Starfleet Design Bureau

Ranked choice voting is fully supported and has been for ages. It's just rarely used because of unfamiliarity, basically.

EDIT: instant runoff, at least. There are other ranked voting systems that aren't supported.

For example, an Instant Runoff Vote might look like:

[x] [2] Vote Melted Ice Cream and Pictures of Puppies
[x] [1] Vote Ice Cream and Puppies
[x] [3] Vote Styrofoam and Cardboard

Any votes not included in each voters post are automatically assumed to have been given the worst possible score by that voter.
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Frontier makes the most sense to me. We can do exploration later, we already have a good modern survey ship hull that even has a variant class, and support is probably not necessary unless we plan on replacing the Archer with this thing, which, uh, no. The Archer's not really a priority for replacing. Frontier it is.
and support is probably not necessary unless we plan on replacing the Archer with this thing, which, uh, no.
Not replace, but supplement - it was barely suited for fleet support during the 4 years war and now it'd have to come up against ships designed the generation after/with its lessons in mind. It can still do support duties, but not at the frontier and certainly not combat support.
I'd just like to get a preemptive agreement on something. Both the favorite options at this early date, Frontier and Support, include cargo. But we already have cargo. We don't need more, we can pick other options.

Right, thread?!?
[ ] Support (Cargo, Fabrication, Repair)
This is the best option of them all. We get everything needed to make this ship load high end equipment in the core and then go out to the border colonies and deliver material to them. We patrol and deliver more stuff between the colonies. Perfect!
Honestly the biggest thing Support has going for it is the eventually-expected vast swarm of Mirandas. Like, would the Support focus get more work out of the Mirandas (by keeping them supplied, maintained, and in the field for far more of their time) than the Frontier focus would get work done itself?

I dunno, but it seems plausible. If there are enough Mirandas around.

There will be in forty years, for sure. I dunno if there will be in ten, though.
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Which one of these would be likely to get the diplomacy suite here
Probably frontier or exploration
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The choices we get are based on preference/the number of votes each 'theme' gets, so (within reason) we should be able to get a decent crop from both Frontier and Support options if both are voted for in equal numbers.
The choices we get are based on preference/the number of votes each 'theme' gets, so (within reason) we should be able to get a decent crop from both Frontier and Support options if both are voted for in equal numbers.
Splitting the difference defeats the point of having a vote for themes, and is likely to result in a less cohesive final design.
we already have cargo. We don't need more, we can pick other options.

Right, thread?!?
Yeah, basically. Like if the alternative options are bad enough and the cargo is big enough, I could theoretically be convinced, but barring extreme fringe cases there's just not enough marginal benefit from adding more; we've already got dramatically more cargo space than anything short of the Archer's external pod.
The choices we get are based on preference/the number of votes each 'theme' gets, so (within reason) we should be able to get a decent crop from both Frontier and Support options if both are voted for in equal numbers.
nope im not voting for multiple themes and no one else should do so: This should just be vote for the theme you want in the ship.
Yeah, basically. Like if the alternative options are bad enough and the cargo is big enough, I could theoretically be convinced, but barring extreme fringe cases there's just not enough marginal benefit from adding more; we've already got dramatically more cargo space than anything short of the Archer's external pod.
Wrong, the extra cargo can be used for more high end stuff from the core! Then the federation can unload some of it take on wathever is produced locally and move on until all high end stuff is gone before bringing in the stuff from the colonies back to the core!
nope im not voting for multiple themes and no one else should do so: This should just be vote for the theme you want in the ship.
Splitting the difference defeats the point of having a vote for themes, and is likely to result in a less cohesive final design.
Available module options will be prioritised based on overall popularity.
I mean, we're literally told that module options will be prioritised based on overall popularity. Given they already overlap in one field (cargo) it's also likely that we'll be able to get some decent synergy out of modiles from either option

[X] Frontier (Cargo, Evacuation, Medical)
[X] Support (Cargo, Fabrication, Repair)

Given the choices we've made thus far, the needs of the Federation at this time and the capabilities of the ship itself (long range/high endurance and fast) these seem to be the most optimal choices.
Additionally the choices we get are based on preference/the number of votes each 'theme' gets, so (within reason) we should be able to get a decent crop from both of these options if both are voted for.

Ideally I think, given our present cargo choices, if at all possible some combination of fabrication, medical and repair would be really good.
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[X] Support (Cargo, Fabrication, Repair)
[X] Survey (Geology, Biology, Prospecting)
[] Frontier (Cargo, Evacuation, Medical)
First choice
[] Survey (Geology, Biology, Prospecting)
Second choice

EDIT - changing my vote
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Additionally, going for frontier and support will help lock out survey and exploration from the running, which is to the advantage of people who want either frontier or support to win and not be compromised by the survey or exploration modiles.
[X] Frontier (Cargo, Evacuation, Medical)

[X] Survey (Geology, Biology, Prospecting)

[X] Exploration (Pathfinding, Scanners, Analysis)
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[X] Frontier (Cargo, Evacuation, Medical)
[X] Support (Cargo, Fabrication, Repair)

Also on the off chance Sayle decides to run a ranked-choice tally:

[X] [2] Frontier (Cargo, Evacuation, Medical)
[X] [1] Support (Cargo, Fabrication, Repair)
[X] [3] Survey (Geology, Biology, Prospecting)
[X] [4] Exploration (Pathfinding, Scanners, Analysis)