[X] Spend some time quieting your raging soul (regain your Virthing+keep the current supply of orthstirr)
[X] Spend some time quieting your raging soul (regain your Virthing+keep the current supply of orthstirr)

We gonna need this juice.
I really hope not, because I'm going to get salty if we went through all this work and it's all thrown away because we missed one roll.
Squire didn't go get reinforcements. He's not in the state of mind to do such a thing right now.

After all, his best friends just died before him in rather horrific manners
It's nice to see why Barki was brought along though, Fylgja Specialists can do work if they spec for it, holy mackerel, give him some grenades and we've got a proper bomber.

Is that the kind of shit you can expect from a Rank 7 Fyglja? Straight up supernatural monsters instead of mostly mundane animals with a gimmick?
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For a given definition of 'handling', at least.


Oh dear.

God, I hate feeling this fucking weak. It's one thing when you expect it from someone who's forgotten more about warfare than you've ever learned, it's another thing entirely to have a band with the better part of 70 years collective training getting pasted by one with maybe 20.

It's good in that it's going to give us a good Direction going forward, but it's still a bad feel.
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God, I hate feeling this fucking weak. It's one thing when you expect it from someone who's forgotten more about warfare than you've ever learned, it's another thing entirely to have a band with the better part of 70 years collective training getting pasted by one with maybe 20.

I wouldn't say that, remember that there's evidence Christian cultivators are much longer lived than Norsemen. The squire didn't have a huge amount, but we did in fact win that fight, and I'd expect the knight be be in at least his 30s, which pegs him at 25 years of combat training all by himself. To say nothing of the animals, who likely have at least five years each...I sincerely think the opposition has a total of at least 50 years of combat training...maybe a tad less than us, but not all that much less.

Oh dear.

God, I hate feeling this fucking weak. It's one thing when you expect it from someone who's forgotten more about warfare than you've ever learned, it's another thing entirely to have a band with the better part of 70 years collective training getting pasted by one with maybe 20.

It's good in that it's going to give us a good Direction going forward, but it's still a bad feel.
we have a direction? Damn some people put a lot more thought into this quest than me. I just assumed we just had to evacuate to canada, become christian, or hope the the timeline is stretched enough for reform
we have a direction? Damn some people put a lot more thought into this quest than me. I just assumed we just had to evacuate to canada, become christian, or hope the the timeline is stretched enough for reform

It's the third one, basically. We do, I think, have time to reform the system with over one thousand years to work with. Like, in real world time scales we've got around 150 years, maybe a bit more, which would be a tall order...but with the x10 making that over 1500 years we can do this.
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It's the third one, basically. We do, I think, have time to reform with a few thousand years to work with. Like, in real world time scales we've got around 150 years, maybe a bit more, which would be a tall order...but with the x10 making that 1500 years we can do this.
we have like 0-50 years base and 10x stretching (thought it was like 7450 and we had 9x but I'm wrong) "The Christianization of Scandinavia, as well as other Nordic countries and the Baltic countries, took place between the 8th and the 12th centuries." the Christians are already slwoly seeping in but they wont be done for many thousand years

Edit: Denmark is in their crosshairs by the 9th century, Norway by the 10th
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we have like 0-50 years base and 10x stretching (thought it was like 7450 and we had 9x but I'm wrong) "The Christianization of Scandinavia, as well as other Nordic countries and the Baltic countries, took place between the 8th and the 12th centuries." the Christians are already slwoly seeping in but they wont be done for many thousand years

Edit: Denmark is in their crosshairs by the 9th century, Norway by the 10th
Well, we can always delay things by moving to Iceland!
we have like 0-50 years base and 10x stretching (thought it was like 7450 and we had 9x but I'm wrong) "The Christianization of Scandinavia, as well as other Nordic countries and the Baltic countries, took place between the 8th and the 12th centuries." the Christians are already slwoly seeping in but they wont be done for many thousand years

The Kings of the area didn't convert until 960 AD at the earliest...I guess that's only a bit over 600 years with the x10, but that's the real time when we need to have plans in place to stop. Anything before that is coexistence, which is actually fine...we're not trying to convert all Christians so having some around is entirely acceptable. It's when everyone starts being forcibly converted that we have a real problem.

Wasn't aware that that was something that you were going to do. I'm assuming that you'd be giving it to Abjorn, then?

If so, then sure, you've done it.

We absolutely would do that, yeah. We want him to have one and giving it to him is basically why we brought it in the first place.

I support shielding Abjorn, i think he took endurance dmg

He did. Only 2 points if I recall, but still more than we wanted him to take.
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Well, we can always delay things by moving to Iceland!
Iceland was settled by Christians first
"Irish monks known as Papar are said to have been present in Iceland before its settlement by the Norse in the 9th century.Following King Olaf I's taking of Icelandic hostages, there was tension between the Christian and pagan factions in 10th century Iceland.
Violent clashes were avoided by the decision of the Althing in 1000 AD to put the arbitration between them to Þorgeir Ljósvetningagoði, the leader of the pagan faction. He opted, after a day and a night of meditation, that the country should convert to Christianity as a whole, while pagan worship in private would continue to be tolerated"
we are jsut at the start and the first 100s years of conversion were just 1 enemy king or 2 per Norse country trying to convert and failing spectacularly
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Summer 5/Raid 1/Attacking the Manor 6
Refueling the tank
Taking a deep lungful of rain-scented air, you relax each and every muscle one by one. It's slow going, but over time, as you run, you manage to calm your soul enough that the cloak of feathers retreats back into your being.

Your frami is still as violent as ever. In fact, it might even be more so. It's even leaving singed grass footsteps in your wake!

All the same, though, with your virthing recovered, you're going to be all the more dangerous in this upcoming fight...

Why is it that shivers run up and down your spine as you think about fighting the Knight?

The Squire wasn't that scary, so why would the Knight be any worse?

(Hugr (Tactics): 6, 3, 2, 6, 3, 1, 5, 4, 3, 3) 9 Successes

The sight that meets you as you round the corner is one telling the story of a bitter, nail-biting struggle.

The ground that was once a field of perfectly maintained flowers and gardens now bears the scars of a battle most furious. Trenches half-a-man deep run zig-zagging across the hillside as broken trees lie on their sides after being uprooted for momentary gains. Scorched and battered craters pockmark the field of death as two sides stand opposing one another. Mud mixes with blood as the rain turns it all into a swampy quagmire.

At the bottom of the hill is the felag — not a single one of whom stands uninjured. Most of the wounds are minor cuts and bruises with the occasional missing finger or tooth. Nothing major, but that they've happened at all is telling.

One of their number lies dead, facedown in a pool of blood-slick mud. A hole bigger than your head bores through his front to his back, which answers the question of how he died. A sigh falls from your mouth as you recognize the body as Gautrekr's. You hope he's found his rest in Odin's Hall, for the hater-of-boats would be rather unhappy in Folkvangr.

At the top of the hill stands the Knight astride his horse — a mighty beast half-again Abjorn's height. A cruel horn of jagged, blackened glass spirals up from its forehead as blood drips down its length. It whinnies, digging a hoof into the ground as steam flows from its nose and its red eyes stare unblinkingly. Flowers are woven into its mane, rather at odds with its otherwise fearsome appearance.

The Knight's armor is cracked in three separate places and reveals a tattered, bloodstained gambeson beneath its strength. The Knight, contrary to his wounds, seems unfettered by his armor's state — as if it were the most natural thing in the world. A sword longer than your wing span rests lazily in one hand, a triangular shield in the other.

His armor resembles a bird with a hooked-beak — some kind of seabird if you had to make a guess. Your bird knowledge is a bit lacking, to tell the truth. Beyond the obvious bird design, his armor also has something of an ocean motif with wave-like patterns in the plating. Frankly, it's a work of art.

You almost feel bad for having to destroy it. Almost.

The moment you lay eyes on him, you know in the deepest part of your being that this man is at least twice as strong as you are. Something lights up in your soul, like something once unusable now stands ready for action.

You don't see any aerial support in the sky nor any bird corpses on the ground. Barki is in the sky, though, unless that blurry mass is another gigantic golden eagle that you don't know about, of course.

The Knight stays silent as you enter the battlefield, seemingly content with waiting for you to make your move. You get the feeling that he wouldn't chase you if you were to leave but he will fight you with all he has if it comes down to it.

From what little you see of his face, he's sorrowful as he looks upon the damage done to his beloved gardens. All he wants to do is get off his horse and tend to his ruined tulips...

'But war makes monsters of us all,' is Blackhand's faint, almost muffled answer. He sound stifled, like something's stopping him from communicating properly.

You nod to yourself and to him and crush the spark of guilt threatening to rise in your heart. You can feel bad later, for now, though, it's time for battle.

The Knight is fighting purely to defend the manor and is acting in a purely reactive manner. He's not going on the offensive here, nor is he acting in anger. The felag is fighting cautiously, but still aggressively with Folkmarr's ambition leading the way.

You have 5/5 Endurance | 8/8 Armor | N/A Shield | 4/4 Reinforce-Shield Layers
You have 82/127 orthstirr in reserve, your Frami (43) is tapped, your Virthing (42) and Saemd (42) are untapped.
Sagaseeker has 8 orthstirr in its reservoir
You can put 0 more points of orthstirr into your Combat Pool.
You have 37d6 in your Combat Pool

What do you do?
[ ] (Plan Name)
-[ ] (Dice) Attack
-[ ] (Dice) Defense
-[ ] (Dice) Intercept
-[ ] (Dice) (Trick) (Orthstirr)
-[ ] Tactics Write in


AN: Anything related to talking to someone in a fight is going to be Silver-Tongue (unless it's taunting or insults or what have you, in which case it's Barb-Tongue)

Also, I'm aware that tulips weren't in Europe in this time period, but neither was coffee or tea so whatever.

25-minute moratorium.