I did bring that up quite awhile ago now I think an update or two ago, where I noted it would make more sense for them to continue slow building some more Excalibur class ships till a new large ship class was made. They need to make up the losses of their larger ships with something after all and it's hard to see what else it would be then an Excalibur or an Excalibur revision right now.I will say it does feel weird that Starfleet isn't going to be ordering any more than the noted 14 Callies, what with the massive hull casualties we've been taking. I suppose they could continue plugging the gaps with Newtons, but that feels like poor decision-making when Newtons are verging on tactically obsolete and this war isn't going to neatly button up all the reasons we need fighters for. Like, sure we need raw coverage, but it would be nice if the ships we send out (and the extremely mortal crews aboard them) are less likely to get creamed by a modern peer opponent.
In a similar vein it is to an extent to bad that some extra purpose hasn't been given to the current light cruiser design being made, as Starfleet definitely can use more light cruiser roles being picked up by a Warp 8 ship. This one is clearly better then the Warp 7 ships, so it would have given them a reason to not rebuild as many Warp 7 cruisers to make up the hole in their fleets. Admittedly it hurts the specialization, but it would have made sense for getting the fleet switched over to far more capable Warp 8 designs, rather then a limited smaller build out. I guess it can still do tac cruiser things, so that might get it a few more though.