Starfleet Design Bureau

It's all about what they need the ship for really. Is this design meant to service the Federation's safer interior (frigate) or push the borders of known space further out into the perilous unknown (cruiser)?

Since the whole point is that we're replacing the aging Curiosity, what was the Curiosity for?

The Curiosity-class cruiser was United Earth's first dedicated survey ship, designed to investigate safe areas of space for potential colony sites and points of scientific interest.

Seems straightforward to me.

[X] Highly specialised, short ranged, minimally armed. (Frigate: ~200k)

Also, if we build a frigate now, I think that makes it more likely we get to do a big explorer next.
This happened because Vectary farted and lost *three hours* of work on things for my own quest... again.... and I was too frustrated to redo it right then (I will of course have to do so eventually, but not today, ha) so I built this as a pallette cleanser. The LCARS displays are very readable, for model construction.

Edit: granted, I did have to bring the pylons in a bit at a sharper angle, because as designed they'd be directly in line with the impulse manafolds and that struck me as a recipe for either undue wear, or Rapid Unplanned Dissassmbly of the nacelle pylons, which would be... undesirable behavior, let's say.
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[X] Highly specialised, short ranged, minimally armed. (Frigate: ~200k)

be the best oberth you can be with the Design Bureau
[X] Secondary capability, medium range, decently armed. (Light Cruiser: ~400k)

We have the resources to build big, let's do it. The more useful these are, the more we can produce.
[X] Secondary capability, medium range, decently armed. (Light Cruiser: ~400k)

The next time we design a frigate class I suggest that we name it the Normandy. I was going to play coy as to the reason why, but we all know it's Mass Effect.