And, pray tell, how are we supposed to make this a science vessel if half (or more of) the saucer section is being consume by the deflector, the Warp Core, the impulse engines, and the Nacelles? Never mind whatever weapons will invariable get added? Just for rooms sake we need the secondary hull. Given Sayle themself stated that they go with the easiest design, I'd assume that the blister and Secondary Hull vote combo would move the deflector to Engineering. Then it's just down to Nacelles, how many Impulse engines, and what armaments will be added. Which again, the Secondary Hull would be suited to put in more than a few systems. (primarily only having to put phasers on the saucer) Literally any other combo consumes space we can use to put labs. And its primary goal is a sufficient Biological Sciences Vessel. Which means we need to aim for as close to S ranked science score as we can. Which means room to put the labs. Which means a Secondary hull and a Deflector that isn't taking up room in the saucer.[x] Inline Deflector (Maximum Warp: -0.4)
[X] Low-Power Warp Core (Maximum Warp: -0.6)
tired of people trying to make this into a combat frigate![]()
Now if this was a combat frigate... we could totally go with a small package, because all it would then need is guns, speed, and maneuver. It's not a combat vessel. That means, big... for room.