I'm really unsure about this, but... well, like I said, I really want to get good at Soresu.

[X] Form III (Soresu) Training
[X] Form III (Soresu) Training

If we crit there we can either reduce the time to one turn or get better bonuses out of it.

I just wonder what that crit with Dooku means. Did we: get our Makashi tutor back, make an ally against Sidious, capture the count, win a three way discussion with us Yoda and Dooku, or maybe unlock the hidden Dating Dooku quest line?:p
[X] Deepen The Baobab Partnership

Meh, more allies when it is time to rule the galaxy. Also when are we going to change up the star wars ship design, they are highly inefficient.
[X] Deepen The Baobab Partnership

We rolled a 2 on this, A TWO!! This must not stand!
You people.

You fucking people.

CNS Defense Taskforce Rolled 57 + 15 + 20 = 92
Watching The Watchmen Rolled 47 + 5 + 20 = 72
But What About The Younglings!? Rolled 91 + 10 + 20 = 121
Sienar Custom Vessel (Chu'unthor) Rolled 43 + 10 + 20 = 73
Deepen The Baobab Partnership Rolled 2 + 10 + 20 = 32
One Fried Paranoiac, Extra Crispy Rolled 47 + 10 + 20 = 77
Return to Tipoca City Rolled 80 + 15 + 20 = 115
Operation Ultra Rolled 32 + 15 + 20 = 77
Carrot and Stick Rolled 47 + 15 + 20 = 82
Rust And Metalorn Rolled 96 + 25 + 20 = 151
Archaeological Expeditions (Yavin IV) Rolled 44 + 15 + 20 = 79
No Match for a Good Blaster At Your Side Rolled 80 + 15 + 20 = 115
Personal Shield Technology Rolled 47 + 20 + 20 = 87
Sair Frame Integration Rolled 31 + 20 + 20 = 71
Annoy Padme: 72
Form III (Soresu) Training: Reward: Martial Increase, Form III training Rolled 16 + 15 + 20 = 51
Miss Ciaran, I Expect You To Dine Rolled 77 + 5 + 20 + 40 + 17 + 8 = 167
Under The Knife (Asajj, Miraluka) Rolled 61 + 25 + 20 = 105
Cheriss Sair - Experimental Frame Development 59 + 20 + 26 + 20 = 125
Asajj Ventress - Journeys Of An Exile 60 + 5 + 19 + 20 = 104
Jango Fett - Those Who Do Not Exist 32 + 5 + 24 + 20 = 81

Yep. Yep. Yeeeeeeeeep.

Vote on your reroll.

Times like this I wish I drank...

Well I don't drink either, can't stand the taste of alcohol... anyway on with the show.

1) The CNS military now answers directly to Ciaran.
2) Yeah, we might need your expertise. There's a force of corruption controlling the Republic... and it doesn't want to share.
3) Satine pulled off a high-level diplomancer spell and Professor Huyang accompanies the younglings to keep them up to date with their history classes.
4) We now have the perfect place to hide the younglings.
5) It was close.... but more credits is more credits.
6) PR-1 has brought back that calamari you ordered... oh and Mister Fry.
7) So it turns out there's a code to make the chips self-destruct.
8) After sorting through the information, we now have the capacity to begin unraveling Palpatine's support structure.
9) It's a nice planet you got here... shame if something happened to it.
10) I think the Silencer stole everything that wasn't nailed down and then everything that was. Also Wat Tambor is our first... guest in our new Palace.
11) We came across an old battlefield and the sight of Revan's true death.
12) Ciaran's blaster can literally melt people.
13) The problem of size and energy without effecting movement.
14) B1s no longer suck. It is a glorious day for Droidkind.
15) Padme has a bad feeling about this.
16) It took all our skills and deviousness, but finally Kenobi relented. Having Satine meet Siri would be a nightmare.
17) Holonet News (Breaking News): Count Dooku Calls For Peace.
18) Note to self, Ciaran is not to donate blood, just so she can claim Ventress as a sister.
19) Who's kicking who around now?
20) There are times when claiming to be a Sith Lord is a good thing.
21) Jango Fett got the band back together to play 'treason against the Republic'.
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Can I just say that I find it kind of hilarious that the most votes come in not for the actual plans themselves, but for the reroll?

There's been more voting in the past hour or so for that than there ever was for the actual plans.

Well I don't drink either, can't stand the taste of alcohol...

Same here. Don't tell anyone.
Maybe Dooku is worried about his old age and heard about the Pau'an Genemod that Ciaran's grandfather has? So he is perfectly willing to betray his master for a few extra years.

...What? Wasn't one of the biggest things for the Sith ways of living longer? What else would he possibly want to meet Ciaran for?

Returning to the Light and trying to have Peace with the Republic? :lol
[X] Deepen The Baobab Partnership

We rolled a 2 on this, A TWO!! This must not stand!
... In hindsight, definately a laughter deserving of "Good ballsy hell that wasn't a Nat 1", and that we passed even with the second worst roll result. :p

Still feel at a glance, it could do with a SEVERE boost in rolling, that comment just sealed the deal. Truly, we are blessed with Teron dice indeed, being unusually dere for a change.

... And also, in before we end up passively bond, bonding Dooku so hard, that he's considering switching sides to the "Ciaran checkers", if only under a clearly, pragmatic Sith decision that we're a 'wild card', albert one with really good life assurance. :p

And also, in before we possibly, FAIK end up derailing his death on canon fate, by a combination of likely stunting against Anakin so hard, he's less likely to go Vader, and other factors. It's almost gotten to the point, where Palpatine... May, have to appoint/trick Binks, into becoming the true Darkhorse villain.
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... And also, in before we end up passively bond, bonding Dooku so hard, that he's considering switching sides to the "Ciaran checkers", if only under a clearly, pragmatic Sith decision that we're a 'wild card', albert one with really good life assurance. :p

Naaaaw. Ciaran revealed to Dooku that she was Darth Treya and converted him to the side of the "real Sith".

Because turning people towards the Sith to bring them back to the light side is a perfectly Ciaran thing to do.

[X] Form III (Soresu) Training

Honestly seems more worthwhile than something that wasn't that important in the first place and passed anyway.
[X] Form III (Soresu) Training

Let's knock this out of the park so we can move on next turn to the Force techniques that really matter.