Starfleet Design Bureau

I kind of want Half Saucers to be the standard on dedicated Military ships, as opposed to the mixed combat/science/exploration ship the NX is meant to be.

It looks really good for on a warship to me.
Yeah, Half-Saucers as the standard for "This is a ship that moves fast and does one or two things" with full saucers as the multipurpose explorer setups seems like a nice aesthetic rather than "Everything is a Saucer, even if it doesn't warrant a saucer"

We've been saving Industry for a while, this is when we pay it out.
Classic secondary hull or Warp Field Band-Aid...

Honestly think the extra space will be worth it, but I think the original NX skipped the secondary hill, didn't it? Might want to spend some of that capacity on on maximum tactical agility and phasers?
This ship by the end of the design process will most likely be Starfleet's first ever Heavy Cruiser.

The canon NX series used the space shuttles. Which is funny, since the first space shuttle was named after Star Trek, so it's kind of a case of inception.

So Enterprise, Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis - and presumably after that Endeavour.
Obviously, we need to call it NX-01 Buran.
I kind of want Half Saucers to be the standard on dedicated Military ships, as opposed to the mixed combat/science/exploration ship the NX is meant to be.

It looks really good for on a warship to me.

2/3 would feel better to me. That gives you the tips of the saucer to add to weapon arcs while giving you two 1/12th slices to also mount the impulse engine and housings in for maximum tactical agility.
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Unless I misread, starfleet is being asked if they want a deflector dish... or not have a deflector dish?

I, bemusedly, await arguments against getting the 'fix problem' device, if anyone even has any.
[X] Secondary Hull (Industry: 13 -> 17)
2hr Moratorium is in effect

Unless I misread, starfleet is being asked if they want a deflector dish... or not have a deflector dish?

I, bemusedly, await arguments against getting the 'fix problem' device, if anyone even has any.
No, it's a question of "small deflector and cheap fix at the cost of space" or "big deflector and more space at high industrial cost". I think
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[ ] Secondary Hull (Industry: 13 -> 17)

Also more space can be filled with science labs and other things we might want for ships that are pushing back the boundaries of our knowledge or a room to host diplomats for contact meetings or whatever else we want in these large, long range ships.
To help visualise the options here, I've got some pictures.

The Warp Field Regulator is what the canonical Enterprise shipped out with, which is why it does not have a full secondary hull, and can be seen in this rear view:


And here is the post-refit Enterprise as seen in Star Trek: Picard, with a whole secondary hull added. This makes it look noticeably more like a standard Federation starship of latter years:


The secondary hull is likely to produce a much more capable starship than the canonical NX-01 class of Enterprise, but it may be more challenging to produce them in volume. Them again... canonically Earth seems to have build about two or three NX-class starships before the Earth-Romulan war started, and we could probably still match that. If we think of this class as an ambassador for earth more than our mainstay combatant, than building the best ship we can might be the best advertisement of humanity's potential.
I never really liked the canon NX-01, the lack of secondary hull just didn't feel right on a ship named Enterprise.
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