My apologies if this has been covered already, but I feel the need to comment:
Some of these timestamps are awful suspect.
I find it hard to believe that writing that sentence in proper CamelCase only took two seconds. It's not totally impossible or anything, it just needs a pretty high WPM.
[14:51:14] <GriefBeGone> you can ask Nadia to confirm this: my powers let me cleanse Soul Gems
[14:51:15] <GriefBeGone> genuinely cleanse them, as opposed to moving the grief elsewhere
There is no possible way that these sentences took three seconds and one second, respectively, to write. Assuming of course that you're a human and not, say, the anthropomorphic personification of a discussion forum..
I mean, if nothing else, we spent a full 13 seconds on "cabbits are for punting".
[14:55:32] <GriefBeGone> er
[14:55:32] <GriefBeGone> hello?
I feel like there should be a longer pause between these two lines, for effect if nothing else.
[14:56:25] <GriefBeGone> yeah
[14:56:27] <GriefBeGone> I'm trying to just get in touch with groups, see if there are crises going on, that kind of thing
Again, should take more than 2 seconds to type that.
Good update otherwise.