Starfleet Design Bureau

@Sayle Is the Zheng He intended to be an interstellar freighter, or is it mostly intended for intra-system work? I'm assuming the former, but if I'm mistaken about that, that would change the situation.

It's for interstellar freight.

@Sayle If we take the longer nacelles, and then we refit the ship later to have the Warp-5 capability, will we keep the increased cruising speed or will that be lost in the refit?

You would keep the same proportionality in relation to -maximum +cruise, just with higher values.
How is it irrelevant when these ships will be going to alien worlds to trade?

I would like fast and armed so that these ships can operate as a sort of trade cruiser during future conflicts in addition to their cargo duty in peace time. Plus the potential to deputize them to reinforce Starfleet warships hunting pirates.

1) Alien ships also come to us, so my point can be rephrased as "Our ships will have a natural range based on their crew anyway." (A secondary question is what in the world would we have to trade for them, but mine not to question why)

2) Sure, we can make it as expensive as the Stingray, I guess, but if we wanted to care about speed, why did we decide to skip the coils? That would also have enhanced our range.
That would be irrelevant to what the ECS wants, though. And the point was to point out we still need cargo carrying capacity, but to be honest: we're running high on industry costs and I'd prefer an armed freighter to a fast one.
Cool, but I don't think we're running 'high' on industry costs just yet. And doing 1.5 trips to Vulcan per year instead of 1 is a good deal.

[X] Adjust the design for a second deflector and longer nacelles. (Industry 9 -> Industry 11)
[X] Adjust the design for a second deflector and longer nacelles. (Industry 9 -> Industry 11)
1) Alien ships also come to us, so my point can be rephrased as "Our ships will have a natural range based on their crew anyway." (A secondary question is what in the world would we have to trade for them, but mine not to question why)

2) Sure, we can make it as expensive as the Stingray, I guess, but if we wanted to care about speed, why did we decide to skip the coils? That would also have enhanced our range.
1) Sure some of them, but not all. And some of them are distant human colonies that have worse tech than us, but good resources.

2)New coils would have come at expense of 8 industry we got from the Iowa shipyards, comparatively this costs us 2.
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[X] Adjust the design for a second deflector and longer nacelles. (Industry 9 -> Industry 11)

Gotta make that Kessel Run in 12 Parsecs.
1) Sure some of them, but not all. And some of them are distant human colonies that have worse tech than us, but good resources.

2)New coils would have come at expense of 8 industry we got from the Iowa shipyards, comparatively this costs us 2.

The most distant Earth colony at this time is Deneva, at ??? distance. The other colonies are lost or nonexistent (presumably not formed until the Warp 7 engine was invented.)
The most distant Earth colony at this time is Deneva, at ??? distance. The other colonies are lost or nonexistent (presumably not formed until the Warp 7 engine was invented.)
I kind of doubt we have Deneva at this point, looking at somew maps it's past both the Vulcans and the Andorians, and considering Humanity hasn't even met the Andorians it seems very unlikely to me.

First mention of the colony is 2153, some other planed is compared to Deneva in 2151 I think, so I think it's probably not set up yet.
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[X] Adjust the design for a second deflector and longer nacelles. (Industry 9 -> Industry 11)

This is cost-effective. Faster ships might even mean less of them are built, saving Industry.

Also, experimenting with the layout now means having experience to draw from later.
The most distant Earth colony at this time is Deneva, at ??? distance. The other colonies are lost or nonexistent (presumably not formed until the Warp 7 engine was invented.)
Was literally thinking about Deneva. That is where a large portion of valuable materials that are mined in that system need to be transported from. Additionally there are other races that have warp speeds to earth in this time period, not even considering that there are likely some races that are willing to trade, but not to transport our materials/valuables for us. Or may ask for a higher price if they have to transport them.
No, it's a "spend money on more speed and risk not having enough later for components" or "Don't run the risk and go for weapons cost" decision.
weapons will probably be 4-8 industry (2-4 phase Cannons that cost 2 each. An extra 2 industry to boost cruise by 50% is worth it when that is only going to be 10-15% cost increase on the overall ship
Was literally thinking about Deneva. That is where a large portion of valuable materials that are mined in that system need to be transported from. Additionally there are other races that have warp speeds to earth in this time period, not even considering that there are likely some races that are willing to trade, but not to transport our materials/valuables for us. Or may ask for a higher price if they have to transport them.

They may also wish to capture the market, too, and I get that, it's just I would go for something slightly cheaper right now that can refit later.
1) Alien ships also come to us, so my point can be rephrased as "Our ships will have a natural range based on their crew anyway." (A secondary question is what in the world would we have to trade for them, but mine not to question why)

2) Sure, we can make it as expensive as the Stingray, I guess, but if we wanted to care about speed, why did we decide to skip the coils? That would also have enhanced our range.
1) our crews are used to 5 year or more trade voyages. 5 years at warp 2.5 is 78ly with the cruise option, vs 5 years at warp 1.8 (current max warp) is 29ly. Our people will more than double their range for trade!

2) I voted for the Nacelles... And as others have pointed out that was an 8 point cost for unknown benefits and this is a 2 point cost for a known speed increase.