Sorry @Andres110 , I'm keeping my plan as is. The potential Anti-Palpatine asset trumps the stat boosts for Cheriss' frame. As for Vectivus? It sounds nice but it doesn't move me as much. Next turn, possibly.
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We need that on Dooku though and using it twice just wastes potential. We already have it at 80% chance and with Thrawn it becomes 95 and with the omake bonuses it becomes 100 at least. We don't need to focus on it personally. We just need to act on it.
This is dangerous thinking. Remember the Foundry. A "success" there wouldn't have been anything of the sort. We needed to get a Super Crit in order to get anything resembling a success. We can't trust the percentage chances anymore. For something so important that our subconscious drew our attention to it more than the Dooku meeting, it's definitely a candidate for having a false DC.

Even if you choose not to believe in the false DC theory, at least consider that our subconscious considered it important enough to tell us about it and to tell us to pay attention to it, whereas with the Dooku meeting it did not. From that point of view, if we're putting a Personal Attention into the Dooku meeting, then we should DEFINITELY be putting a Personal Attention into the protests. It is more important than the Dooku meeting.

Sorry @Andres110 , I'm keeping my plan as is. The potential Anti-Palpatine asset trumps the stat boosts for Cheriss' frame.
Did you completely skip over the reasoning that I gave? The reason I want the Cheriss frame isn't for something as petty as a stat boost, but to get Vectivus on the field. He is a Baneite Sith Lord. You're trading in a powerful potential Anti-Palpatine asset for a lesser potential Anti-Palpatine asset.
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This is dangerous thinking. Remember the Foundry. A "success" there wouldn't have been anything of the sort. We needed to get a Super Crit in order to get anything resembling a success. We can't trust the percentage chances anymore. For something so important that our subconscious drew our attention to it more than the Dooku meeting, it's definitely a candidate for having a false DC.

Even if you choose not to believe in the false DC theory, at least consider that our subconscious considered it important enough to tell us about it and to tell us to pay attention to it, whereas with the Dooku meeting it did not. From that point of view, if we're putting a Personal Attention into the Dooku meeting, then we should DEFINITELY be putting a Personal Attention into the protests. It is more important than the Dooku meeting.

Did you completely skip over the reasoning that I gave? The reason I want the Cheriss frame isn't for something as petty as a stat boost, but to get Vectivus on the field. He is a Baneite Sith Lord. You're trading in a powerful potential Anti-Palpatine asset for a lesser potential Anti-Palpatine asset.

And that was the Foundry which was a potential game breaker if Dr. Snark just gave it to us. This is a potential attack on the Order, sure, and yes our subconscious told us to focus on it. But using two personal attentions stalls our personal growth which is needed more than simply ensuring a critical success on an action which, based on the bonuses going to be used, will succeed by default.
Mainly because I strongly support the Janissarri over the blackguard, for reasons explained in my canon omake.
Looks like your argument is that the Jensaarai are a younger sect who are in danger of being discovered/corrupted by Palpatine. I'd say that's a danger with pretty much every Force sect, and the Jensaarai are probably less at risk than most others, since they are hiding from the Jedi Order to the extent that their survival is not even rumored until after Order 66. I agree that they'd probably be easier for us to lead (since they are so young and so little established), but I don't get the impression that they have many skills to offer us. Ballistakinesis would be useful if slugthrowers were more common; but it's blasters that are the galactic weapon of choice, and we have Blazing Chain anyway.

(I did love the "Sith Cultists who don't realize they're supposed to kick puppies", though. Actual laugh-out-loud moment for me).

As for Blackguard, it was marked 'canon' by Dr. Snark, but I think the organizational and philosophical differences are actually a feature rather than a bug. Yeah, having a rank called 'Minion' is goofy, but a clear hierarchy and consistent chance for promotion is straight out of the 'best practices' manual. And their philosophy is basically akin to Aristotle's disagreement with Plato -- they reject the notion that a dark/light duality (Plato's 'world of forms') exists independently in the world, but argue that such duality is part of each person's nature (Aristotle's 'four causes'). Plus, per the wiki: "They sought to bring balance to the light and dark sides within themselves, similar to the ancient Je'daii Order"... and to the Abyss Walkers.

(Also: Susevfi is pretty much only important for hosting the Jensaarai, while Mustafar has plenty more to offer, and Asajj's visit might unlock it as a base).

Sorry if it loses your vote, but I probably won't be changing Asajj's destination this turn.
This is dangerous thinking. Remember the Foundry. A "success" there wouldn't have been anything of the sort. We needed to get a Super Crit in order to get anything resembling a success. We can't trust the percentage chances anymore. For something so important that our subconscious drew our attention to it more than the Dooku meeting, it's definitely a candidate for having a false DC.

Even if you choose not to believe in the false DC theory, at least consider that our subconscious considered it important enough to tell us about it and to tell us to pay attention to it, whereas with the Dooku meeting it did not. From that point of view, if we're putting a Personal Attention into the Dooku meeting, then we should DEFINITELY be putting a Personal Attention into the protests. It is more important than the Dooku meeting.

More to the point, a normal success on the Jedi Temple situation may merely be avoiding complete disaster and having the chance to salvage something from the wreckage.

We may be facing a situation where this is the range of options from intervening at the temple:

critfail = Ciaran's intervention leads the Younglings into a trap, when the Jedi send out a rescue operation, the Temple is attacked, Younglings and adult Jedi are massacred, the Temple falls, the Jedi in disarray and blame Ciaran at least partially for their misfortune.

fail = Ciaran is unable to save the Younglings, the Temple falls, the Jedi are in disarray, Palpatine's position is greatly strengthened.

success = Ciaran is able to help some Younglings escape giving her extra recruits for the Abyss Watchers, the Temple falls, the Jedi are in disarray, Palpatine's position is greatly strengthened.

Crit success = Ciaran is able to help all Younglings escape, the Temple is attacked, but thanks to Ciaran's intervention causing the Jedi to generally tighten their security, it does not fall, the Jedi take heavy losses, they trust Ciaran more, relations between the Jedi and the Coruscant public are heavily damaged, meaning Palpatine's plan has failed, but he has a stronger hand to attack the Jedi next time.

Super crit success = Ciaran's intervention completely derails Palpatine's plans somehow.

Note that the success in such a scenario wouldn't be good, but it would still be a sizeable improvement over the situation at the end of the final prequal movie - but it is a long way from ideal.

@Publicola & @Killerflood

I am wondering why you both didn't choose these two intrigue actions:

[] Bad Moon Over Coruscant: You've been told that apparently something's going on at a moon of Coruscant involving a Palpatine shell corporation sending money there for something. That's definitely worth looking into. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Palpatine project investigated

[] Rumblings Of A Giant: According to recent reports out of the Senate a major project has been authorized involving a "supercapital ship" of some variety. While the project is apparently going to take a considerable amount of time to complete, that definitely sounds like it's at least worth looking into. Maybe Raith knows more about it given his position? Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Information on Republic secret project gained

Also, exactly what is so good about the The Baobab Partnership?

It seems to me that Treasury Auditing would be much more useful at this point:

[] Treasury Auditing: While the actual backdoor to the Republic Treasury remains out of your reach (damn you Skirata), he is willing to let you (or more accurately the Muun bankers you have on staff) look over some past records to see if they can find anything to investigate further...or maybe some dirt. Odds are there's something there knowing Palpatine. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Locate potential dirt on Palpatine or find leads on other projects

@Dr. Snark: Is renewing the partnership with Jerec an option we'll have next turn also?

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Looks like your argument is that the Jensaarai are a younger sect who are in danger of being discovered/corrupted by Palpatine. I'd say that's a danger with pretty much every Force sect, and the Jensaarai are probably less at risk than most others, since they are hiding from the Jedi Order to the extent that their survival is not even rumored until after Order 66. I agree that they'd probably be easier for us to lead (since they are so young and so little established), but I don't get the impression that they have many skills to offer us. Ballistakinesis would be useful if slugthrowers were more common; but it's blasters that are the galactic weapon of choice, and we have Blazing Chain anyway.
They also have an interesting armor design that's very good against lightsabers. And my argument is that their relative youth and fear makes them more likely to change rapidly. The Blackguard probably won't change all that much from turn to turn, the Jensaarai probably will.
[X] Plan Heroes and Friends

I really want a lightsaber form, and they take 2 turns... hmm.

I'd want to but of doing blazing-chains training until after we have the blaster upgrade, or at least started it up.

Since that should be our preferred main dueling weapon.
Also, exactly what is so good about the The Baobab Partnership?

It seems to me that Treasury Auditing would be much more useful at this point:

[] Treasury Auditing: While the actual backdoor to the Republic Treasury remains out of your reach (damn you Skirata), he is willing to let you (or more accurately the Muun bankers you have on staff) look over some past records to see if they can find anything to investigate further...or maybe some dirt. Odds are there's something there knowing Palpatine. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Locate potential dirt on Palpatine or find leads on other projects


I changed to Baobab because Treasury Auditing has such a low chance that even with all of the bonuses it would only be 70% (wow this quest has warped chances...) and failing that might backfire.
I changed to Baobab because Treasury Auditing has such a low chance that even with all of the bonuses it would only be 70% (wow this quest has warped chances...) and failing that might backfire.

On the other hand it would really help finding Palpatine's resources, corruption and projects...

On the learning front, we may actually be better off to do one of these two:

[] Develop Improved Medical Gear: The Karada Corporation needs equipment distinct from that of the competition, as few as there might be. Both for personal use and modified to personal preferences and to sell. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 60 Reward: Increase Karada profits, officially produce high-quality gear, increase troop survival rate

[] Develop Improved Medicine: The Karada Corporation needs to develop new types of medicine instead of just producing legal knock-offs of what already exists. Either by providing variants specifically designed for specific species, improving on already existing types of Medicine or similar products. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 80 Reward: Increase Karada profits, officially produce high-quality medicine and medpacs, increase troop survival rate

Both take 1 turn, boost income AND boost troop survival rates. I think that's alot more compelling than the mass genemods or the personal shields.

Yes. It's perfectly logical that getting a proper connection set up to the Unknown Regions may be a bit difficult to do on short notice, and Jerec would certainly understand that.

So it is now or never?

Guys, lightsaber Forms take 2 turns. Gotta start early.
And this is why I was so torn. On the one hand, just ask @Panory to tell you the wonders of Advanced Blazing Chain. On the other, getting started on lightsaber training now, given how time-consuming it promises to be....

I like Gossam Militia since it adds the Potential for more Underworld Rumors allowing us to better keep an eye on things.
My impression so far has been rewards that state "potential for more Underworld Rumors" don't really pan out in practice. I mean, it's hardly Dr. Snark's fault -- we have 'large-scale wiretaps' on pretty much every planet with a base, and I can't imagine he'd want to write out rumors for each and every one of them. So I'm not sure what benefit we'd gain from those 'Rumors' mechanically, which is why I was content to hold off on it for another turn.

And you are sure that building the Karada facilities on Coruscant means we can't do so later on Taris?
Very good question. @Dr. Snark: once we get the Mercy Medcenter Expansion on Taris, will we be able to build any of the Karada facilities (a second 'Karada Pharmaceuticals', a second 'Karada Manufacturing', etc.) that we've already built on Coruscant? Or would Taris only be allowed to build the Karada facilities that haven't been built anywhere else?

Also if you can free up the funds to fit in the KDY for Kashyyyk, they made the planet defender ion cannon that disabled a ISD in Empire Strikes Back.
I'll keep it in mind. The two Kashyyyk upgrades take three turns to pay for themselves -- I mostly picked them due to the flavor text indicating that the Ithorians and Raith Sienar would be very pleased with us. I didn't get that impression from the other descriptions. Still, Kuat is impressive (and big guns are definitely worth pursuing).

We'd have to do work on the shield technology from scratch if we do Personal Shield Technology this turn, but we won't if we study the commando gear first. It's more efficient to do the commando gear this turn.
...This is a big deal if it's true, but I don't remember seeing that before. @Dr. Snark, is this the case?

This is a potential attack on the Order, sure, and yes our subconscious told us to focus on it.
I'd also point out that both our plans do focus on it -- besides a guaranteed success on the 'Younglings', we've both picked the 'Jedi Sentinels' option to reopen communications and have eyes on the Temple if things turn south.

More to the point, a normal success on the Jedi Temple situation may merely be avoiding complete disaster and having the chance to salvage something from the wreckage.
Fair enough, but Personal Attention definitely strikes me as overkill. The first action is already a guaranteed success, and we're spending another Action in the same area to keep a closer eye.

Besides which, I think you have a different definition of 'crit success' than the rest of us. The Foundry is such a game-changer, that of course it would take multiple actions to deal with it. From what I can tell, Dr. Snark's original plan was for the initial Hero Action to let us 'board' the Foundry, accidentally reactivate the droid production, and be forced off. That would result in a follow-up action to take control of the first level and to turn off production on that level, then a series of actions to reclaim the Foundry level by level just as we're doing here. In other words: the massive crit success we got last turn allowed us to survive the ambush and skip the first follow-up Action, and gave us a slight advantage (the 'counter-agent') for future boarding actions.

The fact that there's only one dedicated action to the Jedi Temple protests, and that the chance of success is so high as to be a guaranteed success, tells me that this is another plannd multi-turn sequence of events, and that even a crit success here would (as above) only let us skip one of those steps.

I am wondering why you both didn't choose these two intrigue actions:
We have a limited action economy. We needed to deal with the Techno Union (1 action) and Thyferra (2 actions). I spent our Free Action to ensure we'd have at least one anti-Palpatine action, and picked the most important -- 'Operation Ultra' lets us point Fry's Codebreaker at Coruscant, so we're able to intercept and decrypt every communications that Palpatine has. That should give us a massive leg us on all other anti-Palpatine actions on offer.

Also, exactly what is so good about the The Baobab Partnership?
Potential recruitment of a Stewardship Hero unit. Potential decrease to investment penalty. Best merchant fleet in the galaxy. Best museum in the galaxy.

The Baobabs are awesome.

It seems to me that Treasury Auditing would be much more useful at this point:
As @Killerflood said: the percentages just weren't there. It should be possible once we get Talesan Fry next turn, since he should be good for Stewardship hero support.

I really want a lightsaber form, and they take 2 turns... hmm.
I'd want to but of doing blazing-chains training until after we have the blaster upgrade, or at least started it up.
Two votes for the lightsaber. I'm fine either way -- in fact, the lightsaber training would be a guaranteed success, while Blazing Chain is a 'mere' 95%. Anyone else feel strongly about our Training choice?

On the learning front, we may actually be better off to do one of these two:
...I do like the survival rate increase, but we have so many high-priority Learning Actions, many of which are game-changers. The primary benefit of the Gear and Medicine actions are the increase to Karada income, at a time when we're gaining ~2000 credits in net income per turn. It's just not worth the opportunity cost.

So it is now or never?
Err... that's the exact opposite of what Dr. Snark was saying.
Very good question. @Dr. Snark: once we get the Mercy Medcenter Expansion on Taris, will we be able to build any of the Karada facilities (a second 'Karada Pharmaceuticals', a second 'Karada Manufacturing', etc.) that we've already built on Coruscant? Or would Taris only be allowed to build the Karada facilities that haven't been built anywhere else?

Hmm, good question. Given the nature of what you're trying to do...let's say that you can, but the equivalent facilities will generate less income since there's already an equivalent on Coruscant.

...This is a big deal if it's true, but I don't remember seeing that before. @Dr. Snark, is this the case?

Er...I don't know where the idea that you'd be starting from scratch came from. Between the Arkanian Legacy's databanks having records of Old Republic Era devices and the ideas from the Gungans you'd be pretty good to go on that front; it's more just designing up-to-date models that are effective and mass-producible.
...I do like the survival rate increase, but we have so many high-priority Learning Actions, many of which are game-changers. The primary benefit of the Gear and Medicine actions are the increase to Karada income, at a time when we're gaining ~2000 credits in net income per turn. It's just not worth the opportunity cost.

I do not think personal shields are game changers. Or a priority. Also, by choosing the lower-cost Karanda research, we could afford another reasonably costed base upgrade.

Err... that's the exact opposite of what Dr. Snark was saying.

He sounded sarcastic to me.

and Thyferra (2 actions).

Why do we need to steal the secret of Bacta THIS turn though?

@Dr. Snark: Is stealing bacta only an option this turn?

fasquardon did I? The Unknown Regions are barely connected to the rest of the galaxy as it is, I was being deadly serious when I said that getting any consistent communication out there would be difficult on such relatively short notice.

Because Jerec wants to go out into the unknown regions, so I thought you were saying he'd leave and we wouldn't be able to communicate with him next turn.

@Publicola: In view of this, I think intrigue actions are too precious to spend on bacta this turn.

@Dr. Snark, I still haven't gotten a response on my Thyferra write-in:
[] Carrot and Stick: You know how this game is played. With one hand, ensure that Thyferra gets the memo that it is not wanted in the CNS -- intimidation, blackmail, sabotage, and the like. With the other, offer Thyferra a consolation prize for withdrawing its application -- promise to help smuggle bacta supplies off the planet, to be sold in the black market for our mutual profit. They get the benefits of CNS member (access to the wider galaxy); you avoid the political complication of actual membership.

I'm changing my plan to switch from Baobab to Treasury Auditing. 40+20(from omakes)+9+7(from heroes)+10(from bonuses) nets a decent 86 chance.
...I suspect I could pull off something similar (first pass gets me to 82%, and I'd probably want to add other Heroes or watchers). Still that's pretty dismal odds compared to everything else, and every hero would pull away support from other actions (recruiting Talesan Fry would no longer be a guaranteed success). Also, Baobab offers the potential of yet another Hero Unit, so I'll probably keep it.

Why do we need to steal the secret of Bacta THIS turn though?
We don't, but stealing from Thyferra and sabotaging Thyferra go so well together I figured pairing the two would ensure the whole issue was addressed this turn. Your mileage may vary, but in the past Dr. Snark has given us better rewards when two actions 'synergize' like that.

@Panory, what are the wonders of Advanced Blazing Chains?
Now you've done it! :ninja:
@Publicola I would have to agree with @farsquadron that we can put off stealing bacta for another turn, also I would be in favor of dropping the blazing chain (sorry @Panory ) for Form 3 lightsaber training since that takes two turns, hopefully we can pick it up next turn with no option like Dooku's offer popping up.
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And this is why I was so torn. On the one hand, just ask @Panory to tell you the wonders of Advanced Blazing Chain. On the other, getting started on lightsaber training now, given how time-consuming it promises to be....
If we are going to pick up another lightsaber form I'd prefer to wait a bit and possibly find an instructor or holocron that can teach us juyo, since it is by far the form that Ciaran would be most suited to.
@Dr. Snark, I still haven't gotten a response on my Thyferra write-in:

Hmm...that's legit, but it'll have a higher chance of failure due to more moving wheels.

@Publicola I would have to agree with @farsquadron that we can put off stealing bacta for another turn, also I would be in favor of dropping the blazing chain (sorry @Panory ) for Form 3 lightsaber training since that takes three turns, hopefully we can pick it up next turn with no option like Dooku's offer popping up.

For clarity's sake I'll point out that it takes 2 turns, not 3.
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