Starfleet Design Bureau

[ ] Six Phase Cannons (Industry 29 -> 41) (Average Damage: 4.5)

This seems good? And i think heavier than OTL? Also oh boy is this ship going to be pricy at a bit under twice the stingray (then again we have 20 industry in 2151, and then 20 and 24 freeing up at end of 2152? so 64+growth which is enough to refit the stingrays while pushing out the NX series.
So we're looking at between 23 and 18 remaining Industry. (Six and eight phase cannons + computer core respectively.) And we'll probably spend most of that on refitting our other ships. I think we definitely can afford the extra phase canons, and the extra computer core, but we won't be getting much passive Industry expansion for a few years either way.
[ ] Eight Phase Cannons (Industry 29 -> 45)

I'm having trouble with visualizing this one.

How many cannons would be firing in each arc?
As I read it, Eight puts a second ventral aft cannon right below the deflector in the secondary hull, and a dorsal aft cannon also in the secondary hull somewhere between the nacelles.

not a goddamn clue about the arcs though
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There is basically no way we're building more than one of these things a year, but that's fine IMO.

Our best course would be to build one a year whilst saving Industry, then when the Earth-Romulan war kicks off we can start a new production run of Refit Stingrays along with refitting our existing ones.

The extra focussed firepower from eight cannons seems good to me, especially since we're down a launcher from the canonical Enterprise.
Yeah we will never build two of them per year, BUT we do have the industry to make it as good as possible. That is why we should Use 8 Guns. We literally conserved the industry before for this so please why would we then not use it now?
[ ] Six Phase Cannons (Industry 29 -> 41) (Average Damage: 4.5)

Six is too much. If the NX was a dedicated warship maybe, but it's primary task is peaceful exploration.
The extra focussed firepower from eight cannons seems good to me, especially since we're down a launcher from the canonical Enterprise.
This is a good point. Eight canons covers the rear of the ship better then six, and that's of increased usefulness since we lack a rear torpedo launcher.
As I understand it we get the NX prototype for free, that will be the Enterprise.

But if we keep the coast at by, we can manage to squeeze another out. Besides that, the eight-phase canons don't add much to the tactical ability. It's a question of, do we want to pack as many guns in that hull, or do we put effective weapons in it? Those are two different things.
at 41~42 industry.. I mean, sure, if you accept one every production window. Instead of say, 2. 6 phase cannons gives us plenty of firepower, anyway.
[x] Six Phase Cannons (Industry 29 -> 41) (Average Damage: 4.5)

Three is too weak and eight isn't a big step up from six.
[ ] Eight Phase Cannons (Industry 29 -> 45)

I'm having trouble with visualizing this one.

How many cannons would be firing in each arc?

I also had trouble, demonstrated by my giving the wrong numbers. I was fiddling with the torpedoes as well as the wrong cannon values for the aft dorsal cannon when I realised it would have the firing arcs blocked.

3 Cannons:

6 Cannons:

8 Cannons:
[ ] Three Phase Cannons (Industry 29 -> 35)

If I understand this right, it means each firing arc has 1 cannon that can reach it, except for the forward arc which has 2.

However, it can only fire in the arcs below the ship, not above it at all.

[ ] Six Phase Cannons (Industry 29 -> 41)

This adds guns to the topside as well, but each turret on the top can cover 3 arcs instead of just 2.

This lets both of the forward guns target the aft as well, though I'm not sure about the aft gun. I think it's still aft only.

Pessimistically, this means that while the lower arcs are still 2 forward and 1 for each side and 1 for the rear, for the upper arcs it's 2 forward, 1 for each side, and 3 for the rear.

[ ] Eight Phase Cannons (Industry 29 -> 45)

As best I can tell this adds 1 canon to the top and bottom rear each, but for the bottom rear canons they can also shoot forward now?

This makes the firing arcs like this:
Forward Bottom: 4 Cannons
Forward Top: 2 Cannons
Sides Bottom: 1 Cannon
Sides Top: 1 Cannon
Rear Bottom: 2 Cannons
Rear Top: 4 Cannons

Do I have this right?

Edit: ninja'd
So, six cannons are still a +1.75 increase from three, while being a -1.25 decrease from eight.

The middle-road option of six still looks best to me.
I wonder what it's competing against that is potentially just as valuable for free.
If I had to guess from the previous quest/thread, probably competing for space with something else like science labs or whatever.
As I understand it we get the NX prototype for free, that will be the Enterprise.

But if we keep the coast at by, we can manage to squeeze another out. Besides that, the eight-phase canons don't add much to the tactical ability. It's a question of, do we want to pack as many guns in that hull, or do we put effective weapons in it? Those are two different things.
We'll have 64 industry to build NX-02 and the others. So we'll be able to afford one a year no matter how much we pack into this design. Unfortunately it's going to be too expensive for 2/year.

And since we don't have the aft launcher the extra rear coverage seems indicated. Even with two impulse engines this thing isn't a starfighter.

at 41~42 industry.. I mean, sure, if you accept one every production window. Instead of say, 2. 6 phase cannons gives us plenty of firepower, anyway.
We're not getting two per year anyway. We'd either need over 80 industry or to have kept the cost at or below 32.

At this point we may as well compensate for the lack of rear torpedo coverage.