I'm considering it, but my impression from the thread is that Soresu is seen as more useful against Palpatine. Also: lightsaber training takes two turns to complete, so this skill would not be available this turn when meeting Dooku.
It would not be at the level of an Adept, perhaps, but a year of lightsaber training is still a year of training. It would be the same amount of training undertaken as Advanced Blazing Chains and it builds upon something Ciaran is very good at whereas Advanced Blazing Chains does not.
It would not be at the level of an Adept, perhaps, but a year of lightsaber training is still a year of training. It would be the same amount of training undertaken as Advanced Blazing Chains and it builds upon something Ciaran is very good at whereas Advanced Blazing Chains does not.
Two things. IIRC, turns got cut to a quarter per turn, since so much happens so quickly during the war. Also, the opposite side of that same argument holds true as well. We're already very good with a lightsaber, so it stands to reason that diminishing returns set in eventually. Better to be good at two tricks than great at one.
We're already very good with a lightsaber, so it stands to reason that diminishing returns set in eventually.
Not what I meant. Whereas the effectiveness of a turn's worth of Form V would be multiplied by Matukai mastery and our custom lightsaber, the effectiveness of a turn's worth of Blazing Chains would be multiplied by nothing. We have no abilities or special weapons which make Blazing Chains better than it otherwise would be.
I do feel like we can go for Blazing Chains next turn, with three personal actions and not always needing to spend one on dinner we should be able to grab it next turn along with using the third either on PA or learning more force tricks.
That assumes we won't get more personal actions that are as juicy as the turn. I find that unlikely.
Well on previous turns we only had two personal actions so we just gained a 3rd this turn. Also we are getting at least one additional hero, maybe a second if we do very well on the Baobab so that can reduce the need for using our personal attention next time.
Do Form III this turn. Next turn Form III completes and start Form V. Also do Blazing Chains next turn since the Dooku slot should be freed. Think the long game. Doing two turn actions now is important because we're on a timer.

Also do we know what stat's being applied to Dooku re: Personal Attention
@Dr. Snark: I'm pretty sure you forgot to update the front page with last turn's base upgrades for Coruscant.
Coruscant (Coruscant History Museum, Senate Security Systems Training Compound, Senatorial Accounts Presidium Funding)
None of those three appear on the front page.

Also, I'm wondering what the effect was of our 'Beskar Mine Lease'? The reward states:
Reward: Access to Beskar iron, increase in elite troop armor quailty
I'm assuming that second one makes them more likely to survive (useful given the upcoming Foundry assault). But what does 'access' give us? Can we do anything with it? Materials analysis, mass production... would it provide better rewards for the 'Commando Gear' Learning Action?

Third, is there supposed to be a Learning Action or Hero Action to start working on the problem of getting Vectivus his body? (Perhaps we could gain information on cloning from the Tipoca City action, or Cheriss's frame research might lead to building an android body for our friendly neighborhood Darth. Or would it need to be some sort of separate write-in Learning Action?
"I, uh...I'm sorry that I haven't really been doing anything about that. I mean we did promise you that we might be able to put together some new body for you but everything's been so hectic-"

Fourth, in the conversation between Ciaran and Seti Ashgad, was the "perhaps I could suggest subtler alternatives" a sign that we should come up with write-ins or offer our own suggestions for dealing with the possible future?
"Corporate civil war. The Tarisan Incom branch will reveal that they have been 'rebelling' against the 'authorities' on Fresia and will 'officially separate' themselves from them and fully align themselves with Taris and the Council by extension if pressure on Incom becomes too intense. Not particularly subtle I will admit, however it will be grand enough to blind cursory investigations."

"Perhaps I could suggest subtler alternatives, that sounds a bit extreme."

Finally, I don't think anyone spotted the subliminal text when you were going over our new Corellia base:
"Archaeology was never my primary interest, but I admit that the planets in the system and Centerpoint Station are quite fascinating."


"Lady Ciaran?"

"I...I might need to look into Centerpoint myself sometime. Never mind that for now."
So, uh... should we be worried?
Also do we know what stat's being applied to Dooku re: Personal Attention
That'd be Diplomacy.

We have no abilities or special weapons which make Blazing Chains better than it otherwise would be.
Kinda. We will have a special weapon once we build that dedicated lava-crystal blaster (it's a Lore action this turn, assigning our agents to figure it out, that unlocks the Personal Action next turn).

Even so:
I do feel like we can go for Blazing Chains next turn
Do Form III this turn.
That's #4 and #5. Sorry @Panory, I plan to double-up on Blazing Chain + Lava Blaster next turn, but for now... I'll go ahead and make the change.

EDIT: Here you go:
Personal: Pick 3:
[X] Physical Training: Chance of Success: 70%
-[X] Form III (Soresu) Training: Reward: Martial Increase, Form III training (Takes 2 Turns)
Soresu Training: 70% + 15 (default) + 20 (omakes) = 100+% odds, with 35% chance of crit
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@Dr. Snark: I'm pretty sure you forgot to update the front page with last turn's base upgrades for Coruscant.

Thanks, will fix.

I'm assuming that second one makes them more likely to survive (useful given the upcoming Foundry assault). But what does 'access' give us? Can we do anything with it? Materials analysis, mass production... would it provide better rewards for the 'Commando Gear' Learning Action?

Materials analysis would now be viable, let me add that in.

Third, is there supposed to be a Learning Action or Hero Action to start working on the problem of getting Vectivus his body? (Perhaps we could gain information on cloning from the Tipoca City action, or Cheriss's frame research might lead to building an android body for our friendly neighborhood Darth. Or would it need to be some sort of separate write-in Learning Action?

Dammit I knew I forgot something...thing is that there's really not that much to go on all things considered. The problem is basically "how in the fuck do we stuff a Sith Phantom back into a body?" That's not exactly something that comes up often for obvious reasons. If someone can conceive of an action that would cover that it would be great, but aside from that it goes as far as "where do we even start?"

Fourth, in the conversation between Ciaran and Seti Ashgad, was the "perhaps I could suggest subtler alternatives" a sign that we should come up with write-ins or offer our own suggestions for dealing with the possible future?

Nah, just flavor.

Finally, I don't think anyone spotted the subliminal text when you were going over our new Corellia base:

Oh right, thanks for reminding me, need to add in a thing for that.



Fixed now. Okay, that should be everything. I think.
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Dammit I knew I forgot something...thing is that there's really not that much to go on all things considered. The problem is basically "how in the fuck do we stuff a Sith Phantom back into a body?" That's not exactly something that comes up often for obvious reasons. If someone can conceive of an action that would cover that it would be great, but aside from that it goes as far as "where do we even start?"
Well we know how to make phantoms, we know how to make droids, and we have force-sensitive cybernetics. I think we've already started. The Cheriss Sair Frame action could unlock further insights.
Finally, I don't think anyone spotted the subliminal text when you were going over our new Corellia base:

I spotted it.

Third, is there supposed to be a Learning Action or Hero Action to start working on the problem of getting Vectivus his body

I hope you are remembering that Vectivus is a shadow cast by a powerful living creature in the Force? It's just that the dead Sith Lord figured out how to give the shadow his consciousness. There is something out there (something very powerful and very evil) that Vectivus doesn't just depend on for his existence, but he is actually part of.

As such I deeply question the wisdom of giving Vectivus a body, since he's not really a separate creature.

We could maybe try to make clones and write Vectivus' mind onto them, but when Palpatine did that it didn't go well, and I am not sure if Vectivus has a fresh tissue sample we could clone him from.

Dammit I knew I forgot something...thing is that there's really not that much to go on all things considered. The problem is basically "how in the fuck do we stuff a Sith Phantom back into a body?" That's not exactly something that comes up often for obvious reasons. If someone can conceive of an action that would cover that it would be great, but aside from that it goes as far as "where do we even start?"

How about we find whatever enormously powerful, evil and long lived creature has been casting the Vectivus-shadow for all these centuries and find a way to over-write its mind with Vectivus?

I mean, it might take a super, super crit, but knowing this game, that sort of madness might actually work...

The problem is basically "how in the fuck do we stuff a Sith Phantom back into a body?" That's not exactly something that comes up often for obvious reasons. If someone can conceive of an action that would cover that it would be great, but aside from that it goes as far as "where do we even start?"
My first thought was to see if we could clone a Force-sensitive body for him to occupy. Though that gets to the problem of Force-sensitive clones (i.e., they go insane), which leads to the solution that Palpatine stumbled across (surround the cloning chamber with ysalamiri...). Which ties rather nicely into the action that's being completed this turn. :D

Considering our very impressive medical company and our partnership with Arkania and our ties to Kal Skirata's clone commados (with their own clone-related science project)... should we be able to research cloning at this point? Or should that be something we already have access to thanks to our allies? (Should it be a reward for the Tipoca City raid?)

I do like @Andres110's idea about using Sair Frames as a base, but if inorganic droid bodies don't work out, I'd like to see if organic clone bodies would. Plus it's just useful research.

Oh right, thanks for reminding me, need to add in a thing for that.
...Uh, any idea why I have a sense of impending doom? :ninja:

I hope you are remembering that Vectivus is a shadow cast by a powerful living creature in the Force? It's just that the dead Sith Lord figured out how to give the shadow his consciousness. There is something out there (something very powerful and very evil) that Vectivus doesn't just depend on for his existence, but he is actually part of.
I don't think it works that way...?

Here's the wiki. From what I can tell, it is a Sith ritual that involves Vectivus casting himself out to search for a 'target mind' that he can use to anchor himself. I don't see any indication that it is reliant on some "enormously powerful, evil and long lived creature" -- unless you just mean Vectivus himself?
The ways to start getting back V's body i can come up with are
A) as Andre101 said get a droid body for him to inhabit/possess
B) She how easy it is to get him to take over a clone body from a random person that has no experiences and thus little if any sense of self.
-1) see if he can do B to a cloned force sensitive.
-2) See if we could try B with a clone of V (Don't know if we have any genetic samples we could try this with)
-3) See if we can rip out the mind of a force sensitive we don't like and stuff V inside it without an inhabitant to contest it. It is one way to get rid of Maul or an Acolyte we don't like.
C) Try to make him a custom body with Sith alchemy.

Anybody else have any ideas we could try out?

Edit: Ninja'd
Oh right, thanks for reminding me, need to add in a thing for that.
...Uh, any idea why I have a sense of impending doom? :ninja:
And this is why:
[] Archaeological Expeditions: There are very famous sites in the galaxy that are dying for someone to lead expeditions to...and potentially locate Force-related artifacts. Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[] Centerpoint Station*: Something about the station caused your Shatterpoint abilities to react to it...maybe you should look into why that is more specifically.
Yeah, something tells me we don't want to poke this mystery box just yet. If ever.

Here is that one:
[] The Force Within A Blade: Var Zheen and Cheriss have both been curious about the forcesaber you recovered from Lehon and want to see just what makes it so special, just how it is infused with the Force. Of course, they have basically nothing barring stories and myths about it to go on, so it's going to be much more difficult for either of them to figure it out. Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 200 Reward: Forcesaber analyzed [Takes 4 turns, locks actions for 3 turns]
The Forcesaber in itself isn't much, but the concept -- using the Force as a source of power? The potential is staggering. As with the ysalamiri, this is one that we'd want to double-up on to minimize the action 'lock'. Definitely not something for this turn, probably not something to pick up in the near future, but still an interesting option.
We need to get a new Diplomacy and Lore action. Anyone have an idea of how to do that? Having just one for each is insufficient.
We need to get a new Diplomacy and Lore action. Anyone have an idea of how to do that? Having just one for each is insufficient.
We can sometimes get the Force Sect training by doing them as personal actions for Lore so that helps. As it is I would prefer picking up an additional free action so we can move that to whatever needs it the most.
@Publicola, unless I'm mistaken, did we end up bringing in those super diplomats into the CNS or not? That seems like an important thing that may be important.

[X] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
-[X] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine
Perhaps it might be wise to swap this out with something else? We could learn a new force power or rush the personal shield technology to help us if something goes wrong. If something goes wrong, Piloting 101 may be our only real shot at getting away. Whatever action we replace it with, it'll be one thing to cross of the list and that'll be good for us in the long term.

And what if we just don't go at all? Is it really worth it with all the potential risks and the action cost?
Is it really worth it with all the potential risks and the action cost?
Best case scenario is Dooku having realized he's being used and wanting to collaborate against Sidious. Unlikely, but very worth the risk if it's even a possibility. Besides, maybe I'm just being sentimental, but he did save Ciaran's life before. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt just this once for old time's sake.
@Publicola, unless I'm mistaken, did we end up bringing in those super diplomats into the CNS or not?
Are you talking about the Lorrdians with their 'kinetic communication' (body language cold reading/lie detection), or something else?

Lorrd is a member of the CNS, but we haven't done much with them. I don't even know if @Dr. Snark would let us build a base there.

And what if we just don't go at all? Is it really worth it with all the potential risks and the action cost?
Part of me agrees with you. We're spending two actions (plus Thrawn) on an action with questionable value. At the same time... it's an obvious QM 'mystery box', and there was never really any doubt that we wouldn't pick it. :rolleyes:
Here's the wiki. From what I can tell, it is a Sith ritual that involves Vectivus casting himself out to search for a 'target mind' that he can use to anchor himself. I don't see any indication that it is reliant on some "enormously powerful, evil and long lived creature" -- unless you just mean Vectivus himself?

There's more detail in the article about Dinn, who Vectivus was messing with/trying to educate.

Nelani Dinn

Neither is a great portrayal of what happens in the comic though. Basically, in the comic Vectivus brings her to him, and when she senses his power and his evil, he explains his power to Dinn and challenges her to strike him down, saying that he - like all of the phantoms he's had her fight - is a shadow of something else, and when she kills a shadow, she kills the thing it is connected to. The power and evil she is sensing isn't actually him, but the thing he linked himself to. And she will greatly improve the Galaxy by killing it (by killing his shadow-life). Dinn refuses, and Vectivus tears into her and the Jedi philosophy since she's not willing to do what is necessary to make the Galaxy is a better place. By being unwilling to suck it up and make what she thinks is an evil choice, she is in fact making an even more evil choice and this is why (in his view) she is more evil than he.

It could just be Sithy lies and manipulations. But if that were true, it would be an uncommonly stupid idea, since Vectivus could have stayed out of the whole comic if he'd wanted. That he captured the weakest Jedi in his house and has her brought to him makes me think that he was doing this daft thing because he really did have a sort of trollish moral outrage and he really wanted to flame her.

[X] Plan Heroes and Friends

Convinced me with the mere title.

I can dig more heroes. I can always dig more heroes.

which reminds me we really should have more options to interacting with some of the other high priority personnel from the clone wars. Or more 501 goodness.