[X] Plan Heroes and Friends

There's nothing wrong voting for @Publicola's plan turn after turn. They are good. Sometimes I sort of wish there were less things to do and consider so it would not seem such a daunting task to make a plan of my own though.
@Dr. Snark: question about one of the base upgrades
[] Expand Baktoid Shipping Center: Granted it's nice that this factory has been making you credits but you'd really like to be able to properly get the vehicles off-planet for your own ends. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Ability to move vehicles off-planet
Is this required for 'vulture droids' as well, or just ground-base vehicles?

Cato Neimoidia is only building vulture droids this turn, so if those are able to move off-planet by their own power, then the 'Shipping Center' isn't a necessary purchase this turn (and we can swap it out for Tibannopolis).
@Dr. Snark: question about one of the base upgrades

Is this required for 'vulture droids' as well, or just ground-base vehicles?

Cato Neimoidia is only building vulture droids this turn, so if those are able to move off-planet by their own power, then the 'Shipping Center' isn't a necessary purchase this turn (and we can swap it out for Tibannopolis).

Yes. Last I checked Vulture Droids aren't capable of going into hyperspace.
Does the military upkeep discount apply to the various droid and lander production facilities?
Yes, that discount applies to all Military spending.

If it does not then the vulture on Cato Nemodia is costing 217.5 this turn which is more than the 190 for a new base, it would also drop upkeep slightly giving us a higher net income next year.
If we cut the vulture droid factory from Cato Neimoidia, then there's no reason to keep the Shipping Center as well. That saves us a total of 375 credits that can be spent elsewhere.

190 for Tibannopolis base
62 for OOM factory on Kiln
71 for Gossam Militia on Castell
59 for KDY and Serv-O-Droid expansion on Kashyyyk
= 382 credits

Difference of 7, still leaves us in the clear on our balance sheet. Go for it?
Yes, that discount applies to all Military spending.

If we cut the vulture droid factory from Cato Neimoidia, then there's no reason to keep the Shipping Center as well. That saves us a total of 375 credits that can be spent elsewhere.

190 for Tibannopolis base
62 for OOM factory on Kiln
71 for Gossam Militia on Castell
59 for KDY and Serv-O-Droid expansion on Kashyyyk
= 382 credits

Difference of 7, still leaves us in the clear on our balance sheet. Go for it?
Yes, keeps our droids in an area where it is much harder to be noticed so less potential risk for exposure until we are ready to deploy them, plus Kiln has a steeper upkeep discount and this way we are getting two more income producers and less upkeep so we have more to spend next turn (and the two investment income will be better if the penalty gets reduced further).
[X] Plan No Special Name

I have minor issues with both primary plans but I am feeling a bit financially cautious so I shall go for the one that does not leave us at almost 0 credits in reserve. -g-
I'm going to be afk until later this evening, so I'll make the Base Upgrade changes at that point. That's assuming there are no objections, of course -- I'd love to get more feedback before I go ahead.
Yes. Last I checked Vulture Droids aren't capable of going into hyperspace.

Well they can be fitted with Hyerdrives, it's just highly illegal. Besides most people just have them clamp themselves magnetically to a ship and let them ride on the outside. They provide security and it helps with their fuel issue.

I'm going to be afk until later this evening, so I'll make the Base Upgrade changes at that point. That's assuming there are no objections, of course -- I'd love to get more feedback before I go ahead.

I merely question whether we really need all those new bases? Diversifying is good, but we don't want to spread ourselves too thin. So I'll ask you what you think these new bases will provide? In order to understand just what your future plans are.
[X] Plan Heroes and Friends

I'll admit that the profusion of actions makes it hard for me to tell what the best choices are, but this plan has us learning Soresu, which has been one of my goals for a while. Also, @Publicola hasn't steered us wrong yet.
Tally incoming
Adhoc vote count started by Dr. Snark on Oct 1, 2017 at 5:04 PM, finished with 229 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan Heroes and Friends
    [X] Plan No Special Name
    [X] Ysalamiri Investigation: The records from Obroa-Skai have helped you realized what's so special about Myrkr: the ysalamiri, a species that is somehow capable of naturally repelling the Force in a bubble around them. The applications for them are blindingly obvious and are far easier to act on than anything else you know of right now. The only catch is that from what you can tell it's been impossible to get them off of Myrkr otherwise you would have crates filled with the things right this second. Send your biologists, material researchers, hell, anyone available to figure out how to get these things off-planet. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Determine method to transport ysalamiri off of Myrkr [1 Turn Remaining]
    [X] Amuse ourselves with Padme, Anakin, and Ashoka
    [X] Investigate rumors concerning the illusive Dropbear, as a potential weapon against Palpatine.
    [x] CNS Defense Taskforce: The Council of Neutral System already has a Joint Forces Command that you basically controls. Now that the CNS spans the galaxy, expand the JFC's role and integrate the new members' armies and fleets, to secure all CNS territory and ensure local stability and security. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: improved odds for CNS recruitment, small decrease in CNS investment penalty (anti-piracy), better military preparedness
    [x] Foundry Raid Night: It's going to be a long and bloody struggle, but the rewards from taking control of the Foundry would be soooooo worth it. Send over your men and see just how far they can get this quarter. (Starts Foundry Assault mini-turn)
    [x] Calling In A Favor: A few years ago one Ferrus Olin left the Jedi Order, telling you that he would help you if needed. Well it is about time to call that favor in; get in contact with him and see if you can get the support of him and anyone he knows outside of the Order for the fight against Palpatine. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Ferrus Olin contacted
    [x] But What About The Younglings!? (CNS): If your Shatterpoint abilities are telling you that the mounting protests around the Jedi Temple are going to lead to something big, it maaaay be worth listening to it and doing some preemptive preparations for whatever is about to happen. The Jedi Council might not be willing to cooperate with you, but encouraging Satine to help them move younglings and non-essential personnel offsite for the immediate future might not be the worst idea. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 100 Reward: Non-essential personnel temporarily evacuated from Jedi Temple for the duration of the protests
    -[x] Chu'unthor Phase 2 Repairs: Raith's made himself clear: unless the Chu'unthor gets a stealth drive it's not going anywhere lest it get picked up by the Jedi. Not to mention that the training rooms and such need repairs in and of themselves. Cost: 200 Reward: Chu'unthor repairs continued
    [x] Deepen The Baobab Partnership: Fact of the matter is that working with the Baobabs has already resulted in a considerable influx of credits into your accounts. Why not try and deepen the partership further, see if you can gain more from it? Besides, you're curious about this "Mungo" character Ebenn mentioned before... Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Partnership with Baobabs deepened
    [x] One Fried Paranoiac, Extra Crispy: Fry is a paranoid man who is now of the belief that both the Republic and CIS are out to get him...the thing is while his reasoning is wrong his conclusions are entirely correct in a sense. Why not point this out to him and get one of the most talented inventors in the galaxy fully on your side? Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Taelsan Fry formally recruited
    [x] Bad Moon Over Coruscant: You've been told that apparently something's going on at a moon of Coruscant involving a Palpatine shell corporation sending money there for something. That's definitely worth looking into. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Palpatine project investigated
    [x] Rumblings Of A Giant: According to recent reports out of the Senate a major project has been authorized involving a "supercapital ship" of some variety. While the project is apparently going to take a considerable amount of time to complete, that definitely sounds like it's at least worth looking into. Maybe Raith knows more about it given his position? Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Information on Republic secret project gained
    [x] Hell, Thyferra, What's The Difference?: There hasn't been enough to go on given the draconian security measures on the planet, but it's an unspoken truth that the average bacta worker suffers under conditions that are effectively slavery. Get enough evidence, stir up some scandals, and you'll have all the justification you need to deny them entry to the CNS. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Scandal created to justify not allowing Thyferra into the CNS
    [x] Archaeological Expeditions: There are very famous sites in the galaxy that are dying for someone to lead expeditions to...and potentially locate Force-related artifacts. Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
    -[x] Hutt Space (Manda, Tatooine)*: These worlds contain various libraries and such that would make for interesting material to steal examine closely.
    [x] A "Blind" Explorer: After five years of no contact, you've finally managed to reunite with Jerec in the middle of his expedition into the Unknown Regions. While it would be difficult to maintain contact with him, he's mentioned that he'd be more than willing to renew the old agreement the two of you had given the chance, and it would be nice to better understand the mysteries of the Unknown Regions. What he needs from you is the ability to analyze data from his expeditions that he can't do on his own within the cramped quarters of his shuttle. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Renewed association with Jerec, information on Unknown Regions
    [X] Ysalamiri Investigation: The records from Obroa-Skai have helped you realized what's so special about Myrkr: the ysalamiri, a species that is somehow capable of naturally repelling the Force in a bubble around them. The applications for them are blindingly obvious and are far easier to act on than anything else you know of right now. The only catch is that from what you can tell it's been impossible to get them off of Myrkr otherwise you would have crates filled with the things right this second. Send your biologists, material researchers, hell, anyone available to figure out how to get these things off-planet. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Determine method to transport ysalamiri off of Myrkr [1 Turn Remaining]
    [x] Mass Genemodding Program: You've had the genemod specs for a long while now, but getting a mass-modding program available has been difficult due to a lack of resources and facilities. However the rebirth of the Arkanian Legacy has given you an opportunity: setting up a program with Adascorp could make genemodding your forces a much more viable option in general. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: Genemodding program for troops initialized
    -[x] Strategy Lessons: Between Grievous and Thrawn you have some very skilled leaders under your employ, and you could hardly ask for better instructors if you want to learn more about how to properly command troops on the field. Reward: Martial Increase, command training
    [x] Personal Tutoring (Apprentices or Agents): With some extra dedicated time, you can substantially increase the skill of your Force Users and thus improve their odds of promotion. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: This turn, +30% Apprentice promotion chance and/or +15% Agent promotion chance
    [x] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine: After all of the assassins Dooku has been sending after you, the last thing you expected to get from him was an invitation to a formal dinner on Serenno. It's obvious Dooku has some ulterior motive, but you won't really know what it is unless you decide to go... Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
    [x] Annoy Padme (Free Action, no bonuses): The honeymoon suite prank went even better than expected. You have to see how the rest of this plays out. Chance of Success: Yes. Reward: Entertainment
    [x] Cheriss Sair - The Art Of The Droid: Granted, Cheriss' new mechu-daru abilites certainly speak for themselves but it couldn't hurt for other members of your organization to learn about them in more detail. Sadly, since she is currently the only one within it to fully master the ability, she'd have to commit to teaching this for the immediate future. (Uses Lore Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Cheriss teaches mechu-deru to Agent teams, ???
    [x] Thrawn - A Scholar's Passion Project: One of the Wonders of the Galaxy is Space City, a mostly abandoned colossal space station that is not only effectively a floating museum but is rumored to be home to ancient Jedi libraries. Thrawn is more concerned about the 'museum' aspect though, and has politely mentioned that if you could give him time and (admittedly significant) funds he would like to take teams to the city and expand its collections. While there would be a base established there in some capacity, it's rather obvious that Thrawn considers that to be an afterthought. (Uses Stewardship Bonuses. Thrawn must be assigned to this action) Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Space City reclaimed as both museum and base, ???
    [x] HK-47 - Write the Book: No one has more experience in fighting, defeating, and killing Force Users - Jedi and Sith - than HK-47. While getting him to write an actual manual might convince him to turn on you out of sheer frustration, having him program some scenarios against Force users for your sim centers on Kalee would be an amazing aid to your troops. Hopefully HK won't get too carried away... (Uses Lore Bonuses, HK-47 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Anti-Force user simulations designed, ???
    [x] Karada Expansion: Setting up more specialized branches of Karada would help you get more credits out of the company.
    -[x] Karada Laboratories: set up a public-facing research laboratory to develop more medicine and pharmaceuticals for general use. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
    -[x] Karada Academy: expand the training programs, to offer conferences and collaborative projects between other major medcenters in the galaxy, and cross-training for doctors who specialize in different skill sets (surgeon vs. pediatrician) and different species. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
    [x] Uscru Investments: The Uscru Entertainment District is the entertainment center of Coruscant, and it could certainly use an infusion of Outer Rim culture. Invest in a playhouse or venue, and organize regular performances showcasing the culture of various CNS members. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
    [x] All Planets Market: This massive marketplace showcasing the products of the galaxy would be an ideal venue for promoting the CNS. Purchase enough space and rent it out to member-systems of the CNS to give them a place to sell some of their more unique goods. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 trade income
    [x] Corusca Intelligencer: The only real game in town right now is Palpatine-controlled media. Start up a news outlet of your own and make sure that the people aren't only hearing his voice. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Investment income, Abyss Watchers-owned media outlet set up on Coruscant
    [x] Undercity Healthcare: You know damn well the people of the Undercity are in dire need of healthcare. Setting up a network of Silver Cross-affiliated clinics would go a long way towards making things a bit better down there and making you some money that can't be taxed by the Neutrality Acts. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Silver Cross Income
    [x] Tradeport: Now that Kalee is coming into its own with the help of the Muuns, it's definitely worth building up a proper tradeport to capitalize on that. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
    [x] Benelex Expansion: The move to Kashyyyk seemed to work well for them, so helping Benelex move to Kalee to not only provide additional security but gain the services of the Kaleesh would likely go a long way for them. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Investment income
    [x] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative: A bold initiative suggested by Thrawn: leveraging your connections with Sienar, Incom, and KDY, give them enough credits to convert your support fleet for the Oracle into a legitimate battlefleet with military-grade hardware across the board. It will be incredibly expensive, but the results will speak for themselves. Cost: 250 Reward: Oracle Fleet upgraded to military-grade
    [x] Aegis Security Facility: Instead of going through the hassle of setting up a defense grid for paranoia's sake, you could instead set up an Aegis Security branch and let them handle local security for you while still maintaining a slight profit. In this case it would be more involving hiring out Guardians than running protection on Mandalore itself. Cost: 75 Reward: +25 income, defenses established
    [x] Karada Facility: Setting up a Karada facility on Mandalore would certainly get you some money, but more importantly it would help you funnel scientists and medical gear to Kyriemout more easily. Cost: 125 Reward: +50 income from Karada sales, medical supplies for Clan Skirata
    [x] Corellia-Mandalore Pilot Training Initiative: Fact: Mandalorians are not known for their piloting abilities. Fact: Corellians are. Get a piloting academy set up on Mandalore and invite the brightest of Corellia's pilots to train the Guardians and they'll become even more fearsome on the battlefield. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Increased piloting capability of Mandalorian Guardians
    [x] Blacksite: Much like Kalee, you could build up a facility that would allow you to train up more men. Given that this is Nar Shaddaa, no one would bat an eye at the place anyway. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Increased recruitment rates for all units
    [x] Expanded Smugglers Den: Nar Shaddaa is a 'Smugglers Moon', so it shouldn't be too difficult to invest more heavily in the black market. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Smuggling Income
    [x] Undercity Investment: Right beneath your property are factories, shipyards, and who knows what else that could be exploited for the sake of amplifying your profits on the planet. That and investing in actually paying your workers could make you a popular woman on the planet... Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: 30% boost to Nar Shaddaa income
    [x] Karada Medcenters: The Smuggler's Moon is one of the poorest, dirtiest, most diseased locations in the entire galaxy. Surely there's demand for a full-time medcenter to help the poor huddled masses? Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
    [x] Versuch Labs: Shady, yes. Useful, most definitely. Expand your underworld 'research center/healthclinics' to the Smuggler's Moon. Its location should ensure a steady stream of patients in such desperate medical & financial straits, that it'll have no lack of (well-compensated) volunteers for medical trials or experimentation. Pair it with an 'official' Karada branch to maximize positive PR, for Lady Ciaran's charity for the poorest members of society. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 Investment income
    [x] Boltholes: Nar Shaddaa is a loud planet, not only in terms of people on it but it practically "deafens" Force users through sheer magnitude. All of that makes it an excellent place for someone to lie low if things get too hot, from the lowest of scum to a Jedi Master...hypothetically speaking. Set up some hidden caches and hideaways to take advantage of those facts. Cost: 100 Reward: Boltholes set up across Nar Shaddaa
    [x] Serv-O-Droid Expansion: The legendary civilian droid manufacturer from Nimban is facing a steadily diminishing profit margin, and seems to be in danger of bankruptcy. Help them expand to Nar Shaddaa to streamline their production line with cheap labor, in exchange for a small ownership share. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
    [x] Invest in Phlut Design Systems: once a thriving weapons developer, Phlut borrowed a massive amount from the IGBC to get in on the 'battle droid builder' game. Their first and major product (the IG lancer droids) performed decently in the Battle of Muunilist, but with the IGBC defeat, Phlut has had trouble staying solvent. A prime opportunity for investment, especially since they have quite a few droid models that might prove useful to us. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 income, access to IG droid schematics, potential for future upgrades
    [x] Muun Auditors: Incorporate a new financial business as professional auditors of everything, and offer your services (or rather, that of renowned Muun bankers) to the galaxy at large. Independent auditing is very big business, especially given the complexity of galaxy-level tax laws. And if it also helps get inside information on a wide array of governments and businesses around the Republic, all the better. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Investment income, increased information on financial matters across the galaxy
    [x] Orbital Drydocks: Expanding on the shipyards in orbit, help set up drydocks for repairs and refueling. Plenty of ships are moving through the system anyway, so it would easily make a killing. Cost: 250 Reward: +100 Investment income, ability for Taris to handle ship repairs
    [x] Planetary Shield: Vectivus is right; you need something to properly defend Taris now, as any damage to the planet would be nigh-on catastrophic for both you and the CNS as a whole. Set up a planetary shield to deter any would-be assaults from orbit. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Planetary shields set up for Taris
    [x] Bureau of Ships and Services: The Bureau is an organization that helps organize the various transponder codes on ships and tracks civilian traffic. Wouldn't it help if they were on a nice, safe planet that you had so many wiretaps on as it is? Of course you're going to omit that latter detail... Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Bureau relocated to Taris, increased ability to track ships registered to the Bureau
    [X] Plan No Special Name
    [x] CNS Defense Taskforce: The Council of Neutral System already has a Joint Forces Command that you basically controls. Now that the CNS spans the galaxy, expand the JFC's role and integrate the new members' armies and fleets, to secure all CNS territory and ensure local stability and security. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: improved odds for CNS recruitment, small decrease in CNS investment penalty (anti-piracy), better military preparedness
    [x] Foundry Raid Night: It's going to be a long and bloody struggle, but the rewards from taking control of the Foundry would be soooooo worth it. Send over your men and see just how far they can get this quarter. (Starts Foundry Assault mini-turn)
    -[X] The Silencer
    -[X] Grievous
    -[X] HK-47
    [x] But What About The Younglings!? (CNS): If your Shatterpoint abilities are telling you that the mounting protests around the Jedi Temple are going to lead to something big, it maaaay be worth listening to it and doing some preemptive preparations for whatever is about to happen. The Jedi Council might not be willing to cooperate with you, but encouraging Satine to help them move younglings and non-essential personnel offsite for the immediate future might not be the worst idea. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 100 Reward: Non-essential personnel temporarily evacuated from Jedi Temple for the duration of the protests
    -[X] Thrawn
    [X] Watching The Watchmen: While you haven't been formally in contact with the Jedi Sentinels as of late due to your issues with the Order, getting back into contact with them at this point would certainly be useful to both sides. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Formal contact with Jedi Sentinels restored
    [X] Treasury Auditing: While the actual backdoor to the Republic Treasury remains out of your reach (damn you Skirata), he is willing to let you (or more accurately the Muun bankers you have on staff) look over some past records to see if they can find anything to investigate further...or maybe some dirt. Odds are there's something there knowing Palpatine. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Locate potential dirt on Palpatine or find leads on other projects
    -[X] Silas Cata
    -[X] Cheriss Sair
    [X] Sienar Custom Vessel: Now that you've partnered with Sienar you can request customized ships from them for a price. You can either send them a plan of your own, or give their engineers a base concept and let them work out the details. Chance of Success: 90%
    -[x] Chu'unthor Phase 2 Repairs: Raith's made himself clear: unless the Chu'unthor gets a stealth drive it's not going anywhere lest it get picked up by the Jedi. Not to mention that the training rooms and such need repairs in and of themselves. Cost: 200 Reward: Chu'unthor repairs continued
    [x] One Fried Paranoiac, Extra Crispy: Fry is a paranoid man who is now of the belief that both the Republic and CIS are out to get him...the thing is while his reasoning is wrong his conclusions are entirely correct in a sense. Why not point this out to him and get one of the most talented inventors in the galaxy fully on your side? Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Taelsan Fry formally recruited
    [x] Hell, Thyferra, What's The Difference?: There hasn't been enough to go on given the draconian security measures on the planet, but it's an unspoken truth that the average bacta worker suffers under conditions that are effectively slavery. Get enough evidence, stir up some scandals, and you'll have all the justification you need to deny them entry to the CNS. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Scandal created to justify not allowing Thyferra into the CNS
    [X] Operation Ultra: With Fry's codebreaker you have a major opportunity to crack into some of the most classified transmissions on Coruscant. Going over transmissions to and from Palpatine on the planet could give you some vital intel on his stooges in the Republic. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Gather information on Palpatine and his inner circle in the Republic
    [X] Delicious Bacta: Thyferra has been a very rich planet thanks to keeping a stranglehold on bacta and any product that could potentially compete with it. While the potential profit from a heist would be nice, it might be worthwhile to try and break their stranglehold over bacta given the recent political issues with the planet. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Data on bacta products stolen from Thyferra
    [X] Research Alternative Force Schools: While the Jedi and Sith are the most well-known Force users in the galaxy there are certainly others that have mastered more esoteric techniques that could be useful to you. You already have information on them from the datachips so it shouldn't be too difficult. (Choose 1 below) Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Learn techniques from other Force users
    -[X] Disciples of Twilight: Located on the isolated colony of Dyspeth, founded by a former Jedi in the aftermath of the Ruusan Reformation, the Disciples specialize in illusion techniques said to surpass even the Fallanassi light-benders.
    [x] Archaeological Expeditions: There are very famous sites in the galaxy that are dying for someone to lead expeditions to...and potentially locate Force-related artifacts. Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
    -[X] Yavin IV*: Home to many different Force temples and was the home base for many famed Sith Lords, the moon would certainly contain plenty of interesting artifacts on its surface.
    [X] Ysalamiri Investigation: The records from Obroa-Skai have helped you realized what's so special about Myrkr: the ysalamiri, a species that is somehow capable of naturally repelling the Force in a bubble around them. The applications for them are blindingly obvious and are far easier to act on than anything else you know of right now. The only catch is that from what you can tell it's been impossible to get them off of Myrkr otherwise you would have crates filled with the things right this second. Send your biologists, material researchers, hell, anyone available to figure out how to get these things off-planet. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Determine method to transport ysalamiri off of Myrkr [1 Turn Remaining]
    [X] Analyze Commando Gear: Despite his grumbling Skirata was willing to part with a few sets of clone commando armor and weaponry. Have your research teams look into them and see what they can reverse-engineer from them. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 150 Reward: Commando Gear reverse-engineered [Takes 2 Turns]
    [x] Mass Genemodding Program: You've had the genemod specs for a long while now, but getting a mass-modding program available has been difficult due to a lack of resources and facilities. However the rebirth of the Arkanian Legacy has given you an opportunity: setting up a program with Adascorp could make genemodding your forces a much more viable option in general. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: Genemodding program for troops initialized
    [X] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Sometimes you just have to either keep an eye on your minions to ensure that they don't screw up or prepare more intensively for something that you need to handle personally. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
    -[X] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine
    [X] Force Training: You've certainly gotten stronger, but Mortis has taught you that you still have a long ways to go.
    -[X] Blazing Chains (Advanced): Now that you actually know how to properly use Blazing Chains, Tyro has offered to put you through the higher-level training of the technique should you so desire. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Advanced-level Blazing Chains techniques learned
    [x] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine: After all of the assassins Dooku has been sending after you, the last thing you expected to get from him was an invitation to a formal dinner on Serenno. It's obvious Dooku has some ulterior motive, but you won't really know what it is unless you decide to go... Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
    -[X] Personal attention/Increased Focus
    -[X] 5 Watcher Teams
    [x] Annoy Padme (Free Action, no bonuses): The honeymoon suite prank went even better than expected. You have to see how the rest of this plays out. Chance of Success: Yes. Reward: Entertainment
    [X] Under The Knife: With the facilities of the Arkanian Legacy at their disposal, the Arkanians can easily genemod anyone you want to go through the process. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected Hero Unit genemodded
    -[X] Choose 1 Hero Unit:
    --[X] Ventress: Leery of the Arkanians, it might be a bit difficult to get her to go through with it.
    -[X] Choose 1 Genemod:
    --[X] Miraluka: Your own species, able to see through the Force despite a lack of eyes. The Arkanians have admitted that they're not entirely sure what will happen if that mod is used due to the species' natural connection with the Force. (Lore, ???)
    [X] PR-1 - From The Ground Up: "The 3P0 frame just isn't going to cut it anymore," is what Cheriss told you after you brought up how she didn't physically modify him any further to suit your needs. She's told you in no small words that if he's going to be able to fulfill the functionality you really need right now, he's going to need an android body, which would provide greater familiarity for diplomacy and enhanced mobility for combat. (Uses Learning Bonuses, PR-1 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 200 Reward: PR-1 transferred to android frame, ???
    [X] Asajj Ventress - Journeys Of An Exile: Fact of the matter is that you just don't have time to go contact every Force sect in the galaxy to speak with them or learn their techniques or whatever. In light of this Asajj has volunteered to go visit some of the groups...though while she'd never say it outright she'd like to be able to gain practical knowledge (usually involving new ways to kill things with her mind) from whoever she visits or at least not have to go through hours of scholarly discussion to gain their trust. Odds are any kind of "scholarly discussion" involving Asajj wouldn't work anyway knowing her... (Uses Diplomacy Bonuses, Asajj Ventress must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Asajj contacts designated group, ???
    -[X] Jensaarai: A group of Force users that apparently follow a blend of Jedi and Sith teachings. Their unique ability is "ballistakinesis," which is basically hurling things at enemies at blindingly fast/lethal speeds. Asajj never said it outright but she has taken quite the interest in that particular ability, and she's noted that their Sith heritage would mean they wouldn't reject her.
    [X] Jango Fett - Those Who Do Not Exist: When the clone army was in development Jango gathered what he referred to as the Cuy'val Dar - "Those Who Do Not Exist." The majority of them barring a few such as Skirata have returned to their lives as mercenaries. Given enough time and resources, Jango firmly believes that he could rally them again as their Mand'alor, giving you an extremely potent force to work with. (Uses Diplomacy Bonuses, Jango Fett must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Cuy'val Dar reunited, ???
    [X] Rust And Metalorn: You've got a lead that not only is the Techno Union planning on rolling out a line of cortosis-alloyed battle droids but also that Wat Tambor himself will be on the planet for the foreseeable future to oversee the project. Those two factors combined make this too good to ignore; send out the best men you have, sabotage the project, steal the droids for your own purposes, and maybe get a crack at capturing Wat himself. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: CB-3 droids captured and production sabotaged, potential to capture Wat Tambor
    [X] 5x - Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine
    [X] Tibannopolis: An abandoned Tibanna platform floating among the clouds of Besipin once meant to be an equivalent of Cloud City, it's just begging you to move in and exploit it yourself. Cost: 200 Reward: Tibannopolis reoccupied
    [X] Manda: You're already on good terms with the Baobabs at this point, so why not have a more physical sign of your partnership? Cost: 200 Reward: Property on Manda
    [x] Corusca Intelligencer: The only real game in town right now is Palpatine-controlled media. Start up a news outlet of your own and make sure that the people aren't only hearing his voice. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Investment income, Abyss Watchers-owned media outlet set up on Coruscant
    [x] Uscru Investments: The Uscru Entertainment District is the entertainment center of Coruscant, and it could certainly use an infusion of Outer Rim culture. Invest in a playhouse or venue, and organize regular performances showcasing the culture of various CNS members. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
    [x] Undercity Healthcare: You know damn well the people of the Undercity are in dire need of healthcare. Setting up a network of Silver Cross-affiliated clinics would go a long way towards making things a bit better down there and making you some money that can't be taxed by the Neutrality Acts. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Silver Cross Income
    [x] Karada Expansion: Setting up more specialized branches of Karada would help you get more credits out of the company.
    -[x] Karada Laboratories: set up a public-facing research laboratory to develop more medicine and pharmaceuticals for general use. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
    -[x] Karada Academy: expand the training programs, to offer conferences and collaborative projects between other major medcenters in the galaxy, and cross-training for doctors who specialize in different skill sets (surgeon vs. pediatrician) and different species. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
    [x] All Planets Market: This massive marketplace showcasing the products of the galaxy would be an ideal venue for promoting the CNS. Purchase enough space and rent it out to member-systems of the CNS to give them a place to sell some of their more unique goods. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 trade income
    [x] Tradeport: Now that Kalee is coming into its own with the help of the Muuns, it's definitely worth building up a proper tradeport to capitalize on that. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
    [X] Megafauna Museum: If Grievous is any indication, the Kalee would be honored to host a zoo/museum of the biggest and baddest animals in the galaxy. Especially since he already dumped a exogorth carcass as the first exhibit. Reward: Containment facilities for aggressive fauna constructed Cost: 200 Reward: Megafauna museum opened, +50 investment income, potential to study contained fauna in more detail
    [x] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative: A bold initiative suggested by Thrawn: leveraging your connections with Sienar, Incom, and KDY, give them enough credits to convert your support fleet for the Oracle into a legitimate battlefleet with military-grade hardware across the board. It will be incredibly expensive, but the results will speak for themselves. Cost: 250 Reward: Oracle Fleet upgraded to military-grade
    [x] Karada Facility: Setting up a Karada facility on Mandalore would certainly get you some money, but more importantly it would help you funnel scientists and medical gear to Kyriemout more easily. Cost: 125 Reward: +50 income from Karada sales, medical supplies for Clan Skirata
    [X] C-9979 Landing Craft Slipways: Building C-9979 Landers over Cato Nemodia would raise a lot of questions. Building them over Kiln would raise none, and you do have plenty of space in the Oracle for them. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: +1 C-9979 Landers per turn
    [X] Baktoid Vehicle factories: It might be worthwhile to have these set up on Kiln so you can deploy these elsewhere with no questions asked.
    -[X] Vulture-class droid starfighter: The fighter of choice for the CIS, this fighter has a droid brain in the place of a pilot, though its combat abilities slightly suffer for it. Maybe have Cheriss look into that at some point. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +1 group of Vulture Droids per turn
    [X] Carnivore Containment Facilities: The fact of the matter is that the galaxy is home to a lot of very angry and very dangerous predators that can tear people to shreds in an instant. So why not capture a few for yourself and see if you can tame them? You know, as long as you place several durasteel walls between them and everyone else. In comparison to the proposed megafauna facility on Kalee, these would contain (relatively) small predators. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Containment facilities for aggressive fauna constructed
    [X] Svivreni Material Research Facilities: The isolated nature of the facility and the already present research equipment make La'Sombra a prime location for setting up facilities dedicated to researching anomalous or rare materials in the galaxy. With the addtion of the Svivreni to the CNS, the facilty would now be even more effective with some of the galaxy's greatest material experts on staff. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Significantly Decreased research times for current/future anomalous/rare materials research
    [x] Blacksite: Much like Kalee, you could build up a facility that would allow you to train up more men. Given that this is Nar Shaddaa, no one would bat an eye at the place anyway. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Increased recruitment rates for all units
    [x] Expanded Smugglers Den: Nar Shaddaa is a 'Smugglers Moon', so it shouldn't be too difficult to invest more heavily in the black market. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Smuggling Income
    [x] Undercity Investment: Right beneath your property are factories, shipyards, and who knows what else that could be exploited for the sake of amplifying your profits on the planet. That and investing in actually paying your workers could make you a popular woman on the planet... Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: 30% boost to Nar Shaddaa income
    [x] Karada Medcenters: The Smuggler's Moon is one of the poorest, dirtiest, most diseased locations in the entire galaxy. Surely there's demand for a full-time medcenter to help the poor huddled masses? Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
    [x] Invest in Phlut Design Systems: once a thriving weapons developer, Phlut borrowed a massive amount from the IGBC to get in on the 'battle droid builder' game. Their first and major product (the IG lancer droids) performed decently in the Battle of Muunilist, but with the IGBC defeat, Phlut has had trouble staying solvent. A prime opportunity for investment, especially since they have quite a few droid models that might prove useful to us. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 income, access to IG droid schematics, potential for future upgrades
    [x] Muun Auditors: Incorporate a new financial business as professional auditors of everything, and offer your services (or rather, that of renowned Muun bankers) to the galaxy at large. Independent auditing is very big business, especially given the complexity of galaxy-level tax laws. And if it also helps get inside information on a wide array of governments and businesses around the Republic, all the better. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Investment income, increased information on financial matters across the galaxy
    [X] Naboo Moon Mining Guild Investments: The Naboo Moon Mining Guild is an organization that legitimately sells spices on the market, not to mention that they are in competition with a slaver organization of some kind. It certainly sounds like a useful investment. Cost: 150 Reward: +50 income from Mining Guild investments, good PR against slavers
    [X] Tradeport Expansion: You've already got a lot of money from this planet but it never hurts to consolidate. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
    [X] Buy Out Borvo's Black Market (Naboo): Borvo and his Nal Raka Criminal Empire have a much broader reach now than they did when he was still operating in a single sector. Borvo has neither the time nor the inclination to deal with Naboo, not when they still remember him for his actions during the Naboo invasion. Suggest to him that the Abyss Watchers should take over the local black market; your reputation is spotless, and now that you have a base on the planet, it should be easy to coordinate things. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
    [X] Invest in Borvo's Black Market (Rori): Orbiting Naboo is the swamp moon Rori, best known for its kassoti spice mines -- a very mild narcotic with less severe addictive effects, which is why it's legal to trade and distribute. Borvo owns a trade port on the planet, to help facilitate transportation throughout the system. More importantly, Borvo's operation utilizes a private hyperlane, the Old Trade Federation Route, to transport goods on and off world. Invest in the tradeport, and in the black market surrounding it, to gain full access to those smuggling lanes. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
    [X] Expand Baktoid Shipping Center: Granted it's nice that this factory has been making you credits but you'd really like to be able to properly get the vehicles off-planet for your own ends. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Ability to move vehicles off-planet
    [X] Trade Port: The Trade Federation is based off of this planet. Getting in on the trade here is only logical. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
    [x] Orbital Drydocks: Expanding on the shipyards in orbit, help set up drydocks for repairs and refueling. Plenty of ships are moving through the system anyway, so it would easily make a killing. Cost: 250 Reward: +100 Investment income, ability for Taris to handle ship repairs
    [x] Planetary Shield: Vectivus is right; you need something to properly defend Taris now, as any damage to the planet would be nigh-on catastrophic for both you and the CNS as a whole. Set up a planetary shield to deter any would-be assaults from orbit. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Planetary shields set up for Taris
    [X] Aegis Security Expansion: Fry Industries may provide electronic security, but that does little for physical security. Fortunately, you own a security company with its own training compound. Expand it to a facility on Taris, and offer bodyguard and escort services for the rich and famous. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Security income
    [X] Black Market: Even if the planet is doing well and discouraging people from criminality through sheer success, there's always a market for illegal goods. Get in on it, not only to make a profit but to make sure that no one tries anything through it. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 black market income
    [X] Mercy Medcenter Expansion: Fact of the matter is that having Karada's HQ on Coruscant is a baaaad idea given that Palpatine is right there. As such running an expansion on the Mercy Medcenter and making it an equally viable headquarters would hardly be the worst idea, especially since it would also mean more money. Cost: 200 Reward: +100 Karada income, ability to operate from Taris
    [X] Ojoster Intelligencer: The CNS does not have its own propaganda machine to counteract Palpatine's own. Fix that. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Investement income, Abyss Watcher-controlled media set up on Taris
    [x] Bureau of Ships and Services: The Bureau is an organization that helps organize the various transponder codes on ships and tracks civilian traffic. Wouldn't it help if they were on a nice, safe planet that you had so many wiretaps on as it is? Of course you're going to omit that latter detail... Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Bureau relocated to Taris, increased ability to track ships registered to the Bureau
    [X] Fund Garm Bel Iblis's Militia: In spite of Corellia's open neutrality Senator Garm Bel Iblis has formed a sort of private fleet to look after the space around Corellia since the Republic has declined to do so. Fund his fleet, and help incorporate it into the CNS joint forces structure. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Bel Iblis' militia integrated into CNS fleet, increased security for Corellian space
    [X] Plan Heroes and Friends
    [X] CNS Defense Taskforce: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: improved odds for CNS recruitment, small decrease in CNS investment penalty (anti-piracy), better military preparedness
    [X] Foundry Raid Night: (Starts Foundry Assault mini-turn)
    -[X] HK-47
    -[X] Grievous
    [X] Watching The Watchmen: Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Formal contact with Jedi Sentinels restored
    [X] But What About The Younglings!? (CNS): Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 100 Reward: Non-essential personnel temporarily evacuated from Jedi Temple for the duration of the protests
    [X] Sienar Custom Vessel: Chance of Success: 90%
    -[X] Chu'unthor Phase 2 Repairs: Cost: 200 Reward: Chu'unthor repairs continued
    [X] Deepen The Baobab Partnership: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Partnership with Baobabs deepened
    [X] One Fried Paranoiac, Extra Crispy: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Talesan Fry formally recruited
    -[X] PR-1
    [X] Return to Tipoca City: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Information on inhibitor chip implantation and chipless clones gathered, high potential for sabotage
    [X] Operation Ultra: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Gather information on Palpatine and his inner circle in the Republic
    -[X] 2 Watchers
    [X] Carrot and Stick: Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Thyferra dissuaded from openly joining, black market ties with planet established
    -[X] Silas Cata
    [X] Rust And Metalorn: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: CB-3 droids captured and production sabotaged, potential to capture Wat Tambor
    -[X] The Silencer
    [X] Archaeological Expeditions: Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
    -[X] Yavin IV*
    [X] No Match for a Good Blaster At Your Side: Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Customized blasters designed for Force users
    [X] Ysalamiri Investigation: Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Determine method to transport ysalamiri off of Myrkr [1 Turn Remaining]
    [X] Personal Shield Technology: Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Personal Shields (re-)developed [Takes 2 Turns]
    [X] Sair Frame Integration: Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 200 Reward: Sair frames integrated into current/future droid units
    [X] Physical Training: Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] Form III (Soresu) Training: Reward: Martial Increase, Form III training (Takes 2 Turns)
    [X] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
    -[X] Personal Attention
    -[X] Thrawn
    -[X] 8 Watchers
    [X] Annoy Padme (Free Action, no bonuses): Chance of Success: Yes. Reward: Entertainment
    [X] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
    -[X] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine
    [X] Under The Knife: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected Hero Unit genemodded
    -[X] Choose 1 Hero Unit:
    --[X] Ventress
    -[X] Choose 1 Genemod:
    --[X] Miraluka: (Lore, ???)
    [X] Cheriss Sair - Experimental Frame Development: (Uses Learning Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Cheriss continues R&D on her frame, ???
    [X] Asajj Ventress - Journeys Of An Exile: (Uses Diplomacy Bonuses, Asajj Ventress must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Asajj contacts designated group, ???
    -[X] Blackguard
    [X] Jango Fett - Those Who Do Not Exist: (Uses Diplomacy Bonuses, Jango Fett must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Cuy'val Dar reunited, ???
    [X] Sullust: Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Sullust
    [X] Arkania: Cost: 100 Reward: Facility on Arkania
    [X] Lorrd: Cost: 200 Reward: Property on Lorrd
    [X] Uscru Investments: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 investment income
    [X] All Planets Market: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 trade income
    [X] Underworld Takeover: Cost: 75 Reward: Guardian/Seeker recruitment rate increase, can be taken more than once, potential for further development in owned areas
    [X] Corusca Intelligencer: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Investment income, Abyss Watchers-owned media outlet set up on Coruscant
    [X] Undercity Healthcare: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Silver Cross Income
    [X] Tradeport: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
    [X] Benelex Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Investment income
    [X] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative: Cost: 250 Reward: Oracle Fleet upgraded to military-grade
    [X] Aegis Security Facility: Cost: 75 Reward: +25 income, defenses established
    [X] Karada Facility: Cost: 125 Reward: +50 income from Karada sales, medical supplies for Clan Skirata
    [X] Build personal Retreat: Cost: 200
    [X] Droid Factory:
    -[X] Basic Droid Factory: Cost: 50 Upkeep: 20 Reward: +2 groups of basic battle droids per turn
    [X] Baktoid Vehicle factories:
    -[X] Single-Trooper Aerial Platform: Cost: 50 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +2 groups of STAPs per turn
    -[X] Vulture-class droid starfighter: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +1 group of Vulture Droids per turn
    [X] C-9979 Landing Craft Slipways: Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: +1 C-9979 Landers per turn
    [X] Defense Grid: Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established
    [X] Svivreni Material Research Facilities: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Significantly Decreased research times for current/future anomalous/rare materials research
    [X] Expanded Smugglers Den: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Smuggling Income
    [X] Undercity Investment: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: 30% boost to Nar Shaddaa income
    [X] Karada Medcenters: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
    [X] Versuch Labs: Cost: 200 Reward: +100 Investment income
    [X] Boltholes: Cost: 100 Reward: Boltholes set up across Nar Shaddaa
    [X] Serv-O-Droid Expansion: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
    [X] Gossam Commando Investments/Subversion:
    -[X] Castell Academy: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 25 Reward: increased promotion rates for all Abyss Watcher military squads barring Force users, Gossam Commandos more likely to survive and more likely to support you
    [X] Invest in Phlut Design Systems: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 income, access to IG droid schematics, potential for future upgrades
    [X] Muun Auditors: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Investment income, increased information on financial matters across the galaxy
    [X] Ithorian Botanical Garden and Nursery: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
    [X] Sienar Expansion: Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
    [X] Promised Land Skyway Lanes: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Mass transit to Promised Land possible, nekghouls able to be fully integrated into Taris...at least economically.
    [X] Orbital Drydocks: Cost: 250 Reward: +100 Investment income, ability for Taris to handle ship repairs
    [X] Mercy Medcenter Expansion: Cost: 200 Reward: +100 Karada income, ability to operate from Taris
    [X] Planetary Shield: Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Planetary shields set up for Taris
    [X] Svivreni Mines: Cost: 150 Reward: +75 Investment income, Taris gains on-site source of raw materials
    [X] Black Market: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 black market income
    [X] Ojoster Intelligencer: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Investment income, Abyss Watcher-controlled media set up on Taris
    [X] Aegis Security Expansion: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Security income
    [X] Naboo Moon Mining Guild Investments: Cost: 150 Reward: +50 income from Mining Guild investments, good PR against slavers
    [X] Buy Out Borvo's Black Market (Naboo): Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
    [X] Invest in Borvo's Black Market (Rori): Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
    [X] Expand Baktoid Production Lines:
    -[X] Vulture-class droid starfighter: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +1 group of Vulture Droids per turn
    [X] Expand Baktoid Shipping Center: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Ability to move vehicles off-planet
    [X] Karada Medcenter: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Karada income
    [X] Purchase Rush Clovis's Factory: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Clovis' factory taken over and reactivated
    [X] Smuggler's Den: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
    [X] Fort Garnik Depot: Cost: 150 Reward: +50 military income, Fort Garnik reactivated with potential to expand capabilites
    [X] Conference Center: Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
    [X] Aegis Security Facility: Cost: 75 Reward: +25 income, defenses established
    [X] Dedicated Salvage Teams: Cost: 100 Reward: +25 Salvage income, per turn roll for other benefits
    [X] Large-scale Wiretaps: They've never let you down yet. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income
    [X] Fund Garm Bel Iblis's Militia: Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Bel Iblis' militia integrated into CNS fleet, increased security for Corellian space
    [X] Nerfworks: Cost: 150 Reward: +50 Investment income, access to Nerfworks designs
    [X] 8 teams assigned
    -[X] Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine
    [X] 2 teams assigned
    -[X] Operation Ultra
(Omake) Chain Aflame (Canon)
Chain Aflame

I bit off a chunk of mumuu jerky. Now I understand why the Kaleesh hunt them. They're delicious. Grievous hadn't been around lately. Scuttlebutt was that he'd actually been at the planning meetings, campaigning to take a run at the Foundry.

On the one hand, I wasn't surprised. It was the biggest, scariest thing, and if I knew anything about Grievous that's exactly where he wanted to be. My earliest suspicions, that he had a death wish and he'd simply been too good at fighting to die, went back up a notch. Wasn't that exactly the sort of problem you sent battle droids at? I wasn't sure. Either way, I'd requisitioned borderline excess medical supplies and after asking the initial assault team about the sorts of wounds they'd faced, I had trained Rondaes in the sort of battlefield medicine we'd probably find useful.

One of the big things they mentioned was the never-ending flurry of blaster bolts searing the air. Even though my scythe would block a lightsaber like it was a lightsaber, I had almost no skill blocking blaster bolts. Fortunately for me, Master Veskasa had pointed me at one Tyro Torwin.

Yes, that Tyro Torwin. The one who was said to be immune to blaster fire and who could use blasters and for that matter pretty much any projectile weapon to do anything he wanted.

I'd asked Master Veskasa to make an introduction and try to get me a one-on-one with him. The name "Grievous" tends to open a lot of doors around the Abyss Watchers, and apparently Master Veskasa had caught Tyro between sessions. The newest batch of recruits had been trained on his art and a new batch had not yet been formed.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I walked into the room he used for teaching and training. I wore my green Matukai Adept robe and carried my Dragoneye Reaper on my belt, in case he didn't have a blaster handy--probably a stupid thought, but good to be prepared. My scythe rested on the opposite side from the blaster, the warmth radiating off of it, even when collapsed.

"Ah, so you're the one Veskasa told me about. Green robe's a dead giveaway. You're first of the Abyss Watchers to start in her discipline." Tyro was rather to the point. I wondered if I'd disrupted planned time off or something, but I needed what he would teach me.

I nodded. "Well, considering I went to medical school instead of Jedi School and it took months of training in the Matukai arts to even develop enough strength in the Force to flip a light switch? I'm pretty sure she's the only one who'd have taken me."

"Blaster bolts are about the size of a light switch, so you've got the fine control element down." He seemed to be assessing me.

I decided to lay out the facts. "I've worked in emergency medicine for four years, surgery for four years, and combat medicine for over a year. Fine control has been a big chunk of my life. I need to learn how to use the Blazing Chains to protect my squad before we're sent to the Foundry."

"Then we should start immediately." He waved a hand and the door closed and locked behind me, followed by the range lighting up. "We begin by having you use your everyday blaster--okay, fine, a Dragoneye's hardly an everyday blaster for most but I guess with the whole Matukai thing it is for you."

I smirked. "Well..."

"Fine. Stand in the usual range position. Sight in on the target. When you fire, move your shot over to the next target, without changing the point." I moved up to one of the booths, drew up my Dragoneye, and fired. The shot struck dead-center...of the wrong target. The straight-line target. "Again. Grab hold of the shot and move it with your mind." I fired again. Same result. If this were a simple range exercise, I'd be pretty happy. Given that this wasn't? Not so much. "Again. Think about where the shot's going, and before it ever gets there reach out into where it's going to be and when it's going to be."

I closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths. No. Not only can you not slide attack here, it wouldn't help. It was just coincidence that the same tactic worked in two separate things anyway. Draw on that fire, Riphath. It's called Blazing Chains for a reason. Forge that fire into a chain you can grab the blast with and move it.

I fanned the flames of my inner fire, felt the Force begin to flow through me.

I lined up my shot and fired, sending my inner fire out at the shot.

I didn't look at the target. It wouldn't do any good anyway. I looked at Tyro, to see if I could pull something from a gesture or an expression.

"What. Do that again." He seemed surprised.

I blinked. "All right." I closed my eyes, took my deep breaths again, called on my inner fire, and pulled the trigger.

"Right there. That. I've never seen a student do that." I'm not quite sure what Tyro thought of it, but apparently I was doing something weird.

I went through it one more time, except this time I was looking the whole time.

Just after I fired, a bright orange flare surged from my left hand and caught the blaster bolt in mid-air before shifting it over and letting it proceed forward. It was right on target. The right target this time.

"One more time before we move on to the next lesson."

I'd found that inner fire now. It took a bit to find it, get there, but now this was working fine. I lifted my right hand and fired the blaster again, the bolt lancing out of the barrel. Acting ahead of my conscious mind, my left hand reached forward. A chain made of fiery links manifested from my left hand, catching the blaster bolt, and adjusting its position.

"So that's why it's called Blazing Chains. I'd wondered."

Tyro simply stared at me. "Come back tomorrow. I need a drink."

A/N: I'm not sorry. With Riphath's fire-themed understanding of the Force and the Force Skill called Blazing Chains, it had to happen.
All right, here you go: the final revision of Plan Heroes and Friends.
  • 'Base Upgrades' category: removed 'Baktoid Production Lines' and 'Baktoid Shipping Center' from Cato Neimoidia; re-added 'Tibannopolis' (new base); added 'OOM Droid Factory' (Kiln) and 'Gossam Militia' (Castell).
For whatever reason, the Balance Sheet math was finicky enough that I ended up deleting the two proposed upgrades to Kashyyk to keep us in the clear.
Next Turn's Balance: 43 credits
I'm pretty sure we could afford another small update, but at this point re-figuring the calculations just isn't worth the effort. I'm okay leaving ourselves a slightly bigger Treasury until next turn.

I merely question whether we really need all those new bases? Diversifying is good, but we don't want to spread ourselves too thin. So I'll ask you what you think these new bases will provide? In order to understand just what your future plans are.
No problem. Very briefly:
  • Sullust = SoroSuub investments, Commerce Guild shenanigans, and navigator recruitment (fund scouts to discover new trade routes)
  • Arkania = Adascorp investment, Karada research & recruitment, diamond minds, and potential dragon lairs!
  • Lorrd = diplomat recruitment (best body-language readers in galaxy), gem mines, and religious pilgrims (fund 'pilgrimages' to archaeology sites)
  • Tibannopolis = tibanna gas refinery (improved weaponry), Altisian Jedi recruitment (local schismatic enclave), tourism (casinos), trade/smuggling
Lots of story potential and mechanical benefits from each of these.
Last edited:
(Omake) Molten Metal (Canon)
Molten Metal​

Tyro was no Jedi, and in his opinion, meditating on the nature of the Force was something monks did, not pirates. Still, in meditation was the best way to describe how he had been spending his free time recently. Either that or drunk. What that Riphath kid had done was unprecedented. Not picking up Blazing Chains so quickly, there was a prodigy in every generation. Tyro should know, he was one of them.

But those chains were new. A literal interpretation of the Force techniques that tied the Adacaps' fleets together. He had never seen anything like it, and not knowing everything about Blazing Chains irked him. So here he sat, legs crossed with a blaster bolt hovering in the air in front of him, bathing him in a sinister red light as he tried to make his grasp on the blaster bolt physical.

He could feel the Force gripping the energy tightly, ready to fling it any which way on his slightest whim. But for as stalwart as his grip was, it remained invisible. Eventually the blaster bolt faded; had it been free to fly it would have just now reached the edge of its range. Tyro cursed under his breath like only a pirate could and stood up to head for the shooting range. Blasting something sounded cathartic at the moment.

Finding his destination empty, not surprising given the early hour, Tyro set himself up in the middle and drew his blaster. Five shots rang out, and five bullseyes were seared in the target in front of him and two to either side. As always, his control was impeccable, but not visible to the naked eye like his newest trainee's had been. And it pissed him off.

Tyro gave a shout of rage he never would have in company, firing his blaster in frustration. Even without Blazing Chains, Tyro never missed a stationary target, but he hadn't really been aiming at anything in frustration. His mind saw the blaster bolt headed straight for a meaningless impact with the wall, and his pride flared up. He was Tyro Torwin, and he never missed, even when he wasn't aiming at something.

Tyro reached out with the Force, grabbing the blaster bolt and everything in between. Instead of throwing the shot where it needed to go with pinpoint accuracy, he swung the whole thing that linked him to the blaster bolt and let go at the right time to send it hurtling into the target at an oblique angle. The blaster bolt impacted with far more force than Tyro's customized DC-17 should have hit with, but the Blazing Chains Master was less focused on what he had done, and more focused on how he had done it.

Because between him and the blaster bolt, for barely a second, there had been a visible chain, burning with the Force. He didn't know what he had done different to get that chain to appear, but he had a lot of ammo left to figure out. It was going to be a long night.


Riphath had been spending more time in the shooting range, partly to practice and partly because Blazing Chains was just fun. The novelty of hitting a target you didn't aim at hadn't worn off, and he wasn't sure if it ever would. And saying he needed to get better wasn't even a lie. Grabbing hold of that inner fire and using it to bend blaster bolts to his will was still slower than he'd like.

He paused between shots when the doors opened and Tyro Torwin walked through. He wasn't teaching a class or anything at the moment, but most people present still stopped firing when they noticed him out of respect for his prowess with the weapon they were all training to be better with.

He stopped in front of Riphath, and drew his blaster. Tyro didn't even look as he held his arm straight out to his side and fired. His left hand however, snapped across his body, and in an instant a flaming chain connected the shooter to his shot. A snap of the wrist sent the blaster bolt hurtling into the target. It hadn't been the one Tyro Torwin had pointed his blaster at, but there was no doubt in anyone's mind it had been the one he was aiming for.

"You're pretty good, but everything between here and the bolt is wasted focus." said Tyro, lowering his blaster. "If it works, it works, but try to just grab the blaster bolt. You'll have more precise control than this ball and chain thing you've got going on." As if to prove his point, Tyro pulled the trigger while his blaster was pointing directly at the floor.

No blaster bolt came out however, and Riphath was confused at the apparent misfire. Then Tyro gingerly lifted the blaster straight up, revealing the blaster bolt he had stopped dead in its tracks before it had even left the barrel. Once it was fully exposed, the bolt shot off in seemingly random directions, turning at sharp angles and bouncing around at great speeds. Tyro turned and walked towards the door, the blaster bolt barely missing him several times along the way, before punctuating his exit by hitting the bullseye of Riphath's target precisely when the doors closed.

It took a few moments for everyone to move on from the spectacle of Master Torwin showing off and return to their own practice. Riphath for one, redoubled his efforts after being reminded that he was nowhere near the skill ceiling of what could be accomplished with a blaster and the Force.

AN: I should be writing papers and catching up on readings, but making sure Tyro knows how to do everything Blazing Chains is capable of takes precedence.
Right, it's been over 12 hours since any votes have come in and there's already a solid lead so I'm calling the vote for Plan Heroes And Friends.

Let's see what insanities the dice inflict today...
You people.

You fucking people.

CNS Defense Taskforce Rolled 57 + 15 + 20 = 92
Watching The Watchmen Rolled 47 + 5 + 20 = 72
But What About The Younglings!? Rolled 91 + 10 + 20 = 121
Sienar Custom Vessel (Chu'unthor) Rolled 43 + 10 + 20 = 73
Deepen The Baobab Partnership Rolled 2 + 10 + 20 = 32
One Fried Paranoiac, Extra Crispy Rolled 47 + 10 + 20 + 12 = 89
Return to Tipoca City Rolled 80 + 15 + 20 = 115
Operation Ultra Rolled 32 + 15 + 20 + 2 = 79
Carrot and Stick Rolled 47 + 15 + 20 + 12 = 94
Rust And Metalorn Rolled 96 + 25 + 20 = 151
Archaeological Expeditions (Yavin IV) Rolled 44 + 15 + 20 = 79
No Match for a Good Blaster At Your Side Rolled 80 + 15 + 20 = 115
Personal Shield Technology Rolled 47 + 20 + 20 = 87
Sair Frame Integration Rolled 31 + 20 + 20 = 71
Annoy Padme: 72
Form III (Soresu) Training Rolled 16 + 15 + 20 = 51
Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine Rolled 77 + 5 + 20 + 40 + 17 + 8 = 167
Under The Knife (Asajj, Miraluka) Rolled 61 + 25 + 20 = 105
Cheriss Sair - Experimental Frame Development 59 + 20 + 26 + 20 = 125
Asajj Ventress - Journeys Of An Exile 60 + 5 + 19 + 20 = 104
Jango Fett - Those Who Do Not Exist 32 + 5 + 24 + 20 = 81

Yep. Yep. Yeeeeeeeeep.

Vote on your reroll.

Times like this I wish I drank...
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