That's what a plot hole is. It's when you have blatant exceptions to your rules and no explanation so you get paradoxical existences that both clearly exist and we are told can't exist at the same time.

It becomes a mystery if they can find something to fit in the plot holes empty space.

Another sorta paradox/mystery is where Luke got a Kybur crystal for his green saber.

Ilum is cut off and Jedha is mined/blasted into the atmosphere so where did he get one?

Eh maybe just found one.
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(Omake) Playing WIth The Big Girls Now (Canon)

"Do you mind telling us why we're here?"

"Yeah Cünuel, it would be nice to know why you've dragged all my team to an empty dock."

The dock is one of the offshoots of a main hangar. I look around and there's obviously no docked starships here. Most of the lights are off. Around the room there's a few machines with unknown purposes. I look up to the catwalks but don't see anyone there. All the upper doors are open. My eyes narrow when I see nothing there either. I turn around and look at Olvia. It's obvious she's getting impatient. I am too so I answer Epksen's question.

"The only reason I made you and your squad follow me was because I wanted to have Dani with us when I begin the briefing. Dani had asked for me to come here when I called for her so that's why we're here. I assumed she would be present before us but..."

Sarrin growls, "But she's obviously not."

Issa Shir throws a quick look at Olvia who only shrugs. Epsken rubs his head scales for a moment before sighing.

"If this is about a mission, why isn't Martem here? And if you're bringing Dani in what about Javik? Didn't he start out as a Seeker?"

Issa chimes in with, "Guardian actually."

I shake my head.

"Martem's out on a separate mission. Javik is the same."

"Why pick a Guardian squad?"

"Well for one, your squad has specialties that will be useful on the mission. Issa is a great slicer and Olvia could safely fly a crate if she wanted to."

"That would be boring though."

We all stare at Olvia. She glances around and shrugs.

"It would be, though."

I roll my eyes and continue.

"For two, because of one, your squad is known for being special operations more than simple blaster-toters. You can thus work as a simple Seeker team even though you primarily operate as Guardians. That duality will be useful in this mission if things go awry."

Sarrin asks, "If?"

Epsken snorts and then asks, "Anything in particular that's got you worried?"

I sigh and scratch my neck.

"Gulan described the mission as a 'Bluemilk run.' "

Issa quietly whispers, "Yeah, that would do it."

Olvia snorts. "So really easy looking but if things go bad, things go bad."

I nod.

"Exactly, which is why I also wanted to bring in Dani."

My voice increases to just below yelling.

"But since she's not here maybe I should go and find out if Kygeetu is available!"

Slight cursing comes from up above followed by muffled snickering and shushing. My smirk is cut off by the rest of the lights shutting off plummeting the dock into soft darkness. My eyes narrow once more when a group of female voices start chanting.

"By the power of the Force…"

The machines in the corners turn on and a white fog lightly fills the entire dock. It moves to fill the room like a stream.


The fog brightens and darkens to the words. It then starts being pulled in towards a point before being expelled back to fill the room. All of us have migrated to the center. Epsken is looking really confused, Sarrin is growling at a low level, Olvia has a soft smile, and Issa looks giddy. The chanting continues with the fog moving in random ways.

"Korah … Matah … Korah … Rahtahmah …
Korah … Rahtamah … Yoodhah … Korah ...
Korah … Syahdho …
Rahtahmah … Daanyah … Korah … Keelah …
Daanyah … Korah …
Korah … Matah … Korah … Rahtahmah …
Korah … Rahtamah … Yoodhah … Korah …
Korah … Syahdho … Rahtahmah … Daanyah …
Korah … Keelah … Daanyah … Rahtah- … -mah!"

At the end the fog flashes and nearly blinds us before the entire room goes pitch black. The dock door had somehow silently closed on us while we weren't paying attention. Up above there're some remnants of the fog casting a soft glow. It starts to spin before completely hiding away the small point on the catwalk. After a moment the fog moves away just enough to reveal Dani in her Agent get-up and sporting the biggest shit-eating grin. She starts to move across the catwalk while singing.

"So you think you've got friends in high places
With the power to put us on the run…"

The fog which had trailed her cuts out for a second letting Dani disappear into the darkness. After that quick second it appears to seep up through the ground to reveal Dani now in front of me a few paces away.

"Well, forgive us these smiles on our faces …
You'll know what power is when we are done … "

She stalks forwards and then lightly taps my nose. She winks and purrs, "Son … "

Olvia raises her eyes and whispers, "Really?"

Issa elbows her and hisses, "Shush!"

Dani glances at the rest and her grin twitches slightly before coming back with a vengeance. She slowly backs away and circles us. All the while, her singing continues.

"You're playing with the big girls now … "

All of a sudden four lights shine to uncover four masked individuals on the catwalks at each corner of the dock.

The four chant out, "Playing with the big girls now! "

Dani dramatically twiddles her fingers against her chin and murmurs, " Oh that's pretty … "

She then focuses on us and the show moves on.

"Ev'ry sense and gesture ...
Tells you who's the best, you're
Playing with the big girls now!"

[Dani and Background Agents]
"You're playing with the big girls now!
You're playing with the big girls now!"

"Stop this foolish mission …
Watch a true practitioner ...
Give an exhibition how …
Pick up your silly blaster, boy!
You're playing with the big girls now!"

[Background Agents under Dani]
"By the power of the Force...
Ashla ... Bogan … Abyss … Source …
Korah … Rahtamah … Yoodhah … Korah …
Korah … Syahdho …
Rahtahmah … Daanyah … Korah … Keelah … Daanyah … "

[Dani chanting over Background Agents]
"You're playing with the big girls now!
You're playing with the big girls now!
By the might of Vectivus …
You will kneel before us …
Kneel to us with Force's power…"

At this point I hear Olvia snort and Dani zeros in on her. Dani's chanting continues on unabated but this time Olvia has been singled out.

"You put up a front.
You put up a fight!
And just to show we feel no spite ...
You can be our acolyte!
But first, girl, it's time to bow …"

[Background Agents]

Olvia seems like she is actually chastised but the chanting continues on with her as the focus.

"Or it's your own grave you'll dig, girl
You're playing with the big girls … "

[Background Agents]
"You're playing with the big girls … "

[Dani and Background Agents]
"Playing with the big girls ...

The lightshow that had been running alongside blasts out and then shuts off. The lights then turn back on. The other agents which had migrated to the ground without being seen surround us. Dani herself stands directly in front Olvia wearing a large enough smirk to show her teeth.

Olvia purses her lips and then nods.


Dani's left eye twitches but before anything else can happen all of us hear a squeal.


Issa jumps in front of Dani and yells out, "That was awesome!"

Issa then rounds on Sarrin who has his arms crossed.

Sarrin grunts, "Yeah, it was sort'a neat."

From him that's high praise. Epsken just stares blankly.

I walk up to Dani who turns slightly to look at me. I give a few nods.

"That was a good production you all put on … but sadly I'm going to have to kill the mood."

Dani's large grin fades into a small expecting smile. She nods herself and then waves off the four agents.

"You two apprentices didn't break your legs on the fall and your signatures were unnoticed. As for you two agents, I could hear your voices coming from everywhere. Great job, you four! You're all excused."

The four agents take off their mask and start to walk away.

One apprentice mumbles, "Weird form of practice … "

An agent replies, "Maybe, but it was actually sort of fun."


Dani turns back to the group and sighs. She answers Epsken.

"Yeah. Higher rank … more responsibilities."

I chuckle, "I hear you … But now then."

I look around at the group who now have their attention on me. I wait until the last agent is out of sight before filling Dani in.

"Okay Dani, I have a mission for you."

Dani blows out some more air to push her hair out of her face.

"Okay, so what is it. While you were down here, I heard something about bluemilk. Are we smuggling?"

Olvia and Issa devolve into snickers. Dani shoots them both a glare.

"If it was something so simple do you think I would have brought any of you in?"

Dani looks at me and smiles.

"A girl can always wish for the simple things in life."

"Says the Abyss Walker." Epsken quips.

Dani rolls her eyes and flips Epsken the bird.

"Alright then. So what's so important that you're bringing all of us in?"

I glance at the projectors in the corners and ask Issa, "Can I plug into one of those things?"

Issa smiles.


"Okay then. Close the dock doors and we'll get started."

A/N: Kowtow!
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Official Memo From The Desk Of Lady Ciaran:

"Abysswalker Plenar, I don't recall choreographed musical numbers being a part of any training regimen for our Apprentices and Agents. That being said it was absolutely hilarious and legitimately well-done, so I'm going to give you a pass on this one and if you do it again I'll be willing to look the other way.

P.S. You're welcome for keeping the hangar doors well-maintained enough to let you pull off that little stunt earlier."

This is so wonderfully ridiculous, shows just how much the upper commands' insanity is infecting the rank and file, and to be honest I always did love The Prince of Egypt. Canon, +10.
That sort of memo is probably a not uncommon reason for why the rank and file would be terrifawed of Ciaran. I imagine that a lot of them find the idea of hiding anything from her to be a lost cause that is supported by her just randomly sending out memos detailing that, yes, she does know that you did what you did.
"To the agent that aquiered HK-47's blaster rifle. You have 5 minutes to place it on the weapons rack in hanger bay 2, then report to personal for reassignment to the janitorial staff. Failure to do so will result in me informing HK-47 of your current location."
Delivered to an unnamed agents dataslate three minutes after his most recent acquisition.
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yea ciaran is like cave johnson except she has the power of about half the galaxy in her hands so you better step it up.(i can see why we have a fan girl, we are a badass)
Well, to be fair, she arranges most of those things just to train her shatterpoint skills.

"Alright, so if I visit the staff cafeteria and eat an orange then... The Abyss Walkers arrange a song and dance number? Yeah that seems like a good time expenditure."
You're Playing With the Big Girls Now

This is so wonderfully ridiculous, shows just how much the upper commands' insanity is infecting the rank and file, and to be honest I always did love The Prince of Egypt.

Now we need them to base something on 'Secret of Survival' including the slapstick.

Edit: Or even worse. Ciaran herself decides she wants to do a unexpected musical number with a bunch of her minions.
Imagine the reaction of pretty much EVERYONE to that (aka. Ciaran going utterly mad for the sake of a couple of laughs... AGAIN.)
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"Well for one, your squad has specialties that will be useful on the mission. Issa is a great slicer and Olvia could safely fly a crate if she wanted to."
I sigh and scratch my neck.

"Gulan described the mission as a 'Bluemilk run.' "

Issa quietly whispers, "Yeah, that would do it."

Olvia snorts. "So really easy looking but if things go bad, things go bad."
*Shadowrunning Intensifies*
Question is the Zilo beast dead yet?

Cause I'd like to capture it... its pretty damn resilient and doesn't like Sidious.
I see no harm in dropping it on some uninhabited world in the outer rim and studying it there.

Then picking it up when we need to and dropping it on palps.

We know it can be subdued temporarily anyway.

Suffice to say, I think it's a poor idea, simply because there's far too many points where things could easily go wrong.
Suffice to say, I think it's a poor idea, simply because there's far too many points where things could easily go wrong.
Mate they got the thing from the Mid Rim to Corusant without anything going wrong until after they had it on planet for a while.

Flying it to a predetermined world and then dropping it there should be fine.
Mate they got the thing from the Mid Rim to Corusant without anything going wrong until after they had it on planet for a while.

Flying it to a predetermined world and then dropping it there should be fine.

And I quite frankly would not be at all surprised if it could have woken up mid flight. Basically, I don't think it's a good idea, and I sincerely doubt you'll be able to convince me otherwise. Not to mention that we still have way too many other things to do that are more important.