this was an awesome update, really loving Grevious right now. though confuse why Ciaran just didn't tell Anakin that if he loved Padme then he would kill himself before he hurt her no?
Well, because that would be a lie. And he'd know it. The whole issue here is that he is afraid he'd lash out in Rage and kill her. Telling him his force visions (which he knows to be significant from his training as a Jedi) are only pointless worrying...comes off as kinda shallow. The thing is, Ciaren kind of cannot deny that if Anakin goes Dark, there is a very real possibility of him hurting, or even killing Padme. What she can do is try to reduce his mental stress, and leave fewer emotional vulnerabilities for Palpatine. And make some contingencies if he falls anyway.
Might as well comment on some things real quick.

Matukai Media Education
Do Try This At Home

Love how the Matukai master interacts with Ripatha. Canon, +10.

Undisclosed Loation, Outer Rim

Ciaran: And what did we learn?
HK: That I should not assume that my upgrades will make me invulnerable, Master.
Ciaran: As long as you understand your lesson.

Canon, +10.

Nar Shadaa: Girls Night Out Summary

I'll fold this in with the relevant omake because this is too funny not to threadmark.

Okay, I now want "Grievous and Jar Jar get into Shenanigans" to be a thing. You've made me want to see more Jar Jar. You monster.

EDIT: I have this idea in my head that Grievous thinks Jar Jar is totally into the hunts too, and has mistaken his "screaming wildly" as some sort of Gungan war-cry.

Look, let's be real here, putting the biggest klutz together with the galaxy's most fearsome and bloodthirsty hunter is practically the perfect recipe for good comedy. I'm not sorry.

No, he knows Jar-Jar is terrified and he keeps it up in the hopes of showing this "General" the true joy of the hunt.

Also because Jar-Jar is the best good luck charm he's ever seen. Every time they go out they get attacked by the most outlandish beasts. Eventually their expeditions get sponsored by the University of Corellia's xenobiology department just because they keep discovering new horrible things in the galaxy.

"We would never have learned that Sarlaccs have a migratory phase if they hadn't been eaten by one when it tunneled under that cantina and had to blast their way out! We need to keep the information coming!"

Honestly I figure if anything further comes of this in omake form this is how the relationship between the two would play out.

It warms the cockles of my heart-

(Maybe below the cockles
Maybe in the sub cockle area
Maybe in the liver, maybe in the kidneys
Maybe even in the colon, I don't know)

*ahem* -whenever you decide that something I've written is good enough to add into an official interlude. Thank you and, as always, enjoyable writing!

Well honestly you gave me a better lead-in for the Arla section than I could have thought of on my own. So I'd call it even in my book!

Well, because that would be a lie. And he'd know it. The whole issue here is that he is afraid he'd lash out in Rage and kill her. Telling him his force visions (which he knows to be significant from his training as a Jedi) are only pointless worrying...comes off as kinda shallow. The thing is, Ciaren kind of cannot deny that if Anakin goes Dark, there is a very real possibility of him hurting, or even killing Padme. What she can do is try to reduce his mental stress, and leave fewer emotional vulnerabilities for Palpatine. And make some contingencies if he falls anyway.

Also worth pointing out that Ciaran's aware of Anakin's potential to become evil mainly because the Son was polite enough to let her see the horrific visions of Anakin turning evil. It wouldn't just be shallow, it'd be flat-out denial.
Ok now there is only two interludes left before the next turn: Vengeful Souls and Machine(s) of War. Now, the question I am curious about is how prepared are we for the next turn?
Time for another omake count!
In the last 40 pages, we've added 6 omakes to the list, for a total of 13 omake bonuses. Remember: we're probably getting another Personal Action this turn, so we should aim for a final tally of 42.
In the last 20 pages, we've added another 11 omakes to the list, for a total of 24 omake bonuses. We're more than halfway to the cap, though there's only two interludes left to go before end-of-turn CNS rolls and the new turn.

Various messages from Ciaran to her Employess and Friends
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 5: Episode 109. To Recruit a Jedi
Briefing the boss Force Orders Pt 1
R&R at the Matukai Meditation Room
Vectivus and Sentient Resources; Together Again
Do Try This At Home
Undisclosed Loation, Outer Rim
Nar Shadaa: Girls Night Out Summary

I'm busy with my own quest, but I will be around to redraw the map, so that's at least 1 omake bonus you can plan to see down the line. We've had a lot of new omakes in the last week, though, so hopefully we can maintain that pace down the 'home stretch'.

If you're interested in writing an omake, the Grievous/Jar-Jar shenanigans would be fun to see, and I know there's a whole bunch of other ideas throughout the thread. (If you'd like to write up an info-post or 'Briefing'-type omake, @Alex pears did most of the research for one about the different types of lightsaber crystals). Honestly, even if you don't plan on writing an omake, you can still contribute by brainstorming and/or giving feedback to others who are.
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And if the Kalee madness is contagious, we could set up training camps so we can recruit Gungans into our Kalee warrior squads (the idea of Gungans finding Kalee culture attractive is oddly amusing to me).
Don't forget that Gungans have some good tech that other species don't, like Bubble wort projector...
Lol. Poor Anakin. The kid can't catch a break even on his honeymoon.
Alas, such is the price of fame!
It warms the cockles of my heart-

(Maybe below the cockles
Maybe in the sub cockle area
Maybe in the liver, maybe in the kidneys
Maybe even in the colon, I don't know)

*ahem* -whenever you decide that something I've written is good enough to add into an official interlude. Thank you and, as always, enjoyable writing!

ha, lol
james leary song right?
nicely done
Hmm, would that mean Grievous turn Jar Jar into a workaholic or would procrastinate on his work so that he would have to work overtime so that Grievous can not just take him on his hunts.
I sense a disturbance in the thread. As if @Publicola posted an omake count, and one writer had to prove him wrong.

Two Jedi Teachings​

Obi-wan Kenobi wasn't one to ignore the state of his surroundings, a trait that had saved his life numerous times. And every time he began to slip in his constant vigilance, some absolute speeder wreck like Cato Nemoidia would happen and renew his attention tenfold lest it happen again.

Still, anyone who wasn't blind, deaf, and dumb would find themselves attracted to the docks of Naboo's capital. A blind man would hear the Kaleesh chanting. A dumb man would be drawn to the spectacle. And a deaf man would see the massive fish being lifted slowly out of the water.

"For now, we celebrate our hunt!" Obi-wan sighed at the sound of General Greivous' voice. It only figured that one of Ciaran's most prominent employees was behind all this.

"I take it you are behind all of this?" asked the Jedi Master as he approached from behind the General and his benefactor.

"Ah, Obi-wan. I was unaware that you would be here." said Ciaran, her expression growing confused and frustrated. "That's a rarity for me."

"It wasn't planned, but, as cliché as it sounds, I was in the area. I made a slight detour to ask for Anakin's assistance on my next mission. I can't give specifics, but he's handy to have around." explained Obi-wan. "And then someone caught a gooberfish. I had to see who managed to actually kill one."

Grievous puffed his chest and laughed. "I did. My true prey escaped me, so I was forced to settle for this creature. Still an excellent hunt, in excellent company." Grievous reached over and slapped Jar-jar of all people on the back in a congratulatory manner.

"Oh, mesa didn't do nothing special."

"My guide led me to the dangerous waters I requested, and when faced in danger, screamed loud enough to rival my own peoples' war cries." rebutted Grievous. "Such a hunter is rare, especially for a diplomat."

"Yes, Jar-jar certainly is… special." said Obi-wan after a careful pause to consider his words. It took a great deal of willpower to suppress laughter at the idea of Jar-Jar Binks as a great hunter. A great anything, really. Competence was often too much to hope for, though the Gungan had a certain type of charm about him.

"It was a fine hunt. I'll need to clear out room for the head of my quarry." mused Grievous. "Unless you want the trophy?"

"Oh nooo… yousa be doing mosta the work." Jar-Jar stammered out, clearly intimidated by the Kaleesh general.

"Trophies are all well and good, but I hope you aren't taking too much pride in this accomplishment." said Obi-wan, changing the subject to save Jar-Jar.

"And tell me, General Kenobi. What is wrong with feeling pride after emerging victorious from such a fulfilling hunt?" asked Grievous, taking a step closer to the Jedi who had challenged him.

Obi-wan was unflinching in the face of the Kaleesh warrior towering over him. "First of all, there's an old Jedi teaching, though it's proven apt enough to gain widespread use outside the Order. 'Pride comes before the fall'. The other reason is less well known. My own Master is the only Jedi I've ever heard mention it. The second Jedi teaching…"

Obi-wan was interrupted by the sound of water erupting upwards. Grievous wheeled around to see an enormous Sando Aqua Monster breaching the waves and crushing the dead Opee Sea Killer between its massive jaws. Before anyone could react, the monster had fallen back below the waves and taken Grievous' prey as its own, complete with the entire mechanism designed to lift it.

Obi-wan let a small smirk grace his face. "…There's always a bigger fish."

Rather than disappointment, Grievous' face lit up with excitement. "Come, fellow hunter. Our true prey reveals itself!" The Kaleesh warrior grabbed a large fishing harpoon with one hand and Naboo's hapless, screaming Gungan Senator with his other before diving into the water.

AN: Obi-wan used his Master's greatest technique to great effect.

Another version of this involved Grievous catching bigger and bigger fish until we reached TTGL levels of absurdity. Leading up to a Men in Black style reveal that all of reality was just another very big fish.
I'll get to working on another omake or two come morning. I need to sleep for now.

And I think I'll do a series of notes/observations from the Abyss Watcher's therapist after meeting at least Ciaran.

And then maybe some other characters too.

I need a name for our therapist.
I need a name for our therapist.

You can have one of the characters from a short lived thread. It was only one turn, but we managed to start an early version of the Seperatist Alliance and get Dooku, Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi to attend a meeting. The next event rolls had half the Jedi Council dead by Sith assassins and a Light Side Dooku resigning to track down the rest of the Sith taking Kenobi as his padawan and reaffirming their dedication to the Seperatist cause.

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You can have one of the characters from a short lived thread. It was only one turn, but we managed to start an early version of the Seperatist Alliance and get Dooku, Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi to attend a meeting. The next event rolls had half the Jedi Council dead by Sith assassins and a Light Side Dooku resigning to track down the rest of the Sith taking Kenobi as his padawan and reaffirming their dedication to the Seperatist cause.

... Can I get a link? That sounds rather interesting.
Abyss Watchers Psych Eval: Ciaran (Canon)
Would have liked to get more down here, but time and circumstances are against me at the moment so I can only offer what I have available now, so cheers.

Notes and Observations of Lady Ciaran by Doctor Ruundal Kool

Meeting 1:

...Initial observations of Lady Ciaran would seem to bear out the rumors as to her personality. She is capricious in the extreme and could almost be described as an 'air-head' yet she is also extraordinarily perceptive. How valid my notes and observations will be given that perceptiveness is debatable as it is quite possible she is intentionally framing her answers to achieve a specific result from our meetings. Further observations will be required, but for the time being I am reasonably certain that Lady Ciaran poses no immediate and intentional threat to the safety of others or herself. I can already see that she is decidedly impulsive and quite able to charge into danger, possibly dragging others along with her...

Meeting 2:

...One would be forgiven for thinking that Lady Ciaran suffers from multiple-personality disorder given the speed with which she changes perspectives and behavior when thinking about various practical and theoretical issues. I do not believe to be so and actually view these tendencies to be a form of higher-level multitasking. Lady Ciaran possesses the ability to think on multiple different levels at a time and from multiple different perspectives.

Were I asked to make an analogy of her thought process, I would compare Lady Ciaran's mind to a committee. She views issues from numerous different directions before bringing her varied trains of thought together and finding what are often unexpected and distinctly unique methods of solving the issues I have posed.

This will require further study before I can say anything conclusive...

Meeting 4:

...Having convinced Lady Ciaran to tell me of some of her less known exploits, I now suspect that she suffers from kleptomania to some degree. Her propensity for taking anything she can that isn't nailed down and numerous things that
are nailed down is astounding. She does seem to have this under control as I have yet to need to replace anything in my office. If my observations are correct though, many other people have had need to replace things after Lady Ciaran has visited them.

I shudder to think of the contents of the supposed 'treasure vault' in the main Abyss Watcher base if her archaeological acquisitions are anything of a baseline...

Meeting 7:

...I would like to believe that I have made some progress in helping Lady Ciaran stabilize her behavior, but then there are moments like this where I realize that she will likely never truly change her behavior without severe duress. Her behavior at the most recent 'Company Picnic' shows a supreme disregard for hazardous situations and their potential consequences.

Well that or she is actually suicidal.

The manner in which she interacts with various beings that are well known for their extremely violent behavior suggests that she cares little for her personal safety though she does care for those around her oddly enough. I am under the impression that she does this just to unnerve others as many people -myself included- find her often mdeliberately antagonistic actions with The Silencer alarming at the very least...

Meeting 17:

...By this point I would like to think I have grown inured to Lady Ciaran's propensity for 'hair brained schemes' but if her most recent tale is anything to go by, then I have a long, long, long way to go. Getting her to even begin to describe what occurred in what she called the 'Force Realm' of 'Mortis' was not unlike pulling teeth and getting her to admit her feelings about various aspects of the journey was an order of magnitude worse in my opinion.

The apparently 'final' death of the Force-sensitive woman she called 'Kreia' has likely unsettled her greatly, but so far Lady Ciaran appears to be working through her grief in an acceptable manner. It is reassuring to know that the woman with more than a third of the known galaxy effectively under her control is not in immediate danger of going 'off her rocker' to quote a colleague...

Meeting 18:

...In follow up to my previous discussion with Lady Ciaran about the various entities she encountered in 'Mortis', I have managed to get her to discuss one of the other entities she interacted with, one Muun called Hego Damask.

I feel that her concerns as to whether the actions she has taken were her own are valid but unnecessary. If there is anything that I am certain of it is that a Lady Ciaran does what she wants and damn the consequences. Reassuring her of that will take take time and effort though and is an endeavor for future sessions...
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Were I asked to make an analogy of her thought process, I would compare Lady Ciaran's mind to a committee.

I take offence to that. A committee is supposed to look like they're doing something really slowly without doing anything at all. We are more like the people who draw up a political manifesto, we get down a few points, then make vague promises and finally cross our fingers and hope it works.
Obi-wan was interrupted by the sound of water erupting upwards. Grievous wheeled around to see an enormous Sando Aqua Monster breaching the waves and crushing the dead Opee Sea Killer between its massive jaws. Before anyone could react, the monster had fallen back below the waves and taken Grievous' prey as its own, complete with the entire mechanism designed to lift it.

Obi-wan let a small smirk grace his face. "…There's always a bigger fish."

Rather than disappointment, Grievous' face lit up with excitement. "Come, fellow hunter. Our true prey reveals itself!" The Kaleesh warrior grabbed a large fishing harpoon with one hand and Naboo's hapless, screaming Gungan Senator with his other before diving into the water.
I can see Grievous smacking his forehead and going: "Oh, of course! I should have used the smaller monster as bait for the bigger one! Just kill and lure your way up the foodchain."

The pyramid of bigger fishes.