Summer 5/Raid 1/Attacking the Manor 3
[X] Plan Breaking Charges And Slaying Falcons
-[X] Stoke Virthing (+42 Orthstirr)
-[X] 14d6 Attack (all tricks)
-[X] 1d6 Defense
-[X] 22d6 Intercept (all tricks)
-[X] As soon as the falcon is trapped or, if it escape the trap, when it comes in range, make two 7d6 (8d6 w/Hugareida) Firebomb Strike Attacks (-4 Orthstirr each) to try and finish it off. If it dies or flees, we have one left, and the opportunity is there we'll throw it at the squire putting in an extra 3 Orthstirr (-3 Orthstirr...7 total on the attack).
-[X] Prepare two Inertia-Arresting-Throws (-6 Orthstirr each) one at 10d6 (12d6 w/Hugareida) and the other at 12d6 (14d6 w/Hugareida, 19d6 with our +5d6 Muna, which we spend here) to use under the following circumstances: If the falcon attacks, especially going for our fylgja before it leaves, try and snare it in the 12d6 one. When the Squire and Horse charge, toss the 19d6 one at the horse's knees, hopefully bringing the charge to a stop (ideally in catastrophic fashion). We do these before any relevant Halting Vortex uses but will still use Halting Vortex if they don't work.
-[X] In response to any Trick Attack directly targeting us use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr)...if an attack somehow gets through that or we have IAT up and running attempt to Sidestep (-4 Orthstirr) if possible. If our fylgja is attacked and the IAT for the falcon doesn't work withdraw it and use Halting Vortex no matter what (-4 Orthstirr). If we can also shield Abjorn on top of us and our Fylgja (or the Fylgja has fled) and IAT is not currently active use Halting Vortex to defend him as well if it looks like his own defenses have failed (-4 Orthstirr).
-[X] Tactics – First, have our fylgja give Abjorn a new shield while we defend it, then have it leave the material world. While doing that, tell everyone about needing to pour on more orthstirr to get through the armor. If the falcon attacks or the Squire charges during this, use our planned IAT options. Other than that, wait for the opportunity to use those (the squire charging and the falcon attacking both seem near certain) and target the falcon. If we have to choose between the falcon and the squire with IAT due to timing, we prioritize the squire (using Sidestep against the falcon) as long as our fylgja is gone by then (we will not use IAT on the squire until the fylgja is gone) and hit the falcon with IAT whenever the squire is no longer under it. If the falcon gets trapped, try and get the others to also attack it at the same time as us before it gets away, assuming they can. If the horse gets trapped, suggest people surround them.

In the heartbeats that pass before combat begins in earnest, you take a deep breath and ask Odin, Thor, and Tyr for strength.

Opening your eyes, you're treated to the calm before the storm.

"Abjorn, shield!" You shout, starting to call forth your fylgja just as Audrikr beats you to the punch.

"I've got him, sister!" He tosses Abjorn his own shield before taking his spear in both hands — a powerful counter to a charging mount.

Abjorn snatches the blue-painted shield from the air just as the shield wall breaks and scatters. The Squire tucks his lance under his arm as he launches into a charge at Fabvir as he darts away from the felag.

Warm steam blows from the evil-eyed horse's nose as he bears down on the golden-haired felagi. His rider's lance aims square at the young man — Fabvir's glorious muscles providing ample target for attack.

Just before the Squire thunders down upon him, Fabvir twists and digs his feet into the ground as glorious golden orthstirr flows around his head. Antlers of power sprout from his scalp and form into a wall of spear-like prongs.
(Charge Attack: 51 vs Trick Defense: 27, Attacker Wins! 4 Endurance Damage Dealt)
For a moment, you think that he's done it. That Fabvir's scared away the charging warhorse. With Standstill in hand, that would've been your moment!

That hope is dashed the instant the horse crashes through the wall. A sharp crack rings through the air as the trick is reduced to shiny, golden splinters and the horse carries on through like nothing happened. The rider lunges forth and iron meets flesh and finds it lacking.

Fabvir refused to wear armor or bear a shield and, as he flies through the air with a gaping hole in his chest trailing blood behind him, you can't help but deem him stupid.

He hits the ground in a heavy, tumbling thump. For a moment, he lies still and you think him dead until his groans reach your ears and he staggers to his feet.

He's hurt, badly, but he's still alive.

Setting your jaw, you watch as the Squire thunders around in a large semi-circle. His eyes dart around the battlefield, sending shivers down your spine as he picks his next target.

The felag wasn't idle as the Squire lanced Fabvir through the chest — far from it!

Audrikr races forward, feet pounding a blur against the grass as Abjorn and you follow several steps behind. Stigmar simply isn't fast enough to keep up and steadily lags behind as he huffs and puffs.

Audrikr slides against the wet grass, driving his feet deep into the dirt as he braces his spear against the ground just as the Squire levels his lance at the older man.

The Squire bearing down on him with the horse's armored mass carrying him forward, Audrikr lets his orthstirr sing. His power snaps out, coating the winged spear in gray might as the Squire charges forth with relentless force.
(Charge Attack: 54 vs Trick Defense: 60, Defender Wins! 7 Armor Damage Dealt! Armor Pierced!)
Relentless force that swiftly bites him in the ass as the spear punches through the horse's armor. The horse grits his teeth and moves to escape, but not before you leap in with Standstill trailing in your grip.

He eyes your approach and words falls from his horsey lips as you hurl the muna-enhanced trick with all your might.
(Trick Attack: 59 vs Prayer Defense: 57, Attacker Wins!)
Unfortunately for him, he's not fast enough on the draw.

Invisible cloth wraps around his legs, locking them in place and leaving him vulnerable and wide-open for Abjorn to make his move.

The Squire, of course, won't let that happen so easily. A panicked prayer springs from his helmet-hidden lips and Fervor coats the lance as he aims to impale your husband on its length.
(Prayer Attack: 99 vs Defense: Declined, Shield Destroyed!)
Unfortunately for that last ditch effort, your husband has a shield which he calmly chooses to sacrifice — much to Audrikr's nodding approval.

Wooden splinters flying, Abjorn takes a step forward and raises his sword high in the sky. The steel shines in the sun, glaring its brilliance at all those foolish enough to gaze upon its glory.

Rust-red orthstirr coats its length as its length is Honed to a fine point. More power follows, forming a trick most familiar to you — a Power-Chop Trick. With strength unmatched behind his arm, he brings his sword down with all his might.
(Trick Attack: 28 vs Pinned Defense: Autofail, Attacker Wins! 3 Focus Damage Dealt! Focus Broken! 5 Endurance Damage Dealt!)
And cuts the horse's fucking head off.

It sails through the air to the sound of an anguished scream — a scream coming from the Squire.

The Squire sobs, shaking with rage as his horse falls beneath him. He leaps from the stirrups and lands with heavy, armored grace. Sword leaping from its scabbard, he levels the fine blade at your husband.

Something tells you that he's going to be gunning extremely hard for Abjorn.

(Premature Round End: Horse Died)
(Hugr (Tactics): 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 5, 6, 1, 6) 9 Successes

The ground is littered with blood and the body of the horse dominates the scene. The Squire stands off to the side and seems to have forgone his lance in favor of his sword. He seems like he's better with the sword than the lance.

The Squire is completely undamaged and is at full power... somehow. He's extremely angry and tears fall from the underside of the helmet. He can't be very old... definitely not old enough to go on a raid, if he were Norse.

Fabvir is heavily injured and really shouldn't be up and about, but here he is anyways. The rest of the felag is doing much better. Audrikr only just tapped his frami — a glittering sheen of blue-gray, watery waves. Stigmar's fresh. Abjorn has his frami active

The Squire is going to be trying his level best to kill your husband while defending against any attacks. Audrikr is going to try and get between the Squire and Abjorn while Stigmar will keep guarding you as best he can.

Fabvir is staggering towards the fight... but the Falcon is eying him with murderous intent.

You have 5/5 Endurance | 8/8 Armor | N/A Shield | 4/4 Reinforce Layers
You have 113/127 orthstirr in reserve, your Frami (43) and your Virthing (42) are tapped, your Saemd (42) is untapped.
Sagaseeker has 8 orthstirr in its reservoir
You can put 0 more points of orthstirr into your Combat Pool.
You have 37d6 in your Combat Pool

What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in


AN: Oh my god this was so much fun to write.

25-minute moratorium.
Summer 5/Raid 1/Attacking the Manor 4
[X] Plan Stand By Your Man
-[X] 27d6 Attack (all tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Defense
-[X] 10d6 Intercept (all tricks)
-[X] Launch a 15d6 Honed x6 Leaping Cleave Attack (-9 orthstirr) on the squire followed up by three 12d6 Honed x6 Power Chop attacks at him as well (-7 Orthstirr each).
-[X] Prepare a 16d6 Honed x6 Reinforced Intercept (-7 Orthstirr) to protect Abjorn if Halting Vortex fails or is unavilable, or Audrikr if the attack looks lethal
-[X] In response to any Trick Attack directly targeting us or Abjorn use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr)...if an attack somehow gets through that attempt to Sidestep (-4 Orthstirr) if possible.
-[X] Tactics – Tell Stigmar to go help Fabvir with the falcon, while moving to back up Abjorn in melee with the squire.

"Stigmar, the falcon!"

Your huskarl stares at you, torn between keeping you safe and following your orders. That single moment of hesitation is all it takes for the Falcon to make its move.

It throws itself into a dive — wings tucked to its chest and murder in its eyes. Fabvir musters up his golden orthstirr and coats his blade in its might but it's feeble, barely there and as light as a fallen feather. It won't hold up to any real assault, not with that little strength behind it.

Stigmar's teeth grind together as he makes up his mind.

Springing into motion, he races across the field of battle — leaving dirt-walled divots in his wake. He's probably the slowest felagi, he's not gonna make it in time!
(Prayer Attack: 34 vs Trick Defense: 28, Attacker Wins! 2 Endurance Damage Dealt!)
Stigmar skids to a halt as the Falcon laughs as blood trails behind it from the meaty mass it clutches between talons — the remains of Fabvir's neck.

Fabvir falls down with a heavy thump, his face flat against the grass as blood pools around him. His orthstirr hasn't left his body, yet, so he's still alive. ...for a given definition of the word, anyways, but he's definitely incapacitated for the rest of the fight and perhaps for the rest of his life, for that matter.

After all, he's missing his damn neck! That's not exactly something you can slap a Stabilizing Palm on and fix, you know!

Regardless, the Squire takes a step and — as the Christians say — all Hel breaks loose.

Water drips from his blade and forms little pools in the grass. Audrikr leaps up, helmet glinting in the sun as he lands between the Squire and Abjorn. Bracing his spear against the ground, he glares as the Squire flows into a waterlogged lunge.
(Prayer Attack: 56 vs Trick Defense: 38, Attacker Wins! 3 Armor Damage Dealt!)
Mere moments before the spear would've met armor, the Squire slips into an armor-laden slide. The muddy ground helps him along, smoothing the passage of his body as his armored foot drives against Audrikr's ankle.

A terrible, straining cry of pain rips from Audrikr as his ankle snaps with a sickening crunch. He falls, just as the Squire rises with sword in hand. Swinging up, he carves through Audrikr's gambeson and bats him aside with great force.

Audrikr hits the grass with a rolling crunch — leaving nothing between him and your husband.

Nothing except you, of course.
(Trick Attack: 53 vs Defense: 44, Attacker Wins! 5 Armor Damage Dealt!)
You fall through the air, orthstirr streaming off you like water off a cliff. A bloodlust-filled purr rumbles through the air — from you or Sagaseeker, maybe even both.

Sagaseeker held high above your head, you twist and shift as you fly and bring it down with the thunder of the Gods backing it.

The Squire stumbles back as if struck by Thor himself. Small cracks spread through the armor as small pieces break free and fall away in the wind.

With Avow in both hands, Abjorn doesn't waste the opportunity you gave him. Red orthstirr flows as he brings his sword down on the Squire's armored head.
(Trick Attack: 29 vs Defense: 42, Defender Wins!)
Only for steel to meet crossguard as the Squire steadies himself. Shoving Abjorn back, he raises an armored foot as Fervor springs from within.
(Prayer Attack: 55 vs Trick Defense: 33, Attacker Wins! 2 Endurance Damage Dealt!)
Thinking quickly, Abjorn drives his hand into the ground and takes ahold of the dirt. With the power of his muscles alone, he drags a wall of earth up from the ground just as the kick flies free.

Squire meets earth and finds it lacking.

Dirt explodes as Abjorn is sent flying. Avow spins from his hand and lands point down in the ground as he sails through the air.

The bastard just kicked your husband! You snarl and feel his eyes snap to you as you throw yourself at him.
(Trick Attack: 34 vs Defense: 54, Defender wins!)
He spins away from Sagaseeker's path as he brings his word to bear on your exposed back. But before he can strike, Stigmar's already there with gritted teeth and burning eyes.

Forgoing sword or shield, Stigmar stomps the ground and simply decides to tackle the bastard.
(Trick Attack: 18 vs Defense: 49, Defender wins!)
The Squire ducks and Stigmar goes sailing over his head as he turns to meet Sagaseeker's rising form. The Squire's starting to tire, he can't keep this level of defense up forever!
(Trick Attack: 51 vs Defense: 49, Attacker Wins! 2 Armor Damage Dealt! Armor Penetrated! 1 Focus Damage Dealt!)
Sagaseeker tears through already weakened armor plating as sends the Squire stumbling back — just as Audrikr's ankle finished healing.

Winged spear in hand, he aims the shining spearhead square at the back of the Squire's head.
(Trick Attack: 46 vs Defense: 47, Defender Wins!)
Only for him to slip ever-so-slightly on the mud and miss his target by a hairsbreadth. Sparks fly as iron grates against iron and the Squire twists, batting the older man away.

The Squire throws a hand up in the air, palm facing the sky and fingers spread wide. Golden light pours from his hand as he growls out some kind of prayer.

Before any of you can do anything, he slams his fist against the ground and throws everyone back.

You land on your back about twice Abjorn's height away from the Squire, but swiftly kick back up to your feet with Sagaseeker in hand. It didn't hurt or anything, but it did damage the flow of combat enough that the Squire is able to center himself and plan.


But before you can start your own planning, a terrible dread washes over you like the ocean on a stormy day.

A member of the felag just died. The invisible chain of orthstirr snuffed out like a candle. Who it was you don't know — the chains are simply too close together to tell who it was.

You swallow a gulp, certain that the longer you take here, the more felagi will both Truly and merely Bodily die.

(Premature Round End: Squire was too pressured)
(Unspent Orthstirr Refunded)
(Hugr (Tactics): 5, 6, 1, 3, 6, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3) 8 Successes

The Squire is surrounded on all sides by the felag. Abjorn's back on his feet and Avow is back in his hand, though he's looking a little worse for wear. Audrikr's armor is damaged here and there, but is otherwise okay. Stigmar's fine, if looking a little low on orthstirr even with his virthing active — it resembles a cloak of hands clawing at some aimless goal.

Fabvir, on the other hand, is Bodily Dead, though not Truly Dead. While he isn't Truly Dead, he might as well be as — as far as you know — nobody here has the ability to heal a missing neck. Guess you'll just have to get him to a healer and hope he doesn't rot too much in the mean time.

The Squire's armor is damaged, but not all that much. He's already shifting his stance to counterbalance the broken parts, meaning that you'll have to break through again. His Focus is steady, for the most part. He's a little lacking in Fervor, probably about half-full if you had to make a guess. He doesn't feel all that much stronger than Gabriel... guess the armor really does make a difference!

He's planning on taking a more cautious approach — the fires of his rage having cooled slightly. He's likely going to try some kind of movement technique to escape being surrounded, likely... downwards? What?

The Falcon is looking towards taking a more proactive role and has landed on Abjorn as its next target.

You have 5/5 Endurance | 8/8 Armor | N/A Shield | 4/4 Reinforce Layers
You have 90/127 orthstirr in reserve, your Frami (43) and your Virthing (42) are tapped, your Saemd (42) is untapped.
Sagaseeker has 8 orthstirr in its reservoir
You can put 0 more points of orthstirr into your Combat Pool.
You have 37d6 in your Combat Pool

What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in


AN: Not a whole lot to say here other than that Knights and Squires are fucked up enemies to fight. If you guys don't manage to kill him next turn, I'm going to start putting in a 'retreat' option.

25-minute moratorium.
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Summer 5/Raid 1/Attacking the Manor 5
[X] Plan Trapping Knights And Slaying Falcons
-[X] 20d6 Attack (all tricks)
-[X] 0d6 Defense
-[X] 17d6 Intercept (all tricks)
-[X] As soon as the falcon comes within atgeir-reach make two 11d6 Honed x6 Power Chop attacks at it (-7 orthstirr), if it never comes within reach, use them on the squire.
-[X] Prepare an 17d6 (19d6 w/Hugareida) Inertia-Arresting-Throw (-6 orthstirr) to trap the squire when he tries to use his trick and escape. Prepare a 16d6 Honed x6 Hefty-Halter-Chop primed to defend Abjorn if he's attacked while IAT is out (-9 orthstirr).
-[X] In response to any Trick Attack directly targeting us or Abjorn while IAT is not in use, if it's from the falcon use Contested Movement (-3 orthstirr) and then us use Halting Vortx if that fails (-4 Orthstirr). If it's from the squire while IAT is not out, just use Halting Vortex (-4 orthstirr). If IAT is out, use Sidestep (-4 orthstirr) on attacks targeting us personally.
-[X] Tactics – Again, direct Stigmar to target the falcon and protect Abjorn from it (we need help and he's low on orthstirr...which is needed to get through the squire's armor). Tell Abjorn to focus on killing the squire while we watch his back. Then carefully prepare to trap the squire when he tries to escape and defend our husband from the falcon (ideally by killing it).

Thunder cracks across the sky as battle is once more met. Rain begins pounding against the ground, as if called by some signal or godly decree. The dirt turns to slick mud in the sudden onset of rain. Tall banks of dark clouds sweep from the North and blot out the sun — casting the battlefield in dreary shadows that dance at the edges of your vision.

You swallow the lump laden in your throat as a bird — an eagle — screeches out its call high in the sky.

Something changes in the Squire's stance as the eagle's voice reaches his ears. It's almost like... he was expecting something different.

Before you have any time to contemplate what that might mean, however, as the Squire stomps the mushy ground and shoots off at you like a too-tight bowstring snapping.

With sword held high above his head, he brings it down with the weight of a rushing river. Your palm faces the dark sky as fiery orthstirr swirls into being before you in a whirling vortex of defensive might.

Sword clashes against shield, sending sparks into the wet air as the mud swallows your ankles — pushed down by the force of the blow.

Ground squishing beneath his charge, Stigmar leaps to your side with sword at the ready and fury in his eyes.
(Trick Attack: 32 vs Defense: 43, Defender Wins!)
Stigmar's shield swings forth and the iron rim scrapes across the Squire's faceplate. Sparks fly as the Squire jerks away from both you and the shield. His foot drives into the ground — seemingly having no trouble finding his footing in the mud — and he twists on the spot, his pommel swinging up and into Stigmar's exposed body.
(Attack: 35 vs Defense: 4, Attacker Wins! 1 Armor Damage Dealt!)
Stigmar gasps as the sword pommel is driven deep into his gut — the gambeson doing little to stop the blow.

Kicking your huskarl aside, the Squire twists just in time to meet Abjorn's raised sword once again.
(Honed Trick Attack: 25 vs Defense: 33, Defender Wins!)
Swords clang as the Squire redirects Avow's point into the mud and pins it with his own sword. Freeing a hand from the hilt, golden light falls from his palm like streaks of molten metal as he raises it toward Abjorn's exposed chest.

A low, malevolent growl tears through your throat. Not again. Never again.

Light flashes, blasting off of your invisible vortex shield as you slam against the armored Squire. Shoulder-checking him away, he lands on his back with a grunt slipping through gritted teeth — mud marring the once-shiny armor.
(Hamingja: 4, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4): 1 Failure... Alrighty, then)
Raising Sagaseeker high above your head, you stomp towards the prone Squire as the eagle calls once more and he goes limp. You pause as a sob slips from the armored boy and his sword falls from his grip.

Turning your gaze to the sky, you're treated to a sight you'd been silently praying for; the Falcon's corpse. Only, instead of impaled on Sagaseeker, it's held limp between the talons of a truly gigantic golden eagle.

Its feathers end in iron and it flies with the force of an avalanche. On its back sits a figure you can hardly make out, but for some reason it reminds you of...

"Barki?" Your words are little more than whispers as the roar of heated battle pulls away from your ears. The lull in combat lasts for a scant few heartbeats as an armored hand wraps around a wave-shaped hilt and the bloodshed is back on.

Eyes snapping down, you watch with eyes wide as the Squire seems to melt into the mud. In his place is a piece of cloth, somehow still white as driven snow in the pouring rain and sticky mud.

"What just happened?" This time, your words are louder and far clearer.

Audrikr hacks up a glob of phlegm from his throat as he limps forward — his ankle still giving him a bit of trouble so he's leaning on his spear. "Barki's fylgja lent a hand and broke the Squire's will, sister."

"I saw — heard, rather — something when he hit me," Stigmar wheezes as he pulls himself from the mud, "like he was getting... orders or something? I don't know."

"The Knight's still active," Audrikr says as rain beats a steady, tinny staccato against his helmet, "and he's killed one of our own." His gaze darts across Fabvir's still form and he purses his lips, but says nothing more.

Frankly, you're mad. Mad and disappointed. Frustrated, that's the word.

You're frustrated. Why? Because that little fucking nidingr ran like a coward! Curses on that scum of the earth, cursed be his line from now till the end of all!

Even if nothing comes of them, the swearing of empty curses serves to soothe and calm your battle lusted heart — if only by a little.

Abjorn takes your hand in his as you growl out a heavy sigh — his presence serving to ground your storm. Shoulders slumping, you come to terms with the fact that an enemy that you personally fought is going to get away from you.

It's rather bitter, the taste of failure. You're not a fan, not in the slightest.

You promise yourself that you'll meet that Squire again and when you do, you'll let the crows have his flesh and blood.

Fate whispers in your ear as its chains wrap around you, but even as the whispers promise death, they're undercut by a distinct *lack* of something to connect to.

Sighing once more, you and the rest of the felag start moving to where the sounds of furious battle ring from the other side of the hill.

What do you do on the way there? (Sticking the Meat-Preserving Stick into Fabvir happens automatically)
[ ] Spend some time quieting your raging soul (regain your Virthing+keep the current supply of orthstirr)
[ ] Try to raise morale
-[ ] Speech (Hugr (Silver-Tongue))
-[ ] Poem (Hugr (Wordplay))
[ ] Rearrange your readied tricks/your fylgja's tricks
-[ ] Write in


AN: That hamingja roll though. Wowee.

Anyways, it's time for you to go fight the Knight...

Let's hope you're prepared.

No moratorium and short voting period, let's get this party started.
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Summer 5/Raid 1/Attacking the Manor 6
Refueling the tank
Taking a deep lungful of rain-scented air, you relax each and every muscle one by one. It's slow going, but over time, as you run, you manage to calm your soul enough that the cloak of feathers retreats back into your being.

Your frami is still as violent as ever. In fact, it might even be more so. It's even leaving singed grass footsteps in your wake!

All the same, though, with your virthing recovered, you're going to be all the more dangerous in this upcoming fight...

Why is it that shivers run up and down your spine as you think about fighting the Knight?

The Squire wasn't that scary, so why would the Knight be any worse?

(Hugr (Tactics): 6, 3, 2, 6, 3, 1, 5, 4, 3, 3) 9 Successes

The sight that meets you as you round the corner is one telling the story of a bitter, nail-biting struggle.

The ground that was once a field of perfectly maintained flowers and gardens now bears the scars of a battle most furious. Trenches half-a-man deep run zig-zagging across the hillside as broken trees lie on their sides after being uprooted for momentary gains. Scorched and battered craters pockmark the field of death as two sides stand opposing one another. Mud mixes with blood as the rain turns it all into a swampy quagmire.

At the bottom of the hill is the felag — not a single one of whom stands uninjured. Most of the wounds are minor cuts and bruises with the occasional missing finger or tooth. Nothing major, but that they've happened at all is telling.

One of their number lies dead, facedown in a pool of blood-slick mud. A hole bigger than your head bores through his front to his back, which answers the question of how he died. A sigh falls from your mouth as you recognize the body as Gautrekr's. You hope he's found his rest in Odin's Hall, for the hater-of-boats would be rather unhappy in Folkvangr.

At the top of the hill stands the Knight astride his horse — a mighty beast half-again Abjorn's height. A cruel horn of jagged, blackened glass spirals up from its forehead as blood drips down its length. It whinnies, digging a hoof into the ground as steam flows from its nose and its red eyes stare unblinkingly. Flowers are woven into its mane, rather at odds with its otherwise fearsome appearance.

The Knight's armor is cracked in three separate places and reveals a tattered, bloodstained gambeson beneath its strength. The Knight, contrary to his wounds, seems unfettered by his armor's state — as if it were the most natural thing in the world. A sword longer than your wing span rests lazily in one hand, a triangular shield in the other.

His armor resembles a bird with a hooked-beak — some kind of seabird if you had to make a guess. Your bird knowledge is a bit lacking, to tell the truth. Beyond the obvious bird design, his armor also has something of an ocean motif with wave-like patterns in the plating. Frankly, it's a work of art.

You almost feel bad for having to destroy it. Almost.

The moment you lay eyes on him, you know in the deepest part of your being that this man is at least twice as strong as you are. Something lights up in your soul, like something once unusable now stands ready for action.

You don't see any aerial support in the sky nor any bird corpses on the ground. Barki is in the sky, though, unless that blurry mass is another gigantic golden eagle that you don't know about, of course.

The Knight stays silent as you enter the battlefield, seemingly content with waiting for you to make your move. You get the feeling that he wouldn't chase you if you were to leave but he will fight you with all he has if it comes down to it.

From what little you see of his face, he's sorrowful as he looks upon the damage done to his beloved gardens. All he wants to do is get off his horse and tend to his ruined tulips...

'But war makes monsters of us all,' is Blackhand's faint, almost muffled answer. He sound stifled, like something's stopping him from communicating properly.

You nod to yourself and to him and crush the spark of guilt threatening to rise in your heart. You can feel bad later, for now, though, it's time for battle.

The Knight is fighting purely to defend the manor and is acting in a purely reactive manner. He's not going on the offensive here, nor is he acting in anger. The felag is fighting cautiously, but still aggressively with Folkmarr's ambition leading the way.

You have 5/5 Endurance | 8/8 Armor | N/A Shield | 4/4 Reinforce-Shield Layers
You have 82/127 orthstirr in reserve, your Frami (43) is tapped, your Virthing (42) and Saemd (42) are untapped.
Sagaseeker has 8 orthstirr in its reservoir
You can put 0 more points of orthstirr into your Combat Pool.
You have 37d6 in your Combat Pool

What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in


AN: Anything related to talking to someone in a fight is going to be Silver-Tongue (unless it's taunting or insults or what have you, in which case it's Barb-Tongue)

Also, I'm aware that tulips weren't in Europe in this time period, but neither was coffee or tea so whatever.

25-minute moratorium.
Summer 5/Raid 1/Attacking the Manor 7
[X] Plan: Push for a Surrender
-[X] Use Silver-Tongue on Folkmarr to let us give it a try--at the end of the day, we're here for loot and glory, and convincing a Knight to give way after a fierce battle is worth plenty of both, we _can_ win, but it'll be bloody, and this is still our first expedition, coming back with most of our number Bodily or Truly Dead wouldn't be the best look. We'll have his back regardless of course, and there's still no guarantee that he'll accept our terms, but it costs little to give it a go.
--[X] If Folkmarr agrees, use Silver-Tongue and First-Impressions Trick on the Knight to convince the Knight that he's fought well, but his Squire's fled and he's badly outnumbered, we're certainly willing to keep this going, but if he's willing to yield, we can leave the manor unpillaged and the people within untouched and stick to material goods for our prize. Surely the lives of his people and his duties outweigh a desire for further bloodshed, no? (Alectai is committing a Reward Die to this check)
---[X] If either of these steps fails, revert to Combat Tactics

Folkmarr's mane shows the scars of hard-fought battle. Thick tufts of fur have been scattered across the field of upturned mud and trampled flowers. He's been in the thick of it since the battle began and he bears the marks of it.

For all that his ambition may drive him, Folkmarr would never give an order he wasn't prepared to do himself. That's simply not in his nature. He leads from the front with swords in hand and a goal in mind.

He side-eyes you as you approach — one of his eyes caked shut thanks to a slash across his brow. His one-eyed gaze darts to each of your faces as a slight frown ghosts across his face. "Where's Fabvir?"

"Bodily dead, falcon tore his throat out." Audrikr's ankle fully healed on the way over, so he no longer needs his spear to help him walk. "Halla stuck him with a meat-keeping stick, so he's not gonna rot or anything."

Folkmarr sighs, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. "Good thinking, Halla. I assume you killed the Squire?"

You wince. "Ah, well, he ran away. Turned into mud."

"I see." Ironic, coming from Folkmarr. "At least you're all in one piece." He cracks his neck and loosens up his shoulders, "here's the plan. I-"

"Uh," all eyes land on you as you hold up a finger, "not to seem like a coward or anything, but maybe we should try diplomacy? See if he'll surrender before charging to our deaths?"
(Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 4, 6, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 4, 4, 1)10+1(Reward Dice)=11 Successes
Not even a heartbeat passes before somebody's temper rears its ugly head.

"Now see her-" Spittle flies from the angry man's mouth as he moves to jam a finger against your chest. However, he's stopped dead in his tracks by Folkmarr's raised hand.

"Let her speak," his words are simple, but overflowing with Jarlsspeak. You swallow as a wave of authority smothers any detractors in their cradles. While he's silenced any who would oppose you speaking, he's still not going to give you all the time in the world, so you speak quickly and surely.

"He... the Knight can't be eager to see his home destroyed and a win against a Knight — even if we don't kill him — is still a win against a damn Knight. We offer him an opportunity to surrender his valuables — gold, silver, food, and the like — in exchange for us leaving without any more death and destruction."

Folkmarr is silent as you finish speaking, his lips a thin line on his face. His sole eye reveals nothing of his thoughts or feelings, leaving you with little more to do than wait in suspense.

Finally, he comes to a decision with a slow, steady nod of the head. "We'll give him one chance and, as the one to suggest the idea, you'll be the one to deliver it."

You nod and breathe deep. Abjorn watches nervously as you make your way towards the Knight watching from the hilltop.

(Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 3, 6, 2, 6, 5, 1, 1, 2, 5, 6)7+1(Reward Dice)=8 Successes
The Knight watches from atop his night-black steed as you make your approach. Crows feet border his eyes — what little is visible behind the faceplate. His eyebrows are bushy and fully gray — he's no smooth-cheeked, green-in-the-tooth boy, that's for sure.

You're careful to avoid what few tulips remain standing, which his eyes thank you for.

You come to a stop well away from the horse and rider, who watch you carefully as you take a deep breath and begin your speech.

Before you can get even a syllable out, he's holding up an armored palm — his sword hanging from the saddle-mounted sheath.

"For three-hundred and fifty-two years I have kept watch over these lands, killing all who would lay waste to the beauty hidden in the canals and flood plains." His words wash over you like the tide lapping at the shore. He speaks with a matter-of-fact tone that leaves no room for debate. "In the long, long years I have kept my watch, only a small handful of your kinsmen have ever tried diplomacy when faced with Ironwater's edge."

You cough awkwardly into your hand. "I, uh, I guess that leaves me in good company?"

"I have heard your conversation with your Jarl and have come to a decision." He doesn't seem to have a response to your words. "For the sake of the flowers that my children's children grew up in, I accept your proposal with one caveat; the food stays."

What is your response?
[ ] Accept the counter-offer (Ends the attack and loot is carted out)
[ ] Reject it (The attack continues)
[ ] Offer a counter-counter-offer (Hugr (Silver-Tongue))
-[ ] Write in


AN: Not a lot to say here.

No moratorium and short voting period.
Summer 5/Raid 1/Attacking the Manor Final
Abjorn has his arm wrapped around you as you watch the mortals bring out your treasure by the cartful. Folkmarr and the Knight discussed the actual weight of the ransom — the Knight's name is Hauke de something or another, his name confuses you on more than one level. Apparently, 'Blackstone' isn't actually Gabriel's kenning, if this 'surname' concept is accurate.

But regardless, Folkmarr and Hauke came to terms on the exact numbers and Hauke signaled his thralls to bring it all out. Unfortunately, the manor had more loot than you could bring on the *Treadfast*, so you had to make some concessions. Quality over quantity, as it were.

So here you are, in your husband's arms as you watch your wealth grow before your very eyes.

After the coinage and the like were brought out, the good stuff was next.

Folkmarr strides forward — his wounds cleaned and his mane good as new — and unveils the tarp covering the final, most important cart.

Inside lies a plethora of magical items. Details were, unfortunately, unable to be provided for them all, but you get the broad gist of things.

Folkmarr steps away, spreading his arms as wide as the smile on his face. "Come, friends, and pick your shares."

Which one do you pick?
[ ] A 'book' bound in soft leather, a red ribbon serving as a place-marker
-(Supposedly, this is something called a 'bible', whatever that means)
[ ] A small wooden box, contained within is a single tooth resting upon a soft, red pillow
-(This is the tooth of somebody called 'Saint Julius the Veteran'.)
[ ] A set of bejeweled, golden beads, about 150 in total.
-(This is a rosary! Supposedly it helps with Christian cultivation?)
[ ] A tiny suit of armor
-(This is apparently 'training armor'? For Pages?)
[ ] One of a dozen different swords
-(Eh, you'll just grab a random sword and get going)
[ ] A spiked hammer on a stick? What?
-(It's... some kind of polearm? A hammer as a weapon? What?)
[ ] One of several dozen sets of small wheels that look to be mounted on the back of a shoe
-(These are something called 'spurs'. These ones specifically are said to aid in movement?)
[ ] A long iron nail with odd letters covering it
-(This, apparently, significantly damages Christian Cultivation. Somehow.)
[ ] A vial of blessed blood
-(This is said to heal injuries or something)
[ ] A small bundle of blessed bread
-(This is said to aid in cultivation)

(+63 Orthstirr)
(+350oz of silver, 40oz of gold added to Lootbag)
(Feat Gained: Attacked a Manor and 'Won')
Current Lootbag:
(413oz Silver, 41oz Gold)
(290oz Bog Iron, 3oz Forged Iron)
(50 Food)
(94 Fodder)
You've reached max capacity on your ship's storage, which means that you're heading home next turn.

You have 6 Heat, which means that there is a 60% chance that a Hunting Party finds you before you set off back home with a 25% chance that a Knight finds you instead.
What personal actions do you take while returning home from raiding? (Pick 3)
[ ] Recite poetry to the felag (Hugr (Wordplay))
[ ] Try to make/fix something (Write in) (Hugr+Crafting)
[ ] Get to know/spend time with the other felagi (Optional: write in the reason for visiting with them)
-[ ] Folkmarr Manetaker, the Jarl in charge of the felag
-[ ] Abjorn Vidsson, your husband
-[ ] Stigmar Kersson, Stigandr's brother
-[ ] Barki Bertholdsson, the beardless boy
-[ ] The one with shaking, paranoid eyes
-[ ] Audrikr Fishfighter, the sardonic hirdman
-[ ] The one who tries to sleep all the time
-[ ] The one who keeps making arrows
-[ ] The one with the sack of coins and many knives
Training: You have 8d6 training dice to spend as you see fit.
[ ] (Research) Try to figure out how things work (Write in)
[ ] (Blackhand) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hamr (30 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hamr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hugr (31 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hugr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Fylgja (16 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a fylgja skill or trick (Write in)
Orthstirr Available: 190
How do you want to use your orthstirr? You can turn on passive tricks here.
[ ] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in)
Fylgja Capacity: 4/4
Do you want to withdraw or deposit anything in your fylgja?
[ ] Write in (Optional)
Equipment Management
What do you want to have equipped? Leaving this blank means that no changes are made.
[ ] Write in (Optional)

AN: Hunting Parties, by the way, contain Errants, which are Christian Cultivators that don't fall into the Clerical, Chivalric, or Nobiliary categories.

25-minute moratorium.
Summer 5/Raid 1/Final Turn
[X] A 'book' bound in soft leather, a red ribbon serving as a place-marker
[X] Plan Securing Our Gains
-[X] Get to know/spend time with the other felagi
--[X] Folkmarr Manetaker, the Jarl in charge of the felag
--[X] Privately (aside from Abjorn and/or Stigmar) ask his advice on the Horra situation
-[X] Get to know/spend time with the other felagi (again)
--[X] Audrikr Fishfighter, the sardonic hirdman
-[X] Get to know/spend time with the other felagi (and again)
--[X] Stigmar Kersson, Stigandr's brother
--[X] Discuss regular sparring to keep in shape once you're all home
-[X] Train Sidestep 1d6
--[X] Train Magnify-Sight 1d6
-[X] (Blackhand's Training) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
--[X] Train Kindle-Spinner 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train Ember-Winged Cloak 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train Firebomb-Strike 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Train Campfire 2d6 (1d6)
--[X] Talk about bodily death, how that works, and how to fix it
-[X] (Training) Hamr (30 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Labor 1d6
-[X] (Training) Hugr (31 successes to rank up)
--[X] Train Management 1d6
-[X] (Fylgja Capacity) Withdraw Work Knife from fylgja (keep it on our person), and add the Bell to our Fylgja to replace it.
-[X] (Orthstirr Usage)
--[X] 5 Hamr
---[X] 4 Chop, 4 Defend, 4 Dodge, 4 Glima, 3 Bash, 3 Pierce, 3 Throw, 2 Labor, 3 Overland (30 total)
--[X] 6 Hugr
---[X] 3 Composure, 3 Scouting, 3 Silver-Tongue, 3 Strategy, 3 Tactics, 4 Wordplay, 3 Wildcraft (22 total)
--[X] 4 Fylgja
--[X] 1 First Impression
--[X] 122 free for tricks
(Hamr Trick Training #1: 2) 1 Failure. (#2: 5) 2 Successes
Releasing a deep breath, orthstirr flows back from your eyes and your vision returns to its blurry standard.

Guess you'll need to work on that some more.

(+2 Magnify-Sight Trick)
(Hugareida Trick Training #1: 1, 2)-2+1=1 Failure. (#2: 1, 5)1+1=2 Successes. (#3: 3, 4)2+1=3 Successes. (Campfire: 6, 5)4+1=5 Successes.
"Blackhand?" Your words are met with silence. "Hallr?"

'Sorry,' his apology is faint and muffled, like he's talking through thick layers of cloth, 'Christian lands are... difficult to stay awake in. I...' he trails off and the only further answers you get are light snores in the back of your head.


(+2 to EWC)
(+3 to FBS)
(+5 to Campfire)
(Labor Training: 3) 1 Success
Helping around the camp helps you refine your laboring skills.

(Labor Rank Up!)
(Management Training: 6) 2 Successes
After counting and recounting the money you made, you find that you're a little bit better at it!

(Management Rank Up!)
The Owl-Gacha
That morning, when you woke up with the rest of the camp, you woke to the Wizard-Owl preening before the entrance to your tent — an odd, empty sack in its talons.

Patting it on the head, you reach down and hold the sack up to the light.

It's... You frown as the wind unfurls the long lengths of cloth.

It almost resembles a person, only with six limbs instead of four. Four arms, two legs with each limb ending in a glassy, black spike. It's tall, very tall. Taller than Abjorn, even! Pieces of straw stick out from the empty sack — the only clue to what once stuffed it.

On its 'face' is a single letter, of a language you don't understand. However, you've seen a language like it once before, on the shell of the meteor.

Shrugging, you bundle it back up before slipping it into your pack. You can stuff it full of straw when you get home. For now, though, it's time to get to work loading all the loot onto the Treadfast!

(Empty Sack Body added to Inventory)
Talking to Folkmarr about Horra (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 3, 4, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 5, 1, 2) Autofail (Horra's Trait: ??? Triggered, revealing as Deep Family Roots)
After stowing the sack away, you catch Folkmarr as he stretches in the morning light. He yawns as big and wide as the lion he won his name from.

"Good morning," he yawns again, "Halla."

"Good morning to you too, Folkmarr." You return the greeting before glancing around the camp. With Abjorn busy helping with the heavier things and Stigmar collecting his own loot, there's no one to eavesdrop. "Hey, uh, I have something I wanted to talk to you about."

He shoots a squint your way. "...right."

It occurs to you that you've really not spent all that much time with him and the time that you *have* were mostly trying to convince him of things. Successfully, true, but the point still stands.

"In private."

He sighs, head tilting towards the mid-morning sky. "Alright, let's meet in my tent."

Once inside, you find yourself in a familiar spot as he sits across from you. Unlike the last time you were inside this tent, he's not in the middle of maintaining his weapons and you're not concerned for the future. Well, actually that's just not true.

"Go ahead," his shallow nod bears a small drop of unexpected Jarlsspeak, which forces you to start off balance.

"A-ah, well," he's clearly not pleased with you, if he felt a display like that was needed. Swallowing a sudden lump in your throat, you continue on at a quick pace, "my family is currently feuding with another family in the Valley and I wanted to know if you had any advice for me..." The tired look in Folkmarr's eyes has your words trailing off.

"I can't do anything about the Burissons, there's simply no evidence." His words sound practiced, like he'd heard them spoken hundreds of times over.

"It's not about them," you're quick to follow, "it's about Horr-"

"Horra Hasvisson." Something about how he says that name stops you in your tracks.


He pinches the bridge of his nose as his fingers drum against the table. "Don't try anything with him."

Your mouth hangs open, eyes aghast. "He killed my uncles!"

"And he's related to half the people in Asvir and the Valley," a heavy sigh escapes his throat as his shoulders slump, "myself included."

You recoil as if struck. "I... what? How?"

"His family have lived here for generations." He chuckles as if something was funny about this, "You know, I was actually worried that you were going to try to get in my way, what with you stealing Stigmar right outside my tent, but..." he shrugs, a sardonic smile on his face, "I guess that's not something I really have to worry about anymore."

"Guess not," you suddenly don't feel very safe in the camp anymore. As long as you're a part of the felag, no fighting can be had, but as soon as you're out of it...

If Folkmarr really is related to Horra, you're going to be crossing blades eventually.

It's... it's difficult to swallow this one. Eyes wet, you don't wait for permission as you rise to your feet and leave the tent — Folkmarr stays silent as you make your exit

This quest for seidr just keeps getting better and better.

(Relations with Folkmarr set to -1)
Spending time with Audrikr (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 2, 4, 4, 6, 2, 6, 1, 6, 5, 5) 9 Successes
"Ah, Halla, I was looking for... Are you okay, sister?" Audrikr's voice is the first thing that greets you as you leave Folkmarr's tent. He pauses as he sees the look on your face and you're reminded that, despite you and him getting along rather well, he's still part of Folkmarr's hird.

Which means that when you fight Folkmarr, he won't be on your side.

"I'm fine, Audrikr." Thankfully, he gives you your space.

He shrugs, seeming to accept your answer as you keep moving. He's called into Folkmarr's tent soon after as your soul despairs.

Asking Stigmar to Spar (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 3, 1, 2, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1) 1 Success
What was once a camp full of friends and comrades in arms is now little more than a land of future enemies. So when you come across someone you know to be your friend, it's like you found a hot spring after a year of nothing but ice baths.

"Stigmar!" Your words fall through choked, barely-held-back tears as you bury your face in your friend's chest. He takes a step back, arms held clear away from you as a distinctly uncomfortable shimmer passes across his eyes.

"W-what's wrong? Do I need to kill someone?" Gently but firmly, he pries you from his chest and you realize that it would probably look really, really bad if someone saw you like that.

"No, well, maybe. I don't know." He opens his mouth, likely to offer a solution or try to help, but you don't need that right now. So instead of letting him speak, you start up again instead.

He listens, voice silent as you tell him your plight.

As you finish, a grim mask covers his face. "We're going to have to start preparing, when we get back to your land."

You nod, happy that you and Abjorn aren't alone in this.

(Sparring with Stigmar added!)
(Getaway Roll: 94) And you're out of there!
The Treadfast slips away from Frisia without a sound. The only sign it was ever there to begin with was a shallow depression in the sand.


The return to Asvir should've been glorious.

And, for most of the felag, it was.

For you, Abjorn, and Stigmar, however?

The cheering crowd was nothing more than salt in the wounds of betrayal.

For a moment, you consider just leaving Asvir while the felag's bonds still keep you more or less safe, but recall the fact that this might be your last chance to shop properly before, well, it becomes less safe to do so.

Do you go shopping?
[ ] Yes, go shopping
-[ ] (Write in) what are you looking for?
[ ] No, go straight home

(+29 Orthstirr)
(+1 Drengskapr)
(Lootbag has been added to Character Sheet)

AN: Fuck me running, I'm a bit out of practice with these 'normal' turns, lmao.

Also, we just hit 100k words, woo! Sure, that's not that big of a milestone for a lot of people, but it means a lot to me!

No moratorium, but normal length voting period.
Last edited:
Summer 5/Asvir Visit 4.1
[X] Yes, go shopping
-[X] See if any livestock are for sale, particularly milk cows
-[X] See if we can hire a farmhand who will bring his wife to help us with housework and children
-[X] See about buying more land
-[X] Check the blacksmith for tools, weapons, and metals
-[X] Visit the Seeress
--[X] reveal Asbjorns Fylgja
--[X] does she know how to get evidence on the nisse or evidence that could get Horra outlawed
--[X] Ask about the prophecy we got about Steinarr getting involved in the Horra situation being bad...see why she didn't go to him about this.
--[X] Ask about finding Thievesbane's original owner
Shopping for Livestock (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 5) 12+4(Drengskapr)=16 Successes, Fine Result
The livestock market is full of foul scents and raucous noises. Farmers stand around bleating goats and baaing sheep as they haggle over fractions of ounces. Chickens strut around with peeping chicks skipping behind them under the watchful eyes of loyal hounds.

Scanning the market for a few heartbeats, you pick one of the men and make your way towards him. Shaggy brown cows placidly chew cud as you greet the man and offer him your hand and your name.

"Hogne Scarherd," he slaps his palm to your hand gives it a vigorous shake, a cheery grin on his pox-scarred face. "Good weather we're having, eh?"

He's not wrong. The sun's out and the only clouds that have sailed across the sky came bearing light and refreshing showers.

"Indeed we are," you nod as Hogne releases your hand. You glance over his livestock on display, which he catches with a gleam in his eye.

"So, how can I help you today?" He plays with a length of rope as he speaks. His fingers dance across the braided hair, tying and untying knots while keeping time with his words. Impressive, no doubt about it.

You have 414oz Silver and 41oz Gold.
How would you like to spend your money?
[ ] Write in

6 Basic Chickens for 1/4oz Silver (Every 3 Basic Chickens produce 1 Food/Turn while consuming 1 Fodder)
6 Decent Chickens for 3/4oz Silver (Every 3 Decent Chickens produce 2 Food/Turn while consuming 1 Fodder)
6 Good Chickens for 1 1/2oz Silver (Every 3 Good Chickens produce 3 Food/Turn while consuming 1 Fodder)
6 Fine Chickens for 3oz Silver (Every 3 Fine Chickens produce 4 Food/Turn while consuming 1 Fodder)

1 Basic Rooster for 3/4oz Silver (1d6 per Chicken/Turn)
1 Decent Rooster for 1 1/2oz Silver (2d6 per Chicken/Turn)
1 Good Rooster for 3oz Silver (3d6 per Chicken/Turn)
1 Fine Rooster for 6oz Silver (4d6 per Chicken/Turn)
1 Basic Ewe for 1/4oz Silver (+1 Food/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Produces 1 Cloth/Dice Successes. Can be slaughtered for 4 Food.)
1 Decent Ewe for 2/4oz Silver (+1 Food/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Produces 2 Cloth/Dice Successes. Can be slaughtered for 4 Food.)
1 Good Ewe for 1oz Silver (+1 Food/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Produces 4 Cloth/Dice Successes. Can be slaughtered for 4 Food.)
1 Fine Ewe for 2oz Silver (+1 Food/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Produces 8 Cloth/Dice Successes. Can be slaughtered for 4 Food.)

1 Basic Ram for 1oz Silver (1d6 per Ewe/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Produces 1 Cloth/Dice Successes. Can be slaughtered for 4 Food)
1 Decent Ram for 2oz Silver (2d6 per Ewe/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Produces 2 Cloth/Dice Successes. Can be slaughtered for 4 Food)
1 Good Ram for 4oz Silver (3d6 per Ewe/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Produces 4 Cloth/Dice Successes. Can be slaughtered for 4 Food)
1 Fine Ram for 8oz Silver (4d6 per Ewe/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Produces 8 Cloth/Dice Successes. Can be slaughtered for 4 Food)
1 Basic Nanny Goat for 1/4oz Silver (+1 Food/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Produces 1 Cloth/Dice Successes. Can be slaughtered for 3 Food.)
1 Decent Nanny Goat for 2/4oz Silver (+2 Food/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Produces 1 Cloth/Dice Successes. Can be slaughtered for 3 Food.)
1 Good Nanny Goat for 3/4oz Silver (+2 Food/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Produces 2 Cloth/Dice Successes. Can be slaughtered for 3 Food.)
1 Fine Nanny Goat for 1oz Silver (+3 Food/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Produces 2 Cloth/Dice Successes. Can be slaughtered for 3 Food.)

1 Basic Billy Goat for 1oz Silver (1d6 per Nanny Goat/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Can be slaughtered for 3 Food.)
1 Decent Billy Goat for 2oz Silver (2d6 per Nanny Goat/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Can be slaughtered for 3 Food.)
1 Good Billy Goat for 3oz Silver (3d6 per Nanny Goat/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Can be slaughtered for 3 Food.)
1 Fine Billy Goat for 4oz Silver (4d6 per Nanny Goat/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Can be slaughtered for 3 Food.)
1 Basic Cow for 3 1/2oz Silver (+1 Food a Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Can be slaughtered for 12 Food)
1 Decent Cow for 7oz Silver (+2 Food a Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Can be slaughtered for 12 Food)
1 Good Cow for 14oz Silver (+4 Food a Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Can be slaughtered for 12 Food)
1 Fine Cow for 28oz Silver (+8 Food a Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Can be slaughtered for 12 Food)

1 Basic Bull for 6oz Silver (1d6 per Cow/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Can be slaughtered for 12 Food)
1 Decent Bull for 12oz Silver (2d6 per Cow/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Can be slaughtered for 12 Food)
1 Good Bull for 24oz Silver (3d6 per Cow/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Can be slaughtered for 12 Food)
1 Fine Bull for 36oz Silver (4d6 per Cow/Turn, -1 Fodder/Turn. Can be slaughtered for 12 Food)

Hiring a Farmhand (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 1, 3, 5, 4, 1)11+4(Drengskapr)=15 Successes, Good Result
"Say, Hogne," you begin after finalizing your purchases and shaking on it. He perks up, ears wiggling, as you continue, "do you happen to know anyone who might be looking for employment as a farmhand?"

"I'm not sure I..." He strokes his pox-marked chin — the patchy beard failing to grow on the scars — as he hems and haws. After a few moments, he seems to spot something over your shoulder and his eyes light up as realization strikes like a lightning bolt. "Actually, I do!"

He waves someone over and you find yourself face to face with a young man and his wife — who seems to be in the early days of pregnancy. They seem a bit out of place, like they're not from around here. Hogne gestures to them with a smile, "This is my niece, Haydis Yrlingasdottir, and her husband, Kurt Frogtongue. They just arrived from Hordaland."

"New to the valley?" Kurt nods at your words. "What skills do you have?"

Kurt smiles as he opens his mouth and reveals the origins of his kenning. "I'm pretty damn good at fishing and ain't bad at growing stuff neither." He has a very wet mouth, which makes sense given that massive tongue of his. "Hay's good with kids and we've even got a little one of our own on the way!"

You purse your lips as you consider the pros and cons of the offer before you.

They're not from the Valley, which means no relation to Horra. On the other hand, they had to have left Hordaland for a reason and that reason might come back to bite you in the ass later. However, by the time it does, Kurt and Haydis might already have left your service and, therefore, it won't be your problem.

While fishing isn't the most useful skill to your situation, the farming aspect is. Kurt doesn't seem the most useful of individuals, all things considered. His wife, though, does. You're going to be having children by the time the year is done, if you're not pregnant already. Having extra hands on deck will be a godsent boon when the time comes.

And their child might be a good playmate for your sons and daughters, which seems to have abnormal importance to your senses. Odd.

Blackhand scoffs, muttering something that you don't catch.

After haggling for a little bit, the hiring price comes down to thirty-four ounces of silver.

What is your verdict?
[ ] Accept the offer and hire Kurt and Haydis into your service (Gain a total of 13 management dice)
[ ] Thank them for their time, but politely refuse them

Buying more land
After finishing your talks with Hogne, Kurt, and Haydis, you make your way to the Headsman's hall. The eyes of battle-scarred hirdmen linger on you far longer than should be necessary, but otherwise do nothing more than their normal duties.

Still, you're thankful for Abjorn's calming presence. Unfortunately, your status as a woman means that things like land are normally beyond your ability to purchase. As this isn't one of those abnormal situations, Abjorn heads inside and leaves you outside with Stigmar at your side.

It doesn't take long for something to happen. Faint and fading it may be, the felag bond still hovers hazily about your person, so when Audrikr starts to approach, you see him coming.

"Hail, sister," he raises a hand, the other empty at his side. You meet his greeting with a cold gaze and he grimaces. "...Right, well," he takes a deep breath, "we're at odds right now, both of us know this, and I wanted to say that even though that is the case right now, I still consider you to be my friend."

Your silence remains unbroken.

"What I'm trying to say is that I'll do what I can to curb Folkmarr's..." he purses his lips, searching for the right word.

"Eccentricities?" You offer, breaking your silence.

"That's the word, yeah." The older man bites his lip. "It was wrong for him to use his Jarlsspeak on you for what amounts to a blood-bond between two felagi, not exactly something that's rare on a raid."

You shrug, not exactly having the words to talk right now. "What's done is done."

"Aye, sister, what's done is done." He rocks on his feet and checks the sun's position in the sky. "Well, I've gotta go say hi to the family."

He says his goodbyes, which you find yourself returning.

A few minutes later, Abjorn emerges from the hall with a piece of wood in hand. He offers it to you for final confirmation of everything.

You're offered 120 acres of land, which will have enough arable soil for another three fields. It will cost you 15oz of silver and 3oz silver per year in taxes.
[ ] Seal the deal and increase the size of your land
[ ] Reject it


AN: I decided to split the update into two parts because WOW is it getting long and I'd like to get something out before it turns dark outside.

No moratorium for today.
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Summer 5/Asvir Visit 4.2
[X] Yes, go shopping
-[X] Check the blacksmith for tools, weapons, and metals
-[X] Visit the Seeress
--[X] reveal Asbjorns Fylgja
--[X] does she know how to get evidence on the nisse or evidence that could get Horra outlawed
--[X] Ask about the prophecy we got about Steinarr getting involved in the Horra situation being bad...see why she didn't go to him about this.
--[X] Ask about finding Thievesbane's original owner
Blacksmith (Hugr (Silver-Tongue): 6, 4, 3, 4, 2, 6, 5, 1, 5, 1)8+4=12 Successes, Good Result
"Hail!" The large, bald blacksmith grins as he sees you approaching his stall. He's a fair bit richer than last time you saw him — looks like the gambeson he made you is drawing in business. "How can I help you today, Longstride?"

"Nice to see you too." A grin slips its way across your face in turn, your kenning never failing to brighten your day. "And I'm looking for tools, weapons, and metals."

"Metals?" The smith runs a hand through his beard as the wind tickles his ears. "That may be a problem. The local dwarves are in a bit of a political mess with another clan and haven't been able to keep a steady stream of metal flowing."

"That can't be good." A bargain was struck between dwarves and humanity long ago. In exchange for milk, meat, and bread the dwarves gave humanity the precious gems and metals of the underworld. It is a balanced deal, all things considered, but sometimes problems occur and disrupt the trade. "Any details on the problem? And what metals do you have on hand?"

"Apparently, another clan of dwarves are trying to come up from the deeps and have decided that the Meinvaldfjord is a good spot. Of course, the Ducklings have been trying to colonize it for as long as I can remember and they haven't taken too kindly to the Lurkalings — I believe they're called — building underhalls there." He shrugs as there's just not much humans can do about the political messes that stubborn dwarves wind up in. Fighting the earth-dwellers in their underhalls is possibly one of the stupidest things anyone could ever do. "That's about all I know from my contacts, sorry I can't say more. You know how dwarves are."

While you've never met one, you know the stories well. Few creatures are as stubborn, shy, or paranoid as dwarves are said to be.

"And the metal?"

He grimaces, awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck. "Ah, well, I'm sorry, Halla, but I need to protect my supply. But," he raises a finger, "you've done right by me so I'll do right by you. While I can't sell it at the normal price, I can still sell it if you're willing to pay a bit more."

"How much is 'a bit'?" You arch a brow as he hems and haws.


You have 211oz Silver and 41oz Gold
[ ] Write in how you would like to spend it

-8 oz of Bog Iron for 1oz of Silver (Base 1d6)
-8 oz of Forged Iron for 5oz of Silver (Base 2d6)
-4 oz of Icicle Iron for 10oz of Silver (Base 2d6+Ice Channel)
-4 oz of Molten Iron for 10oz of Silver (Base 2d6+Fire Channel)
-4 oz of Storm Iron for 10oz of Silver (Base 2d6+Lightning Channel)
Work Knives
-Basic Work Knife (Bog Iron) for 1/2oz of Silver
-Basic Work Knife (Forged Iron) for 3oz of Silver
-Decent Work Knife (Bog Iron) for 1oz of Silver
-Decent Work Knife (Forged Iron) for 5oz of Silver
-Good Work Knife (Bog Iron) for 1 1/2oz of Silver
-Good Work Knife (Forged Iron) for 7oz of Silver

Wood Axes
-Basic Wood Axe (Bog Iron) for 1 3/4oz of Silver
-Basic Wood Axe (Forged Iron) for 6 1/2oz of Silver
-Decent Wood Axe (Bog Iron) for 3 1/2oz of Silver
-Decent Wood Axe (Forged Iron) for 12 1/4oz of Silver
-Good Wood Axe (Bog Iron) for 4 1/4oz of Silver
-Good Wood Axe (Forged Iron) for 18oz of Silver

-Basic Scythe (Bog Iron) for 1 1/2oz of Silver
-Basic Scythe (Forged Iron) for 6oz of Silver
-Decent Scythe (Bog Iron) for 2 3/4oz of Silver
-Decent Scythe (Forged Iron) for 11oz of Silver
-Good Scythe (Bog Iron) for 4oz of Silver
-Good Scythe (Forged Iron) for 17oz of Silver

-Basic Pot (Bog Iron) for 3oz of Silver
-Basic Pot (Forged Iron) for 14oz of Silver
-Decent Pot (Bog Iron) for 5oz of Silver
-Decent Pot (Forged Iron) for 20oz of Silver
-Good Pot (Bog Iron) for 7 1/4oz of Silver
-Good Pot (Forged Iron) for 28 3/4oz of Silver

-Basic Toolset (Bog Iron) for 1oz of Silver
-Basic Toolset (Forged Iron) for 6oz of Silver
-Decent Toolset (Bog Iron) for 2 1/4oz of Silver
-Decent Toolset (Forged Iron) for 10 1/2oz of Silver
-Good Toolset (Bog Iron) for 3 1/2oz of Silver
-Good Toolset (Forged Iron) for 16oz of Silver

-Basic Plow (Bog Iron) for 6oz of Silver
-Basic Plow (Forged Iron) for 16oz of Silver
-Decent Plow (Bog Iron) for 8oz of Silver
-Decent Plow (Forged Iron) for 24oz of Silver
-Good Plow (Bog Iron) for 10 1/2oz of Silver
-Good Plow (Forged Iron) for 34 3/4oz of Silver
-Basic Sax (Bog Iron) for 1oz Silver (1d6)
-Basic Sax (Forged Iron) for 5oz Silver (2d6)
-Decent Sax (Bog Iron) for 1 3/4oz Silver (2d6)
-Decent Sax (Forged Iron) for 6 1/2oz Silver (3d6)
-Good Sax (Bog Iron) for 2 1/2oz Silver (3d6)
-Good Sax (Forged Iron) for 8 1/4oz Silver (4d6)

-Basic Axe (Bog Iron) for 1oz of Silver (1d6)
-Basic Axe (Forged Iron) for 5oz of Silver (2d6)
-Decent Axe (Bog Iron) for 2 1/4oz of Silver (2d6)
-Decent Axe (Forged Iron) for 7 1/2oz of Silver (3d6)
-Good Axe (Bog Iron) for 3 1/2oz of Silver (3d6)
-Good Axe (Forged Iron) for 12oz of Silver (4d6)

-Basic Spear (Bog Iron) for 1oz of Silver (1d6)
-Basic Spear (Forged Iron) for 5oz of Silver (2d6)
-Decent Spear (Bog Iron) for 2 1/4oz of Silver (2d6)
-Decent Spear (Forged Iron) for 7 1/2oz of Silver (3d6)
-Good Spear (Bog Iron) for 3 1/2oz of Silver (3d6)
-Good Spear (Forged Iron) for 12oz of Silver (4d6)

-Basic Sword (Bog Iron) for 4oz of Silver (1d6)
-Basic Sword (Forged Iron) for 8oz of Silver (2d6)
-Decent Sword (Bog Iron) for 7 1/2oz of Silver (2d6)
-Decent Sword (Forged Iron) for 16oz of Silver (3d6)
-Good Sword (Bog Iron) for 18oz of Silver (3d6)
-Good Sword (Forged Iron) for 26oz of Silver (4d6)
"Your friend is doing much better, by the way," the Seeress says as you and Abjorn enter her tent — Stigmar staying outside with Kurt and Haydis. "He's up and about now. And he's been asking after you."

"Thank you," your words are simple yet heartfelt, "Do you know how it... how it happened? How the nidheart came to be?"

"A predator of the Dark Forest, of the realm of spirits. It was agitated by something or, rather," her eyes burn with the gleam of knowledge, "someone."

"Horra," you snarl, eyes blazing with swiftly growing fury.

"That's my best guess." The Seeress nods along as she sips her tea. "Now then, why have you come here today?"

Taking a moment to recompose yourself, you gesture to your husband. "I'd like to unveil Abjorn's fylgja." You fish out three ounces of silver and place the coins on the table before you. The Seeress studies them with a careful eye before stowing them away in the folds of her black and red dress.

"Anything else? I can see you've got a lot on your mind, you're practically brimming with thoughts." She sips her tea as you shrug. What can you say? It's true!

"Two, three, really, more things. One, do you know how I can find the original owner of Thievesbane?" You tap the axe on your belt as she purses her lips.

"He's a Geat and that's all I really know about it."

A frown crosses your face. You'd been hoping for more, but if that's all you can get then it's what you'll have to work with. "Alright, next question. How can I find evidence to get Horra outlawed?"

"A very good question." A wry smile grows on her face as her eyes sparkle. "If you can find where he's doing his dark work, then you can find evidence enough to get him outlawed. Unfortunately, he's managed to veil its location from Seergaze, so I can't tell you more."

"Thank you," your mind already whirls with possible locations.

"Of course," she sips her tea as she gesture for you to continue. "And your third question?"

You take a deep breath.

"The prophecy about Steinarr... why shouldn't he be told about Horra? I've had at least two people tell me that it's a bad idea, but *why?* Nobody's told me anything."

"What are you talking about? I quite clearly said that it was due to the fact that, as these are his ancestral homelands, he is related to all but the newcomers."

"No, no you didn't."

The tea cup shatters against the ground.

"...What? No I... wait, did I? I had to but I don't remem- wait, wha-"

The written world shatters like broken glass.

The falling shards unravel as three womanly voices begin to hum in unison.

Long, slender fingers weave in tandem as they re-harmonize the past, present, and future.

You blink as everything snaps back into focus. A pressure in your palm draws your gaze and hammers pound in your ears as the black bones shine through your skin. Slowly but steadily, the glow fades away until it becomes one with your skin.

What just happened?

"What was...?"

"What was what?" The Seeress quirks her head to the side. The tea cup sits back in her hand, as fine as it ever was.

The sheer honesty in her eyes, the utter confusion at your words, stops you from answering. She honestly doesn't know what you're talking about, what you could possibly be referring to.

Did you just imagine all of that?

'No, no you didn't.' Blackhand's words a soothing balm to the until-then unrealized burning of your charred soul. Your skin hums with power brimming beneath the surface, just waiting to be used. Invisible threads of loose frami, virthing, and saemd all float around your being. 'This is the work of the Enemy.'

"Are you okay, Halla?" Abjorn's big brown eyes fill with worry as he takes your hand in his. Not even his potent stoicism can hold back his concern.

"I... I need to step out for a moment," you say as you slip free from his hold. He watches you go as the Seeress' eyes flick from you to him and back again.

The brisk air bites at your skin as the late summer sun warms your body. Breathing in deep, you wait for your heart to stop hammering.

From the corner of your gaze, you catch Kolla staring at you. The moment you catch her gaze, she slips away around a corner.

Your gaze wavers on the space she stood, as if she would reappear at any moment. When she doesn't you take another deep breath and turn your gaze inward to where Hallr Blackhand waits patiently.

"You've seen that before?" Your words are a whisper barely heard in the evening light.

'In Gotland, when death found me.' A chill pebbles your skin as shivers dance up and down your spine. 'One moment I was... I forget what I was doing, but in the next moment one of my men came running, saying that the Jomsvikingar were there and had, apparently, always been coming.' He scoffs, derision dripping from his voice, 'It wouldn't have even been a fight had they not caught me unprepared, but that's Steelfathers for you — nothing but cowards, the lot of them.'

"Gotland..." The name radiates with power. In the deepest parts of your being, a certainty falls across your mind, a certainty that that place has importance beyond the obvious.

'The land of my birth... and of my death. Where the pieces of something belonging to our ancestors, to my mother, her father, and his father before him, are buried.'

"The pieces of what?"

'The pieces of a weapon to sunder steel. A weapon to surpass its Curse.'


AN: Welcome to the true NorseQuest.

I did say that this update would provide a lot of Theory Fodder, didn't I? ;P

No moratorium, normal voting period.

You'll talk a little bit with Steinarr and kin next time before finally returning home and finally ending Turn fucking 2.
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Summer 5/Asvir Visit 4 Final
[X] Plan Backup Tools And Metals
-[X] 120 oz Forged Iron (75 Silver)
-[X] Good Sax (Forged Iron) (8.25 Silver)
-[X] 8 oz Molten Iron (20 Silver)
-[X] Good Wood Axe (Bog Iron) (4.25 Silver)
-[X] Good Scythe (Bog Iron) (4 Silver)
-[X] Good Pot (Bog Iron) (7.25 Silver)
-[X] Good Plow (Bog Iron) (10.5 Silver)
-[X] Sell the church bell to defray expenses (263 oz Bog Iron should go for just under 33 Silver...we'll throw in an extra ounce and make it exactly 33 silver worth. They may pay a little less since they have to melt it down, but it should be close to that.)

You're laughing at something Abjorn said, some dry bit of humor relating to birds and rocks, when you arrive at the doorstep to your father's farm.

The door to Steinarr's home creaks open tp reveal the backlit form of its master in the doorway. Face gaunt and eyes red, he looks upon you with sorrow in his gaze and a shake to his hands.

"Asveig- Your mother... Sh-she's dead." He wipes his eyes, red and puffy from a day of tears. Asva stands behind him with a hand on his shoulder, a shell-shocked look on her face. "Sickness took her... from me."

He crumples in on himself, hands flying to his face as his body shakes and shudders, racked by tearful waves of sorrowful agony. Asva catches him before he can fall, even managing to pick him up.

You're left standing there in the Summer evening as flakes of ash fall from the sky. When it happened you can't recall, but your hand found its way into Abjorn's — your fingers lacing together as you lean on him for support.

But even as you stand there, a single thought worms its way through and across the landscape of your mind.

Is this the work of the Enemy?

'Not all tragedies are the Enemy's doing, to think otherwise plays into the Enemy's hand.' Blackhand sighs as the wind picks up, carrying the scattered remains of your mother to the far ends of the earth. 'Sometimes, bad things happen for no rhyme or reason.'


"The Nornir did this," words barely a whisper, but Abjorn squeezes your hand all the same.

'They do not decide how the yarn spins, merely that it does. To blame them for tragedy is to blame ice for melting.'

"Why are you arguing with me?" It's irrational, you know, but right now...

You weren't friends with your mother. For most of your life you might have even called her an 'enemy'. But...

But she was your mother. She fed you from her own body and by her own hands clothed you. That means something.

Missing her funeral leaves stinging welts in your soul.

'Because it works in the Enemy's favor for us to be wrong, for us to be incorrect. Because knowledge is power and power is victory and victory is everything.'

"How far back does this feud go?"

'By the time the first clouds cried, it was already ancient.'

Swallowing the dryness in your mouth, you walk through the door and join your family in mourning.


A month later, as you're dressing in your home, you glance down and frown at your slightly distended stomach.

Suddenly, like a joyous lightning bolt, realization hits.

'Can you not feel their souls?' Blackhand scoffs as you pause in telling your husband the good news.

"Souls? Plural?" Now that he mentions it... you can actually feel three distinct clumps of energy in your lower stomach, in your womb.

You grin as Abjorn raises an eyebrow.

"You're gonna be a father three times over."

He pauses, freezing as your words fall upon him. He sits still for a long, long moment as a glimmer of light in his eyes thanks the heavens for their mercy.

You snort as he gives the most Abjorn-like response to anything ever;


Personal (Pick 2/3, if no Exploration is picked):
[ ] (Violent) Pick a fight or spar with... (Not an option while pregnant)
-[ ] Spar with Abjorn, your husband
-[ ] Someone else (Write in)
[ ] (Personal) Spend time with... (Write in)
[ ] (Shopping) Ask Abjorn to buy something for you (Write in) (Can only be used to buy or sell things you are already aware of and cannot haggle)
[ ] (Crafting) Try to make something (Write in) (Hugr+Some kind of crafting skill)
-[ ] (Optional) Focus on repairing something (Write in)
[ ] (Poetry) Try to realize an Inspiration (Write in one of your Inspirations)
Exploration/Travel (Pick 1 or none):
[ ] (Visit) Go visit... (Not available)
-[ ] The Witch! (Actually, it's probably a good idea to avoid her entirely)
-[ ] Asvir! (Take this if you want to try the Raid Trials)
-[ ] Steinby, your Father's Farm
-[ ] Vidby, Vidar's Farm
-[ ] Kerby, Stigr's Farm
-[ ] Buriby, Osborn's Farm (Has a guaranteed chance of ending in a fight)
-[ ] Glebby, Sverre's Farm
-[ ] Runby, Aki's Farm
-[ ] Horrby, Horra's Farm (Has a very good chance of ending in a fight)
--[ ] Rather than visiting normally, you instead stealthily approach and try to scout it out.
-[ ] Halfdanby, Halfdan's Farm
[ ] (Exploration) Go on a walk through...
-[ ] The fields!
-[ ] The Hading!
--[ ] (Optional) Try to find those bandits you heard about (not while you're pregnant)
-[ ] The hills!
--[ ] (Optional) Towards where the flaming thing landed. Maybe there's something you missed?
Training: You have 25d6 training dice to spend as you see fit.
[ ] (Research) Try to figure out how things work (Write in)
[ ] (Blackhand) Try to develop old/train new hugareida tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Steinarr's Training) Ask Steinarr to teach you a trick/some tricks (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hamr (30 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hamr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Hugr (31 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a hugr skill or trick (Write in)
[ ] (Training) Fylgja (16 successes to rank up)
-[ ] (Optional) Train a fylgja skill or trick (Write in)
Management: You have 33d6 management dice to spend as you see fit
[ ] (Construction) Write in
[ ] (Resource) Write in
-[ ] (Cloth) 8 Dice Maximum
[ ] (Fields) Write in
Orthstirr Available: 219
How do you want to use your orthstirr? You can turn on passive tricks here.
[ ] (Orthstirr Usage) (Write in)
Fylgja Capacity: 4/4
Do you want to withdraw or deposit anything in your fylgja?
[ ] Write in (Optional)
Equipment Management
What do you want to have equipped? Leaving this blank means that no changes are made.
[ ] Write in (Optional)

AN: Valhalleluja! We did it! We made it to the end of Turn 2!

Resource collection works thusly; you assign Management Dice to the resource and then you collect it based off of the successes. The max for animal-sourced resources is determined by the amount of animals that produce that resource.

No moratorium, as it is getting a bit late, but normal voting period.

Sacrifices and/or feasts or whatever you do with surplus food and fodder happens in Winter.
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