Worm is not for everyone, true. But it is better than "literary toilet paper".
It's badly written, painfully bland drek that manages to make psychological drama and superhero antics
You're already voting for something that isn't going to win. Put your miraculous wonder vote up so we can see it. If it's actually better and you can demonstrate that it's better, then I'll agree with you that it really wasn't that hard. You stand to lose nothing except your snide insults. So, to repeat LDJ: Prove it.
It expressed the concept quickly and effectively. Other options included Old One, AINeko, Cthaeh, Q, and Eschaton, but I didn't think you'd recognize any of them. It also brings me to my second point: In the same way that those entities wouldn't consider anything in this entire quest to be so much as a speed bump, easy
for you doesn't mean that it's actually "not that hard". If you can't convince
anybody of the correctness of your solution, then you don't get to call it "not that hard".
Being so insulting without meaning or attempting it doesn't imply good things about you. You may want to reconsider the use of this argument in the future.
"Quickly and effectively"
"Character from badly written, utterly third-rate drek"
Pick one and only one.
Anyway, since you apparently think Worm has actual characters rather than bland cut-outs, I suppose you
do need the help writing social votes.
Here are some basic human interaction do's and don'ts for future reference:
DO- See who you're talking to and judge how they'll react.
Namely, the hostile, distrustful, manipulative misanthrope isn't going to be all that inclined to take your infodump at face value in a ten second speech when you're expecting it to hold up against QB offering her everything she ever wanted. Or worse, she tries to rules lawyer it.
DON'T- Blindly push someone's trauma/rage buttons without anything resembling a plan.
Namely, telling the girl with an inferiority complex we "know exactly who you are. "
DO- Work on a problem without bulldozing or running away.
That means that if a situation is ambiguous and we're out of time, the answer is to try and limit problems down the road, set up a follow-up meeting if possible, talk for as long as we can and should...
But not to mindlessly flip the table and go HURR DURR SUL GEMS BAD BAI. Which brings me to the next point...
DON'T -Overwhelm someone with exposition they're not going to take in.
This really, really should be self-explanatory.
A vote that follows this, for example...
[]...Hey, um, sorry.
[]Offer again. Don't push past that.
[]Just, if you ever change your mind or you want someone to talk to or yell at or something, consider it a standing offer, okay? I'll stop bothering you now but please take my number?
Non-pushy. Deescalates. Gives room for further contact and a way to potentially defuse a Sasa contract in the short term long enough for us to interact with her again without actively shooting ourselves in the foot.
Now let's look at the other "option". This just breaks her with an infodump that she's barely going to take in, let alone believe in the way it'd have to be blurted out, then runs away without picking up the pieces. No human being would ever act that way and expect good consequences, never mind how Sasa's the one being dumped at. Full stop.
[] Speak quickly but firmly:
[] Fine. Sasa Yuuki. You have Potential, which means that Kyubey may offer you a Contract to become a Magical Girl. You make a Wish, he tears your Soul out and makes it a rock. It hurts. Girls universally regret their wishes. Magic and unhappiness create Grief, which makes you more unhappy. Yes, there's a feedback loop, and also a Grief Singularity that makes you an infinitely-unhappy Witch. Cleansing Grief requires eating the corpse of a dead Witch, one every few days. Magical Girls fight to the death over Witch corpses. Yes, it's horrific. Kyubey wouldn't have told you any of this and most girls don't know any of it. Anybody that tries to fix it dies quickly.
-[] Demonstrate Soul Gem and Soul Gem filling with Grief at appropriate times.
[] Now, you. I know exactly who you are. Still don't know how I know, but I do. You're better than you think you are. Always remember that.
[] Anyway, I gotta go. Out of time. Good talk. Do not believe his lies.