@Sayle If you don't mind, could we get a number on how much +Engineering the very large cargo bay gives us, for comparrison's sake?
Something to keep in mind, these aren't hard lock-ins. What we can access will be based on popularity, it's highly possible we'll have access to a rather wide range of modules.Available module options will be prioritised based on overall popularity.
[ ] Frontier (Cargo, Evacuation, Medical)
[ ] Support (Cargo, Fabrication, Repair)
[ ] Survey (Geology, Biology, Prospecting)
[ ] Exploration (Pathfinding, Scanners, Analysis)
Actually, @Sayle does SV support ranked choice voting (us putting in a number for preference)?
Both your choices thus far (and thus what you'll be throwing your chips behind when it comes time to vote) haven't been the mothership choices.Yay someone remembered me wanting to make the federation a mothership
[ ] Survey (Geology, Biology, Prospecting)
Getting resources sounds fantastic.
[ ] Exploration (Pathfinding, Scanners, Analysis)
Exploration sounds great for detecting possible threats.
Ah, shame, it'd make this a bit easier.
I like to talk about other options then pile behind the popular choices.Both your choices thus far (and thus what you'll be throwing your chips behind when it comes time to vote) haven't been the mothership choices.
Ah, shame, it'd make this a bit easier.
Also, relating to our 'how big is the Federation' talk from last night, at the present rate of expansion we should be at least 1,000ly by ~2295, since 1/2 of that is 500ly (assuming they want a 100ly+ margin to do stuff at the border before returning, if not it'd be about 1,256ly)!This addition, at least, means that the design should be capable of comfortably reaching the border from the core for the next half-century
Ideally I think, given our present cargo choices, if at all possible some combination of fabrication, medical and repair would be really good.
The Excalibur is (effectively) an explorer, and whilst it has less science than the canon Connie it did not result in any situations where the ships were lost to phenomena that the Connie's didn't because if that lack of science - in fact, we lost one less than we otherwise would have, the Doomsday Machine being dealt with by the ship on station rather than lost.But we still need to have a decent scientific score to avoid unnecessary losses. Excalibur-class suffered greatly from this. Ship had a slightly different role, of course... but still.
Excalibur suffered losses going exploring without heavy science. This ship isn't going to be an Explorer.But we still need to have a decent scientific score to avoid unnecessary losses. Excalibur-class suffered greatly from this. Ship had a slightly different role, of course... but it is still worth addressing.