Chain Aflame
I bit off a chunk of mumuu jerky.
Now I understand why the Kaleesh hunt them. They're delicious. Grievous hadn't been around lately. Scuttlebutt was that he'd actually been at the planning meetings, campaigning to take a run at the Foundry.
On the one hand, I wasn't surprised. It was the biggest, scariest thing, and if I knew anything about Grievous that's exactly where he wanted to be. My earliest suspicions, that he had a death wish and he'd simply been too good at fighting to die, went back up a notch. Wasn't that exactly the sort of problem you sent battle droids at? I wasn't sure. Either way, I'd requisitioned borderline excess medical supplies and after asking the initial assault team about the sorts of wounds they'd faced, I had trained Rondaes in the sort of battlefield medicine we'd probably find useful.
One of the big things they mentioned was the never-ending flurry of blaster bolts searing the air. Even though my scythe would block a lightsaber like it was a lightsaber, I had almost no skill blocking blaster bolts. Fortunately for me, Master Veskasa had pointed me at one Tyro Torwin.
Yes, that Tyro Torwin. The one who was said to be immune to blaster fire and who could use blasters and for that matter pretty much any projectile weapon to do anything he wanted.
I'd asked Master Veskasa to make an introduction and try to get me a one-on-one with him. The name "Grievous" tends to open a lot of doors around the Abyss Watchers, and apparently Master Veskasa had caught Tyro between sessions. The newest batch of recruits had been trained on his art and a new batch had not yet been formed.
I wasn't sure what to expect when I walked into the room he used for teaching and training. I wore my green Matukai Adept robe and carried my Dragoneye Reaper on my belt, in case he didn't have a blaster handy--probably a stupid thought, but good to be prepared. My scythe rested on the opposite side from the blaster, the warmth radiating off of it, even when collapsed.
"Ah, so you're the one Veskasa told me about. Green robe's a dead giveaway. You're first of the Abyss Watchers to start in her discipline." Tyro was rather to the point. I wondered if I'd disrupted planned time off or something, but I needed what he would teach me.
I nodded. "Well, considering I went to medical school instead of Jedi School and it took months of training in the Matukai arts to even develop enough strength in the Force to flip a light switch? I'm pretty sure she's the only one who'd have taken me."
"Blaster bolts are about the size of a light switch, so you've got the fine control element down." He seemed to be assessing me.
I decided to lay out the facts. "I've worked in emergency medicine for four years, surgery for four years, and combat medicine for over a year. Fine control has been a big chunk of my life. I need to learn how to use the Blazing Chains to protect my squad before we're sent to the Foundry."
"Then we should start immediately." He waved a hand and the door closed and locked behind me, followed by the range lighting up. "We begin by having you use your everyday blaster--okay, fine, a Dragoneye's hardly an everyday blaster for most but I guess with the whole Matukai thing it is for you."
I smirked. "Well..."
"Fine. Stand in the usual range position. Sight in on the target. When you fire, move your shot over to the next target, without changing the point." I moved up to one of the booths, drew up my Dragoneye, and fired. The shot struck dead-center...of the wrong target. The straight-line target. "Again. Grab hold of the shot and move it with your mind." I fired again. Same result. If this were a simple range exercise, I'd be pretty happy. Given that this wasn't? Not so much. "Again. Think about where the shot's going, and before it ever gets there reach out into where it's going to be and when it's going to be."
I closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths.
No. Not only can you not slide attack here, it wouldn't help. It was just coincidence that the same tactic worked in two separate things anyway. Draw on that fire, Riphath. It's called Blazing Chains for a reason. Forge that fire into a chain you can grab the blast with and move it.
I fanned the flames of my inner fire, felt the Force begin to flow through me.
I lined up my shot and fired, sending my inner fire out at the shot.
I didn't look at the target. It wouldn't do any good anyway. I looked at Tyro, to see if I could pull something from a gesture or an expression.
"What. Do that again." He seemed surprised.
I blinked. "All right." I closed my eyes, took my deep breaths again, called on my inner fire, and pulled the trigger.
"Right there. That. I've never seen a student do that." I'm not quite sure what Tyro thought of it, but apparently I was doing something weird.
I went through it one more time, except this time I was looking the whole time.
Just after I fired, a bright orange flare surged from my left hand and caught the blaster bolt in mid-air before shifting it over and letting it proceed forward. It was right on target. The right target this time.
"One more time before we move on to the next lesson."
I'd found that inner fire now. It took a bit to find it, get there, but now this was working fine. I lifted my right hand and fired the blaster again, the bolt lancing out of the barrel. Acting ahead of my conscious mind, my left hand reached forward. A chain made of fiery links manifested from my left hand, catching the blaster bolt, and adjusting its position.
"So that's why it's called Blazing Chains. I'd wondered."
Tyro simply stared at me. "Come back tomorrow. I need a drink."
A/N: I'm not sorry. With Riphath's fire-themed understanding of the Force and the Force Skill called Blazing Chains, it had to happen.