Starfleet Design Bureau

Surely they didn't come to such decisions because of certain technological advances in the Federation.

Yeah, the 800 lb gorilla in the history room called The Thunderchild might have made them a bit more cautious. The Sagarmatha following up with an actual win on them would have only verified their suspicions.
Surely they didn't come to such decisions because of certain technological advances in the Federation.
I mean, in canon we know they go for stuff like that super-sized BoP (and it's powerful enough that just 3 of them reinforcing the Enterprise D is enough to get 3 Romulan warbirds to completely back down), us going for the super-chonkers early on means we'll have only sped things up.
Welcome back Sayle! Take the game at your own pace, these aren't choices to rush!

[X] Central Reaction Chamber (Date: 2220 -> 2230) (Size Reduction)

Klingon Shipyard QM Shenanigans Nega-Quest, where they go in even harder for the experimentals and big chonkers than we do.

Klingon Engineer: Just because we keep rolling critical successes on warp drive development doesn't mean we should actually be pushing the tonnage limits this hard!

Klingon Ship Designer: But we're actually outperforming the Federation in warp speed! And we're even on track to develop the D7 decades ahead of schedule!

Klingon Logistician: We're a fractional divided mess of houses! Where the hell are we going to get the resources and industry to actually build a D7 decades ahead of schedule!

Klingon Admiral: Why are we arguing with the shipbuilder instead of just challenging them to defend their ideas?

Klingon Engineer: Oh right, you're new here. Didn't you learn of the fate of your predecessor? The ship design team is currently 104-17-2 in dueling victories this year alone. Those nutcases can kill anybody who gets in their way when it comes to getting a design pushed.

Klingon Admiral: Oh.

Klingon Logistician: Some days I think all the divided Great Houses let them get away with it just so they can see what comes out, even if it means sharing with other Houses.

Klingon Ship Designer: And for our next great leap to outpace the Federation, I propose a six-nacelle, double warpcore D6 superheavy variant!

Klingon Logistician: WE! ARE! INDUSTRIALLY! BANKRUPT! Even our top backers want cheap birds of prey next!

Klingon Admiral: Well at least we're matching the Federation in engineering madness.

Tal'Shiar Spy/"Klingon" Aide: *Staring in horror at the prospect of Romulan Shipbuilding Division so much as looking at the heavyweight designs for inspiration*
Tal'Shiar Spy/"Klingon" Aide: *Staring in horror at the prospect of Romulan Shipbuilding Division so much as looking at the heavyweight designs for inspiration*

Romulan 1: We max out the budget by pledging a ship twice as large as the Galaxy-class, but make it mostly hollow. Then we embezzle the funds we saved and buy a dozen more Senate seats.

Romulan 2: And we get an extra point in the Patriotism stat to lower our Tal'Shiar Suspicion Meter by naming it after a famous Romulan admiral.
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[X] Central Reaction Chamber (Date: 2220 -> 2230) (Size Reduction)

Smaller narcelles sound good. Maybe something can be done with the reduced size so that the general profile of the ships stays the same.
Though sensors will likely not be hampered in identifying different warp engines.
[X] Central Reaction Chamber (Date: 2220 -> 2230) (Size Reduction)
Romulan 1: We max out the budget by pledging a ship twice as large as the Galaxy-class, but make it mostly hollow. Then we embezzle the funds we saved and buy a dozen more Senate seats.

Romulan 2: And we get an extra point in the Patriotism stat to lower our Tal'Shiar Suspicion Meter by naming it after a famous Romulan admiral.
Romulan 3: And we can reuse the design and make it less hollow each refit!
[X] Central Reaction Chamber (Date: 2220 -> 2230) (Size Reduction)

Smaller more powerful engine? Means easier to slot it into the design and less chance of it being wholly incompatible. Is good idea.