Have the fund payout in circulated gold coin currency..

A bunch of Krugerrands then, most likely. They're the most common gold coins with the least markup above their mineral value.

An interesting thought.... Since the major reasons for the bed of coins is to burnish her scales, work out loose scales, and for a fire-resistant bedding, the major functions of the pile of coins could be filled with cheap steel washers, and the stored wealth can be in the form of easy to stack ingots.

You talk sense.

Modern solutions for a modern age.
She should accept half of it. The other half should go towards something the dragon-lovers would appreciate, while still being humanitarian sapientarian. Have the gold reminted with her dragon face on them, then donate them to some dragon-themed charity.

Also, Naurelin should make a public announcement that, despite reports to the contrary, she is NOT a humanitarian. She's an omnivore; humans, generally villains, lawyers, and politicians, only make up a small part of her diet.
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Isn't Africa more of a mess then IRL on Bet though?

I suspect if there is any place in Africa that remains somewhat civilized, it will be South Africa. However, I suspect it will have fragmented into 3 or 4 states, with the old tribal rivalries flaring up over time, which means that what remains of South Africa is probably a fortress. Tribal warlords on three sides, and Leviathan in the ocean...
I suspect if there is any place in Africa that remains somewhat civilized, it will be South Africa. However, I suspect it will have fragmented into 3 or 4 states, with the old tribal rivalries flaring up over time, which means that what remains of South Africa is probably a fortress. Tribal warlords on three sides, and Leviathan in the ocean...
*gulps* loudly.

Cannot think of anything clever.
Huh. That'd be potentially weird, since IIRC the various peoples in South Africa are all imports. Or at least as far as I can tell, the West/Central African Bantu absorbed and/or killed everyone native to South Africa, prior to the Dutch settling there in the 1650s.

Apartheid might actually have been resolved better than our timeline, given the surplus of external enemies to focus on. Although if Mandela's supporters started necklacing enemies in the 80s, getting burned alive for 20 minutes sounds like the sort of thing that'd Trigger a fellow with potential, so there might have been the odd cape wanting to go Carrie on the ANC.

Hm. Wildbow does like his characters to be the worst that they can be.

I think it'd be up to the individual ficcer to decide just how awful things got in SA, but 'controlled by vicious warlords' is just as plausible for SA territory as anywhere else in Africa.
Ordinarily, this would all be covered by the PRT contract, but your case has become rather unusual, Miss Herbert.
"You don't have to decide right now, Ms Herbert," said Mr. Pennybaker.
Again, reeee. It's Hebert, not Herbert.
Most of it is devoted to there appearances in movies, mythology, art and literature -- with a fair amount of fan-created content.

Typos aside, I kind of would like it if this became canon.
Again, reeee. It's Hebert, not Herbert.


Typos aside, I kind of would like it if this became canon.

Considering how often my last name is misspelled, mispronounced, or both? I can perfectly see this woman getting Taylor's name wrong multiple times.

EDIT: I'm serious here. It's gotten to the point where I automatically spell my name for people, otherwise they'll add extra letters to my name, sometimes doubling it in length.
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It would be ironic if she went to Dragoncon 2011 thinking it's a fantasy convention. Only to learn it's a family reunion for dragons, and the fantasy convention is just a cover.
I suspect if there is any place in Africa that remains somewhat civilized, it will be South Africa. However, I suspect it will have fragmented into 3 or 4 states, with the old tribal rivalries flaring up over time, which means that what remains of South Africa is probably a fortress. Tribal warlords on three sides, and Leviathan in the ocean...

Egypt might too, if only because "We were a country long before China".
EDIT: I'm serious here. It's gotten to the point where I automatically spell my name for people, otherwise they'll add extra letters to my name, sometimes doubling it in length.

My Family name is German-Danish (Ancestor from Flensberg before it decided which side of the border it wanted to be on) and I've had many mistakes including being changed to words that only share the first couple of letters. And lets not talk about Autocorrupt. So yeah, I feel your pain friend.
I wonder what the reaction would be if she was given some (relatively) inexpensive cultures pearls, and then was seen eating one or two of them?
Wouldn't that depend on her reaction to the taste of the Cultured Pearls.

If there is "Spiritual" component to the flavor, then she could complain about how bland they taste.
Or She could get this look of "What did i just stick in my mouth?" then spitting them out, possibly at Dangerouse velocities.
Oh, I love this. That guy deserves real cookies for that omake!
It would be ironic if she went to Dragoncon 2011 thinking it's a fantasy convention. Only to learn it's a family reunion for dragons, and the fantasy convention is just a cover.
Seven people do not a conventional cover make.
No, but they do make a good organizing committee for their fans, who are on the lower levels doing Con things, while they have the penthouse for their reunion, gossip, etcetera.