Starfleet Design Bureau

Shuttle Bay favors emergency response and fleet utility, cargo bay favors internal logistics.

If we want this on the border shuttle bay seems more synergetic.
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Bold of you to assume we'll get an Archer 2.0.

Esp when:

(emphasis mine)

I'm torn because a shuttlebay is really useful, but cargo here would also make sense.
If we make the Federation able to do the Archer's job it will be the Archer 2.0. If we don't I really think we need to make the next ship the Archer 2.0.

The Archer is showing it's age but Starfleet keeps building them because they are so required for Starfleet's mission.

But I really think we could do a superb job building to be a logistics ship from the keel outwards rather than cramming large scale logistics into a combat hull.
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If we make the Federation able to do the Archer's job it will be the Archer 2.0. If we don't I really think we need to make the next ship the Archer 2.0.

The Archer is showing it's age but Starfleet keeps building them because they are so required for Starfleet's mission.

But I really think we could do a superb job building to be a logistics ship from the keel outwards rather than cramming large scale logistics into a combat hull.
Being Archer 2.0 would be great, Starfleet can't stop ordering the things. If we want a large order quantity than it seems to be the best choice.
[ ] Expanded Shuttlebay

Gotta be the shuttlebay, it has way more useful synergies for the ship's role.

Starfleet love shuttles you guys.

[X] Expanded Cargo Bay

Got convinced by the arguments. It's neat! Plus we do at least still get a couple extra worker bees with this.
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The second proposal is for the other end of the scale. Project Federation envisions a cruiser more along the lines of the Kea-class, using a higher mass than other contemporary starships to produce powerful defense fields and a depth of capability in vital areas of interest. This idea of a line cruiser would then be able to weather any conflict it takes part in, acting as a lynchpin for a small task force or the main force of battle in a larger engagement.

The brief just says do whatever we want pretty much.
[] Expanded Shuttlebay

If we want to build an Archer 2.0 then we should build a dedicated Archer 2.0, orb and all - this has pretty clearly not been that the way we've armed it and the engines we chose.
In terms of reasons to buy this instead of a Miranda, the cargo bay probably makes a better case as being able to replace the Archers, which are getting a bit long in the tooth and certainly can't see service away from the interior of the Federation.

If we go with the shuttlebay I think we'll have to hope for some distinguishing modules in later votes.
The update says that they want a faster large cargo hauler though.
It basically just gives us the option to have a large cargo hauler here - not that its especially wanted

Also the Archer is not getting replaced for a while - the last one is commissioned in 8 years and they'll be in service for a long time - so we can wait
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I'm sure there's use for the Federation to drop off big cargo items, but I don't think such things are going to be in enough urgent demand where using it ahead of an Archer is going to be critical.
Both seem like good options, though based on what we pick here we will want our module choices to support that pick.

Also I am now curious what our final damage numbers look like with the 4 torps.
The shuttlebay would only bring us up to par with the Miranda, the cargo bay actually gives us something it can't do (whilst it can do cargo, its very small stuff compared to extra large cargoes).

"The second option is to specialise towards the transport of extra-large cargo such as finished infrastructure or volatiles requiring heavy containment, which as a capability is in short supply in the fleet outside of the slow Archer-class and its bulk transport role."
"Access to a large cargo bay will be accomplished through a ventral spacedoor, allowing larger containers than possible with purely internal storage spaces."

Additionally if I'm reading this correctly it'd alleviate the Archers somewhat, allowing them to do tasks they truly specialise in rather than just carry generic extra large cargoes and volatiles (which in my mind implies fuel).
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I'm sure there's use for the Federation to drop off big cargo items, but I don't think such things are going to be in enough urgent demand where using it ahead of an Archer is going to be critical.
Sure, but bringing a lot of cargo to emergencies is also very useful. Take Tarsus IV for instance--it wouldn't have been an issue if we had a fast bulk hauler. It'll also make emergency replacement of critical infrastructure much easier.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the shuttlebay, but literally every ship carries one of those. It feels like we're going to do the Cygnus with the Archer again, where we design a pretty good engineering ship and then don't replace it for decades and decades until it's totally obsolete and only kept around because nothing can fill its role.
If we make the Federation able to do the Archer's job it will be the Archer 2.0. If we don't I really think we need to make the next ship the Archer 2.0.

The Archer is showing it's age but Starfleet keeps building them because they are so required for Starfleet's mission.

But I really think we could do a superb job building to be a logistics ship from the keel outwards rather than cramming large scale logistics into a combat hull.
Unless it can carry one of the significantly humongous cargo pods, it's not an Archer equivalent.
Unless it can carry one of the significantly humongous cargo pods, it's not an Archer equivalent.
Large cargo pods and large warp cores with cargo pod configured nacelles essentially cancel each other out allowing you to take both at a net zero chance in efficient cruise.

I want to build a BIG cargo hauler. I want a 12 deck tall half saucer with massive cargo centric shuttlebays and a large cargo pod (or two, stacked if they are less than 6 decks tall) strapped to the back like it's an inline secondary hull.
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Unless it can carry one of the significantly humongous cargo pods, it's not an Archer equivalent.

The cargo bay wouldn't make it a bulk transporter, but it would let it carry those cargoes that straddle the line between needing something with the volume the Archer can dedicate but which could be carried by civilian transports if not of high importance to Starfleet/time sensitivity.

The cargo bay would let us alleviate the Archers somewhat, allowing them to be dedicated more to tasks that can only be done by them rather than the weird mix they likely operate under right now.
To be clear this isn't giving the Federation an Archer-style external cargo pod. It does not effect warp speed, I'm leaning towards it now since it gives it additional utility which we desperately need to get our build numbers up.


[X] Expanded Shuttlebay

What this ship is good at, what we've been planning it for, is rapid emergency response. That means an emphasis on shuttles, especially since they now explicitly give us fleet support capability. And that is, in fact, our core brief for this.

Which is too bad because I really like the containerized logistics. But if we have to choose, shuttles are my choice. We still have more regular cargo.
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@Sayle these volatiles, they wouldn't happen to include (amongst other things) neutronic fuels? Even if not useable by the ship itself outside of desperation that isn't accounted for in stats that would be quite the boon for fleet logistics.
Unless it can carry one of the significantly humongous cargo pods, it's not an Archer equivalent.
It seems like we might actually be able to shove a cargo container in the back, sticking out of the trunk:
Access to a large cargo bay will be accomplished through a ventral spacedoor, allowing larger containers than possible with purely internal storage spaces.

Shuttlebay seems fine too, but I'm pretty sure expanded cargo will let us turn this into the premiere logistics vessel in Starfleet, which both helps build up our frontier colonies and also means that Starfleet will probably order a ton of these.


If we take cargo bays can we fit fully fabricated defensive satellites in them? Asking for a friend.

My friend is me. I am tempted by the idea of a ship that can roll up and shove a half dozen defensive satellites into orbit.