Starfleet Design Bureau

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Design starships from Enterprise onwards, dealing with production capabilities and internal layouts to meet the demands of Starfleet as Earth takes the galactic stage. With art!
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Art: Sagarmatha-class Explorer
So, I don't normally do fanart, but this quest falls into the extremely narrow zone of things I can do art about.

Therefore, I present to the thread the Copernicus project.

@Sayle, if you want me to shoot you the solid file or IGIS so you can 3d print this PM me with am email and I would be happy to provide.

Try 2 based on feedback

Try 3 with a thinner neck and a chonk saucer to line up with the front view correctly.

Try 5, thickening the Nacelles to look the right size, shortening the secondary hull, and correctly positioning the Nacelle support forward.

Try 6, fixing the collectors to be in scale with the rest of the nacelles.

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Art: Cygnus-class Utility Cruiser
Here are some more models. I did the Cygnus this time, as she is the workhorse of the Federation in this timeline.

And for scale reference here is a pair of Cygnus flying in close parade formation with a Sagarmāthā

I eyeballed the Sagarmāthā when I modeled it, but for the Cygnus I tried a different method. I actually took @Sayle's paint images and scaled and overlayed them onto a 3d space. I used that to trace the geometry of the Cygnus. I am tempted to go back and do the same for the Sagarmāthā, as looking at it now if feels disproportioned and I suspect that's because it is.
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Art: Selachii-class Heavy Frigate
I'm sizing the nacelles according to aesthetics rather than a set size. It's still the same 1 pixel = 0.5 meters.
Sounds good.

Here is my model of the Soyuz.

She looks pretty good.

For size reference, here she is with a Sagarmartha

Fun fact. If you are in the forward arc these three ships hit equally hard.
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