I sense a disturbance in the thread. As if
@Publicola posted an omake count, and one writer had to prove him wrong.
Two Jedi Teachings
Obi-wan Kenobi wasn't one to ignore the state of his surroundings, a trait that had saved his life numerous times. And every time he began to slip in his constant vigilance, some absolute speeder wreck like Cato Nemoidia would happen and renew his attention tenfold lest it happen again.
Still, anyone who wasn't blind, deaf, and dumb would find themselves attracted to the docks of Naboo's capital. A blind man would hear the Kaleesh chanting. A dumb man would be drawn to the spectacle. And a deaf man would see the massive fish being lifted slowly out of the water.
"For now, we celebrate our hunt!" Obi-wan sighed at the sound of General Greivous' voice. It only figured that one of Ciaran's most prominent employees was behind all this.
"I take it you are behind all of this?" asked the Jedi Master as he approached from behind the General and his benefactor.
"Ah, Obi-wan. I was unaware that you would be here." said Ciaran, her expression growing confused and frustrated. "That's a rarity for me."
"It wasn't planned, but, as cliché as it sounds, I was in the area. I made a slight detour to ask for Anakin's assistance on my next mission. I can't give specifics, but he's handy to have around." explained Obi-wan. "And then someone caught a gooberfish. I had to see who managed to actually kill one."
Grievous puffed his chest and laughed. "I did. My true prey escaped me, so I was forced to settle for this creature. Still an excellent hunt, in excellent company." Grievous reached over and slapped Jar-jar of all people on the back in a congratulatory manner.
"Oh, mesa didn't do nothing special."
"My guide led me to the dangerous waters I requested, and when faced in danger, screamed loud enough to rival my own peoples' war cries." rebutted Grievous. "Such a hunter is rare, especially for a diplomat."
"Yes, Jar-jar certainly is… special." said Obi-wan after a careful pause to consider his words. It took a great deal of willpower to suppress laughter at the idea of Jar-Jar Binks as a great hunter. A great anything, really. Competence was often too much to hope for, though the Gungan had a certain type of charm about him.
"It was a fine hunt. I'll need to clear out room for the head of my quarry." mused Grievous. "Unless you want the trophy?"
"Oh nooo… yousa be doing mosta the work." Jar-Jar stammered out, clearly intimidated by the Kaleesh general.
"Trophies are all well and good, but I hope you aren't taking too much pride in this accomplishment." said Obi-wan, changing the subject to save Jar-Jar.
"And tell me, General Kenobi. What is wrong with feeling pride after emerging victorious from such a fulfilling hunt?" asked Grievous, taking a step closer to the Jedi who had challenged him.
Obi-wan was unflinching in the face of the Kaleesh warrior towering over him. "First of all, there's an old Jedi teaching, though it's proven apt enough to gain widespread use outside the Order. 'Pride comes before the fall'. The other reason is less well known. My own Master is the only Jedi I've ever heard mention it. The second Jedi teaching…"
Obi-wan was interrupted by the sound of water erupting upwards. Grievous wheeled around to see an enormous Sando Aqua Monster breaching the waves and crushing the dead Opee Sea Killer between its massive jaws. Before anyone could react, the monster had fallen back below the waves and taken Grievous' prey as its own, complete with the entire mechanism designed to lift it.
Obi-wan let a small smirk grace his face. "…There's always a bigger fish."
Rather than disappointment, Grievous' face lit up with excitement. "Come, fellow hunter. Our true prey reveals itself!" The Kaleesh warrior grabbed a large fishing harpoon with one hand and Naboo's hapless, screaming Gungan Senator with his other before diving into the water.
Obi-wan used his Master's greatest technique to great effect.
Another version of this involved Grievous catching bigger and bigger fish until we reached TTGL levels of absurdity. Leading up to a Men in Black style reveal that all of reality was just another very big fish.