If you run out of food, then you have the rest of the season to scrounge it up (running out of food on Turn 3 of Winter does not apply) or else you die. Every turn without food will cause you to take increasing hits to your hamr (nothing truly permanent, just loss of progress).

Starving, believe it or not, is bad.

In times of famine, death is common.

We probably need to test how big a piece of meat our little stick can preserve. If it can do a whole dead cow (or animal of similar size), that's a lot of extra food storage, and making more of them becomes enticing.
We probably need to test how big a piece of meat our little stick can preserve. If it can do a whole dead cow (or animal of similar size), that's a lot of extra food storage, and making more of them becomes enticing.
It preserves the entire piece of meat you stick it into. If that piece of meat is a cow, then it's preserved. The Meat-Stick doesn't have quality ranks.
The runes on the meat-stick read;

"Let those who taste its bite stay fresher than morning dew"

I mean.

I have to ask, what specifically are we trying to answer with these? Are we trying to determine what the actual riddle is?

That's kind of the issue I've been having with all of these. I hope we're pretty close to cracking the Fire Rune though.
The runes on the meat-stick read;

"Let those who taste its bite stay fresher than morning dew"

Mmmm. Probably does need to be something we stab into the meat then (since the thing needs to 'feel its bite'), but could pretty readily be put on, like, meat hooks.

Like "Anything stabbed with this stays completely fresh" seems like the translation to me.

It's bite in the rune probably means freezing like winters bite

I think it means the stabbing. We do need to stab things with it to make it work.
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So wouldn't work on a warehouse, but we could maybe make duplicates.

Yeah, I think so. Or metal skewers or meat hooks or something if we wanted an item more likely to last. A spit with multiple animals on it would also be possible for smaller stuff, I think.

It should also work on, like, fruits and vegetables, but they tend to be smaller so we'd need a lot more runed sticks (one to stab into each). Grain and liquids can't be stabbed so they wouldn't work on those...though they should work on bread or other pastries. Or cheese.
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Summer 5/Turn 2
[X] Plan Therapy For Stigandr
-[X] (Personal) Spend time with...(Write in)
--[X] Sten
--[X] Ask if he's available to train us starting when we return from raiding
--[X] Stigandr
--[X] Get him to come on our visit to Asvir so we can hopefully get the Seeress to help him
--[X] We are also bringing Abjorn along on this, so as not to give the wrong impression and because all three are friends
-[X] (Visit) Go visit...
--[X] Asvir!
--[X] Go see the seeress about several things, go shopping for an extra backup weapon or maybe a helmet or farm tools, raid trials
--[X] Try and get Stigandr to come with us to town so we can have the seeress take a look at him in person if possible.
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Ember-Winged Cloak 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train Firebomb-Strike 4d6 (2d6)
-[X] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Sidestep 1d6
--[X] Train Magnify-Sight Trick 1d6
--[X] Train 'Household' Housecraft Skill-Trick 1d6
--[X] Train Reinforce Shield 6d6
-[X] (Training) Hamr (30 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Farmwork 2d6
--[X] Train Labor 2d6
--[X] Train Overland 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (31 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Management 1d6
--[X] Train Weaponcraft 1d6
-[X] Management
--[X] Build A House 13d6 (+4 successes Tools)
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 5 Hamr
---[X] 4 Chop, 4 Defend, 4 Dodge, 4 Glima, Bash 3, Pierce 3, Throw 3, 1/2 Labor, 2/3 Overland (28/30 total, depending on if Labor and Overland go up)
--[X] 6 Hugr
---[X] 3 Composure, 3 Scouting, 3 Silver-Tongue, 3 Strategy, 3 Tactics, 4 Wordplay, 3 Wildcraft (22 total)
--[X] 4 Fylgja
--[X] 1 First Impression
--[X] 5/3 free for tricks (depending on if Labor and Overland go up)
-[X] (Fylgja Capacity)
--[X] Replace Decent Tools with Fine Tools

"Is this right?" You ask the voice in your head, who hems and haws.

'Almost, you're right on the 'Made Easily Accessible' front, though I wouldn't word it that way,' Blackhand says after a few moments.

"Alright, what about the meat-keeping stick?"

'You've cracked its meaning; 'Anything you stab with this stays completely fresh'. Good job.'

(Meat-Keeping Stick added to Decoded Runes)
(Hamr Trick Training #1: 5) 2 Successes. (Hamr Trick Training #2: 5) 2 Successes. (Hamr Trick Training #3: 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 5) I'm sorry, what am I looking at here? A Max Success?! Successes Doubled! 24 Successes! (Household Skill-Trick: 6) 2 Successes
With the way your orthstirr is acting while you practice your Reinforce-Shield, you'd almost think you were running out of time!

Running out of time for what, though? That's the question of the hour.

(+2 to Sidestep)
(+2 to Magnify-Sight)
(+24 to Reinforce-Shield!)
(+2 to Household Skill-Trick)
(Hugareida Trick Training #1: 2, 1)-2+1=1 Failure. (Hugareida Trick Training #2: 5, 6, 6, 3)7+1=8 Successes
Refining Firebomb-Strike took the better half of an afternoon, but it came quick and easy once you got into the groove of training.

Ember-Winged Cloak, however... Well, it's going to take more than an afternoon to get it down, that's for sure.

(Firebomb-Strike is now Refined!)
(Farm Training: 2, 6) 1 Success. (Labor Training: 1, 4) Neutral Outcome, 1 Success. (Overland Training: 4) 1 Success
Farm, Labor, and Overland all progress at equal speeds, though you've certainly gotten better at running around!

(Farm Acquired!)
(Labor Acquired!)
(Overland Rank Up!)
(Management Training: 4) 1 Success. (Weaponcraft Training: 5) 2 Successes
Well, it'll be difficult to make anything without a forge of your own... Though you can certainly still practice hammering!
(+1 to Management)
(Weaponcraft Rank Up!)
(Build (House): 5, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 5, 1, 3, 4, 2, 6)6+4(Tools)=10 Successes!
You tackle Abjorn into your bed-closet as you sigh, happy that your home is finally done.

You even managed to start work on the next level!

Now, to break this house in...

'Oh not this again!'

(Basic House Built!)
(+4 to Decent House!)
Animal Rolls:
(Decent Bull #1: 1, 4) Neutral Outcome, 1 Success.
-Impregnated 1 Heifer,(Sex: 5)(Quality: 2 Successes)Basic Male Calf will be born at the end of the year.

(I don't think this needs flavor text)
Childmaking Rolls:
(Halla's Hamr: 6, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2) 8 Successes, good lord
(Abjorn's Hamr: 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 3, 3) 1 Success, Abjorn is doing his damndest to buy you time, holy shit.

Any overflow on mastering Reinforce-Shield will be put towards learning Reinforce, in honor of my man's effort. Any overflow on learning Reinforce will be divided by 2 and then given to you as Hamingja (minimum of 1).
Sten (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 5, 4, 2, 5, 6, 6, 1, 6, 1, 6) 10 Successes
You encounter Sten at Steinarr's farm as he's filling a sack with supplies of varied purpose. Shining chain covers his body as he glances up, helmet on the ground next to him.

"What's with the armor?" You ask as you approach, Abjorn a few steps behind.

"Heading to Asvir, to participate in the Raid Trials," Sten says as he stands up, stretching his back with a litany of pops. "I am twenty-two, after all."

You blink, eyebrows rising high. Sometimes the fact that he's only six years your senior slips your mind. With the way he acts, you'd think he was ancient!

"What a coincidence!" You exclaim, smiling with hands on hips, "so were we!"

He snorts, "Let's hope we don't have to compete against each other, I'd hate to have to ruin my little sister's year."

You roll your eyes, scoffing at the mere suggestion. "As if it'd be my year that was ruined."

'That's the spirit!'

Sten smiles and draws you into a hug, which you return happily. "I've missed you around the farm, you know? It's not the same without you causing chaos."

"I'm only two minutes away, Sten." You draw away from the embrace. "You can come visit anytime you want."

"I'll be sure to do that," he says before glancing towards Abjorn, who stands awkwardly off to the side. "How's married life treating the two of you?"

You grin, Abjorn suddenly looking very tired. "Pretty good, how about you?"

The longhouse door swings open and out marches Drifa, Sterki following as close as his little legs can take him. She's got a ladle in hand seems to be wielding it like a sword as she happily throws herself at imaginary enemies.

Sten watches the laughing children as Minna stands in the doorway, her son, Draupnir, on one hip and your newest brother, Steinkell, on the other. Minna had recovered near instantly from her pregnancy but Asveig...

She's still alive, fortunately, but Steinkell will be her last child. Another one will kill her.

"As well as it always is," is Sten's answer, the mood falling at the thought of your mother. "So is there any reason you came by or was it just to say hi?"

"Well," you rock on your feet, not at all jealous of the fact that you're not even expecting yet, "I did actually have a request."

"Name it," he speaks quickly and with no hesitation.

"I know that you'r- Wait, really?" You blink as you take an involuntary step back.

"You are my sister, I trust you to make reasonable requests of me." He shrugs and that's all there is to it.

"I... You're a good brother, Sten."

"I have been told." After getting used to you and the rest of the family, Sten's finally started opening up a little, as has Minna and even Drifa. "Now, your request?"

"Well, I was wondering if I could, one, use your forge until mine is set up and, two, if you could, um, teach me?" You rock on your heels harder, nerves starting to get the best of you. You're not sure why you feel so anxious about this simple of a request, but you do.

"Is that all?" He asks, scoffing. "I can't — won't — teach you steel, but I'll show you the workings of iron."

You smile and pull your eldest brother into an eldest-level hug.

"Hiya!" Sterki shouts as he spots you, a large smile on his face as he trundles towards you as fast as his little legs will carry him.

(Sten's Teachings added! +1 Successes when training crafting!)
Stigandr (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 6, 5, 5, 4, 2, 1, 4, 6, 3, 5) 11+1(Abjorn)=12 Successes
"So, you got married." From the bushes steps Stigandr, eyes hollow and bow in hand — an arrow half-drawn. The bow lazily points your way, but lacks any malicious intent. He simply just doesn't care anymore. "Good for you."

"W-what's with the bow, Stig... andr?" You stumble over your words as his nickname almost slipping from your lips.

"These woods are full of monsters."

You and Abjorn share a glance. He's not wrong, per se, but...

You swallow the lump in your throat and decide to just go for it. "Do you want to come to Asvir with us?"

"Okay." He places his bow on his back and falls in line.

Asvir Visit
In the center of Asvir is a large gathering of cheering and jeering people. You don't need to guess at the reason why — after all, it's the Raid Trials.

What do you wish to do?
[ ] Go shopping! (Hugr (Silver-Tongue))
-[ ] Write in what you're shopping for
[ ] Visit the Seeress
[ ] Time to try out at the Raid Trials (Recommend that you do this last, as it'll be nightfall by the time it is done)


AN: Some absolutely crazy rolls today, wowee.

edit: fixed missing spoilers, my bad

25-minute moratorium. Don't expect a second update today.
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Found this passage in an article:

That seems like it could be "low tide's gift", but it doesn't have an obvious connection to the charm. Maybe [Explosion] is [Made Easily Accessible]?
Loading and unloading could work since they are actions like the QM said low tide was and loading could refer to putting the explosion into the container to be delivered to its desitationa and 'unloaded'
So could Black man's end be referring to the death of halfdan the black? He drowned by falling through ice, but many different kingdoms wanted to claim his body so it was divided among about half a dozen different burial mounds.

So in this context "meeting Black man's end" could mean getting divided or broken up.

"When pottery is broken, explosions are made easily accessible"?
Holy hell, that's a lot of progress on Reinforce-Shield.

So could Black man's end be referring to the death of halfdan the black? He drowned by falling through ice, but many different kingdoms wanted to claim his body so it was divided among about half a dozen different burial mounds.

So in this context "meeting Black man's end" could mean getting divided or broken up.

"When pottery is broken, explosions are made easily accessible"?

That sounds right to me!
Well. That went amazingly on the Reinforce Shield roll. +24 successes is...certainly a thing that occurred. The rest of the training wasn't too shabby either. With rolls every turn for kids, though, we definitely still want to go whole hog on completing it. And the preservation-stick rune got figured out, which is great.

I think we head to the seeress first, then the raid trials, then shopping.

[X] Visit the Seeress

We still do not have much money at hand, so no point in shopping.

We do need to buy about 4 silver worth of Bog Iron for crafting projects, so we want to go eventually. Our spare tools and silver arm ring also mean we have a little more money than it looks like, though we don't want to sell the latter if we can possibly avoid it (selling the tools is fine).
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Loading and unloading could work since they are actions like the QM said low tide was and loading could refer to putting the explosion into the container to be delivered to its desitationa and 'unloaded'

So could Black man's end be referring to the death of halfdan the black? He drowned by falling through ice, but many different kingdoms wanted to claim his body so it was divided among about half a dozen different burial mounds.

So in this context "meeting Black man's end" could mean getting divided or broken up.

"When pottery is broken, explosions are made easily accessible"?
Or using Slickji's version, "unloaded". The explosion is 'unloaded' when the pottery is split? That seems right.
'Almost, you're right on the 'Made Easily Accessible' front, though I wouldn't word it that way,' Blackhand says after a few moments.
[Explosion] is [revealed]?
[Explosion] is [freed]?
As in, when we make it we put the explosion in and when we use it the explosion comes out?
Well, it'll be difficult to make anything without a forge of your own... Though you can certainly still practice hammering!
Looking at the rolls it is Abjorn who should practice hammering.
(Halla's Hamr: 6, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2) 8 Successes, good lord
(Abjorn's Hamr: 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 3, 3) 1 Success, Abjorn is doing his damndest to buy you time, holy shit.
And the gods keep the wilted-carrot-curse up.

[X] Visit the Seeress
It's funny though, the meat-keeping stick seemed kind of useless at first for such a decent roll on Bird Gacha, but it's turned out to be massively more useful to us than even the Bomb Shards.

With that knowledge, we can actually build an icebox on our property. Just set it up that we make hooks that we hang big slabs of meat on and it'll last more-or-less indefinitely.
Childmaking Rolls:
(Halla's Hamr: 6, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2) 8 Successes, good lord
(Abjorn's Hamr: 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 3, 3) 1 Success, Abjorn is doing his damndest to buy you time, holy shit.

Question: what's Abjorn's TN here to count a success, or does he have abilities that modify this? If rolling a 4 is enough to get the job done, we might be getting our ticket punched here.