- Location
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There's more ship in the hole. It's just still cloaked.
There's more ship in the hole. It's just still cloaked.
Not really a fan of big holes in the middle of a ship. It looks nice but it's an engineer's nightmare and a combat liability waiting to happen
vote closed a few hours ago[X] Small Saucer (100 Meters)
[X] Duratanium-Enhanced Hull Plating [Theoretical] (Three Success Rolls: Cost -> Defense -> Implementation)
Medium hull just seems less interesting than doing something wacky like double engineering or (regretfully dismissed) no engineering section.
Anyways when I see this, []-(o)-[]-(o)-[], it just brings to mind the ship briefly seen in the ENT intro.
You never answered the question on whether the medium hull had economic benefits, and a lot of people voted medium assuming they existed.Adhoc vote count started by Sayle on Feb 17, 2024 at 8:57 AM, finished with 217 posts and 101 votes.
[X] Electro-Ceramic Plating (Duratanium: Theoretical -> Experimental, Cost Finalized)... and 36 more.
- Captainwolf
- landcollector
- uju32
- Derpmind
- Tank man
- KarmaA
- notgreat
- Derek58
- pheonix89
- thepsyborg
- UbeOne
- Horologer
- LazyLayabout
- Riggnarock
- Cold Dust
- tenchifew
- Model DC.14F
- Joyful_Overkill
- luckless21
- 0t4n1z3r019
- LuxemburgLover69
- Portec
- Skjadir
- NexusEye
- Darksky
- gamer50018
- BeepSmile
- Ash19256
- paebel
- Night_stalker
- chaotic-logic
- Empress_Boog
- Sara hunter
- Starlit Horizon
- DarknessSmiles
- KnightDisciple
- Arimai
- Curufinwe
- LunaMoth
- StriderInCosmos
[X] Medium Saucer (140 Meters)... and 12 more.
- Captainwolf
- landcollector
- uju32
- Derpmind
- Tank man
- KarmaA
- notgreat
- Derek58
- pheonix89
- thepsyborg
- UbeOne
- Horologer
- LazyLayabout
- Riggnarock
- Cold Dust
- tenchifew
- Model DC.14F
- Joyful_Overkill
- luckless21
- 0t4n1z3r019
- LuxemburgLover69
- Portec
- Skjadir
- NexusEye
- Darksky
- gamer50018
- BeepSmile
- Ash19256
- paebel
- Night_stalker
- chaotic-logic
- Empress_Boog
- Sara hunter
- Starlit Horizon
- DarknessSmiles
- KnightDisciple
- Arimai
- Curufinwe
- Josiah
- TeaMug
[X] Small Saucer (100 Meters)... and 7 more.
- LunaMoth
- StriderInCosmos
- Strunkriidiisk
- Some_guy_161
- Dedicatedfool71
- TheShadowDeamon
- Alectai
- Chargone
- Wellhello
- Parzival95
- Tempest Warden
- Potato Anarchy
- Falliant
- Theunderbolt
- AlexScribler
- strictpig
- aceraptor
- Firehawk242
- SyntheticSynthia
- WilyMachineKing1
- Th3Saints
- Lavaflow
- blankmask
- WallFly
- xpentakill
- MS-21H 'Hawke'
- Driven by Apathy
- CuriousRaptor
- NyxNull
- Ramble
- Fouredged Sword
- Hot co co
- Roaming_Guardian
- KlavoHunter
- Leolu
- Wootius
- Moist Bread
- 7th Hex
- Mgunh1
- Josiah
[X] Duratanium-Enhanced Hull Plating [Theoretical] (Three Success Rolls: Cost -> Defense -> Implementation)
[X] Large Saucer (180 Meters)
[X] Duratanium-Enhanced Hull Plating [Theoretical]
Alright, I'll call it there. Now I have to see if the Sagarmatha project file has an intact layer with just the saucer or I got lazy and started slamming them together.
Spoiler alert: I got lazy. Either way though, an opportunity to do extra viewpoints at a higher quality.
Notably, the Romulans have lost every on-screen war they've been in, so funny as this is, I think OPs point about it being a bad idea still stands.
So they only can do anything off-screen.
It's why they rely so much on plots, sneakiness and cloaks. It's so that they can be offscreen.
How dangerous....Yup very competent until the moment they are shown on screen, its why the early federation-Romulan war was conducted without any viewscreens and the only communication was done via subspace radio.
I've hated that design style since I first saw it decades ago. They've also lost every war so my point stands.
I mean, you do you bud.I've hated that design style since I first saw it decades ago. They've also lost every war so my point stands.
Not really a fan of big holes in the middle of a ship. It looks nice but it's an engineer's nightmare and a combat liability waiting to happen
Was there ever an explanation on why the romulans diverged in this direction?
Everybody else seems to work with antimatter and dilithium except them.
Those wings are supposedly a sort of particle accelerator type containment system. Supposedly. But that was a retcon reason for the odd shape. So I think what happened is its like that because the showrunner thought it looked great and later on they came up with the containment function as a justification.I could be remembering this wrong, but I believe romulan ships are built like that to accommodate the singularity reactors they use instead of conventional warp cores.
Brought to you by Vectary Is Being A Tit Productions:
(I HAD a Skate ready, very nearly, but Vectary farted and lost EVERYTHING except the first hull bit. Which was extremely frustrating, because I saved before starting to do the texture mapping. Grargh.)