Adult Responsibilities Final
[X] Plan Blender
-[X] 24d6 Attack (3d6 tricks)
-[X] 12d6 Defense
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Maintain her current Reinforce Shield
-[X] Make a total of 21d6 in normal attacks followed by three 2d6 HonedPower Chop attacks (-6 Orthstirr)
-[X] In response to any Trick Attack use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr). If we are attacked with a non-Trick attack use Honed Defenses using our Defense dice (-1 Orthstirr each, 2d6 each) and if that doesn't work and Reinforce Shield is not available, use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr).
-[X] Tactics – Basically this is a blitz attack, we move up and attack it a bunch, trying to wear down its defenses and finish it off with the Power Chops.
You breathe in, hold for ten seconds, then release.

Let's do this thing.

The nisse screams through the tube, roaring its pain to the heavens on high. Its screams echo around the midnight farmland as tears fall from its eyes. It flickers in and out of focus before launching itself at you with the fury of a dozen raging wolves, fists ready to strike.
(Attack: 9 vs Honed Defense: 6, Attacker Wins! 3 Damage Dealt to RS-Layers!)
Its fist buckles against your orthstirr-coated shoulder as you hold it back with Sagaseeker's length. Gritting your teeth, you twist and toss it aside as you aim to cleave it shoulder to hip.
(Attack: 5 vs Defense: 9, Defender Wins!)
You hit snow as it darts back, digs its foot into dirt, and springs forward into a roaring punch.
(Attack: 10 vs Honed Defense: 11, Defender Wins!)
You duck to the side and free your hand. Darting forward, you grab it by the throat and throw it to the meaty ground. The meat softens the impact, but not enough for it to spring back to its feet as you bring down Sagaseeker.
(Attack: 6 vs Defense: 7, Defender Wins!)
A kick nearly sends Sagaseeker flying as the nisse flies up with a fist cocked back.
(Attack: 14 vs Honed Defense: 8, Attacker Wins! 3 Damage Dealt to RS-Layers!)
It socks you across the jaw, leaving your head spinning as the force as you twisting. Finding your footing, you carry the momentum forward as you continue the spin with Sagaseeker seeking blood.
(Attack: 6 vs Defense: 5, Attacker Wins! Coin Flip? Tails! 1 Damage Dealt!)
You cleave it across the back and send it to the snow-covered ground. It wheezes as blood trails behind it in a crimson arc.

Gritting your teeth, you force yourself after it with a battle cry. Throwing yourself into a lunge, you aim to skewer it through the chest.
(Attack: 2 vs Defense: 6, Defender Wins!)
You only stab snow as the nisse rolls to the side and to its feet. It stomps forward, throwing up snow as it sends another blind-rage-fueled punch your way.
(Attack: 6 vs Honed Defense: 8, Defender Wins!)
Sagaseeker smashes it aside and it skips across the ground as you give chase.

Even with your heart hammering in your ears. Even with the fatigue clawing at your limbs. Even with lives on the line...

This is the most fun you've ever had in your life. Period.
(Attack: 6 vs Defense: 5, Attacker Wins! Coin Flip? Heads! Ineffective!)
So when you hit nothing but a fading image, you're left wheeling as you whip around. Instincts guiding your motions, you come face to fist with the nisse coming up behind.
(Attack: 8 vs Honed Defense: 3, Attacker Wins! 3 Damage Dealt to RS-Layers!)
Blood sprays out in a crimson arc as your head whips back. The little shit broke your nose!

Stumbling back a step, you refocus just in time to catch the follow-up punch sent your way.
(Attack: 9 vs Honed Defense: 11, Defender Wins!)
Ducking forward, you catch the nisse with a shoulder check and send it tumbling. Feet bashing against the ground, you whip across the battlefield, racing to reach it before it gets back up.

Sagaseeker in the air, you bring its piercing point down on the fallen creature.
(Attack: 6 vs Defense: 4, Attacker Wins! Coin Flip? Heads! Ineffective!)
And yet again, it flickers out of existence before you run it through. Gods. Dammit!

"Just die, damn you!" You roar as the nisse stumbles a few feet away. Sweat beads on its brow, fatigue getting to it. If you had to make a guess, it can only do that little trick one or two more times.

Which is just dandy for you.

Kicking off the ground, you whistle through the air as the nisse draws closer and closer.
(Attack: 3 vs Defense: 14, Defender Wins!)
It rolls to the side just as you would've cleaved it in two. Scooping up a handful of snow, it flings it into your eyes as it rolls to its feet.
(Attack: 14 vs Honed Defense: 2, Attacker Wins! 3 Damage Dealt to RS-Layers!)
On the upside, the strike to your face cleared the snow away. On the downside, it punched you, again!

Roaring your annoyance to the heavens, you swing Sagaseeker in blind rage.
(Attack: 1 vs Defense: Autofail, Attacker Wins! Coin Flip? Heads! Ineffective!)
The nisse flickers again.


But even still, despite this constant trickery bullshit, you're having the time of your life.

There's nothing quite like it, you know?
(Attack: 6 vs Defense: Autofail, Attacker Wins! 1 Damage Dealt!)
Sagaseeker splits its stomach open.

Knowing that at any moment, you could be up against somebody stronger, somebody weaker, somebody your equal? And besting them all the same?
(Attack: 4 vs Defense: Autofail, Attacker Wins! 1 Damage Dealt!)
You run its shoulder through.

Seeing how they differ, what choices they make, what actions they take as they fight and kill and die?
(Attack: 1 vs Defense: Autofail, Attacker Wins! 1 Damage Dealt!)
You snap its jaw with a well-aimed chop.

What weapons they use and how they're used?
(Attack: 6 vs Defense: Autofail, Attacker Wins! 1 Damage Dealt!)
The thrill of combat pulses in your veins and its hammers pound in your ears. Kneeing it in the chest, you send it flying as you hold Sagaseeker close to your heart.

Fire ignites across your body as you coat the atgeir in precious orthstirr and fling into the air with combat-sourced glee.

The nisse is completely defenseless in the air, not that it had any defenses left in the first place, so when you bring Sagaseeker down...
(Honed Trick Attack: 16 vs Defense: Autofail, Attacker Wins! 3 Damage Dealt!)
You split it in two. From skull to tail bone you carve, spraying blood, bone, brain, and body parts everywhere.

Landing on your feet, you're drenched in blood as you stare at the moon.

"Gods..." you whisper, a smile on your face, "thank you for giving me that fight."

All is silent across the battlefield. No creature dares to utter a sound in the wake of your battle. The earth of the hill is tattered and pockmarked with craters and trenches. Dozens upon dozens of little holes and divots litter the ground, evidence of the combatant's ferocity.

"That was awesome!" Drifa yells with sparkles in her eyes as she tackles you from behind, her arms wrapping around you in a hug.

(+2 Relations with all onlookers)
(10+3(Drengskapr)=+13 Orthstirr!)
(+2 Hamingja)
(Feat Gained: Nisse Battle)
(Muna Gained: The Fight of your Life... So Far)
(Congratulations, you have passed the tutorial boss! The training wheels have now come off, good luck.)


Four days later, Steinarr squints at his damaged property.

"What in the Nine Realms happened here!?"

Personal (Pick 2/3, if no Exploration is picked):
[ ] (Must Take) It's... it's time to get married! Yay!
[ ] (Personal) Ask Randi to tell you some stories
-[ ] (Optional) Write in the topic
[ ] (Violent) Pick a fight or spar with...
-[ ] Gabriel, he's always down for a spar.
-[ ] Asva (You doubt she'd be willing to fight you, but maybe you can needle her enough?)
-[ ] ...Drifa? (Maybe when she's older...)
-[ ] Someone else (Write in)
[ ] (Personal) Spend time with... (Write in)
[ ] (Shopping) Ask Steinarr to buy something for you (Write in) (Can only be used to buy or sell things you are already aware of and cannot haggle)
[ ] (Crafting) Try to make something (Write in) (Hugr+Some kind of crafting skill)
-[ ] (Optional) Focus on repairing something (Write in)
[ ] (Poetry) Try to realize an Inspiration (Write in one of your Inspirations)
Exploration/Travel (Pick 1 or none):
[ ] (Visit) Go visit...
-[ ] The Witch! (Actually, it's probably a good idea to avoid her entirely)
-[ ] Asvir! (You will automatically take this next turn)
-[ ] Vidby, Abjorn's Farm
-[ ] Kerby, Stigr's Farm
-[ ] Buriby, Osborn's Farm (Has a guaranteed chance of ending in a fight)
-[ ] Glebby, Sverre's Farm
-[ ] Runby, Aki's Farm
-[ ] Horrby, Horra's Farm (Has a very good chance of ending in a fight)
--[ ] Rather than visiting normally, you instead stealthily approach and try to scout it out.
-[ ] Halfdanby, Halfdan's Farm
[ ] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
-[ ] Go Exploring with Drifa!
-[ ] The fields!
-[ ] The Hading!
--[ ] (Optional) Try to find those bandits you heard about
-[ ] The hills!
--[ ] (Optional) Towards where the flaming thing landed. Maybe there's something you missed?
Training: You have 19d6 training dice to spend as you see fit.
[ ] (Research) Try to figure out how things work (Write in)
[ ] (Blackhand) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hamr (30 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hamr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hugr (31 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hugr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Fylgja (16 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a fylgja skill or trick (Write in)
Orthstirr Available: 71
How do you want to use your orthstirr? You can turn on passive tricks here.
[ ] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in)
Fylgja Capacity: 4/4
Do you want to withdraw or deposit anything in your fylgja?
[ ] Write in (Optional)
Equipment Management
What do you want to have equipped? Leaving this blank means that no changes are made.
[ ] Write in (Optional)
(POV: Someone in the Valley)

A man with sunken eyes and a ratlike face punches the wood of his table.

The damned thing failed! And after all that trouble he went through to get it, too!

Well, there's always next time.


AN: Good job, everyone, good freaking job indeed.

Thank you for reading and participating. It really means a lot to me

Also, out of curiosity, how many Scandinavians are there in-thread?

25-minute moratorium.
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Summer 5/Turn 1
[X] Plan Let's Get Married
-[X] (Personal) Spend time with...(Write in)
--[X] Gabriel
--[X] Try and make friends
-[X] (Crafting) Try to make something (Write in) (Hugr+Some kind of crafting skill)
--[X] Make a new set of tools
-[X] (Must Take) It's... it's time to get _married!_ Yay!
-[X] (Research) Try to figure out how magical items work (Write in)
--[X] Research Explosive Charm 1d6
--[X] Ask about and discuss with Hallr how runes work
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Kindle-Spinner 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train Ember-Winged Cloak 4d6 (2d6)
--[X] Train Firebomb-Strike 2d6 (1d6)
-[X] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Sidestep 1d6
--[X] Train trick to increase eyesight 1d6
--[X] Train 'Household' Housecraft Skill-Trick 1d6
--[X] Train 'Stealth' Wildcraft Skill-Trick 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hamr (30 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Glima - 1 Reward Die courtesy of [@DeadmanwalkingXI](
--[X] Train Labor 1d6
--[X] Train Overland 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (31 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Artcraft 1d6
--[X] Train Management 1d6
--[X] Train Scouting 1d6
--[X] Train Strategy 1d6
--[X] Train Weaponcraft 2d6
--[X] Train Wildcraft 1d6
--[X] Train Wordplay 1d6
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 5 Hamr
---[X] 4 Chop, 4 Defend, 4 Dodge, 4 Glima, 2 Overland (18 total)
--[X] 6 Hugr
---[X] 3 Composure, 4 Housecraft, 2/3 Scouting, 3 Silver-Tongue, 3 Tactics, 3 Wordplay, 2 Wildcraft (20/21 total, depending on if Scouting goes up)
--[X] 4 Fylgja
--[X] 1 First Impression
--[X] 17/16 free for tricks (depending on if Scouting goes up)
(Research: 5) 2 Successes
"And why is it that you won't tell me the true meaning?" You scowl as Blackhand takes his sweet time answering.

'Because,' Blackhand says as he finally deigns to answer, 'if you don't figure it out for yourself, then it's useless.'

Your scowl deepens. "Can you at least tell me if I'm close or not?"

'Of course,' he clears his 'throat', 'you're correct that 'Hardened-Soft' refers to pottery and that 'Force of Fire' refers to an explosion.'

"And?" You start hopefully, to little avail.

'And that is it.'


You sigh as you get back to work.

(Hamr Trick Training #1: 2) 1 Failure. (Hamr Trick Training #2: 4) 1 Success
Focusing orthstirr into your eyes, you find yourself seeing the world far sharper than before.

You blink in awe and it disappears as quickly as it arrives.

Scowling, you resolve to keep practicing.

(Magnify-Sight Trick Added to Generic Hamr Tricks. Needs 8 more successes to unlock.)
(Hugareida Trick Training #1: 3, 3) 2+1=3 Successes. (Hugareida Trick Training #2: 1, 6, 4, 2) 1+1=2 Successes. (Hugareida Trick Training #3: 2, 6) 1+1=2 Successes. (Household Skill-Trick Training: 2) -1+1=0=1 Success. (Stealth Skill-Trick Training: 1) 1 Failure



Oh how you love its siren song!

(+3 to Kindle-Spinner)
(+2 Successes to Ember-Winged Cloak)
(+2 Successes to Firebomb-Strike)
(Glima Training: 4) 1 Success. (Labor: 1) 1 Failure. (Overland: 3) 1 Success
You spend your days improving your glima to great success and training your general fitness.

(Glima Rank Up!)
(+1 to Overland)
(Artcraft Training: 4) 1 Success (Management: 2) 1 Failure. (Scouting: 5) 2 Successes. (Strategy: 6) 2 Successes. (Weaponcraft: 3, 2) Neutral Outcome, 1 Success. (Wildcraft: 6) 2 Successes. (Wordplay: 5) 2 Successes
Wow, where has this progress been all your life?

(+1 to Artcraft)
(Scouting Rank Up!)
(Strategy Rank Up!)
(Weaponcraft Unlocked!)
(Wildcraft Rank Up!)
(Wordplay Rank Up!)
Making friends with Gabriel (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 2, 5, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 4, 4, 5) 10 Successes
Sparks fly as you and Gabriel dance across the training field. Sagaseeker against Sparrowflight. Norse against Christian. Warrior against Squire.

"So you're getting married, huh?" Gabriel asks as you find yourself on your back, a whip-fast trip having knocked you down.

"Yeah, yeah I am," you say, smiling dopily as you catch him under the arm with Sagaseeker. Lifting him high off his feet, you slam him against the dirt as you spring back upright.

"Good for," he coughs, wheezing as you help him up, "you!" He stands with hands on knees as he gulps down lungful after lungful of sweet, lifegiving air. "I, uh, I actually had a betrothed... back in Wessex."

"Really?" You quirk your head as you take a draught of water. "I wouldn't have thought a Christian would marry."

"What?" Gabriel stares at you with an expression of utter confusion. His brows furrow and his mouth hangs agape.

You shuffle on the spot as an embarrassed warmth springs to your cheeks. "W-well, Jerasmus is a Christian and he's, you know, not married, right?"

"How did you think more Christians were made?"

"I... Never mind, moving on," Gabriel squints at you for a long moment, but acquiesces. "So you said that you were... betrothed, was it?"

He stares at the fluffy clouds slowly rolling across the pale blue sky. "Yeah, I was. Still am, maybe. I don't really know anymore."

"Because you were enthralled."

"Yup." He sighs, still staring at the sky. "Before I came here, before that night," the nisse's blood still lingers in some places, "I'm not sure that I would've been able to do what you did."

"What, kill the nisse?" You frown as you say that. He's pretty strong, he might've been able to do it if his shackles were off.

"Try to stop it at all."

"Oh." You don't have much more to say to that.

"Yeah." Shoulders slumping, he turns his gaze from the sky to the ground, "I was taught that vikings were nothing more than savage barbarians who wish nothing more than to kill, rape, and ravage the lands. I was taught that Christians would be sacrificed to pagan gods, that I should never let that happen to any loyal subject, even if it required ending their lives."


"But that hasn't happened. In fact, I've been treated to a homey environment full of cozy hearthfires and merry feasts. Sure, there's violence," he shakes his head, "but is there more than back home?"

He shrugs and you shrug back.

(+1 Relations with Gabriel)
Forging tools (Hugr (Housecraft): 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 3, 2) 15+2=17 Fucking Successes. Holy Shit, Halla
Wizard-Owl disappears as soon as you retrieve your tools from his feathers. You offer words of thanks to the spirit, who returns them with an obedient hoot before fluttering off.

Tools in hand, you eye the hot bog iron with a careful, calculating eye.


You blink as the hammer falls one last time, time seeming to have warped and jumped as you forged.

Looking down, you find that you...

Those are some Fine tools, wow.

You blink once more and shake your head free of the fog.

What in the Nine Realms just happened?

(+1 Fine Toolset added to Inventory)
(+2 to Boon: Born With Hammer in Hand)
Marriage Time. Oh Boy
You stand in the bath-house, your hair loose and falling around you like a cloak of crimson thread. Asveig, Asva, and a number of women you've never seen before in your life swarm around you, making sure that everything is ready for your big day.

A bridal crown sits atop your head, an heirloom from your grandmother specifically for this occasion. It sparkles with red gems and the gold and silver shines in the light of the bath. Just wearing this fills your heart with warm pride.

Your clothes have been stripped from your body and fresh, far fancier clothes have been laid out for you. They look to have been made specifically for your married life. A hem of silver and gold thread trails around the dress, giving it an opulent flair.

This... might be the cleanest you've ever been, flat out. Your skin feels red and raw from how hard you've been scrubbed. Apparently, the Jarl of Jurgdby himself decided to conduct the ceremony, as is his right as Jarl.

"Are you ready, Halla?" Asveig asks as your heart beats faster and faster. You gulp and answer...

[ ] "Yes, yes I am."
[ ] "Of course!"
[ ] "I feel like I've been waiting for this moment my entire life."


AN: This is just a silly little vote to allow those holding reward dice to use them on the various rolls that are coming up, should they want to. Also because I feel like your wedding is an important enough event to get its own bit.

As a reminder, jy3, Exmorri, KreenWarrior, and Constentanto all have 1 Reward Dice each, I believe.

Alright, so, the wedding rolls are thus;
(Hugr (Silver-Tongue) This is for the introductions you make with everyone new that you meet, namely the Jarl of Jurgdby. Which First Impressions will help with greatly.

(Hamingja Roll #1) This is for if you develop a muna or not from your wedding ceremony. And, if you do, how good it is.

(Hamr (Overland) This is for the traditional 'marriage race', which is when the bride's family and the groom's family race each other back to the hall, where the loser has to serve the winner the first alcoholic beverages.

(Raw Hamr Roll) This is for the potential, ahem, 'aftermath' of 'consummating' your marriage (which we will skip over. I'm not here to write about two teenagers — or anyone, for that matter — getting it on). There is a chance, however slim, that Halla gets pregnant from that. Which would really throw a wrench in peoples' plans, I feel.

(Hamingja Roll #2) This is for the dreams you have during your first night as a wife, which were considered prophetic and foretold the prosperity and potential number of children you would have.

No moratorium. Also, I've got a psychiatrist's appointment tomorrow, so the voting and stuff will be rather extended. I might not even be able to write an update, which would be rather embarrassing after how good I've been.
Last edited:
Summer 5/The Wedding
"For the past four years," you whisper with a smile; your eyes wet with happiness, "my heart has belonged to Abjorn."

Asveig swallows back tears with a mighty gulp, her mother's pride coming up strong. A knock on the door silences her before she can speak.

"Is Halla ready?" The door muffles Sten's voice.

"Let her dry and dress first," your mother answers in your stead as you soak in the warm petal-strewn water. A mix of different flowers and ingredients floats around you, supposedly to both ease consummation and promote fertility.

With a sigh, you haul yourself to your feet and are quickly set upon by a horde of aunts and cousins — very few you knew by face. Clothing on and bridal crown secured, you step through the door and come face-to-face with the long bundle of wrapped cloth in Sten's hands.

"This," he says as he unwraps the package, voice filled with solemn purpose, "is Avow."

The cloth falls and you stop breathing.

Inside the folds of fine, soft fabric lays a sword. It is thick, with a light taper to the tip and a heavy cutting edge. It is short but with a handle more fit for a troll than a man. Despite the simplicity of the design, the quality of the work needs no decoration nor wrappings.

This is no ordinary sword. This is a man-feller, a life-cleaver, a fate-bringer.

This is a sword of steel.

And it is called AVOW.

Fingers trembling, you reach for the sword only for Sten to catch your hands in his own.

"This is steel, Halla," Sten whispers, eyes burning with stubborn determination, "and as such, it is cursed."

"Cursed?" Your words are hollow, fearful for your wedding.

"From the furnace of the smithy, Iron's son was cursed," Sten grows distant as his voice fills with words not his own, words spoken to him through the chain of student and teacher, "for the Hornet tricked them both when Steel was finally born. He slew his father and brothers, murdered his mother and sisters, and went on to kill all who stood before him, all who would dare bring an end to this bloodshed."

Sten falls silent as he finishes the speech passed down to him from ages long since past. He watches you carefully as he releases hold of your hands.

"It lied to the Sky-Forger and..." he sighs, suddenly looking a decade older. Heavy bags droop under his eyes, wild and weary. "Steinarr asked this for Abjorn and I accepted, for he is my father and your husband-to-be would only use its power to protect you and your coming children. One day, though, he and his loyalty will be gone... But the sword won't. It cannot, for it is Steel."

"I..." You don't know what to say, so you do what you know. You grit your teeth, set your jaw, and look your brother square in the eye as you stand your ground. "Cursed it may be, but no more than all who caused their mothers pain through childbirth."

Sten laughs, long and hard. After all, you share that stubbornness with him. "Do you know how many men would kill you, a woman, for even a chance at a sword like this?"

"More than those who wouldn't."

"Correct, now lets go meet your husband."

(Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 6, 4, 6, 1, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1) 2+2(Reward Dice: 5)+1(First Impressions)=5 Successes
All eyes are on you as you walk towards the grove of sacred trees. The moment Sten appears, though, only a quarter of eyes present keep on you. Sten trails behind, slightly to your left with Avow held in hand as is his role as your kinsman.

In the center of the grove stands a man you know from sagas. Jarl Erikaer the Corpsemaker stands more like a mountain than a man. If Abjorn was tall, than Jarl Erikaer was giant. His existence alone dominates the land and forces all who would lay claim to their knees.

He is a Steelfather and the world is forced to acknowledge that fact.

His hird surrounds him, four on either side and faces covered in iron. From head to toe, the Ironbrothers' bodies gleam with a polished shine. A mask of smooth metal strips them of identity, such is their loyalty to their father.

With boldness that surprises even you, you stride forward and stick your hand out to the man that could in all likelihood kill you with a flick of a finger, "Halla Steinarsdottir, the bride on this fine Frigga's Day."

The air thickens with malevolent intent as his guards bristle at your audacity. Your status as a woman may hold them back, but only just. It may only be a slight thing, but it's enough for you to make your point.

The Jarl's face is unchanging as a hand the size of your torso takes yours gently. "Erikaer, the Jarl on this fine Frigga's Day."

He may be the Jarl, but this isn't his day.

And speaking of co-ownership, here comes Abjorn.
(How did Abjorn do on his Sword-Quest? D100: 98, goddamn)
Your husband-to-be strides with confidence in his spine and an ancient sword in hand. You'd heard the tales, everyone had.

He fought and killed not one, not two, but three draugar to obtain that sword, all at the same time — with his bare hands.

You melt as he meets your gaze.

After all, he did it for you.
(Hamingja Muna: 4, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1) 6+6(Reward Dice: 5, 5, 5)=12 Successes, oh my god.
The rest of the ceremony is little more than blurs of movement and snippets of sound. The only things you truly remember are the vows you made and the rings you exchanged on the hilts of swords old and new.
(Halla's Hamr (Overland): 2, 5, 2, 3, 5, 6, 6, 2) 6 Success vs (Abjorn's Hamr (Overland)): 14 Successes Abjorn Wins! (High dice count rolls will be shortened to just the result)
Also the fact that you lost the race and had to serve the drinks first.

Well, whatever. It's not like you wanted to win or anything.

(? Relations with Jarl Erikaer the Corpsemaker)
(Muna Gained: Vows of Love)
(You are now married to Abjorn!)
(Management Tab Unlocked!)
(Welcome to the Tutorial, Part 2)
(Halla's Hamr: 6, 5, 6, 3, 3, 4) 9 Successes... gulp
(Abjorn's Hamr: 1, 1, 4, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3) 1 Success, looks like you're hav-
(Fertility Charms: 2, 1, 2) 3 Failures, Holy Shit. Guess the gods decided that it wasn't time, lmao.
(Hamingja Dream: 6, 1, 6, 4, 6, 2, 6)7+2(Reward Dice: 3, 4)=9 Successes
Your dreams that night are of great prosperity. Nine cradles stalk your sleeping thoughts, nine children sleep softly as they wait their time in the light.
Personal (Pick 2/3, if no Exploration is picked):
[ ] (Violent) Pick a fight or spar with...
-[ ] Spar with Abjorn, your husband
-[ ] Someone else (Write in)
[ ] (Personal) Spend time with... (Write in)
[ ] (Shopping) Ask Abjorn to buy something for you (Write in) (Can only be used to buy or sell things you are already aware of and cannot haggle)
[ ] (Crafting) Try to make something (Write in) (Hugr+Some kind of crafting skill)
-[ ] (Optional) Focus on repairing something (Write in)
[ ] (Poetry) Try to realize an Inspiration (Write in one of your Inspirations)
Exploration/Travel (Pick 1 or none):
[ ] (Visit) Go visit...
-[ ] The Witch! (Actually, it's probably a good idea to avoid her entirely)
-[ ] Asvir! (Take this if you want to try the Raid Trials)
-[ ] Steinby, your Father's Farm
-[ ] Vidby, Vidar's Farm
-[ ] Kerby, Stigr's Farm
-[ ] Buriby, Osborn's Farm (Has a guaranteed chance of ending in a fight)
-[ ] Glebby, Sverre's Farm
-[ ] Runby, Aki's Farm
-[ ] Horrby, Horra's Farm (Has a very good chance of ending in a fight)
--[ ] Rather than visiting normally, you instead stealthily approach and try to scout it out.
-[ ] Halfdanby, Halfdan's Farm
[ ] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
-[ ] The fields!
-[ ] The Hading!
--[ ] (Optional) Try to find those bandits you heard about
-[ ] The hills!
--[ ] (Optional) Towards where the flaming thing landed. Maybe there's something you missed?
Training: You have 19d6 training dice to spend as you see fit.
[ ] (Research) Try to figure out how things work (Write in)
[ ] (Blackhand) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hamr (30 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hamr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hugr (31 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hugr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Fylgja (16 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a fylgja skill or trick (Write in)
Management: You have 13d6 management dice to spend as you see fit. Unassigned dice will be used for maintenance.
[ ] Write in
Orthstirr Available: 71
How do you want to use your orthstirr? You can turn on passive tricks here.
[ ] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in)
Fylgja Capacity: 4/4
Do you want to withdraw or deposit anything in your fylgja?
[ ] Write in (Optional)
Equipment Management
What do you want to have equipped? Leaving this blank means that no changes are made.
[ ] Write in (Optional)

Edit: I keep forgetting to add these in, here are some options for interludes. Pick 3, if you would
[ ] Steinarr and Sten going to Jurgdby and returning home
[ ] Steinarr out raiding
[ ] Abjorn saving Halla (From the tree)
[ ] Abjorn battling on the ice
[ ] Gabriel after the spar
[ ] Eric travelling to Jurgdby
[ ] Blackhand's Perspective


AN: I rolled the dice for this in the psychiatrist's parking lot. I'm not saying that they had something to do with this, but goddamn.

A LOT of stuff happened this update, holy shit.

Alrighty, then. It's time to get started on the true staple of Norse society: farming!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

25 minute moratorium.

Managing Land
You have a pool of dice called 'Management Dice'. These dice are accrued from the Labor, Farming, and Management skill ranks. You assign these to projects around the farm, which are then rolled to determine progress. You can also assign Training Dice these projects, should you desire to.

Prestige is earned through how swag and prosperous your farm is. For every 2 Prestige you have, you get 1 Orthstirr a year.

Food, Feed, and Fields
People need Food to survive, believe it or not. Each person on your farm needs 1 Food per turn in order to not starve. If you go an entire season without Food, people will start to die. It'll be the old and young, first, then the fit and hearty.

Animals need Feed. This is essentially the same thing as Food, except it's for the animals. Each animal needs 1 Feed per turn. If they go an entire season without Feed, they will start to die. Animals can produce Food passively or if slaughtered.

Food and Feed can be grown in Fields. You have 3 to start off with. They need to be cleared, seeded, and then tended in order to grow anything. You can choose to grow Food or Feed in a Field. Later on you will get other things to grow, but for now you just have those two.

At the end of Summer, should you have completed all three categories in a Field, you will get 12 of either Food or Feed, depending on what you seeded it with. You can only grow during Summer, as it is too cold in Winter.
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Summer 5/Turn 2
[X] Plan Therapy For Stigandr
-[X] (Personal) Spend time with...(Write in)
--[X] Sten
--[X] Ask if he's available to train us starting when we return from raiding
--[X] Stigandr
--[X] Get him to come on our visit to Asvir so we can hopefully get the Seeress to help him
--[X] We are also bringing Abjorn along on this, so as not to give the wrong impression and because all three are friends
-[X] (Visit) Go visit...
--[X] Asvir!
--[X] Go see the seeress about several things, go shopping for an extra backup weapon or maybe a helmet or farm tools, raid trials
--[X] Try and get Stigandr to come with us to town so we can have the seeress take a look at him in person if possible.
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Ember-Winged Cloak 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train Firebomb-Strike 4d6 (2d6)
-[X] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Sidestep 1d6
--[X] Train Magnify-Sight Trick 1d6
--[X] Train 'Household' Housecraft Skill-Trick 1d6
--[X] Train Reinforce Shield 6d6
-[X] (Training) Hamr (30 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Farmwork 2d6
--[X] Train Labor 2d6
--[X] Train Overland 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (31 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Management 1d6
--[X] Train Weaponcraft 1d6
-[X] Management
--[X] Build A House 13d6 (+4 successes Tools)
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 5 Hamr
---[X] 4 Chop, 4 Defend, 4 Dodge, 4 Glima, Bash 3, Pierce 3, Throw 3, 1/2 Labor, 2/3 Overland (28/30 total, depending on if Labor and Overland go up)
--[X] 6 Hugr
---[X] 3 Composure, 3 Scouting, 3 Silver-Tongue, 3 Strategy, 3 Tactics, 4 Wordplay, 3 Wildcraft (22 total)
--[X] 4 Fylgja
--[X] 1 First Impression
--[X] 5/3 free for tricks (depending on if Labor and Overland go up)
-[X] (Fylgja Capacity)
--[X] Replace Decent Tools with Fine Tools

"Is this right?" You ask the voice in your head, who hems and haws.

'Almost, you're right on the 'Made Easily Accessible' front, though I wouldn't word it that way,' Blackhand says after a few moments.

"Alright, what about the meat-keeping stick?"

'You've cracked its meaning; 'Anything you stab with this stays completely fresh'. Good job.'

(Meat-Keeping Stick added to Decoded Runes)
(Hamr Trick Training #1: 5) 2 Successes. (Hamr Trick Training #2: 5) 2 Successes. (Hamr Trick Training #3: 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5) I'm sorry, what am I looking at here? A Max Success?! Successes Doubled! 24 Successes! (Household Skill-Trick: 6) 2 Successes
With the way your orthstirr is acting while you practice your Reinforce-Shield, you'd almost think you were running out of time!

Running out of time for what, though? That's the question of the hour.

(+2 to Sidestep)
(+2 to Magnify-Sight)
(+24 to Reinforce-Shield!)
(+2 to Household Skill-Trick)
(Hugareida Trick Training #1: 2, 1)-2+1=1 Failure. (Hugareida Trick Training #2: 5, 6, 6, 3)7+1=8 Successes
Refining Firebomb-Strike took the better half of an afternoon, but it came quick and easy once you got into the groove of training.

Ember-Winged Cloak, however... Well, it's going to take more than an afternoon to get it down, that's for sure.

(Firebomb-Strike is now Refined!)
(Farm Training: 2, 6) 1 Success. (Labor Training: 1, 4) Neutral Outcome, 1 Success. (Overland Training: 4) 1 Success
Farm, Labor, and Overland all progress at equal speeds, though you've certainly gotten better at running around!

(Farm Acquired!)
(Labor Acquired!)
(Overland Rank Up!)
(Management Training: 4) 1 Success. (Weaponcraft Training: 5) 2 Successes
Well, it'll be difficult to make anything without a forge of your own... Though you can certainly still practice hammering!
(+1 to Management)
(Weaponcraft Rank Up!)
(Build (House): 5, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3, 4, 2, 6)6+4(Tools)=10 Successes!
You tackle Abjorn into your bed-closet as you sigh, happy that your home is finally done.

You even managed to start work on the next level!

Now, to break this house in...

'Oh not this again!'

(Basic House Built!)
(+4 to Decent House!)
Animal Rolls:
(Decent Bull #1: 1, 4) Neutral Outcome, 1 Success.
-Impregnated 1 Heifer,(Sex: 5)(Quality: 2 Successes)Basic Male Calf will be born at the end of the year.

(I don't think this needs flavor text)
Childmaking Rolls:
(Halla's Hamr: 6, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2) 8 Successes, good lord
(Abjorn's Hamr: 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 3, 3) 1 Success, Abjorn is doing his damndest to buy you time, holy shit.

Any overflow on mastering Reinforce-Shield will be put towards learning Reinforce, in honor of my man's effort. Any overflow on learning Reinforce will be divided by 2 and then given to you as Hamingja (minimum of 1).
Sten (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 5, 4, 2, 5, 6, 6, 1, 6, 1, 6) 10 Successes
You encounter Sten at Steinarr's farm as he's filling a sack with supplies of varied purpose. Shining chain covers his body as he glances up, helmet on the ground next to him.

"What's with the armor?" You ask as you approach, Abjorn a few steps behind.

"Heading to Asvir, to participate in the Raid Trials," Sten says as he stands up, stretching his back with a litany of pops. "I am twenty-two, after all."

You blink, eyebrows rising high. Sometimes the fact that he's only six years your senior slips your mind. With the way he acts, you'd think he was ancient!

"What a coincidence!" You exclaim, smiling with hands on hips, "so were we!"

He snorts, "Let's hope we don't have to compete against each other, I'd hate to have to ruin my little sister's year."

You roll your eyes, scoffing at the mere suggestion. "As if it'd be my year that was ruined."

'That's the spirit!'

Sten smiles and draws you into a hug, which you return happily. "I've missed you around the farm, you know? It's not the same without you causing chaos."

"I'm only two minutes away, Sten." You draw away from the embrace. "You can come visit anytime you want."

"I'll be sure to do that," he says before glancing towards Abjorn, who stands awkwardly off to the side. "How's married life treating the two of you?"

You grin, Abjorn suddenly looking very tired. "Pretty good, how about you?"

The longhouse door swings open and out marches Drifa, Sterki following as close as his little legs can take him. She's got a ladle in hand seems to be wielding it like a sword as she happily throws herself at imaginary enemies.

Sten watches the laughing children as Minna stands in the doorway, her son, Draupnir, on one hip and your newest brother, Steinkell, on the other. Minna had recovered near instantly from her pregnancy but Asveig...

She's still alive, fortunately, but Steinkell will be her last child. Another one will kill her.

"As well as it always is," is Sten's answer, the mood falling at the thought of your mother. "So is there any reason you came by or was it just to say hi?"

"Well," you rock on your feet, not at all jealous of the fact that you're not even expecting yet, "I did actually have a request."

"Name it," he speaks quickly and with no hesitation.

"I know that you'r- Wait, really?" You blink as you take an involuntary step back.

"You are my sister, I trust you to make reasonable requests of me." He shrugs and that's all there is to it.

"I... You're a good brother, Sten."

"I have been told." After getting used to you and the rest of the family, Sten's finally started opening up a little, as has Minna and even Drifa. "Now, your request?"

"Well, I was wondering if I could, one, use your forge until mine is set up and, two, if you could, um, teach me?" You rock on your heels harder, nerves starting to get the best of you. You're not sure why you feel so anxious about this simple of a request, but you do.

"Is that all?" He asks, scoffing. "I can't — won't — teach you steel, but I'll show you the workings of iron."

You smile and pull your eldest brother into an eldest-level hug.

"Hiya!" Sterki shouts as he spots you, a large smile on his face as he trundles towards you as fast as his little legs will carry him.

(Sten's Teachings added! +1 Successes when training crafting!)
Stigandr (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 6, 5, 5, 4, 2, 1, 4, 6, 3, 5) 11+1(Abjorn)=12 Successes
"So, you got married." From the bushes steps Stigandr, eyes hollow and bow in hand — an arrow half-drawn. The bow lazily points your way, but lacks any malicious intent. He simply just doesn't care anymore. "Good for you."

"W-what's with the bow, Stig... andr?" You stumble over your words as his nickname almost slipping from your lips.

"These woods are full of monsters."

You and Abjorn share a glance. He's not wrong, per se, but...

You swallow the lump in your throat and decide to just go for it. "Do you want to come to Asvir with us?"

"Okay." He places his bow on his back and falls in line.

Asvir Visit
In the center of Asvir is a large gathering of cheering and jeering people. You don't need to guess at the reason why — after all, it's the Raid Trials.

What do you wish to do?
[ ] Go shopping! (Hugr (Silver-Tongue))
-[ ] Write in what you're shopping for
[ ] Visit the Seeress
[ ] Time to try out at the Raid Trials (Recommend that you do this last, as it'll be nightfall by the time it is done)


AN: Some absolutely crazy rolls today, wowee.

edit: fixed missing spoilers, my bad

25-minute moratorium. Don't expect a second update today.
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Summer 5/Asvir Visit 3.1
Going to the Seeress
With the festivity in the air, Asvir seems more like some wonderland out of the sagas rather than any normal village.

Men laugh as they show off, performing feats of strength and prowess for crowds of onlookers. They hurl boulders and trees as they leap the heights, widths, and lengths of ships on the shore. Alcohol is served on mass to participants and onlookers both. They wrestle like mad dogs, over and over again do they meet in the square.

Above it all sits the Headsman and one of his sons — his hird standing guard around their charges. The other son, the younger of the two, is among the masses competing already.

Orthstirr fills the air with its honey scent. Merely breathing is enough to feel lively and refreshed, such is the concentration of power flowing through the air, earth, and waters.

'Drink deeply while you can, for it won't last forever. It never can.'

Taking a deep breath of power-filled air, you squeeze Abjorn's hand while shooting a smile at the big lug. Soon, the two of you would be out there as well, competing with the masses for the attention of the felag, the band of Jarl-chosen and Jarl-led warriors who would go viking when the time came and a target was chosen.

But first, the Seeress.

The Seeress' tent sits at the edge of Asvir, as it always does this time of year. Her wizened face peers from the shadows of her tent, Kolla nowhere to be seen.

She welcomes you into her home-away-from-home, offering each of you a drink of some kind of beverage called 'tea'. After drinking it...

Well, at least it's warm.

"Now then," the Seeress asks as she sits down across from you, Abjorn, and Stigandr — who hadn't touched his tea, "how can I help you today?"

[ ] Write in

(Things the Seeress can do for you include fertility blessings, fylgja unveiling, and future reading, amongst other things. She can also act as a 'middle man' of sorts, putting you in contact with potentially useful people. She does demand compensation, of course, and that can come in the form of money, favors, farm produce, and/or all manner of things)


AN: Not much to say here other than letting you run buck wild.

No moratorium, lets see if we can't get a second update done today, eh?
Summer 5/Asvir Visit 3.2
Stigandr sits as still as a statue, barely even moving his eyelids enough to blink. He was your friend — maybe still is — and to see him reduced to such a state, from the joyful, vibrant boy he was...

You miss your friend, you miss Stigr.

"Stigandr..." You're not sure how to begin, so you do as you always have and barged forth, full speed ahead, "he has nidheart and-"

The Seeress sucks in a great lungful of air, as if tasting it for some undefinable thing. She winces, face pinched tight like she tasted something sour. "That is nidheart... but something else lurks within."

She reaches over and taps the side of Stigandr's head, on a spot right next to his eye. His vision glazes over and he slumps back into his chair, eyes gazing listlessly at nothing in particular. A sharp snap sounds out as a sudden sharp pain rises in your hand. Glancing down, you find crushed armrests in your grip.

The Seeress raises a brow and an embarrassed heat rises on your cheeks. "If you had waited a few more months, then there would be nothing I could do to help him. Fortunate that you got him to me in time, then."

"W-what's wrong with him?" You ask, eyes locked to Stigandr's frozen form. Whatever she did, it's almost like he's... not *unconscious*, per se, but more like he's... just not there.

"I put him into a slumber by removing his consciousness," she shakes a ceramic jar suddenly in her hands — where she got it from you've no idea. "This way, the nidheart can't progress any further, which allows me all the time I need to identify the source." She pauses, quirking her head to the side as something comes to mind. "And discuss payment, of course."

You suck a breath in. "Of course."

"You can pay in silver or in commodities, as you are already doing work for me. If you want me to explain what I do, then it will cost double." Abjorn looks at you, curiosity clear as day in his eye as the Seeress finishes speaking. You should probably tell him about Horra, one of these days.

'And me,' Blackhand adds. A soft, coy smile spreads across the Seeress' face.

'And how was sex on the receiving end, Hallr?' Her voice whispers in your head as Blackhand sputters and curses. 'After all, you've been giving for almost your entire existence.'

Blackhand grits his teeth. 'Can we please talk payment, now?'

'Of course.'

How do you want to pay for Stigandr's treatment, if at all?
[ ] (Stigandr) Pay with Silver (6oz)
-[ ] (Optional) Double it to get a breakdown of what's happening (12oz)
-[ ] (Optional Write in) If you don't have the Silver coins on hand, then you can pay in/supplement with bullion.
[ ] (Stigandr) Pay with Farm Commodities (Write in)
-1 Cattle would be enough, 2 for double
[ ] (Stigandr) Don't pay, leave him to his fate


"Um, one more thing," you ask after finalizing everything, "well, two more things, technically."

The Seeress raises a brow. "Go on."

"First, can you tell me something about my future children?" Abjorn stares at the ceiling.

She snorts. "They'll have red hair, next question."

You blink as Blackhand laughs. '*Can't argue with that, the red breeds true!*'

"Uh, can you unveil Abjorn's fylgja?"

"Three silver, take it or leave it." She crosses her arms, squinting at you.

[ ] (Fylgja) Take it (3oz)(Abjorn gets a Fylgja)
[ ] (Fylgja) Leave it


AN: You don't get to choose Abjorn's fylgja

Also, please vote by plan

No moratorium.
Summer 5/Asvir Visit 3.3
[X] Plan Get the Curse Lifted
-[X] (Stigandr) Pay with Silver (6oz)
--[X] Payment includes Decent Tools (2 1/2 ounces silver) and 18 ounces of Bog Iron (1 1/2 Ounces), 2 ounces silver to cover the difference.
After forking over the silver and promising the Seeress that you'd bring the iron and tools in a couple days, you find yourself blinking in the sunlight as you are shuffled from her tent.

"The rituals will require the rest of the day," the Seeress says as she leans from inside her tent, "and he will need at least a week's rest."

"But he'll be fixed, right?" Her frown has your heart sinking.

"Depending on what the cause is, yes." She purses her lips. "If it's internal, then I can only soften the edges and leave it up to him to heal the rest of the way. If it's external, if some spiritual predator has taken up residence, then more options are available."

"Let's hope it's external then." You wince even as the words flee your mouth, even they know the worthless platitudes for what they are. Abjorn squeezes your hand while resting a comforting palm on your shoulder.

The Seeress says nothing before retreating back into the darkness of her tent, leaving you and your husband to the rest of your day.

"Spiritual Predators?" Abjorn asks the question floating in your head. He clearly believes that you have the answers, as you so often do. But you'll have to disappoint as you know just as much as him.

"I don't..." You shrug, just as Blackhand begins to speak.

'The little I know of the Dark Forest's predators is that they aren't intelligent, not like you, Abjorn, or I. But they have a certain cunning to them, a cunning of the insidious kind. One recently tried to take root in your soul, but I fended it off. It is why I have been rather quiet as of late.' Blackhand's voice almost shocks you, so used to little comments and snippets of conversation as you are.

You pause and listen to Blackhand's words before repeating them to your husband near-verbatim — after editing everything about Blackhand out, of course.

Abjorn squints, curiosity sparkling in his eyes. Over the years, as he's matured into who he is now, your husband has grown into a rather quiet and often contemplative young man. Sometimes to your annoyance, as he moves quickly and too quietly for his size, which means that he often surprises you with his presence — completely unintentionally, he assures you.

With everyone in Asvir off watching the trials, it would be easy enough to go find a secluded spot to have a conversation with Abjorn. Heck, you could even reveal both Blackhand and Horra in one fell swoop.

It won't take very long — Abjorn isn't the kind of person to have extreme opinions on things, well, other than insults towards you — so you could easily do that and then do something else.

Do you?
[ ] Go have that chat with Abjorn
-[ ] (Optional) Reveal Blackhand
-[ ] (Optional) Tell him about Horra
[ ] No, you want to wait until a better time

And after that, regardless of whether you confide in Abjorn or not, what do you do?
[ ] Go shopping! (Hugr (Silver-Tongue))
-[ ] Write in what you're shopping for
[ ] Time to try out at the Raid Trials (Recommend that you do this last, as it'll be nightfall by the time it is done)


AN: Woohoo! I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm just feeling really good today.

Please vote by plan.

Also, regarding interludes, I've been thinking about having something from the perspectives of people from distant-ish lands. If I put something like that in, what perspectives would you like to see?

No moratorium, lets get that second update out there! Heck, with how I'm feeling three updates might even be in the cards, but don't hold me to it, eh?
Summer 5/Asvir Visit 3.4
"Abjorn, I have something I need to tell you in private." You slip your arm around his and lead him to an empty side street — the only signs of life are the clucking of chickens and baaing of sheep. "Two things, actually."

Abjorn nods and follows along without a complaint. Once you find a secluded spot, you turn, take his hands in your own, and look him in the eye.

'You've got this.'

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you breathe in and out.

"Abjorn, I..." How do you tell someone that there's another person in your head? You don't know, neither does Blackhand, so you resort to what's always worked for you; bold and decisive action. "The spirit of my grandfather, Hallr Blackhand, resides in my head. Say hi, Blackhand."

'Hi.' Abjorn can't hear Blackhand, why did you even think to do that? Stupid brain!

Abjorn blinks. "Well, I know that I wasn't sleeping with a man."

'Don't tell him that!' You're telling him that. No secrets.

"...You sort of were."

Abjorn blinks again. "Huh."

"Not with the body of a man, but..." you frown, never really having considered the gender of your soul before. You are a woman, you know that much, and Blackhand is a man, you know that too. And your soul is the same soul that Blackhand had... more or less. "I think that the gender of my soul is just sort of... yes?"

'The only real difference between you and me is who's speaking at the time.'

"You're still my wife, right? You're still Halla Steinarsdottir?"

"Of course I am! I always have been!" Lips curling down, you quirk your head to the side as a thought comes to mind. "This... this isn't a new development, it's been going on since I was, oh, thirteen, fourteen-ish?"

"Oh, okay." Abjorn shrugs, accepting it just like that. "If it doesn't change anything about our relationship and you're still you, does it really matter?"

"I... I guess not."

Blackhand snorts, 'And now you know how it feels.'

"Shut up, Blackhand," you growl as he laughs. Your words lack any real heat as Abjorn sends a quizzical look your way.

"Did he say something?"

You sigh, knowing that this is going to be your future. "Just referencing a conversation we had some time ago."

"Alright." Abjorn squints, brows furrowing as something comes to mind, "Should we tell our children? When we have them?"

You open your mouth to respond, only to find your thoughts empty of anything of use. "I... let's cross that bridge when we come to it, alright?"

"Alright." He nods, accepting your decision.

You don't want to tell them, to be honest. Maybe it's wrong of you — and it probably is — but... You're already regretting telling Abjorn about Blackhand, at least a small, ugly part does. You're not jealous — you're not! — it's just that, well... you might be a little jealous.

It's weird, it's irrational, but you still feel that way. Why, you can't answer. Maybe it's because Blackhand has sort of been, well, he's been your thing. The voice in your head. Sharing him, in however small a way, just feels weird and kinda wrong.

"There's also a guy in the valley that we're going to have to kill." You find yourself speaking without realizing it. "His name is Horra Hasvisson and he's a gigantic asshole."

"Okay." Abjorn shrugs before looking around, as if Horra would appear in that very moment.

"It's because he's... wait, really, just like that?"

"I trust you. If you say he needs to die then he needs to die. When are we killing him?" Abjorn... you might've just fallen in love all over again.

"Soon, in a year or two, maybe more, maybe less." You shrug, face turning a shade of red, "I have some things I'd like to do before..." Like have a child, amongst other things.

Abjorn nods and you nod back.

Everything settled, you move back into Asvir proper and make your way to the trials, hand in hand and big smiles on your face.


The roar of the crowd is like music to your ears as you step out onto the trial ring. Cracking your neck, you regard the obstacles in your way.

Boulder throwing is to the left of you, log throwing to the left of that. Ship-leaping is to your right, with the runners racing around the outskirts of Asvir. In front of you, however, is the wrestling square.

The only question is... how hard to you want to crush your competition?
[ ] Use it all! (Uses all Reserve Orthstirr, not including stokables or Sagaseeker's reservoir)
-[ ] (Optional) I don't think you heard me correctly. When I say 'use it all' I mean USE. IT. ALL. (Use every last drop you've got)
[ ] Use 75% (-54 Orthstirr)
[ ] Use 50% (-36 Orthstirr)
[ ] Use 25% (-18 Orthstirr)
[ ] Use nothing but your raw strength (Use no orthstirr)

(This is assuming that you have all of your orthstirr available to you; which, for the purposes of this vote, you do)

AN: This'll be the last update for the day, sans any potential interlude drop.

Also, the next update will include these rolls;

(Hamr (Throwing)) Boulder Throwing
(Hamr (Throwing)) Log Throwing
(Hamr (Overland)) Ship Leaping
(Hamr (Overland)) Running in a Race
(Hamr (Glima)) Wrestling in the square

So, if you've got Reward Dice, then now is a good time to use them! Now, it's completely unnecessary if you decide to spend a lot of orthstirr... but if you don't...

25-minute moratorium.
Last edited:
Summer 5/Asvir Visit 3.5, The Raid Trials
Use it all! (Uses all Reserve Orthstirr, not including stokables or Sagaseeker's reservoir)
Stretching your shoulders, you grin as you saunter on over to the first event; boulder throwing.

It isn't a very complex sport, boulder throwing. All it really comes down to is picking up the heaviest available rock and throwing it as far as you can manage. Simple, really.

The hard part, as so often is the case, is less the sport's difficulty and more the strength of the competitors.

The strength of today's aspirants? Eh, could be better — nobodies arguing that — but it could also be much worse.

Clapping your hands and stretching for a final time, you approach the largest boulder you can find. It truly is a massive thing, easily double your height and dozens upon dozens of times your weight. Crouching down, you stretch your arms as far as they'll go and lift with all your might — with your legs, of course.
Boulder Throwing (Hamr (Throwing): 2, 6, 5, 5, 3, 1, 6, 1, 4)8+10(Orthstirr)=18 Successes
On quaking legs and through gritted teeth, you take one, two steps before putting your back into it. With a roar that shook the earth, you hurl the rock with all your strength and anger behind it.

It's not a very accurate or precise throw, but it sails through the air nonetheless. Beautiful, it tumbles through the clouds as it careens in an arc towards the pebble-beach — where the furthest of throws landed.

Its splashdown throws a massive wall of water into the air as cheers spring to life around you.

You regard your throw with a careful eye as cheers blast against your ears. Not the best throw seen today, not quite, but certainly within the top five. Maybe even top three.

After wiping a bead of sweat from your brow and heaving a satisfied sigh, you pat the shoulder of the next man in line as you wander off. He nods his thanks, respect in his eyes, before stepping up. That poor guy, having to go after your showing.

With that done, you turn your attention to the next contest; log throwing.
Log Throwing (Hamr (Throwing): 3, 6, 3, 4, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3)12+11(Orthstirr)=23 Successes
This time, with this throw, you've definitely cinched the top three throws of the day. You're not really sure how someone is supposed to top throwing a log beyond the natural harbor Asvir resides in, but that's not exactly your problem, now is it?

You shoot an apologetic look to next man in line, but your heart isn't really in it. He sighs but steps up anyways. He's probably regretting getting out of bed today, what with the rock throwing and now this.

Well, with that out of the way, the next thing on your agenda is something you've been rather excited for. After all, jumping around tends to be your forte and getting a chance to compete with others, to show off your prowess?

It has you wearing a broad smile as you come to a stop before the ships lined up in a row. It's up to you how you want to approach it. Do you want to leap top-to-bottom, from prow to stern, or side-to-side, over all the ships put together?

Why is that even a question? You're doing side-to-side and its not even a competition!
Ship Leaping (Hamr (Overland): 5, 2, 5, 1, 6, 3, 5, 6, 6)11+20(Orthstirr)=31 Successes
Breathing in deeply, you take a runner's stance and wait for the signal. Fingers dig deep into the pebble beach as you count down the seconds.

"Go!" The proctor — the same one from the wrestling competition — shouts with barrel-like lungs and you blur into motion with glee in your smile and mania in your eyes.

Slingshotting ahead with a sharp whipcrack in your wake, your feet beat against the beach as you pummel across the pebbles. The wall of longships awaiting their felag looms closer and closer, swiftly closing the window of opportunity.

With a gleeful laugh, you throw yourself into the air, easily clearing the masts as you sail through the sky. Higher and higher you climb, arms spread out as you brush against low-hanging clouds. Hair whipping in the wind, you reach the apex of your perfect parabolic arc and begin the journey down.

The moment you touch the other side of the harbor, you throw yourself into a roll and safely come to a stop. One palm presses against the beach, the other faces the sky as you rise to your feet, laughter freely falling from your happy smile.

'That was very impressive, Halla,' Blackhand smiles as you start making your way back to Asvir, 'I'd be surprised if anyone could even come close, let alone ma-'

"Do you know what they're calling you?" A stranger's voice calls out to you from the waters, unknowingly interrupting Blackhand. A man no older than you breathes lightly as he emerges from the calm waves, a lion's mane is wrapped around his bare shoulders. He's drenched from the golden hair on his head to the red-dyed leather wrappings around his legs, yet a smile stretches from ear-to-ear.

There wasn't any splash, which means he didn't jump after you. So he must have swam here in the seconds it took for you to recover...

"Longstride, that's what they're calling you." He shakes his head, honest admiration in his eyes. There's something familiar about his gaze, like you've seen it somewhere before. "You're incredible, you know? I grew up hearing stories about your family, but seeing it in person? With my own two eyes? Simply incredible."

"Uh, thanks...?" You say, fishing for a name while carefully avoiding the muscular, toned torso freely displayed to the world. You're married, dammit! "And what were they calling me? 'Longstride' or something?"

"Folkmarr Manetaker," the Headsman's younger son plants his hands on his hips as he stands proud, the lion's mane flowing in the wind behind him, "and yes, they're calling you 'Halla Longstride'."

"Halla Longstride..." You whisper the name, tasting the sound of your kenning. Already, you feel lighter on your feet than you did before, like you could run a marathon or leap half-a-dozen ships with ease. Which, you suppose, you just did.

"Come on," Folkmarr draws you back to the present as he points a hand at Asvir, "let's get back to Asvir. I wanna see how far you can go!"

Your feet start moving before you tell them to, so eager are they to follow the young Jarl to Asvir.

'You should be careful of him, Halla,' Blackhand's warning draws you up short, 'He has hungry eyes, full of bold, brazen ambition.'

"Just like you and me..." you realize as waves lap at the beach and seabirds croon high above.

'Just like you and I.'

The return to Asvir is a blur and you swiftly find yourself lined up for the second-to-last challenge; a footrace around Asvir.
Race Running (Hamr (Overland): 3, 6, 1, 5, 5, 1, 6, 4, 4)9+16(Orthstirr)=25 Successes
After the feat you performed, nobody is really wanting to try against you in running, which means that you easily pull ahead and blow everyone out of the water.

It's not exactly very satisfying, but a victory is a victory.

Well, on to wrestling. That should be a fair bit more exciting!

Folkmarr shakes your hand as you step into the ring, a grin on his face and ambition burning in his eyes.

"I've been putting this off, you know." He shoots a grin at the spectator box, where his father, Dorri Rattlespear, sits with a dour look on his face. "Father was getting impatient with me, as I kept refusing challengers. What fortune it is that the only person here worth my time just arrived!"

He points a challenging finger at you. "Come, Halla Longstride, show your strength."

You crack your neck, returning the grin with one of your own. "Oh, I'm gonna do more than show."
Wrestling (Hamr (Glima): 5, 4, 4, 4, 2, 5, 2, 5, 3, 3)9+10(Orthstirr)=19 Successes
With a surge of strength, you barely manage to lift the young, laughing Jarl off his feet. You hurl him to the side, where he hits the ground in a roll, laughing all the way.

Leaping to his feet, he turns to you with a bead of sweat falling down his brow. "Truly magnificent."

"I have been told." You shrug, taking a drink of water offered by a thrall.

"Clearly not enough," Folkmarr says as a considering look enters his eye.
(Total Successes: 116) (Thresholds Passed? All)
He straightens up and golden orthstirr shines along his body. "Halla Longstride," Folkmarr begins, his voice that of a Jarl — imperious and commanding as he demands respect from all those who hear it — "kneel before me."

You're on the ground before you even notice it happening. He stands before you, virthing unfurling down his shoulders. It resembles a lion's pelt turned into a cloak. Gold thread dances around it, repeating the shape of lion and sword over and over again.

Invoking his Jarl's spirit, he reaches up and tears a strip away a strip of cloak. He wraps it around your shoulders — the orthstirr contained within almost bleeds into your soul — and captures your attention with his next words;

"Halla Longstride, I want you in my felag. Do you accept?"
[ ] "Yes, yes I do." (Join Folkmarr's felag and raid with them. +6 Relations with Folkmarr and +3 with his felag. +8 Orthstirr)
-[ ] (Optional) "But on one condition; my husband joins too." (Take a gamble. If Abjorn passed you'll look foolish. If he didn't, then you'll be quite the loyal wife.)
[ ] "I... Thank you for the offer, but I am not interested." (Refuse to join the Folkmarr's felag. -6 Relations with Folkmarr and -3 with his felag)

(Kenning Gained: Longstride!)

AN: I'm rather excited to see your reactions to this. No matter what you pick, you passed with utterly flying colors. Orthstirr will be awarded next update, when you set off on your raid.

No moratorium. I'd like to start the raid today.
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Summer 5/Asvir Visit 3 Final
"I accept," your words are simple, but they do the job. The smile on Folkmarr's face is blinding as he releases his grip on the strip of virthing. It immediately bonds to your own unstoked virthing and adds itself to your power.

"Rise a felagi, Halla Longstride," your Jarl says as he helps you to your feet. As you do, you get a sudden... Not quite a pressure, but just a general sense of the locations of your fellow felagi, as well as their general condition.

Twelve invisible strands of power stretch from you to the rest of the felag, connecting you all in a web of your Jarl's power. Interestingly enough, it seems that Abjorn is already connected. You smile at the big lug, who sheepishly nods back.

Looking closer at each strand, it appears that the people here are all the top contenders from the trials — save Sten, who apparently refused — and four hirdmen. Of them, the only people you recognize are Abjorn and Stigandr's brother, Stigmar — the one who fought and defeated a bunch of bandits or something, you can't quite recall.

"In two days, we'll meet back here to plan our raid," Folkmarr says to his gathered felag, hands on his hips and ambition in his eyes. "Take care of whatever business you have and say goodbye to your wives, those who have them. Myself not included in that number, of course."

'He's not married? Rather strange sight to see on someone with that level of ambition.' Blackhand does have a point there. A grown Jarl that isn't married or promised? Very odd indeed.

Well, regardless of your boss' marital status, you've gotta go pay the Seeress and then — a vulpine grin slides up your face as Abjorn sighs, shoulders slumping — you'll 'celebrate' with Abjorn. You've got two nights to try your luck and you're not planning on wasting a single moment!

(+27 Orthstirr, Drengskapr included)
(Halla's Baby Making: 6, 4, 5, 2, 1, 6) 5 Successes
(Abjorn's: 3, 1, 4, 5, 1, 2, 1, 3, 5) 3 Successes
Total: 8 Successes, not enough

Two days later, you stand on the pebble beach with the rest of the felag gathered around the small longship — a karve, the smallest kind of ship suitable for war and raiding. Leaping from the ship, Folkmarr lands on the beach with a smile on his face as pebbles crunch under his leather-wrapped boots.

"Welcome, friends and associates," he says, spreading his arms wide and welcoming, "to the mighty ship, Treadfast. Who, I am sure, will see us to our destination and back safe and sound. But speaking of destinations..."

He pauses dramatically, golden hair flowing in the wind, "it is high time that we decided on ours."

"The first," he points towards the south, "is Denmark."

"The second," he points towards the south-west, "is Lotharingia."

"And the third," he points towards the west, "is Wessex."

To which do you cast your vote?
[ ] Denmark (Norse-Danes) (Closest)
[ ] Lotharingia (Christian-Frisians/Franks/Saxons) (Middle-Distance)
[ ] Wessex (Christian-English) (Furthest)

What personal actions do you take while sailing? (Pick 3)
[ ] Recite poetry to the felag (Hugr (Wordplay))
[ ] Try to make/fix something (Write in) (Hugr+Crafting)
[ ] Get to know/spend time with the other felagi
-[ ] Folkmarr Manetaker, the Jarl in charge of the felag
-[ ] Abjorn Vidsson, your husband
-[ ] Stigmar Kersson, Stigandr's brother
-[ ] The one who is humming a tune
-[ ] The one with the luxurious hair
-[ ] The one with shaking, paranoid eyes
-[ ] The one who looks incredibly bored
-[ ] The one who keeps watching the water
-[ ] The one who tries to sleep all the time
-[ ] The one who keeps making arrows
-[ ] The one with the sack of coins and many knives
Training: You have 8d6 training dice to spend as you see fit.
[ ] (Research) Try to figure out how things work (Write in)
[ ] (Blackhand) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hamr (30 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hamr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hugr (31 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hugr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Fylgja (16 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a fylgja skill or trick (Write in)
Orthstirr Available: 98
How do you want to use your orthstirr? You can turn on passive tricks here.
[ ] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in)
Fylgja Capacity: 4/4
Do you want to withdraw or deposit anything in your fylgja?
[ ] Write in (Optional)
Equipment Management
What do you want to have equipped? Leaving this blank means that no changes are made.
[ ] Write in (Optional)

AN: And there we have it, folks, you're off on a raid!

25-minute moratorium.

I'm currently in the process of writing up an infopost regarding Raids and Felags, so hold tight there.
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