Starfleet Design Bureau

[X] Two Impulse Thrusters (Prototype), Two Forward Phase Cannons (11 Industry -> 19 Industry)

At this point I just really like the idea of Earth doctrine shaping itself around maneuverability since they lack essentially every single technological edge imaginable.
I mostly want the impulse thrusters to prototype them here instead of on the NX.
I'm pretty this will lower the cost of impulse thrusters for all later ships too.

[X] Two Impulse Thrusters (Prototype), Two Forward Phase Cannons (11 Industry -> 19 Industry)
I do imagine it's less us fighting the pirates head on, and more we're shooting the ones in that forward firing arc while using our impulse thrusters to scoot fast enough to plot a warp jump.
This plotline in season four of Enterprise was merely prelude to the war. There was a plan to show the opening of full conflict in season five, but the show was cancelled

The war was a century before the time they are set.

This is like looking at something set today and concluding that the Second World War could not have been too serious.

Things not depicted don't count. The show never showed it. Spock only implies ship to ship warfare was atomic missiles, but ENT has invalidated that.

And for that matter, a lot of TOS canon is now superceded by SNW or other shows.

So kinda honestly, we're left at the fork of
- The colonies are just fine in TOS/DIS
- Sisko implies in DS9 it was vicious but he was also trying to convince Inyo to take things seriously.
- Sure, they might have been nuked but unless Trek has magic remove-radiation tech by TOS (and I don't think they do) that's peculiar they're still there.

And that means it's now debatable if the excess industry spending is now worth it.
[X] One Reaction Thruster, One Forward Cannon, One Aft (11 Industry -> 16 Industry)

If this would get a refit of additional phase cannons once the Earth-Romulan War erupts, then I'm in for some saved industrial points that will help us build the NX-01.
[X] Two Impulse Thrusters (Prototype), Two Forward Phase Cannons (11 Industry -> 19 Industry)

Anything that is going to fly and fight in convoy needs to concern itself with firing arcs. We can't just go all-forward armaments and start flying out of the sun at bandits.

[x] One Reaction Thruster, One Forward Cannon, One Aft (11 Industry -> 16 Industry)
Except the QM said they're not going to be flying in Convoy.

The Star Trek Encyclopedia, granted it's been a few years.
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[X] One Reaction Thruster, One Forward Cannon, One Aft (11 Industry -> 16 Industry)
Potentially, yeah. The problem is.. I don't think what Spock said is true. It might have been then, but it isn't now. Which is kinda why I suppose I'm just willing to see what direction the QM takes it.