Starfleet Design Bureau

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[X] Central Reaction Chamber (Date: 2220 -> 2230) (Size Reduction)

We already know (out of universe) that the CRC is the future of starship design, and even if we didn't to have an equal amount of power in a smaller package is always a no brainer unless constrained by necessity (I.e. pushing out a new ship ASAP).

What would be rather interesting, though probably not really ever gonna be an option, would be to combine the full length and CRC in some form for future battleship and explorer designs (or even just stacking a CRC sideways into a vertical CRC - iirc one of the movie Connie engine room designs had something similar).
The Design Bureau offices during non-science votes: "Opposition to delaying the new reactor rollout by a decade so we can advance our material sciences to make smaller reaction chambers? "




"Nay... if we get catered lunches next time."

The Design Bureau offices during science votes: "What should we put in this lab slot then?"

"If you skip the Arboretum I will break your legs!"

"If we don't get the Long Range Scanners I will burn this room down."

"If anyone votes against the generalist lab I will feed them to a Kzin alive."

"Steve, put the phaser down slowly..."
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The Klingon D6 cruiser, for example, has been detected travelling at a solid Warp 7 on long-range scans. With a number of ships in the fleet that are only capable of 6.8 that represents a serious strategic concern, and the specter of unknown Romulan advances also complicates countermeasures to a potential Deep Strike doctrine executed from across the neutral zone.
So, we have to decide if we want to roll out minor improvements for the existing fleet, or more substantial improvements to benefit new construction down the line. We've been reusing components and layouts from prior designs, such as the saucer from the Sagarmatha class, but it's probably time to bite the bullet and focus on clean sheet designs.

[ ] Full-Length Reaction Chamber
[X] Central Reaction Chamber (Date: 2220 -> 2230) (Size Reduction)
As well as allowing us to get more usable space out of big designs this'll free up quite a bit of space in any smaller ones, making them generally more viable to build.
[X] Central Reaction Chamber (Date: 2220 -> 2230) (Size Reduction)

Small but mighty (also probably expensive but all new tech starts that way).