Summer 5/Raid 1/Attacking the Manor 3
I.F. Ister
Fortifying The Thread
- Pronouns
- He/They
[X] Plan Breaking Charges And Slaying Falcons
-[X] Stoke Virthing (+42 Orthstirr)
-[X] 14d6 Attack (all tricks)
-[X] 1d6 Defense
-[X] 22d6 Intercept (all tricks)
-[X] As soon as the falcon is trapped or, if it escape the trap, when it comes in range, make two 7d6 (8d6 w/Hugareida) Firebomb Strike Attacks (-4 Orthstirr each) to try and finish it off. If it dies or flees, we have one left, and the opportunity is there we'll throw it at the squire putting in an extra 3 Orthstirr (-3 Orthstirr...7 total on the attack).
-[X] Prepare two Inertia-Arresting-Throws (-6 Orthstirr each) one at 10d6 (12d6 w/Hugareida) and the other at 12d6 (14d6 w/Hugareida, 19d6 with our +5d6 Muna, which we spend here) to use under the following circumstances: If the falcon attacks, especially going for our fylgja before it leaves, try and snare it in the 12d6 one. When the Squire and Horse charge, toss the 19d6 one at the horse's knees, hopefully bringing the charge to a stop (ideally in catastrophic fashion). We do these before any relevant Halting Vortex uses but will still use Halting Vortex if they don't work.
-[X] In response to any Trick Attack directly targeting us use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr)...if an attack somehow gets through that or we have IAT up and running attempt to Sidestep (-4 Orthstirr) if possible. If our fylgja is attacked and the IAT for the falcon doesn't work withdraw it and use Halting Vortex no matter what (-4 Orthstirr). If we can also shield Abjorn on top of us and our Fylgja (or the Fylgja has fled) and IAT is not currently active use Halting Vortex to defend him as well if it looks like his own defenses have failed (-4 Orthstirr).
-[X] Tactics – First, have our fylgja give Abjorn a new shield while we defend it, then have it leave the material world. While doing that, tell everyone about needing to pour on more orthstirr to get through the armor. If the falcon attacks or the Squire charges during this, use our planned IAT options. Other than that, wait for the opportunity to use those (the squire charging and the falcon attacking both seem near certain) and target the falcon. If we have to choose between the falcon and the squire with IAT due to timing, we prioritize the squire (using Sidestep against the falcon) as long as our fylgja is gone by then (we will not use IAT on the squire until the fylgja is gone) and hit the falcon with IAT whenever the squire is no longer under it. If the falcon gets trapped, try and get the others to also attack it at the same time as us before it gets away, assuming they can. If the horse gets trapped, suggest people surround them.
-[X] Stoke Virthing (+42 Orthstirr)
-[X] 14d6 Attack (all tricks)
-[X] 1d6 Defense
-[X] 22d6 Intercept (all tricks)
-[X] As soon as the falcon is trapped or, if it escape the trap, when it comes in range, make two 7d6 (8d6 w/Hugareida) Firebomb Strike Attacks (-4 Orthstirr each) to try and finish it off. If it dies or flees, we have one left, and the opportunity is there we'll throw it at the squire putting in an extra 3 Orthstirr (-3 Orthstirr...7 total on the attack).
-[X] Prepare two Inertia-Arresting-Throws (-6 Orthstirr each) one at 10d6 (12d6 w/Hugareida) and the other at 12d6 (14d6 w/Hugareida, 19d6 with our +5d6 Muna, which we spend here) to use under the following circumstances: If the falcon attacks, especially going for our fylgja before it leaves, try and snare it in the 12d6 one. When the Squire and Horse charge, toss the 19d6 one at the horse's knees, hopefully bringing the charge to a stop (ideally in catastrophic fashion). We do these before any relevant Halting Vortex uses but will still use Halting Vortex if they don't work.
-[X] In response to any Trick Attack directly targeting us use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr)...if an attack somehow gets through that or we have IAT up and running attempt to Sidestep (-4 Orthstirr) if possible. If our fylgja is attacked and the IAT for the falcon doesn't work withdraw it and use Halting Vortex no matter what (-4 Orthstirr). If we can also shield Abjorn on top of us and our Fylgja (or the Fylgja has fled) and IAT is not currently active use Halting Vortex to defend him as well if it looks like his own defenses have failed (-4 Orthstirr).
-[X] Tactics – First, have our fylgja give Abjorn a new shield while we defend it, then have it leave the material world. While doing that, tell everyone about needing to pour on more orthstirr to get through the armor. If the falcon attacks or the Squire charges during this, use our planned IAT options. Other than that, wait for the opportunity to use those (the squire charging and the falcon attacking both seem near certain) and target the falcon. If we have to choose between the falcon and the squire with IAT due to timing, we prioritize the squire (using Sidestep against the falcon) as long as our fylgja is gone by then (we will not use IAT on the squire until the fylgja is gone) and hit the falcon with IAT whenever the squire is no longer under it. If the falcon gets trapped, try and get the others to also attack it at the same time as us before it gets away, assuming they can. If the horse gets trapped, suggest people surround them.
In the heartbeats that pass before combat begins in earnest, you take a deep breath and ask Odin, Thor, and Tyr for strength.
Opening your eyes, you're treated to the calm before the storm.
"Abjorn, shield!" You shout, starting to call forth your fylgja just as Audrikr beats you to the punch.
"I've got him, sister!" He tosses Abjorn his own shield before taking his spear in both hands — a powerful counter to a charging mount.
Abjorn snatches the blue-painted shield from the air just as the shield wall breaks and scatters. The Squire tucks his lance under his arm as he launches into a charge at Fabvir as he darts away from the felag.
Warm steam blows from the evil-eyed horse's nose as he bears down on the golden-haired felagi. His rider's lance aims square at the young man — Fabvir's glorious muscles providing ample target for attack.
Just before the Squire thunders down upon him, Fabvir twists and digs his feet into the ground as glorious golden orthstirr flows around his head. Antlers of power sprout from his scalp and form into a wall of spear-like prongs.
(Charge Attack: 51 vs Trick Defense: 27, Attacker Wins! 4 Endurance Damage Dealt)
For a moment, you think that he's done it. That Fabvir's scared away the charging warhorse. With Standstill in hand, that would've been your moment!
That hope is dashed the instant the horse crashes through the wall. A sharp crack rings through the air as the trick is reduced to shiny, golden splinters and the horse carries on through like nothing happened. The rider lunges forth and iron meets flesh and finds it lacking.
Fabvir refused to wear armor or bear a shield and, as he flies through the air with a gaping hole in his chest trailing blood behind him, you can't help but deem him stupid.
He hits the ground in a heavy, tumbling thump. For a moment, he lies still and you think him dead until his groans reach your ears and he staggers to his feet.
He's hurt, badly, but he's still alive.
Setting your jaw, you watch as the Squire thunders around in a large semi-circle. His eyes dart around the battlefield, sending shivers down your spine as he picks his next target.
The felag wasn't idle as the Squire lanced Fabvir through the chest — far from it!
Audrikr races forward, feet pounding a blur against the grass as Abjorn and you follow several steps behind. Stigmar simply isn't fast enough to keep up and steadily lags behind as he huffs and puffs.
Audrikr slides against the wet grass, driving his feet deep into the dirt as he braces his spear against the ground just as the Squire levels his lance at the older man.
The Squire bearing down on him with the horse's armored mass carrying him forward, Audrikr lets his orthstirr sing. His power snaps out, coating the winged spear in gray might as the Squire charges forth with relentless force.
(Charge Attack: 54 vs Trick Defense: 60, Defender Wins! 7 Armor Damage Dealt! Armor Pierced!)
Relentless force that swiftly bites him in the ass as the spear punches through the horse's armor. The horse grits his teeth and moves to escape, but not before you leap in with Standstill trailing in your grip.
He eyes your approach and words falls from his horsey lips as you hurl the muna-enhanced trick with all your might.
(Trick Attack: 59 vs Prayer Defense: 57, Attacker Wins!)
Unfortunately for him, he's not fast enough on the draw.
Invisible cloth wraps around his legs, locking them in place and leaving him vulnerable and wide-open for Abjorn to make his move.
The Squire, of course, won't let that happen so easily. A panicked prayer springs from his helmet-hidden lips and Fervor coats the lance as he aims to impale your husband on its length.
(Prayer Attack: 99 vs Defense: Declined, Shield Destroyed!)
Unfortunately for that last ditch effort, your husband has a shield which he calmly chooses to sacrifice — much to Audrikr's nodding approval.
Wooden splinters flying, Abjorn takes a step forward and raises his sword high in the sky. The steel shines in the sun, glaring its brilliance at all those foolish enough to gaze upon its glory.
Rust-red orthstirr coats its length as its length is Honed to a fine point. More power follows, forming a trick most familiar to you — a Power-Chop Trick. With strength unmatched behind his arm, he brings his sword down with all his might.
(Trick Attack: 28 vs Pinned Defense: Autofail, Attacker Wins! 3 Focus Damage Dealt! Focus Broken! 5 Endurance Damage Dealt!)
And cuts the horse's fucking head off.
It sails through the air to the sound of an anguished scream — a scream coming from the Squire.
The Squire sobs, shaking with rage as his horse falls beneath him. He leaps from the stirrups and lands with heavy, armored grace. Sword leaping from its scabbard, he levels the fine blade at your husband.
Something tells you that he's going to be gunning extremely hard for Abjorn.
(Premature Round End: Horse Died)
(Hugr (Tactics): 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 5, 6, 1, 6) 9 Successes
The ground is littered with blood and the body of the horse dominates the scene. The Squire stands off to the side and seems to have forgone his lance in favor of his sword. He seems like he's better with the sword than the lance.
The Squire is completely undamaged and is at full power... somehow. He's extremely angry and tears fall from the underside of the helmet. He can't be very old... definitely not old enough to go on a raid, if he were Norse.
Fabvir is heavily injured and really shouldn't be up and about, but here he is anyways. The rest of the felag is doing much better. Audrikr only just tapped his frami — a glittering sheen of blue-gray, watery waves. Stigmar's fresh. Abjorn has his frami active
The Squire is going to be trying his level best to kill your husband while defending against any attacks. Audrikr is going to try and get between the Squire and Abjorn while Stigmar will keep guarding you as best he can.
Fabvir is staggering towards the fight... but the Falcon is eying him with murderous intent.
You have 5/5 Endurance | 8/8 Armor | N/A Shield | 4/4 Reinforce Layers
You have 113/127 orthstirr in reserve, your Frami (43) and your Virthing (42) are tapped, your Saemd (42) is untapped.
Sagaseeker has 8 orthstirr in its reservoir
You can put 0 more points of orthstirr into your Combat Pool.
You have 37d6 in your Combat Pool
What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in
AN: Oh my god this was so much fun to write.
25-minute moratorium.