I'm slightly wary of making a clear seed with the intention of dewitching later (at least, more than we have to) when we don't know what the potential pitfalls of the process are.
I half-expect that resolving this issue will involve dewitching Yuuri, so the motivation is completely legitimate. In addition, singling that seed out for research has the useful side effect of giving us an excuse to grab it later when we need to start doing science. On top of
that, turning it into a Clear Seed guarantees that it'll remain in our control instead of being given to Kyubey.
[x] Thank Madokami.
[x] Hijiri:
-[x] Goals
--[x] Continue to undermine the foundations of her anger.
--[x] If Niko set things up right, guilt-trip her about hurting Niko.
---[x] Totally by accident, of course. You know nothing about any half-rate wannabe masterminds.
-[x] Potential specifics
--[x] Shrug. Helplessly smug - you told her that Niko cared.
--[x] She's still with you. Ask her to keep helping with Yuuri/Airi.
--[x] Continue questions about Airi from the various previous votes.
Basically, double down on what Niko's just done - keep Hijiri off balance and questioning her motives by asking her to help us deal with Airi/Yuuri. And she's done an amazingly good job of deflecting any questions about her historical behavior - we still don't even know what she might have been looking for in Niko's lab, or what she told Hijiri that convinced her about the "truth".
-[x] Goals
--[x] Act to ensure she doesn't get thrown away or lost
--[x] Try to give yourself an excuse to get hold of her later if necessary
-[x] Potential specifics
--[x] Make her into a Clear Seed
Goals-focus, let brinapilot come up with something. We've talked about it enough.
[x] Hunting.
-[x] Goals
--[x] Keep your friends safe from infohazards.
-[x] Potential specifics.
--[x] You want to talk to her yourself. Crazy assholes are still redeemable.
--[x] Warn of infohazards. If they can't disengage, try to gem her and
don't listen.
We've already vote for "warn them about infohazards" once or twice. I'm not sure why it's such a big deal now. Probably spill-over from the "LET'S WITCHBOMB EVERYONE" crowd. I think that we're pretty much safe if we just tell them that they shouldn't talk to Yuuri and that asking questions is a bad idea. Lean on "I have magical knowledge of many things" and "My teammate is a precog, I ain't gotta explain shit" if they get suspicious.