The last one covers actions. Now for the bases...
A/N 2: Oof, this took a while. #sorrynotsorry for the big honking list...
Publicola's Write-In Megalist: Turn 28 Base Upgrades
New Bases:
[] Tython -- set up a training facility (for other Force sects) or embassy (for CNS) with annex for Abyss Watcher activity (archaeology teams!)
[] Yavin -- I'm not sure if we want a base on Yavin IV, or a space station facility elsewhere in the Yavin
system since there's so much stuff to find
[] Thyferra -- we've established a smuggling channel to get bacta supplies to the CNS; now let's expand our operations.
[] Ithor -- the best ecologists in the galaxy are in our corner; perhaps we can set up a facility to work with them more closely
[] Tatooine -- yes, it's full of sand. But it also has a long history, krayt dragons (and their pearls) and Anakin Skywalker's family. Time to plant the flag.
[] Alderaan -- sure, we just had a vision about the planet exploding. But they just joined the CNS, and there is a lot of stuff here to occupy our attention.
[] Nimban -- the best bureaucrats in the galaxy just joined the CNS; maybe they'll let us set up a recruitment center on the planet. Also, Hoersch-Kessel Drive is headquartered here, and we'd love to buy it before it gets liquidated in bankruptcy court
[] Mustafar -- lava planet with lots of history, populated by a) the Blackguard Force sect that just joined us, and b) a mining facility operated by the same Techno Union that owes us a whole bunch of favors.
EDIT per
[] Iego -- planet of (literal) angels, victimized by the CIS before joining the CNS. They would be prime targets to recruit for the Silver Cross charity. It's also at the center of a smuggling lane for the Ash Worlds, has a bunch of debris to salvage, a research-based Hero Unit to potentially recruit, and a big market for economic/infrastructure investment.
See here.
[] Aliston Nor -- jungle planet with the legendary lost city of the
Force Builders. Definitely worth checking out for the archaeology and Force knowledge (use the light side of the Force to build cities and monuments and starships, oh my!)
See here.
EDIT per
[] Prakith: 'hairless Wookies' to recruit, Mining Guild investments, and lots of archaeology to uncover.
[] Aargau: banking world ruled by IGBC (our ally), with plenty of friendly corporations to invest in and causes (war-crimes watchdog group among them) to co-opt.
[] Woostri: specialist-species tech researchers to recruit, massive research center to invest in/infiltrate, corporations and tourism centers to invest in.
[] Orma: a
junkyard world with a reputation for amazing high-quality artifacts to salvage. This should be a pretty cheap base purchase, primarily focused on salvage operations.
[] Pantolomin: tourist/resort world with luxury starshipwrights to invest in, and a massive entertainment-based space station that used to belong to a Tarisian corporation.
[] Mrlsst: homeworld of scholar/scientist specialist species, center for major under-funded university and scientific organizations to invest in
[] Nubia: they made R2-D2, as well as the cruiser Padme used as queen of Naboo. There are many corporations to invest in, the headquarters of the Intergalactic Gravball Federation, and a
lot of other worthwhile planets in the same system and sector.
Coruscant Base:
[] Undercity Portal: expand our facility's hangar so more ships can move in and out without attracting undue attention (Reward: smuggling income?)
[] Coruscant Media Group: expand our new media network and ramp up the anti-Palpatine messaging. Let our Taris media prop up support for the CNS; use this media outlet to undermine opinion of Palpatine.
[] Corporate Espionage: there are plenty of megacorporations that call Coruscant home. Target them for infiltration and surveillance, of the SIG INT and HUM INT varieties.
[] Coruscant Enquirer: set up a separate corporation to run our tabloids and gossip rags.
[] Droid Storage: increase the cap of our homegrown B1s
[] Karada Expansion
-[] Cybernetics Department - Jedi Healer Corps: sell our Force-sensitive cybernetics to the Jedi Order, to help their wounded heal from the war
[] Underworld Takeover (new options...)
-[] Extended Wiretaps: increase our Information income. Plus help clear out some of the corruption in the Undercity
-[] Aegis Security Expansion: increase our Military income, by offering legitimate protection and bodyguarding services (Perhaps this could also increase our Watcher cap?)
-[] Smugglers Den: I can't believe we don't have one of these already...
-[] Regional Strongholds: add new boltholes and depots in each area we take over
-[] Rolling Takeovers: costs 100 credits Upkeep (per turn), roll 1d3 (?) to takeover new areas of Coruscant Undercity each turn
Kaleesh Outpost:
[] Industrial Expansion
-[] Military Factories: produce better equipment (weapons, armor)
-[] Labor Droid Factories: less upkeep for buildings
[] Mercenary Recruitment Center
[] Warrior Academy: chance to increase the 'Tier' of our Kalee Warriors each turn
[] Gravball League: fund youth leagues and sponsor a professional franchise? (This could also work for Smashball or Shockboxing -- violent sports...).
[] Cantina Franchise: because even warriors enjoy a good stiff drink.
Oracle (Lucrehulk):
[] Ithorian Renewal
: invite the best ecologists in the galaxy to make our mobile base a more living, breathing ecosystem.
[] Vulture Droid Squadrons: ensure that the Oracle has fully autonomous droid starfighters to defend itself
Mandalorian Mansion:
[] Salvage Teams: Mandalore has a lot of history, despite the Jedi Excision.
[] Agricultural Revitalization: hire the Ithorians to fix the desolate landscape, so Mandalorians can eventually live outside their biocube cities.
[] Get'shuk Arenas: this rugby-like sport is native to Mandalore and wildly popular among most clans, wannabe warriors and pacifists alike. Build arenas and fund a competitive league, to spread the sport beyond the atmosphere of Mandalore proper. (Reward: increased popularity, small investment income, higher-quality Mandalorian Guardian recruits?)
Lordran, Kiln:
[] Farming Investment: now that Kiln has more workers, we should increase the quantity (and quality) of home-grown food
[] Mining Investment: now that there are more factories, we should ensure we have more raw materials to build with
[] Industrial Development: expand the size of the industrial district, so we can build more factories of the same type.
[] Vehicle and Droid factories -- we have the blueprints, so time to stock up on all our favorite droids
-[] IG droids (from 'Phlut Design' on Muunilist)
-[] CB-3 droids (from Techno Union on Metalorn)
-[] Hyena bombers
-[] Crab droids
-[] Droideka 'destroyer' droids
[] Personal Retreat: now that we have one, time to
-[] Mount Ciaran: because of course this should be a thing
-[] The Vault: bring our most valued possessions to our secret base...
[] Relocate Coruscant Base infrastructure: maybe move key personnel and equipment away from the center of Palpatine's power?
-[] Archive/Data Analysis droid fleet -- expand our droid personnel (to justify the default bonus...)
-[] Administrative droid fleet -- expand our droid personnel (to justify that default bonus as well)
[] Nature Preserve: Darth Plagueis (Hego Damask) had a private hunting/game/resort moon called 'Sojourn'. Why shouldn't Ciaran have the same?
-[] Rare Creatures -- we have a lot of fingers in a lot of pies, and between Grievous, the Arkanians, and everyone else, we know where a lot of rare animals can be found.
-[] Cloned Creatures -- when in doubt, or when a species is near-extinct, we can always make more...
-[] Hunting Lodge -- set up a place to rest in comfort between hunts
-[] Armory -- most people wouldn't expect a hunting lodge to be able to fight off entire battalions. Just in case Kiln is threatened... better safe than sorry.
-[] Landing Pad -- Kiln is private property, but we might want to invite some of our closest associates once in a while.
La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
[] Deep Space Research Lab: for studying exotic and 'anomalous' materials in safety...
Nar Shaddaa Property:
[] Aegis Security Expansion: expand our security company to take over defense for Abyss Watcher holding on the planet
[] Casino Franchise: expand our cantina/nightclub and build a gambling enterprise on the infamous Smuggler's Moon.
[] Currency Exchange: at the heart of Hutt Space, there's plenty of need for a respected institution to swap Republic credits for Huttese peggats and other currencies. Hire our Muun bankers to get in on the action.
Castell Facility:
[] Salvage/Recycling Teams -- Castell is a bit of a run-down mess thanks to Shu Mai and the earlier planet-scale recession. Let's help clean up!
[] Smuggler's Den: besides making us a tidy profit, this should help increase our popularity on the planet, as we establish a reputation for supplying things regardless of taxes or questionable legality
[] Mining Guild investment: the Commerce Guild includes a number of suppliers of raw materials. No doubt they'd appreciate some direct funding.
[] Gossam Development Programs: set up a system of microloans and investments to boost native economy (ask our Muun employees to help)
Muunilist Mansion:
[] Salvage/Recycling Teams: Muunilist has plenty of history, and there was a recent battle...
[] Currency Exchange: the Republic credit is the primary currency for most of the galaxy... but not all. Set up a currency exchange to take advantage of the trade between lesser-used currencies like the Huttese peggat, aurodium ingots, nova crystals, mesarcs, and glow-pearls.
[] Phlut Factories
-[] IG Development Labs -- prototype and develop new variants of IG droid chassis (lancers, assassin droids, mass-produced battle droids, etc.)
Vectivus' Home:
Kashyyyk Facility:
[] Salvage/Recycling Teams: Kashyyyk is a fascinating ecosystem. Let's clean up the planet and keep things that way
[] Trade Ports: Kashyyyk has trouble attracting interstellar trade. We can help with that.
[] Wookie Infrastructure Programs: high upkeep, in exchange for a bonus to our planetary income
[] Creature Exporters: Kashyyyk is home to all manner of beast fierce in tooth and claw. There may be a market for exotic and dangerous animals elsewhere in the galaxy, to fill nature reserves for the eco-friendly and hunting grounds for those who are less so.
[] System Defenses: put sensors and quick-response squadrons in the area, to protect against Trandoshan raiders (this
should relieve some of the pressure, so we can hire more Wookie Warriors...)
-[] Planetary Shield: if we need to go the extra mile...
Taris Property:
[] Mercy Medical Campus -- now that we have a new headquarters for Karada Corporation, time to expand
-[] Karada Laboratories: expand our pharmaceutical research, especially for reverse-engineering bacta...
-[] Karada Academy: collaborate with other major medcenters, and recruit/train more doctors, medics, and researchers
-[] Karada Genetics: set up a new center for our non-Arkanian researchers
-[] Karada Museum: dedicate a center with exhibits about the history of medical science in the galaxy
-[] Sentient Resources: recruiting center for medical-focused specialist species (Arkanians, Carosites, Lurrians, etc.)
-[] Karada Pharmaceuticals: duplicate/transplant our Karada operations from Coruscant to Taris
-[] Karada Manufacturing: duplicate/transplant our Karada operations from Coruscant to Taris
-[] Karada Medical Programs: duplicate/transplant our Karada operations from Coruscant to Taris
-[] Karada Cybernetics: duplicate/transplant our Karada operations from Coruscant to Taris
[] Promised Land: now that we have a skyway, time to bring the Nekghouls into the fold
-[] Political Integration -- ensure that Nekghouls can vote and participate in civic life on Taris
-[] Recruitment Center: Nekghouls are big, strong, and innately Force-sensitive. We want.
-[] Economic Investment: Nekghouls have lived in isolation for so long, their economy must be barely self-sufficient. Help them prosper
-[] Salvage Teams: the Promised Land is a big part of early Tarisian history. Perhaps we should establish more salvage teams to dig through the rubble?
-[] Force Academy: since the natives are Force-sensitive, perhaps they'd appreciate our insight into wielding the Force, and perhaps they'd be willing to teach our Agents some of the tricks they've picked up.
[] System Defenses: add sensors at the edge of the system for early-warning detection
-[] Rapid-Response Defense Forces: in case of attack, set up droid starfighters to sortie and defend the planet
-[] Planetary Shield Reinforcement: set up more generators or energy sources, so it will stand up to bombardment?
[] Silver Cross Headquarters: Taris is our capital. Let's transplant our philanthropic organization out of Palpatine's crosshairs (Reward: discount of Silver Cross upkeep?)
[] CNS Assembly building: the CNS isn't a formal government, but it'd be nice to have a place where representatives of each system or region can meet to discuss issues they have in common. (The fact that this would make it easy to convene a future 'Parliament' is purely coincidental)
[] 'Palace': Lady Ciaran is the galaxy's biggest celebrity. It'd be pretty easy for her to persuade Taris to elect her queen for life. Build a 'personal retreat' on the planet, that can attract tourists (and tourists' credits) when she's not in residence.
[] High-Society Matchmaking: we built Taris pretty much from scratch. Let's meddle with the upper crust, and make them pay us for the privilege.
[] Baobab Merchant Fleet Terminal: expand the trade ports to make the most of our collaboration with the Baobab family
[] Benelex House Facilities: invite the anti-kidnapping bounty hunter chapterhouse to expand to Taris proper
[] Corellian Merchant Guildhouse: now that Corellia is a CNS member, invite them to set up their own trade guild
[] CEC Facilities: invite Corellian Engineering Corporation to join Kuat, Incom, and Sienar in Taris's budding industrial district
[] Ojostor Media Group: expand our media operations to cover the local region, and ultimate the rest of the Rim. Use it as a bullhorn to unite public perception behind the CNS, increasing our unity and improving recruitment odds for first the northern Outer Rim, then the rest of the Outer Rim, then the Mid Rim and Expansion Region as well.
-[] Lellish Marketing: recruit Lellish from local space to run the marketing/advertising side of our media group -- they are the best PR specialists in the galaxy, after all.
Naboo Mansion:
[] Gungan Economic Development -- basically, treat the Gungan half of the planet like we did Kalee
-[] Aquaculture investments
-[] Industrial investments
-[] Amphibious Tradeports: there are many aquatic species that produce starships that can travel underwater. Set up a spaceport for them.
-[] Hydrostatic Bubble Corporation: make a company that 'grows' underwater bubble-cities for other species and planets
[] Asset Centralization: we own a lot of disparate businesses, tradeports, and other legitimate and criminal enterprises on the planet. Sort it out.
-[] Naboo Development Program: as on our other planets, upkeep in exchange for bonus to our income from this planet
[] Salvage Teams: we really should make this standard for all of our bases
[] Karada Medcenter: should also be standard-issue
[] Silver Cross Distribution Center: expand our charitable giving through the southern Mid Rim, and expand operations on Naboo to increase donations and let local volunteers take charge of administering the refugee cities (Reward: income from refugee cities, or lower Silver Cross upkeep)
[] High-Society Matchmaking: we started this when we were a local presence on Coruscant. Now that we control a big part of the galaxy, it's nice to get back to basics. Plus, it'd be
hilarious to 'accidentally' pair Padme with Anakin...!
[] Water Export business: there are a lot of desert planets in the galaxy. Naboo is literally full of water, all the way to the planet core. Supply, meet demand.
-[] Bigger Fish Exporters: the oceans in the planet core are filled with sea monsters. Perhaps some people might be willing to buy them... (Reward: smuggling income?)
Cato Neimoidia Mansion
[] Salvage Teams: considering the cities are built on 'hammocks' between rocky pillars, there should be plenty to salvage from the surface
Dantooine Facility
[] Svivreni Crystal Mines: we employ the best geologists in the galaxy. Recruit them to explore those crystal caves some more...
[] Vianist House: Lorrd is the center of two religions known for sending pilgrims to Force-strong sites around the galaxy. Make them welcome on Dantooine.
Ord Mantell Compound
[] Fort Garnik Depot: now that we own it, let's make it bigger
-[] Arsenal: set up an arsenal, so CNS members can pay us to store and supply weapons in case they need help
-[] Drydock: set up a facility for starship repairs
-[] Barracks: set up a facility for CNS and/or Abyss Watcher troops
[] System Defenses: Ord Mantell is the first line of defense for the northern CNS. Make sure there's advanced warning in case of attack.
[] Expanded Smuggler's Den: that
is what the planet is known for...
[] Tansarii Point Station investment: a major trade/smuggling in space above Ord Mantell, run by an up-and-coming smuggler named Jorj Car'das. Thrawn seems to recognize the name...
Corellia Property
[] Smuggler's Den: it's a planet filled with maverick pilots. You don't think there are more smugglers per capita than anywhere besides Nar Shaddaa?
[] Trade Port: lots of pilots, lots of ships. This should be a thing.
[] Corellia Intelligencer: incorporate a media group on Corellia, to promote the idea of neutrality to the Corellian people (and later to sympathetic systems and sectors in the Core and Colonies).
[] Silver Cross Distribution Center: expand operations in the southern Core, and open up operations on Corellia to increase local donations and work with local volunteers to run the refugee cities (Reward: increased income/lower Silver Cross upkeep)
NEW: Chu'unthor (Mobile Base)
[] Sienar Customization: invite Raith to renovate the ship's interior, to make it as useful as can be
[] Ithorian Biome: invite our Ithorian ecologists to make the Chu'unthor self-sustaining, and as friendly to the Living Force as possible in deep space
[] Abyss Agent Barracks: set up a space for our agents to train (increased odds of promotion? OR +1 Lore action for training/incorporate techniques)
[] Personal Quarters: set up private rooms for Ciaran's own use. Of course these should be located below the ship's bridge (because she's a troll...)
[] Abyss Archive: set up a museum/datalinks/library for our accumulated knowledge of the Force, its history, and any artifacts we've discovered
[] Force Materials Lab: set up a location to pursue organic (taozin, senflax, ysalamiri) or inorganic (cortosis, lightsaber crystals, Forcesaber) research. This should provide +1 Learning Action or shorter/cheaper research? (Perhaps the organic and inorganic research paths can be separated into different lab upgrades?)
[] Defensive emplacements: the
Chu'unthor is a flying brick. Now that it's space-worthy, make sure it can't be shot down easily
[] Starfighter complement: there is a hangar with space for quite a few one-person starfighters. Fill it out, with vulture droids or Headhunters
[] Research Complex: the
Chu'unthor was designed with space for various universities and research facilities to join the Jedi in studying the Force. We'd only extend invitations to groups we implicitly trust, such as: Adascorp (Arkanians), Lorrd University (CNS), Karada Corporation (we own it...), etc.
[] Vianist Quarters: make room for Lorrdian pilgrims on their way to/from Force-powerful sites and nexuses. They might also provide new insights and artifacts...
NEW: Sullust Facility
[] Aegis Security Facility: set up our security forces to defend the base and earn some income on the side
[] Trade Port: Sullust is one of the biggest economic capitals of the Outer Rim. Make sure it lives up to the name.
[] Salvage Teams: Sullust isn't a pleasant world to live on, but there's so much industry, it'll be easy to salvage things of value.
[] Large-scale Wiretaps: time for some corporate espionage.
[] Cantina Franchise
[] Labor Droid Factories: invest or build in labor droid factories (reward: cheaper base upgrades OR less upkeep per turn)
[] Sullustan Recruitment Center: Sullust has the best navigators in the galaxy. Hire them to fly our ships, and scout out new trade routes and hyperlanes.
[] SoroSuub investments: SoroSuub employs most of the population, and has a
lot of branches with a lot of products. Invest in the biggest business on the planet.
[] Fulluusub Development: any Sullustan that is too free-thinking (and/or insane) is exiled to the city/asylum of Fulluusub. Set up a development program and/or recruitment center to see if we can hire anyone that is actually sane, for any of our work around the galaxy. (Roll dice each turn for random benefits?)
NEW: Arkania Facility
[] Aegis Security Facility: secure the perimeter and earn some credits.
[] Trade Port: Arkania is an ice planet with little industry, but medical tourism is a thing that we can use.
[] Large-scale Wiretaps
[] Salvage/Archaeology teams: Arkania has plenty of history, including Arca Jeth's Praxeum and what was once the biggest Sith Library in the galaxy. Time to explore! Don't forget to keep your eyes peeled for dragons, though...
[] Svivreni Diamond Mines: hire our geologists to expand diamond mining beneath the planet's surface.
[] Karada Research Complex: expand our medical corporation to the planet
[] Arkanian Recruitment Center: build a dedicated employment office to hire more geneticists (Reward: default bonus for all genetics research/actions)
[] Adascorp Investments: thanks to our recovering the
Arkanian Legacy, they love us. Invest in their company and reap the rewards.
[] Museum of Arkania: build a center dedicated to Arkanian history and Arkanian science (Reward: better odds/income from 'Mass Genemodding'? OR slight upkeep for a small increase in planetary income, as Arkanian medicine becomes more palatable?)
[] Cloning Facilities: buy cloning chambers and vats (from Kamino and Spaarti Labs) to start systematically studying the science of cloning
NEW: Tibannopolis
[] Aegis Security Facility: secure the platform-city, and hire out as mercenaries for other groups in the area.
[] Large-scale Wiretaps: we own the entire platform-city. Of course we're going to plant bugs everywhere.
[] Benelex House Facility: invite our favorite bounty-hunter chapter to expand to the southern Outer Rim and protect against kidnapping and piracy
[] Tibanna Gas Refinery: tibanna gas is incredibly rare and incredibly useful, and Tibannopolis was built primarily to collect and refine it. Set it up.
-[] Weapons Factory: tibanna gas is particularly useful for making more powerful blasters. With a refinery on site, a factory here would be much easier to operate.
[] Shipyard: tibanna gas can also be used for turbolasers and cannons for starships. Build a shipyard to make the most of it (OR invite Sienar/Incom/Kuat/CEC to set up their own facilities on the platform...)
[] Trade Port: Bespin could be a major port of call for the southern Outer Rim, especially if Cloud City lives up to its promise as a resort destination. Set up a trade port to take advantage of ships coming and going.
-[] Javin Shipping: incorporate a merchant fleet to operate throughout the under-serviced southwestern Outer Rim
[] Shadowport: Bespin is also a bit off the beaten track, which makes it ideal for smuggling. Nothing too egregious, though; there are Jedi on site.
[] Entertainment District: Cloud City is advertising itself as the premier resort destination of the Greater Javin region. Time they face some competition.
-[] Cantina Franchise
-[] Nightclub Expansion
-[] Casino Franchise: as a resort destination, Tibannopolis wouldn't be complete without a place for gamblers.
-[] Luxus Resort(s)
-[] Theme Park -- I'm imagining something like 'Hologram Fun World' from the Jedi Prince books, but hopefully less cringeworthy?
[] Jedi Enclave: Tibannopolis already has a docking bay for the Altisian Jedi (who fly a mobile praxeum ship also called the
Chu'unthor, since the original was lost so long ago...). Invest some funds in making Tibannopolis more comfortable for them.
[] Salvage/Archaeology Teams: Tibannopolis was abandoned some years ago, but there are many other planets in the sector that could also use closer scrutiny. Hoth, for instance, was the battlefield for one of the major clashes of the Sith War a thousand years ago.
NEW: Lorrd Property
[] Aegis Security Facility: secure the premises and earn some cash. Easy peasy.
[] Salvage/Archaeology teams: there's plenty of history to be found in the system, and plenty of treasure as well.
[] Trade Port: Lorrd isn't tied to a major hyperlane, but it's well situated to benefit from trade and travel across much of the far northern Outer Rim.
[] Vianist Pilgrimages: Lorrd is the center of two religions that encourage pilgrims to visit Force-strong sites and nexuses around the galaxy. Fund those expeditions, and reap the rewards (Reward: 2 archaeology rolls like Dantooine, but covering any number of minor archaeology sites around the galaxy that don't deserve a Lore Action of their own. Perhaps critical successes could be treated as a free action for one of the archaeology expeditions that are listed?)
[] Vianist Safehouses: encourage the Vianist pilgrims to set up monastic houses and hostels, for pilgrims and for charity. Work with the Silver Cross to care for the homeless and widows and orphans wherever they visit. If this means that there is less suffering on such worlds, that makes it less likely for Force-sensitives born on those worlds to fall to the dark side.
[] Svivreni Gem Mines: Lorrdian gems are powerful lightsaber crystals known to enhance the body-language reading of Jedi who wield them. Invite our geologists to expand mining operations.
[] Lorrd City University: invest in the local institute that studies language and culture, and set up a scholarship fund for any Abyss Agent or Watcher who wants to improve their skills at threat detection, cold reading and communication.
[] Lorrdian Recruitment Center: Lorrdians are the
best diplomats in the galaxy, bar none. Hire them to help us out. They'll probably figure out what we're up to, but they have a long cultural memory of disliking slavers and the Sith, so we should be fine. (Reward: +5 Diplomacy default bonus)
[] Karada Medcenter: invest in making the population healthier.
[] Kanz Intelligencer: our Coruscant media is geared toward fighting Palpatine, our Taris and Corellia media is focused on uniting the CNS. From Lorrd, we can set up a separate media organization dedicated to fighting slavers and pirates around the galaxy. Lorrd's history of fighting against slavery should give it credibility, and the Lorrdian mastery of communication should make this especially effective.