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- United States, Appalachia
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- He/Him
Well, that sucks. Full Saucer won and, in my view, that is just dumb. Yes, I get it, full weapons cover, but do we really need that? We have escorts who will be watching several of our ships' flanks which may well off-set those very same issues of not having a full firing arc.
Anywho, done with me being peeved that Arrowhead didn't win (as I do like pointy ship design... and blocky... real life ships and Halo ships have always been my go-to for spaceship designs...), moving on to this new discussion.
Forward or Secondary, that is the question. Do we sacrifice forward firing arcs or do we lean into standard ST design? (Personally, I would've loved it if we just did Arrowhead as that would've 1. given a clear distinction between uses and 2. would've worked with warships in general. But I digress.) I feel like sacrificing forward firing arcs would not be good, and thus I think we should do secondary. While it pains me to say so, the decisions of everyone else requires me to think so.
And I like your ideas, people talking about alternate torpedo placement designs. I have another suggestion, if you're willing to hear it... slap turrets on this thing. Like seriously, slap on turrets with weapons not connected directly to the hull. Give those things computer-operated cannons and targeting computers and you're golden. Personally, I'd like for them to be kinetics, but I wouldn't mind them being energy. (My preference of kinetic weapons is due to Halo, IRL, and railguns. Today we've made railguns and I don't see Star Trek's UE not being able to make their own and slap said RGs onto a turret on their newest warship.
As for torpedo placement, I'm thinking ventral. Slap some RGs or other weapons on the Dorsal while having a bunch of torpedoes on the bottom ready to make someone's day worse.
Seriously, I don't get people wanting to stick so close to canon. This quest is us designing ships that are either better than canon or diverge from canon. If you want canon just... watch one of the shows or movies.
Anywho, done with me being peeved that Arrowhead didn't win (as I do like pointy ship design... and blocky... real life ships and Halo ships have always been my go-to for spaceship designs...), moving on to this new discussion.
Forward or Secondary, that is the question. Do we sacrifice forward firing arcs or do we lean into standard ST design? (Personally, I would've loved it if we just did Arrowhead as that would've 1. given a clear distinction between uses and 2. would've worked with warships in general. But I digress.) I feel like sacrificing forward firing arcs would not be good, and thus I think we should do secondary. While it pains me to say so, the decisions of everyone else requires me to think so.
And I like your ideas, people talking about alternate torpedo placement designs. I have another suggestion, if you're willing to hear it... slap turrets on this thing. Like seriously, slap on turrets with weapons not connected directly to the hull. Give those things computer-operated cannons and targeting computers and you're golden. Personally, I'd like for them to be kinetics, but I wouldn't mind them being energy. (My preference of kinetic weapons is due to Halo, IRL, and railguns. Today we've made railguns and I don't see Star Trek's UE not being able to make their own and slap said RGs onto a turret on their newest warship.
As for torpedo placement, I'm thinking ventral. Slap some RGs or other weapons on the Dorsal while having a bunch of torpedoes on the bottom ready to make someone's day worse.
I like this quest because... it's ship design, who doesn't like ship design? I'm more for designing a ship that works for the situation we need it for than designing it based on Star Trek canon. If we need a warship, take an arrowhead hull, its (optional?) secondary hull that sticks close to the primary, tucked in nacelles, and slap some turrets on it and boom! Warship. I know Star Trek from having watched TOS reruns when I was younger and watching Lower Decks and a few lore videos.Part of the appeal of the quest for me (and presumably the rest of the anti-OG-design crew) is seeing divergent designs as a result of our choices. If I wanted to just see a canon-compliant design for, say, the NX I could just look up screenshots from ENT. Just rehashing the same elements feels like a waste of the medium.
Seriously, I don't get people wanting to stick so close to canon. This quest is us designing ships that are either better than canon or diverge from canon. If you want canon just... watch one of the shows or movies.
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