Starfleet Design Bureau

So we going to be very skimpy on any engineering and science stuff for this one right?
Most likely, yeah. If there's a cheap 'gimme' or something really good we might grab it, but by and large we're going to be making a warship first, a cheap ship second, and a science/engineering vessel third.
[ ] Duranium Alloy (200kt): 43 Defense. [6 Cost] [Canon: Constitution-class]
Really glad we picked this last time so we are paying standard cost and not prototype cost.

Well. I say fudge it, jump on canon and get that better armor.

Its gonna be a warship, it needs the heft.
Yeah and I think in cannon it was still in the prototype phase so it would have been more expensive but we pushed forward with that on our last ship
Yeah, it's a proportionally smaller increase in performance vs increase in component cost, but 1.5 means relatively little when compared to the overall cost of the ship. It's not even the cost of slapping on a phaser.

Plus, while we gain 5 points extra defensiveness, that's from what I understand before the shield's +40/+60% multiplier.
Well the vote is going one way. With that in mind I've updated the tech table in the informational with what you'll have access to during ship construction. For the sake of completeness I'll post the full table here and you'll get the individual stats when it comes to the decisionmaking points.

ComponentImplementationCostReal CostEffectivenessUnknownsIf TakenImplementation Schedule
Type-1 Shield GridMature (-25% Cost)86+40% DefenseTech Matured
Type-1 Covariant Shield GridPrototype (+25% Cost)1215+75% Defense?Effectiveness+Tech ImplementationStandard: 2235
Electro-Ceramic HullMature (-25% Cost)32.25+40% DefenseTech Matured
Duratanium Alloy HullStandard33+60% DefenseMature: 2260
Type-2 Impulse ThrusterMature (-25% Cost)32.25150,000 Tons Standard ThrustTech Matured
Type-3 Impulse ThrusterPrototype (+25% Cost)56.25200,000 Tons Standard Thrust+Tech ImplementationStandard: 2235
Type-1 Photon LauncherMature (-25% Cost)32.256 Average/18 BurstTech Matured
Type-1 Rapid LauncherPrototype (+25% Cost)121512/18 Average [36/54 Burst]Salvo Size+Tech ImplementationStandard: 2240
Type-2 Phaser BankStandard4418 DamageMature: 2250
So based on this, if we can keep the mass under 300kt then we can get away with even just two Type-2 thrusters for above-average manoeuvring.
honestly going for the upgraded hull seems prudent given the fact that the hulls the cheap bit and the looming war (which the feds are VERY much on the back foot for combat tech wise)...

Honestly while getting the stats of the D7 is impossible... building it to muller a D6 in a fight (clap it almost as hard as it claps an archer) would be a good benchmark (overshooting is better than under here as we NEED it to be able to punch out the D7 at least)

[ ] Duranium Alloy (200kt): 43 Defense. [6 Cost] [Canon: Constitution-class]

If we had stats of the D6 we could guestimate the minimum we need (20%-30% above the D6 tactical scorewise seems semi reasonable if we want it to also have a shot vs a D7)
So based on this, if we can keep the mass under 300kt then we can get away with even just two Type-2 thrusters for above-average manoeuvring.
And if the 200ktons are for the entire ship, three would get us to High. (At half the price of the two Type Threes for the same.)

Alas, I'm pretty sure this is a Warp 7 ship, so we're not getting the +20% bonus yet.

If we had stats of the D6 we could guestimate the minimum we need (20%-30% above the D6 tactical scorewise seems semi reasonable if we want it to also have a shot vs a D7)
We might not have the stats for the D7, but we do know the Newton is a good enough match for the D6.
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They want a tactically focused ship, we can't skimp on the defences then. This thing needs to be able to take a hit and keep going.

[X] Duranium Alloy (200kt): 43 Defense. [6 Cost] [Canon: Constitution-class]
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When dealing with enemies favouring ambush tactics from cloak the armour is going to be critical the cost might be higher but around 12% higher protection is worth it I think.

The extra armour may also provide extra protection against more exotic problems like energy fields and high radiation levels.
So long as it can mount the tachyon-based sensor suite and ability to field modify it in order to counter cloaking tech then that's plenty sufficient for now
The use of Tachyons for penetrating cloaks don't exist until the TNG era unfortunately. Geordi develops it mid 24th century, quest is still in the 23rd.

Edit: that was canon, in quest the Romulan war turned out differently and taychon detection methods were gained.
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Most likely, yes. As much as I'd like the Enterprise to be an explorer first and foremost, that's going to have to wait until the end of hostilities, more likely than not. As has been stated, there is a possibility for a post-war refit that scales back on the weapons load-outs and tactical features for more scientific and engineering focuses for the ship.
As the Kea shows this is very doable in quest, and it's also backed up by just how much the cannon Connie varied even pre-TMP refit loadout wise.

Hell, given we're cooperating with SanFran I bet post war we're going to see two different refit options for the Connie (or even two different variants full on produced, with the pre-war builds getting refitted to our or SanFran's refit options).
As a reminder to everyone - we are now designing the fucking Enterprise. As in, Captain James T. Kirk's NCC-1701 THE FUCKING USS ENTERPRISE.

Just. Something to keep in mind.