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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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I have in idea for a counter to the skaven when they will almost surely pope up it is helmet that see heat and I just thought that if you use a runes of purification with the grudge bearing ruined you can probably destroy anything ork related
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Have we tried compressing any type of metal with some magic to see if that effect anything and we should also if we can see if carving runes on the metal before you craft any thing have in effect and for a defense ruin we can put I giant ruin of slowness in a area with ruin for dryness to and hunger because I think if we did that pluse a rune to let people through people would have hard time teaching this dwarf hold because they're starving so they will have like a hard time seeing her home for more than a few days especially with the hunger room I'm thinking of because it literally makes them go through like have to be more than they should so they'll run into their supplies faster I'd probably like a flame room with wood on fire and bingo you have an unbreakable wall when they can't climb up so they'd have to break through the doors and with the work doors which are mostly made out of metal it's going to be mostly possible for them to get in unless they dig through the mountain and with the heat sensing ruined that's no problem
Have we tried compressing any type of metal with some magic to see if that effect anything and we should also if we can see if carving runes on the metal before you craft any thing have in effect and for a defense ruin we can put I giant ruin of slowness in a area with ruin for dryness to and hunger because I think if we did that pluse a rune to let people through people would have hard time teaching this dwarf hold because they're starving so they will have like a hard time seeing her home for more than a few days especially with the hunger room I'm thinking of because it literally makes them go through like have to be more than they should so they'll run into their supplies faster I'd probably like a flame room with wood on fire and bingo you have an unbreakable wall when they can't climb up so they'd have to break through the doors and with the work doors which are mostly made out of metal it's going to be mostly possible for them to get in unless they dig through the mountain and with the heat sensing ruined that's no problem
Okay so...

No, we haven't attempted to compress metal with magic, unless Snorri did it off screen. We don't really have the action economy to just throw magic at stuff and see if it does anything.

Runes may specifically be required to be placed on items at specific times in the crafting process like the Rune of Forging which has to go on at the start, however if you refer to the Hearthstone research, Runes do not change the material properties of whatever they're inscribed on... except when its to turn it into an explosion.

I've got no idea what you're saying.
Structural runes work best when placed on a well defined area such as the interior of a room, vaguely trying to rune a field would have very weak and inconsistent results although it could be improved somewhat by creating some distinct boundaries. Larger areas have weaker effects. Does that help?

Could you please add full stops so I know where ideas end and please raise both arms above your head to check if you're having a stroke?
Basically what I wanted was arry like those in a cultivatetor manga where if we activated it it cause a effect in in area say like a rune of frost that slowed everything or a rune of rot that in sat area it cause meat or vegetables to rot or plane out rune mine that explod when something is near by cause I think it would be like flock of doom but rune style
Basically what I wanted was arry like those in a cultivatetor manga where if we activated it it cause a effect in in area say like a rune of frost that slowed everything or a rune of rot that in sat area it cause meat or vegetables to rot or plane out rune mine that explod when something is near by cause I think it would be like flock of doom but rune style
Yeah, those exist, I don't know about those specific effects but I I think we've already used things like this in Defense in Depth actions. But due to the limitations I mentioned before, they tend to be less effective than runicly augmenting traps.
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Idea for a combo rune of bane , rune of defiance Stone, rune of dismay
This combo would make enemy forget what they're doing cause of bane then second run would slowly push them out and the last will slowly break there will
Well we did it sort of we just made a giant rock fall with lava but not the rote field or a rune that see heat cause still think we should research it for skaven
Sure but again, the issues that I was describing are "These are how runes work" type issues.
We can't research our way out of having a weakening effect over large areas because thats conservation of energy.
We can't research our way out of having worse effects from poorly defined boundaries because Runes hate Abstracts and an 'area' is more abstract than 'The space inside those walls'.

I'm just trying to set expectations on scale.
Banners can effect an area covering a couple hundred people at once. Even if we assume that stationary runes work ten times better than that, its enough to change a significant part of a battle field, but its not enough to change the attrition on a campaign march.

Here are some WoG comments from when this was originally raised.
You aren't an expert but you have done this enough to know the following:
- Stationary Runes do better when they have a pre-defined space to work with. TLDR: An enclosed space or defined shape vs open air or a nebulous mass like a Mountain.
- Stationary forms of certain Runes do better than their portable counterpart. More often than not this guideline works = Banner Runes work the best stationary, followed by Talismanic, then Armour and Engineering are tied. Weapon Runes doing the "worst," being at par with their portable version. That tier guide doesnt really matter to you for Regular Runes seeing as you have such a large library, but for Master Runes it's good to know.
- Higher tier ingredients let a Runesmith more easily weigh the Runic "Definition" they want. If its simply a better version of an ingredient then it makes your job easier and the Rune more potent at its intended purpose because you've tapped into the root of that effect more. But if its something tangentially related or completely different you can get an altered effect because the Rune's " Definition" may have been altered by the ingredient. For instance, the Frost Dragon's blood on Gloin's cloak. Refer to primer on Rune Magic informational tab.

Think more Room with solid walls as best. Youre obelisk idea is only a bit better than sticking it on the mountain but the effect would be weakened depending on the size of the area between the obelisks. The pillar thing is certainly the most sound, but running it up something the size of a mountain or having it's range extend too far means the Rune's effect is incredibly weak and could arguably be more effective as multiple copies of a Rune applied to different rooms or buildings in the mountain itself. Not even if you made the pillar out of Adamant. Something on that scale is squarely in the realm of the Ancestors to your knowledge.
I have a question. I saw that Skaudardrengi need 192 Adamant bars but in the information threadmark, we only have 54 indicated.
Will it be enought for the turn 60 ?
I have a question. I saw that Skaudardrengi need 192 Adamant bars but in the information threadmark, we only have 54 indicated.
Will it be enought for the turn 60 ?
for one, we're getting 40 bars on turn 59, in addition to our production and more importantly: we can make 120 bars of admant when the storm of magic comes on the turn we want to forge/rune Skaud
I have a question. I saw that Skaudardrengi need 192 Adamant bars but in the information threadmark, we only have 54 indicated.
Will it be enought for the turn 60 ?
The next couple of turns are going to involve building multiple new super smelters which will significantly increase our current output due to stacking multiplier, the maths should work out, however I don't have it on hand to share.
for one, we're getting 40 bars on turn 59, in addition to our production and more importantly: we can make 120 bars of admant when the storm of magic comes on the turn we want to forge/rune Skaud
so the storm of magic interval is our best guess, its not something that we know will happen on a specific turn, we're just hoping.
I just wanna be sure I haven't misunderstood:

We have 2 AP free for Turn 60, right? Because if so I will likely end up proposing a plan to 1 Turn Maraz+Panoply then.
I think we should finish learning Aonoquean and buy some elven books on Storms of Magic and Arcane Fulcrums before doing the Brotherhood Calls.

Given how exacting the Rule Of Form is for the Rune Of Windsight, comboing it could be somewhat challenging.

I could see it comboing well with a Rune of Fate, assuming me get it after developing the Happening of Things.

And Snorri himself thinks that the Consternation is ended. They can now develop that understanding, that framework, with the rune he's invented.

The thematic vision, the pre and post cognition? Those things Snorri clearly figures are superfluous for actually figuring out what the Winds do inside of Runes.

You don't need the Master Rune to create the framework of what Winds do inside of Runes, according to what the Quest is telling us.

Now waiting until we have a better framework of runes and what the Winds do inside of them? Yeah, that's more understandable as a vibe to me. I don't agree that we should wait till we have that framework, but I get the logic.

While Snorri thinks that now, he may well realise he needs the ability to see other Aethyric phenomena beyond the Winds that high end Witchsight can, like the ability to directly perceive souls and their features/state, depending on quite what a rune is.
What do people think about putting AP into Drakk Rearing until it reaches 20? I'm, personally, curious what the end number for that action chain is
I wish. I'll always vote for the plan with more drakk rearing but sometimes you gotta bow to the plans of folks that have been trying to get this big guy done for like half the quest by now.
It was 60 years (6 turns) where one ap was mandatory. 120 years until physical maturity. Hatched turn 48. Probably get a "results summary" on turn 60. Kararah may still decide to spend some personal time on them though.
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@Dark as Silver (and anybody else who cares but you have indicated some interest so I figured I'd poke you) hey, so I was checking and it turns out the Rune of Choler is currently marked as Talisman on the Runesheet, I'm hopeful Soulcake will let it slide on grounds of cool but if not I am going to try and think of a different rune to slot in.