes go into destroying the nearby people/things (yes, not exactly what happens with chemical batteries, but acid burns are close enough).

The dangers are manageable, and it is fairly low tech, as long as we have the rare resources (and we do have them). So I think such a plan should work. Just, maybe we can be a bit careful when we put it into the mechs. I'm not found of the pilots having a 1 ton flywheel as a headrest inside of our mechs.

...... So, were are going for the one relationship, one government route ending, AKA the golden route. Well, to speedrun this, we're first going to need to pay a visit to our UN ambassador. We've only got a couple votes until this crisis ends, and- ...

(Actually, can someone please write/continue this omake? this is a hilarious idea)
I mean, my general rule is that you don't want to put stuff like flywheels in a place where they can be shot... But you're right, this is the problem with any battery system. A battery is always stored energy, and if that system is damage or destroyed, then all that energy can sometimes go into destroying the nearby people/things (yes, not exactly what happens with chemical batteries, but acid burns are close enough).

The dangers are manageable, and it is fairly low tech, as long as we have the rare resources (and we do have them). So I think such a plan should work. Just, maybe we can be a bit careful when we put it into the mechs. I'm not found of the pilots having a 1 ton flywheel as a headrest inside of our mechs.

...... So, were are going for the one relationship, one government route ending, AKA the golden route. Well, to speedrun this, we're first going to need to pay a visit to our UN ambassador. We've only got a couple votes until this crisis ends, and- ...

(Actually, can someone please write/continue this omake? this is a hilarious idea)

You say all that, and then proceed to mount a 7 tone gyroscope into your bipedal mecha. :p

I'm just imagining Jungmin and Jin having so much trouble finding a partner that Jungmin is inspired to create the world's first dating site - literally a centralized database for all of Gunagchou that has an official monopoly on matchmaking, and evolves into a whole government department whose job it is to help people find good partners. The National Matchmaking Service.
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You say all that, and then proceed to mount a 7 tone gyroscope into your bipedal mecha. :p

I'm just imagining Jungmin and Jin having so much trouble finding a partner that Jungmin is inspired to create the world's first dating site - literally a centralized database for all of Gunagchou that has an official monopoly on matchmaking, and evolves into a whole government department whose job it is to help people find good partners. The National Matchmaking Service.
China would copy us hard when the one child policy explodes in their face.
China would copy us hard when the one child policy explodes in their face.

We should aim to be the Golden Child of communism.

Mao: "Look at Gunagchou! They're already got a centrally planned economy and have moved past money! Why can't you be more like Guangchou?"
PRC: *angry teenage noises*

Lenin: "You know, Guangchou just reduced their work week to four days."
USSR: "Nothing I do is ever good enough for you!"
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China would copy us hard when the one child policy explodes in their face.

The Chinese government would try to copy us.

While a bunch of their citizens just use our proven matchmaking services that do a way better job anyways. Also, we would be facilitating gay relationships, while their service would... ignore that, if it was trying to recover from the one child policy.

We should aim to be the Golden Child of communism.

Mao: "Look at Gunagchou! They're already got a centrally planned economy and have moved past money! Why can't you be more like Guangchou?"
PRC: *angry teenage noises*

.... OK. just imagining the PRC as an angry teenager has me belly laughing on the floor. That was an image I never knew I needed
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