Starfleet Design Bureau

Well we are, which means that we're not worse than the Canon Enterprise unless "CG Magic" is something that explicitly gives them the advantage compared to us.
I think we definitely want a 5-ship production run of this bad boy. Extra industrial growth would definitely be nice, but this is a wonder of a do-everything cruiser for the era, and I don't doubt that each one is gonna be doing a lot of stuff. Everything from scientific surveys to anti-piracy ops.

Industry's there to be used. So let's use it on one of our best all-around designs yet. Even Yoyodyne got it right! Perhaps we judged them too harshly...
The new warp coils perform nominally compared to projections, allowing a larger assembly than was previously possible. Yoyodyne is to be congratulated for a successful first product.
What the Frack??? Did the Yoyodyne Guys sacrifice a Vulcan scientist in their basement or something? We need to take a look if we are not the only ones that travelled back in time this is suspicious.

NX-class Explorer [2151]
Tactical Rating: 8
-Average Damage: 5.25
-Max Sustained Damage: 10
-Alpha Strike Damage: 16
-Coverage: 100%
-Maneuverability: Medium

Engineering: 7
Science: 4
Warp (Cruise): 3.8
Warp (Max): 4.9
Industrial Cost: 46

Also this is a incredible solid ship everything works as we want it. I am for a full on run of 5 ships. The more of them we have the better. Also we still can do a conservative refit/ flight two of the stingray class even with a full run of 5 NX class ships.

but there are people who will choose every option but science : p
My reasoning is simple and easily explained why I vote against total science every time we get the choice:
1: Do we live alone in the universe without any threats or enemies that wish to exterminate/enslave/Assimilate us by force? Answer NO
2: Do our ships more than just SCIENCE? Answer YES(This enterprise is our mainline combat ship, Diplomatic contact, Anti Piracy patroler, First responder to emergencies, and Scientific explorer.)
That means high combat ability and multirole stuff is more important than pure science ability.
I'd go for the smaller order, if only because I want our little stingrays zipping about the place at Warp 5 all the sooner. Fast and cheap(er) combat vessels seems like a good way to go in this time period.

No point in investing in more NXs if at the first sign of conflict they'll be pulled back for defence (and not getting their 'splorin done, wasting a lot of their potential). Though that might be me catastrophising haha
No point in investing in more NXs if at the first sign of conflict they'll be pulled back for defence (and not getting their 'splorin done, wasting a lot of their potential). Though that might be me catastrophising haha
So you say we need less NX class ships(Just to be clear they are our mainline cruisers) for the reason that in a war they are the first ships to be recalled for combat duty? Then would more off them not be better? They ARE NOT Purely Science ships and as such the more of them we have the better.
I think the thought process there is to produce a limited number of them so we can have more ships in *general*, since quantity is a quality all it's own.
I also think the small order is better because the ship is too slow and too ill-equipped scientifically for an exploratory role (being far more suitable to patrol, combat, and diplomacy in known space), and we need to save industry to try again.
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I'm thinking the 3 ship run. That way we have the industry to refit all of our previous ships with Warp 5s and some industry growth. Maybe do a small redesign of the Stingray to add in those three additional Phase Cannons.
My reasoning is simple and easily explained why I vote against total science every time we get the choice:
1: Do we live alone in the universe without any threats or enemies that wish to exterminate/enslave/Assimilate us by force? Answer NO
2: Do our ships more than just SCIENCE? Answer YES(This enterprise is our mainline combat ship, Diplomatic contact, Anti Piracy patroler, First responder to emergencies, and Scientific explorer.)
That means high combat ability and multirole stuff is more important than pure science ability.

Front-line combatant and anti-piracy patrol weren't on the design request.

"Time passes. The waiting game for the go-ahead from the Warp 5 Complex is far from restful as the team pitches hull geometries and internal layouts, but it lacks the focused stress that characterized the pressure to excel for the last three years. You spend most of the time looking over the new technologies that will be available for the NX, a ship that will be purposefully built for exploration. The new warp coils from Yoyodyne promise higher efficiencies at warp, and of course the new impulse thrusters promise to do away with bulky propellant tanks. But the future has a seductive call all of its own, angels whispering in your ears."

Being capable of defending against likely enemy threats without support is definitely something to always include. But when you choose to spend, and it's the choice of spending that defines the ship's character, 20 industry on weapons and 1 on improving the science score while discarding the free option it's not hard to see what the priorities of the builders were.
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It's a great ship but I don't think we need 5 of them at the moment considering we're barely stepping out into interstellar space.
I also think the small order is better because the ship is too slow and too ill-equipped scientifically for an exploratory role (being far more suitable to patrol, combat, and diplomacy in known space), and we need to save industry to try again.

... the NX class is the fastest thing Earth *has*. And you don't, you know, really need top-of-the-line science to explore. Just ask the British Navy.
... the NX class is the fastest thing Earth *has*. And you don't, you know, really need top-of-the-line science to explore. Just ask the British Navy.

Comparing the NX to the British Empire's exploration for the exploitation and subjugation of its world empire isn't the own you think it is. It's a very depressing thought as the model for Starfleet and the role its ships are being built for.
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.. or you could ignore the point by pointing at the evils of mercantilism. That's an option too, I guess.
Enterprise drew the comparison explicitly. Starfleet's mission and ethos were supposed to be meaningfully different enough to the Royal Navy's to warrant Reed bucking generations of family tradition in order to serve in it.
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It might be able to survive or run from problems, but less able to even determine what they are, other than dangerous.
Do we have a scale you're basing this on?

The highest statistic we've seen is an 8. Science on our other ships is a 1 and presumably they don't need to use the mk1 mod0 to see, identify and analyze things they encounter. So our science seems to be solid even if not above average.