Starfleet Design Bureau

[X] Center Engine (Industry 21 - > 23)

We go with full Phase Cannon coverage here, and Warp 5 will have no trouble powering god-damned things.
[x] Twin Engines (Industry 21 -> 25)

This thing is going to get expensive, but damn it if it's not going to be a good ship.
[X] Center Engine (Industry 21 - > 23)

This pretty bird won't necessarily be equipped with a transporter, or if it is it may not work right, or if it does her captain may not trust it. And we are centuries away from being able to replicate anything, never mind shuttles on the fly. She probably needs all the shuttles she can get, even at the cost of sublight maneuverability. Which means hangar space to hold them, which means a large aft shuttlebay, which means a centerline engine
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[X] Center Engine (Industry 21 - > 23)

This pretty bird won't necessarily be equipped with a transporter, or if it is it may not work right, or if it does her captain may not trust it. And we are centuries away from being able to replicate anything, never mind shuttles on the fly. She probably needs all the shuttles she can get, even at the cost of sublight maneuverability.
Shuttle bays can go where ever. God knows we have the space for it between the full saucer and the secondary hull.

I'd rather this thing have twice the horsepower over a more convenient place for a shuttle bay.
I'm sure it's going to be a knockout push for two engines, but let's try and keep in mind what we actually want this thing to cost instead of going 'cost is no object' when it very much is. By the time our other two builds are done, we should have about 68 industry. Assuming after Enterprise is built we have to pay for sister ships, and assuming we want to produce a more 'normal' costing ship in parallel…. We really can't afford for the NX to cost more than 40 industry.

40+20ish leaves 8 to be split from refits to Warp 5 and expanding industry. That's not much.
I'm sure it's going to be a knockout push for two engines, but let's try and keep in mind what we actually want this thing to cost instead of going 'cost is no object' when it very much is. By the time our other two builds are done, we should have about 68 industry. Assuming after Enterprise is built we have to pay for sister ships, and assuming we want to produce a more 'normal' costing ship in parallel…. We really can't afford for the NX to cost more than 40 industry.

40+20ish leaves 8 to be split from refits to Warp 5 and expanding industry. That's not much.
Not much of a concern then. Only thing left after this is the guns for main ship parts. And I don't think(?) that what goes inside the ship is our department. @Sayle will there be another step where we decide what goes inside the ship? Like Science labs and such?
We expected 70 industry when it comes time to build this, and it would be very useful to build 2/year which means keeping the cost at 35 industry or lower.

We know that weapons are 2 industry each so 35-25=10/2= 5 weapons or, 35-23=12/2=6 weapons... Half the engine power for 1 extra gun or torpedo?
It's worth noting how highly mobile ship battles in Enterprise seem to be. Probably on a non-diegetic level is because the greater capability and lower cost of VFX made this easier, but it's really notable nonetheless.


[X] Twin Engines (Industry 21 -> 25)

The Enterprise has to dodge in and out of enemy fire quite frequently in battles, sometimes strafing foes as if it were a fighter craft. The canon NX-01 Enterprise also clearly has two impulse thrusters when you look at it in the clip above and other images. So I think that not our ship enough manoeuvrability would be a mistake and negatively impact its combat abilities and survivability.

At the end of the day, this is not our cheap workhorse combatant, this is our ambassador to the rest of the Alpha Quadrant. If it can't impress the Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites, and survive battles with the Xindi and end up convincing some of the Xindi member species to work with us, then we're screwed. Agility seems so crucial to that mission that I don't think it makes sense to compromise it for a relatively small cost savings.