Starfleet Design Bureau

Not really a fan of big holes in the middle of a ship. It looks nice but it's an engineer's nightmare and a combat liability waiting to happen

One justification I could see is if the split deflectors acted like a single massive deflector and somehow gave a huge performance boost. I don't expect redundancy for other engineering components would make up for the usual efficiency gains from building one larger stuff. Plus getting around from one secondary hull to another might be annoying unless they just throw a ton of transporter pads at each side. But who knows, sci-fi ties "logic" into pretzels.

Edit: a low high nacelle config would also be interesting. Bracket wants to left align so ignore the periods.
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You're going to love working for the Romulan Starship Bureau.

The D'deridex is awesome tbh, also an example of the double secondary hull I think. In lore the thing was produced exclusively as ship to match the galaxy class in combat (which is a Mary-sue of ship tbh considering its the hero ship). I think the reason for the large amount of missing hull is to make it cheaper somehow. It still manages to look massive, the actual hull doesnt look thin at all.

Anyways when I see this, []-(o)-[]-(o)-[], it just brings to mind the ship briefly seen in the ENT intro.
Earth Pre-Federation Database - S.S. Emmette
[X] Small Saucer (100 Meters)
[X] Duratanium-Enhanced Hull Plating [Theoretical] (Three Success Rolls: Cost -> Defense -> Implementation)

Medium hull just seems less interesting than doing something wacky like double engineering or (regretfully dismissed) no engineering section.
I think the holes in the D'deridex come more from having the nacelles double strutted rather than having a double engineering section.
Anyways when I see this, []-(o)-[]-(o)-[], it just brings to mind the ship briefly seen in the ENT intro.

The double hull connected by engines kind of conceptually reminds me of the Stratolaunch air-launched rocket carrier plane.
Adhoc vote count started by Sayle on Feb 17, 2024 at 8:57 AM, finished with 217 posts and 101 votes.

Alright, I'll call it there. Now I have to see if the Sagarmatha project file has an intact layer with just the saucer or I got lazy and started slamming them together.

Spoiler alert: I got lazy. Either way though, an opportunity to do extra viewpoints at a higher quality.
You never answered the question on whether the medium hull had economic benefits, and a lot of people voted medium assuming they existed.
Was there ever an explanation on why the romulans diverged in this direction?

Everybody else seems to work with antimatter and dilithium except them.
I could be remembering this wrong, but I believe romulan ships are built like that to accommodate the singularity reactors they use instead of conventional warp cores.
Those wings are supposedly a sort of particle accelerator type containment system. Supposedly. But that was a retcon reason for the odd shape. So I think what happened is its like that because the showrunner thought it looked great and later on they came up with the containment function as a justification.
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Brought to you by Vectary Is Being A Tit Productions:

(I HAD a Skate ready, very nearly, but Vectary farted and lost EVERYTHING except the first hull bit. Which was extremely frustrating, because I saved before starting to do the texture mapping. Grargh.)

Love them! Out of curiosity, are they to scale? Like, if you put one next to the other in a single image, would it show their comparative size?

Also that poor skate, being hunted down by those trying to save the original time line. It didn't deserve non-existence.