The thing is they are recruiting millions of people who are the top 1% of 1%... From a population of hundreds of billions. The numbers balance. Starfleet can afford to be EXTREMELY picky.Between needing a very specific mindset, being at the top of your class, and passing that psychological torture test that makes for good TV but would probably see like half of every cadet class wash out, you'd think there would be constant staff shortages.
I mean, we know how many ships we have. Let's do some REALLY rough math, powers of ten math only.
Let's assume
Starfleet has 1000 ships
A ship is crewed by 1000 people
Only 1% of Starfleet serves on a ship, the rest is support for that 1%.
That puts Starfleet's staffing level somewhere around
100 million people, at the very high end.
The Federation has 100,000,000,000s of people. Hundreds of billions.
Starfleet can pick the best .1% of the population. For every person who made it through Starfleet to become a cadette there are 999 people who, through lack of desire, drive, or ability, didn't make the cut.
For every cadette serving on a ship there are 99 cadettes who didn't get a ship posting.
For every captain there are 999 cadettes working under him who never reach captain.
Captains are literally one in a 10 million.
For reference .5% of the US population directly works for the military. This 100 million strong Starfleet is still 1/5th the size of the US military per capita of the population it serves.
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