Just a reminder, but diplomatic talks?

They can take a while.

Like, say, decades even! Terrible shame that we are dragging are feet on top of everything else isn't it, palps?
I would rather not produce the Bacta now because it wouldn't solve the problem. The CIS still needs to remove the supply and given CIS control over the other planet we would still be the only supplier the Republic could get at. Also It would be likely that the planet would then join anyway because they couldn't compete otherwise.

We need to solve the actual problem and then steal everything that isn't nailed down.

Lets call this Ocean's 11​

Timing will be critical in this, the first thing we need to do is to counter Palpatine. Even if this isn't his plot which I don't think it is he will do everything he can to take advantage of it. In the Republic this can be done through the Grass Roots action.

[] Grassroots Movements: Rile up protests, sponsor anti-government media, do whatever it takes, but stop Palpatine from getting any more influence any way you can. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Palpatine's influence stymied

I don't see an action for this In the Separatists, he has to work through Dooku and at most we could have Dooku's home planet join the CNS. Which is an option and make a retaliatory strike against us seem petty and childish.

The next is for the planet itself, I would prefer some form of popular revolt where the people rise up and remove the CIS without our intervention. Given the nobles are supposed to be assholes they could go to. This is unlikely but if their is something that could cause it would be in the Black Information Action.

[] Black Information: If you're going to beat Palpatine, you'll need to deal with his cohorts in both the CIS and the Republic. Thankfully said cohorts are for the most part massively paranoid, and given enough damning information they'd likely quickly turn on each other. That being said this would be extremely difficult to pull off.
-[] CIS: Palpatine's admittedly less subtle minions make up the CIS leadership, to say nothing of Dooku and Sev'rance. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: CIS leadership destabilized

We should be able to focus on a planet and depending on what comes up we might have an opportunity. Also knowing who is in charge will also let us know if the last bit of insanity will work.

The absolute most important part:
We need to set the stage, before any of this can leak or become public.

inform the planet that as the CNS would appreciate a gesture of sincerity and request that they publicly pledge to support the Silver Cross as someone who is sick of fighting and wishes to heal the damages of war by sending a shipment of Bacta at cost, to a specific planet damaged by war that our funding couldn't cover when they openly request to join the CNS.

At the same time look for a Republic planet. I don't want it to be valuable but I do want it to be popular. I would say Naboo but it's not really damaged and sending an aid Shipment to the Supreme Chancellors home world is only funny if you know that he's Sidious the leader of the Separatists. For most people who don't know about his double life. It could be seen as a quiet show of support for the republic or merely more Padme shipping. if there was a popular vacation planet devastated by the war that would be a good choice. It's a pity Risa is in startrek.

Then we need to announce that the Karada Corporation is hiring new talent on a large scale not for profit work, but to improve the medicine and equipment of our Charity organization the silver cross. Any and all profit gained would be funneled back into research. And then we need to invite other such hopefuls to join us.

Take these three actions

[] Develop Improved Medical Gear: The Karada Corporation needs equipment distinct from that of the competition, as few as there might be. Both for personal use and modified to personal preferences and to sell. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 60 Reward: Increase Karada profits, officially produce high-quality gear, increase troop survival rate [Takes 3 turns, locks actions for 2 turns]

[] Develop Improved Medicine: The Karada Corporation needs to develop new types of medicine instead of just producing legal knock-offs of what already exists. Either by providing variants specifically designed for specific species, improving on already existing types of Medicine or similar products. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 80 Reward: Increase Karada profits, officially produce high-quality medicine and medpacs, increase troop survival rate [Takes 3 turns, locks actions for 2 turns]

[] Accelerate research: The research at Karada is going way too slowly. Dedicate your free time and some additional resources to speed it all up. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 50 Reward: Research time halved, action lock time halved.

Then mention to a handful of Allies that we have, recently received an offer from an important CIS planet that wants to join the Neutral Systems. Warn them to keep it quiet but be ready to play spin doctor.

This is something that we can bring up to both the clone defectors, the Jedi council, and maybe even Padme. If it's a rich enough area of trade the Huts might even put in some of there influence into making things go well to for a kickback. This is important enough that I would give them that kickback if I thought it would help. If they don't know about it in advance they wouldn't be as effective.

Arrange for the free shipment to be sent to said vacation planet in the republic.

Finally when the word breaks, they will state that they will join the CNS to better help the Silver Cross and that as an example of good will they will send a shipment to the vacation planet.

The CIS will either Attack the planet, or freeze up and call for orders. Hopefully our action to check the separatists will give some idea how they react.

if they attack the planet while if it's so important the Republic should have a fleet in the area. The Separatists wouldn't have whatever the planetary defenses are and if needed certain factors could be just right and an extra group of Republic ships could be in the area. They might be responding to the will of the force or they might be responding to a little birdy. Given his nightmares of Padme dying gaining a source of Bacta would be something Anakin would push for even without a nudge.

If they freeze up, then we do something really dumb and crazy. Start recording live as you take in an unarmed ship right to the planet's capital to speak with them. With the entire galaxy watching hopefully they will not gun you down. Spend the entire time talking someone be it the public or a person planet side.

If they let you through sign the treaty and request the Separatist fleet stay on station until your own ships can arrive to guard against pirates and raiders.
If they stop you, agree to wait, you have the guns but question the fact that the Separatists are the ones refusing the right for people to leave an organization that no longer benefits them.

Hopefully the difference and influence of the charity work can counter war profiteering.

Given the entire reason why the republic uses clones is that they are considered disposable. I would love to see Palpatine say that they are more important than the people of the galaxy who they are protecting.
(Omake) Museum of Failures (Canon)
Oh god extracting this was a hassle but oh so worth it. I was not about to rewrite this.


Museum of Failures

Raith was not a sentimental man. Not at all. It was one of the least things about him. But his museum, oh it was something special to him. Walking its halls at night, looking over the two thousand exhibits in the collection, remembering his accomplishments and inspirations... It was one of the few luxuries and pleasures he took for himself. But more than that, this was his sanctum.

He wasn't talking about the public Sienar Museum. Not some vapid tourist trap exulting his family's successes that ignored true intellectual depth. No, this was his personal museum, located a kilometer below his company's Coruscant holdings. A few holograms about his personal success, sure, but the bulk of it was a monument to his competitors' failures. Every failed starship design, ineffective droid, or collapsed project he could get his hands on got smuggled here. The challenge of finding ways to bypass customs without resorting to the underworld had long lost its charm. He had simply learned all the ins and outs at this point. It reminded him of his corporate espionage days, when he'd hop around every major starship company to learn from and experience his future competitors. Raith didn't consider himself some scoundrel, but he certainly had the past of one, if not the personality.

Raith was, frankly, the most brilliant engineer in the galaxy. Were there other so-called claimants? Certainly. But weeds will always grow to strangle the greater plants. And what greater way to chop his rivals down to size than to take their failures into his own successes? Some projects he turned into profit, such as every failed stealth drive (he could devote an entire hall to those). Others he turned into objects for personal use. His personal droid guards took inspiration from a fair few exhibits, as did something as mundane as his office chair. But most? Most he did nothing with. He crafted solutions not so much for use, but just to prove he could. So what if he was the only one who would ever see some of them? Raith wasn't interested in flattery. He got enough of it anyway.

Raith wanted - wait, what was that? Ah, the foul stench of a lesser man entering. Tarkin had finally arrived.

"Wilhuff, you wanted to meet?" He greeted the gaunt and grim man. As if Raith didn't already have his suspicions as to why. There were only so many things Tarkin would insist on an in-person meeting for, rather than a simple holo.

"Indeed, thank you for arranging this so quickly. I know you're a busy-"

"Think nothing of it," Raith interjected, "There's a war going on Wilhuff, I know you can only manage a few days on Coruscant before you're shipped out again." Tarkin hmphed an acknowledgement.

"I'm surprised you chose to meet here, I thought you always preferred to keep this place for yourself," Tarkin remarked for an attempt at small talk. Their friendship had... strained ever since Zonama Sekot.

"It's not like you've never been here before," referencing the time that Tarkin planted a tracker on Raith. Though honestly, Raith was more embarrassed that he failed to find it than anything else. "I had a new addition to make anyways. May as well be efficient about it."

"Another? One of the Confederacy's failed projects, perhaps?" Tarkin queried. Raith shook his head, "No, nothing such as that. Just an old HK model that had recently been dug up."

"I wasn't aware that any of the HK's were failures. I thought they all performed phenomenally, which is why the Republic banned them."

Raith grinned. "True, but in the end they were all failures, except for the one. The best minds of the era couldn't come up with a model that could compare to Revan's, no matter how hard they tried."

Tarkin frowned, "They were still successful in their primary purpose, and certainly more easily mass-produced if the tales of Revan using the Force to build HK-47 are true."

Raith's mouth twitched at Tarkin's words. Mass production was not a quality to praise. It strangled progress to sell subpar products. There was a reason why men and women dreamed of owning a Raith Sienar Original rather than some generic Correllian frigate. "HK-47 orchestrated the destruction of all of his HK-50 and 51 brethren. When Czerka attempted their knock-off 51 models, they programmed them so poorly that the assassination protocols would degrade over time. When the Sith Empire tried once more to replicate the model, the 'Imperial Shock Droids' were better than the standard front line soldier, certainly. But then they were destroyed by a single special forces trooper. Efficacy is meaningless if you do not innovate and improve. They only moved backwards."

Tarkin quickly grasped Raith's intentions, "I know you tinker with droids, Raith, but I always thought your ambitions lay with starcraft."

"They do, but the HK models present a challenge. To parallel the unparalleled, well, I know you understand the feeling, Wilhuff." Raith desired a bit more than the pride of surpassing Revan's creation, but Wilhuff hardly needed to know that. And certainly wouldn't expect it.

"I suppose I do. I hope you're successful one day. I'd certainly like to see what such a droid could do." Ah, Tarkin. As unsubtle as always.

Raith nodded, "I'm certain that droid will be useful for the cause."

"Indeed, which as I'm sure you know is why I'm here."

"Of course, what services do you require? Something interesting, I hope."

"Unfortunately no. For now, simply the Republic contracts will do. I'm asking about a recent project you completed; a set of courier ships for Ciaran."

"Yes, I remember. I rarely get such an interesting order."

"We need the schematics for them. A full understanding of their capabilities and vulnerabilities."

Raith arched his eyebrow in a fake surprise, "Really? For Lady Ciaran? Wilhuff, I understand your distaste for non-humans, but she's a humanitarian. An influential one, certainly, but her military capabilities are a trifle compared to what the Republic can field."

"Oh, I have no doubt that we can easily do the galaxy a favor and do away with her after we declare the new Order. However, she's become... meddlesome in our affairs."

"Wilhuff, do you mean she's found out?" Raith alarmingly asked.

"No, no. Nothing suggests that. She may discover something eventually, but she's yet to take direct action against us. She's still dealing with you, is she not?"

"True, but my involvement in the cause is rather removed. She could easily overlook my support for your plans."

Tarkin considered it for a second, though Raith suspected it was just for show, "Perhaps, Raith, but we've detected no increase in Abyss Watcher activity against us."

"You've already admitted that she is able to interfere with your plans; you may not detect her moves against you. She is, after all, very good at what she does."

"She's lucky," Tarkin said with scorn, "She too has grand designs for the galaxy, but at her core she is a barkeep. She will not outdo men of quality."

"Except she has, has she not? That is why you are here, Wilhuff. With only a month's effort, Ciaran brought the entire war to a screeching halt at Caamas. Since then, the CNS has swelled to become a near complete buffer between Republic space and the Separatists. She's turned Taris - a planet she effectively owns - into the up and coming economic hub of the Rim, and more recently she's swept the Intergalactic Banking Clans into her fold, solidifying the economic gains she's made. She has brought new meaning to war-profiteering. It's all rather impressive," Raith aimed to puncture a hole in Tarkin's speciesism for once. It was the only way to actually get where he wanted with the man.

"Raith, are you becoming sympathetic to the Miralukan?" Tarkin responded measurably. His accusation was little short of treason, after all.

"Certainly not. Lady Ciaran is hardly somebody we can trust to bring order to the galaxy. I wish to know where we stand with her, however. I rarely receive updates on the efforts of you and your partners," he calmly responded, "If she has severely altered our efforts, I wish to know."

Tarkin waited a moment. "We care little about her getting rich. They can be robbed. She is becoming a problem to the war. As you said, between her ceasefire and the CNS' expansion, fighting the Separatists will become quite difficult. Her seizure of the banking clans both prevents us from doing the same, and now any loans the Republic wishes to take out must come through her. Then there is the matter of the CNS itself. Its economy is becoming self-sustaining. The Mandalorians are rebuilding their army while the galaxy watches on. Ciaran has been upgrading her personal military resources, most recently with your designs. It is only a matter of time before she sets her organization's military minds to getting the forces of the CNS in order, and they will be aided by the Bothans no doubt. The CNS is hardly going to be able to compete with the Republic or Separatists on its own, but if she follows this path then the CNS forces could tilt the balance of the war. We don't expect it to happen - the Duchess is far too pacifistic - but the threat of it is the obstacle. Nevertheless, the plan is continuing forward quite well on all other fronts, but Ciaran is becoming more difficult to stop. The CNS economy is too strong for us to attack her finances, and our attempts to expose her illicit activities have somehow completely failed."

He paused for a second, "We will succeed; there is hardly any doubt of that, but Ciaran is delaying our timetable. We will need to infiltrate the CNS to advance our cause now, and so we shall, but it will take more time."

"And you shall eliminate Lady Ciaran from the playing field?" Raith asked, seeking confirmation. He stared down Tarkin. He heard the conflict in Tarkin's voice. There's another catch, Wilhuff, isn't there?

"Perhaps. We are of two minds on the matter. One is to simply eliminate her, the other is to better account for her. Perhaps even use her in some fashion," It did not take any real intellect to know Tarkin's opinion on the matter, "Either way, the designs of her ships will help us. And so, I require you give them to me."

"Of course, Wilhuff. Thank you for informing me of the situation. Come, I happen to have the plans stored on site," Raith gestured towards the entryway to his underground facility; a hall of his successes to contrast with the galaxy's failures. Whereas the warehouse at large was an organized display of essentially scrapheap, his hallway was lined with terminals with holo displays. Each one showed a project he was particularly proud of, or set of them, as was the case here. A set of couriers typically wouldn't qualify, but naturally Ciaran's couriers were not the usual blasé fare. Why, the modifications he made to the stealth drives alone merited inclusion. And, of course, Raith rarely was given such free rein to enjoy a contract.

Being a new addition, Lady Ciaran's flotilla was stationed fairly close to the end. The holo displayed the ships in formation, and could cycle to show each one. "I'm surprised, Raith. I wouldn't have expected a simple courier contract to be enshrined like this."

"Say what you will about her, but Lady Ciaran is one of the most interesting people in the galaxy. As were the couriers she requested, as you'll see," Raith replied. He plugged a data drive into the terminal, which began copying over the files.

Tarkin nodded in response, and casually examined some of the other exhibits. He stopped in front of a display with a simple plain sphere displayed. Unsurprising, as he ought to recognize it. "Is this the Expeditionary Battle Planetoid? It's rather unlike you to display unrealized projects."

"It's a placeholder," Raith dismissed, "It will be filled soon enough, I'm sure. You're welcome for the plans, of course."

Tarkin stiffened a bit, which was rather remarkable given how rigid he naturally was. He tended to do that when reminded of his failures and disgraces. "Yes, of course. We appreciate it. How is the research on hypermatter going? After all, we cannot build the station until that problem is solved."

"It is progressing, though it will still take time." The data drive lighted up green. Transfer complete. "Well then, here you are Wilhuff. Is there anything else you require?"

"No, no," Tarkin replied, taking the datadrive, "This shall suffice for now. We appreciate your continued support."

"Of course. Best of luck, Wilhuff." Tarkin made his goodbyes and left from whence he came. Raith was alone in his museum again, as he ought to be. He made his way back to the display Tarkin was examining. The "Expeditionary Battle Planetoid", Tarkin saw. Hmph. This sphere was no mere planetoid. No, this was a full planet. Zonama Sekot; Raith's white whale. One he had almost gotten... until Tarkin betrayed him. Raith was sent to command a mission that Tarkin had sabotaged, so that Tarkin could swoop in and claim the glory and victory for himself. A maneuver which had, in turn, failed, and neither of them were able to claim the biotechnology of the Sekotans. Technology that immediately proved its power when the planet itself jumped into hyperspace to whereabouts unknown.

Raith forgave Tarkin, of course. He had long underestimated the man, and that incident was painful evidence of that. Tarkin was not as easily manipulated as Raith suspected, despite Tarkin's brutish approach to problems. And so he gave Tarkin the plans to the gigantic space station. Raith hardly intended to build the thing himself; it was always a proof of concept to show off to others. But Tarkin's associates? If they were anything like Wilhuff, they would covet the station. It was how Raith ensured Tarkin would remain in their good graces after his dreadful failure at Sekot. As Raith's only link to that cabal, Tarkin needed to stay in place for now; regardless of what the man deserved.

Raith had long suspected - well before these Clone Wars - that a new order was coming; some massive change to the status quo. Frankly, the galaxy was due one. It was much to his surprise when his friend Tarkin was revealed to be a member of such a movement. He hardly suspected it to be so bigoted, though Raith allowed for the possibility that this was mostly Tarkin.

What he did not doubt, is that Tarkin's backers were as brutish and unpleasant as he was.

Raith had no interest in this. Never had. He preferred finesse, and refinement. But he was practical man, and remaining in their graces was key to maintaining his own power and the freedom that came with it. Then came Lady Ciaran; forever the proverbial spanner in the works. At first she was an obstacle, simple enough. But even if Tarkin wouldn't admit it, Raith saw her for what she was.

A rival.

What else could you call the de facto head of state of what was quickly becoming the third most influential collective in the galaxy?

Would she bring change? What would it even be? Raith hardly knew. But knowing Ciaran, it had to be preferable to Tarkin's vision for the universe. Which is why the plans he gave were ever so slightly inaccurate. The stealth drives, engines, and the like were all downgraded to what the Scimitar was originally outfitted with. He manufactured fake flaws and exploits in other systems. He kept it believable enough for Tarkin and his ilk to trust him, of course. But he believed the differences would give Ciaran a proper edge. And if he was caught? Well, Raith was hardly the only starship contractor Ciaran had dealings with.

Best of luck, Lady Ciaran. Do try to win. After all, perhaps you will be the one to find Zonama Sekot for me.


Raith is a weird character, in that he has such an awesome backstory filled with roguish adventures... and then the EU grafted a shitty non-personality onto him. The waste of potential really bothers me. But yeah, when I looked through Raith's backstory and saw his motivations for joining up with Tarkin, I realized that Ciaran proved an alternative. Raith apparently isn't a fan of Tarkin's cause, but believes that the new order's victory is inevitable and so thinks that working with Tarkin is the only practical solution. But with Ciaran on the rise, and clearly interfering, well, there's an alternative that he prefers. He won't completely abandon Tarkin or join Ciaran until it's clear that there's no point to stick with him, but for now? A small betrayal to protect Ciaran seems plausible.

Honestly, we're lucky that Raith has this sort of disposition towards Tarkin and Palpatine's cause. Otherwise him being our primary contractor would totally blow up in our faces.
I'm putting that reaction omake on pause, because I just had inspiration strike based on my initial idea for how to deal with this bactaland crisis. And I love this solution more with every word I write.
If it does come to war, one advantage would be the reformation of the CNS into something directly controlled.

I'm pretty sure Ciaran could put her people into places of power in the new government.

A tricky war to be certain but Ciaran is hardly lacking in great generals, she herself would serve quite ably even.

We'd lose options yes but others would open too.

One thing to wonder, what happens to assets in the Republic if war breaks out?
If it does come to war, one advantage would be the reformation of the CNS into something directly controlled.

I'm pretty sure Ciaran could put her people into places of power in the new government.

A tricky war to be certain but Ciaran is hardly lacking in great generals, she herself would serve quite ably even.

Are you suggesting that we pull a Palpatine before Palpatine can so that even if he wins his victory will be tainted by knowing we did it first and better?
I'm putting that reaction omake on pause, because I just had inspiration strike based on my initial idea for how to deal with this bactaland crisis. And I love this solution more with every word I write.
yes. do it. solve all of our problems with your excellent words.
Are you suggesting that we pull a Palpatine before Palpatine can so that even if he wins his victory will be tainted by knowing we did it first and better?
i like this idea, but maby later, right now it's way to soon.
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Are you suggesting that we pull a Palpatine before Palpatine can so that even if he wins his victory will be tainted by knowing we did it first and better?

Huh, good point, I hadn't thought of that.

It'd piss him off even more if it were done in a manner that effectively preserves the Republic and works to remove the Sith corruption from it's processes.

Admittedly that might not be helpful to the corruption Ciaran herself uses...
Huh, good point, I hadn't thought of that.

It'd piss him off even more if it were done in a manner that effectively preserves the Republic and works to remove the Sith corruption from it's processes.

Admittedly that might not be helpful to the corruption Ciaran herself uses...
Yeah, you know what? There's a saying:
"You can't destroy crime, merely guide it"

The meaning – crime will always exist, you can only minimise it's influence. Ciaran is in an interesting position as, unlike other government or official individuals, she can control corruptions affect on society. I mean even In-Real-Life some Mafias are good to society as they prevent something worse from forming!, just think on that...
You know it wouldn't surprise me if Ciaran commissioned a song to sing if she were ever outted as a Sith if only to make ligbt of the situation or have her version of a badguy soundtrack.
weird thought though.. @DrSnark, exactly who is in immediate charge of the CIS fleet over Thyferra? someone from the Thyferra? One of the Banking clans we have interests in?

Classified by the CIS due to the fact that the fleet is in such close proximity to the Core Worlds. You'd have to poke at it to figure out who's really in charge there right now.

I love the dynamic Raith and Tarkin have going and how Raith is handling basically being in the middle of two rivaling conspiracies. Canon, +10.
In His Element​

Thrawn smiled contently as he surveyed his fleet from the command deck of The Invisible Hand. His previous work for Lady Ciaran had been quelling raiders in CNS space. It had been enjoyable, but the xenophobia of those in command, coupled with both his relative anonymity outside of the Chiss Ascendancy and nature of his foes limited both his influence and resources in that matter.

This time he faced no such limitations. Lady Ciaran had given him unilateral command of the CNS naval forces. Every ship, troop, and gun that fought for the CNS answered directly to him and those he had placed in charge. So despite the fact that he would be fighting both the droid armies of the CIS and the Grand Army of the Republic for the foreseeable future, until Lady Ciaran could ruin Palpatine politically in regards to his war with the CNS at least, Thrawn was excited.

Taking the CIS fleet above Thyferra by surprise and driving them from the sector had been insufficient to do more than whet his appetite. Their defense had been too weak, too easy to crack to truly satisfy him.

"Sir, sensors are detecting incoming fleets. Preliminary results have both at double our size." said one of his bridge officers, interrupting his reverie. The Admiral took a deep breath in anticipation, letting it out slowly before giving his commands.

"From what directions?" inquired Thrawn, wholly unconcerned.

"One from the direction of Vanik, the other from Tauber." answered the officer after reviewing his instruments once more. The fleet from Vanik would be the Republic, Tauber the CIS. He had suspected as much, they would likely be so confident in sheer numbers that they would disregard the surprise that could be gained from unconventional routes for the ease main hyperlanes afforded.

"Order the Rafflesia, Atrax, Coronatus, Dionaea, Myrmeleo, and Nepenthes towards the Vanik hyperlane exit and tell them to wait for our signal. Concentrate our main defenses on the Tauber hyperlane exit, sparing the Parshath, Bora, Purgatrio, and Axon to cover our rear."

Those four were clean up ships, specialized for smashing ships that had already been weakened. Most strategists kept them in reserves or sent them first as reinforcements, so as to keep them from the thick of things. Thrawn didn't need to keep them away from the fighting to use them effectively from the start.

The Republic fleet arrived first, with twice the ships he had and each one better equipped than the majority of his own. "The Republic fleet is hailing us."

"Very well, let us get the diplomacy underway." said Thrawn, his confident smile only growing.


Ahsoka stood by her Master's side on the bridge of the Resolute. "I have a bad feeling about this, Master. It doesn't feel right attacking a neutral fleet."

"Relax Snips, I don't like this any more than you do, but the Republic needs that bacta if we want any chance of coming out of this war on top." Said Anakin, justifying the Chancellor's orders. "The CNS forces will make some token defense of their new planet, then retreat when they see how outnumbered they are."

"The CNS flagship is responding to our hails." reported the clone from below Anakin. "Putting them through now."

"See, we might even solve this peacefully." said Anakin, smiling at his Padawan reassuringly. It did little to calm Ahsoka's nerves.

"Greetings, Skywalker." Ahsoka froze as the familiar voice reached her ears, oozing with the confidence of a man who had checkmate in fifty-two moves, less if she made a sub-optimal move. "Am I correct in assuming that your fleet is not simply aiming to pass through CNS space?"

"That's correct. I've been ordered to secure Thyferra for the Republic." said Anakin. His tone was neutral, tinged with a resigned sort of confidence. A person who was sure he could win, but didn't want a fight in the first place. "If you surrender now, we're prepared to offer generous terms."

"A sentiment I appreciate, but must decline. Thyferra is a member of the CNS, and all members are offered protection from both sides of this Galactic Civil War." said Thrawn. "However, before we commence proper warfare, and begin our contest of minds and might, I request that you allow the supply ships safe passage past your fleet. The bacta they have on board is of vital importance to refugee camps on the front lines."

"May I ask why they must pass in our direction?" asked Anakin, wary of some ulterior motive.

"The only other hyperlane out of the sector would have them run through a CIS fleet." Said Thrawn, voice tinted with regret. "They must travel past one enemy fleet, and the Separatists are notoriously less supportive of humanitarian efforts than the Republic."

Satisfied, Anakin nodded. "Or course we can guarantee them safe passage to the other side of our fleet. Perhaps you can use this time to reconsider the terms of surrender."

"I only accept unconditional." said Thrawn, smirking at his little joke. "Regardless, this has been most productive diplomacy."

Ahsoka waited until the transmission was terminated to emerge from behind Rex. She hadn't been hiding per se, but she had panicked a bit at the thought of her mentor commanding the CNS fleet. Her panic had only grown as she heard the exchange. "Master, I think we should leave."

"What are you talking about Snips? I get that you don't want to fight your friend, but we have our orders, and I gave him a chance to back down." Anakin placed a hand on her shoulder. "I can't promise anything, but we'll try to aim for disabling shots, okay?"

"That's not what I'm worried about." said Ahsoka, shaking her head. "Thrawn mentioned that was productive diplomacy, but he's always told me that diplomacy is just an extension of warfare if you're smart enough to use it properly."

Before Anakin could continue the conversation, the two Jedi were interrupted by another report. "The CNS flagship is sending out another transmission."

"Put it through." said Anakin casually.

"The transmission isn't targeting us, sir." said the clone, the confusion obvious in his voice. "They're hailing the head transport ship."

"What? Why would-" Just then, Anakin stumbled as the Resolute violently shook. "What was that?!"

"One of our own ships must have fired on us sir, those shots came from the sides and behind us!" shouted one of the clone officers.

"Shields are down! The rest of the fleet is in similar conditions!"

"What did they hit us with?!" shouted Anakin. Not even the other Star Destroyers had weapons that could bring down shields in a single shot.

"The enemy is scrambling bombers!"

"The CIS fleet is coming out of hyperspace!"


Thrawn watched his plan unfold flawlessly. The civilian ships he had commandeered from the surface of Thyferra had opened their hangers to the elements, exposing their cargo. Some of the most powerful cannons available to the CNS, retrofitted onto ships that had no business carrying that sort of firepower.

The guns couldn't be aimed beyond physically moving the entire ship, and could maybe fire one or two shots apiece before the refitted freighters ran out of power. And even with the kind of oomph they packed, the cannons had no chance at tackling a Venator-class Star Destroyer head-on. But from within, well that was a different story. Many people knew the saying, 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer', yet few ever thought that maybe their enemies would be as close as they could get.

Even then, the plan would have done little more than irritate the Republic ships and insure the destruction of the ships he used for this plan. Which is why Thrawn had some of the best operatives the Abyss Watchers could offer infiltrate and sabotage the shield generators, the signal to do so hidden in his conversation with Skywalker. With no defenses, shots from behind the front line would sow confusion and cripple the fleet. They would be too busy trying to figure out where the shots had come from to scramble their fighters effectively. Easy pickings for his own.

The clean-up ships began doing just that, cleaning up the Republic ships that had been caught off guard by Thrawn's surprise and damaged to the point that they were easy pickings. The speed at which the CNS ships capitalized on their opponent's weakness served to keep the Republic fleet on the back foot, unable to retaliate, or even determine who their enemy was.

The CIS arrived just on time, exiting hyperspace and immediately opening fire. Thrawn scoffed. He had ordered his ships to do the same of course, but Sev'rance'tann being so predictably aggressive was still disappointing. He expected better from a fellow Chiss.

Many of Thrawn's larger ships were actually tilted away from the CIS ships entirely, minimizing damage and maximizing the time they could stay in the fight. The fighters could still deploy easily enough, causing the space between the fleets to erupt as the fighters duked it out in a thousand separate dogfights.

Thrawn smiled as the Gardna absorbed more fire. The bulky ship wouldn't be able to maneuver out of a wet paper bag, but it was faring extremely well under the circumstances. Still, these tactics weren't meant to win, at least not against a larger force. They were meant to stall, to turn things into a battle of attrition and remain as fighting fit for as long as possible as the enemy rammed themselves into the anvil that was the defensive formations again and again.

But of course, what was an anvil without a hammer? Thrawn chuckled at his own analogy. He turned his attention back to the Republic fleet. A few ships were listing behind, but the fleet as a whole was withdrawing as quickly as possible, too damaged by the surprise attack to risk taking both him and the CIS immediately after. Palpatine had relied too much on his ability to have his orders followed, caring not at all for the enthusiasm his men would have for such orders. Even troops programed to be loyal were quick to give up an assault on humanitarian, neutral groups.

Now facing just the CIS, Thrawn's plan entered the final stages. "Lieutenant, contact the Thestalos and inform them the anvil is ready."

It took some time for his allies to appear, and Thrawn mentally recalculated future plans to account for their lack of military discipline and timing. But what the Arcblade fleet lacked in precision (and overall size if he were being honest), they more than made up for in skill and ferocity. The Blazing Chains pirates smashed the CIS fleet into the defenses Thrawn had built up, their fighters quick to decimate the CIS forces that tried to reorient themselves to fend off the surprise attack.

Meanwhile, the ships in Thrawn's fleet that weren't suited for the defensive tactics began to move forward, no longer acting as glorified artillery, but as destroyers they were built to be. The CIS fleet was caught between the CNS ships and the Arcblade fleet, unable to push through the defensive CNS formation and facing the wrong way to repel the Blazing Chains pirates. An open communication link ensured that Thrawn's ships didn't accidently destroy CIS ships that had been boarded by the Adacap's men. The promise of actual battleships had been all he needed to bring Zekk in on his plan.

"Sir, the Separatist flagship is hailing us." reported the officer.

"Well then, let us see what they have to say." said Thrawn, grinning as another Separatist ship broke in two under his ship's fire. The hologram popped into existence in front of him. "The terms of your surrender are unconditional." Said Thrawn, noting somewhat sadly that the commanding officer was some human female and not his fellow Chiss. Still, it was some small comfort to know that Sev'rance'tann hadn't rushed into this engagement. Such a tactical blunder would make Thrawn look bad by association as another Chiss.

The woman looked affronted at Thrawn casually leading into a conversation by laying out the terms of her surrender. To be fair though, that had been the intended reaction. Sev'rance'tann had poor control of her emotions, and insulting her so would have given Thrawn an advantage both in the negotiations and the battle.

"I have no intention of surrendering to some alien scum." she spat. It would appear she was xenophobic, a position Thrawn was almost grateful for now that it belonged to an enemy whose ships he was blasting out of the sky instead of people he was trying to take command from.

"The CIS must have far more resources than I anticipated if they can afford to give so many ships to someone who throws them away so casually." said Thrawn, narrowing his eyes. "Your fleet's destruction or capture is a matter of time now, and you would not have contacted me if you were not entertaining the thought of surrender, if just to save your own life."

The officer grimaced at that, and Thrawn was almost afraid she would buckle and accept his terms. Then she hardened her gaze. "The CIS does not surrender."

Thrawn smiled at that. Individuals were often the most variable part of any plan, making it all the more satisfying when they acted as predicted. "Then I'm afraid we have nothing more to discuss." He ended the transmission, before opening communications with Adacap Zekk.

The pirate looked to be taking sadistic glee in how one-sided the battle had become, grinning ear to ear. "I have to congratulate you on a job well done Thrawn."

"Thank you." said Thrawn, bowing his head slightly in acknowledgement. "As we agreed, any ships captured can be added to the Arcblade Fleet. However, I would prefer if no one mentioned our… alliance." Palpatine was slippery and had a gross amount of influence even now. If it came to light that the CNS had partnered with notorious pirates, the Chancellor would have something to latch onto, a way to spin things in a way that benefitted him. Thrawn would give him no such opportunity.

"Kill the people, got it." said Zekk casually, as if it were something she had done many times before. Thrawn reminded himself that wasn't out of the question. Zekk had fought in a war.

"And wipe the droids' memory banks. No evidence." reminded Thrawn. Silencing machines was something the Blazing Chains pirates likely didn't have to do often. Their fleet members were all flesh and blood. Messier, but ultimately less complicated to silence.

"We'll probably shoot 'em all anyways. Got no use for droids. You want 'em?" asked Zekk after waving off his concerns.

"I'd need to see what my superior's opinion on the matter is, but I suspect she'll be amendable." Thrawn suspected Lady Ciaran would literally cackle like some sort of supervillain. "In the meantime, we would be willing to compensate your fleet for storage of any captured droids."

Zekk nodded, excusing herself to command her fleet. Thrawn did likewise, making small adjustments to accommodate the disappointingly orthodox positioning of the CIS ships. From there it was only a matter of time.


"Even handed, defensive, offering surrender, and punitive when the offer was rejected. Excellent work Thrawn." Thrawn took a moment to bask in Lady Ciaran's praise. "You've proven that any conflict with the CNs will be costly. I can work with that."

"I had hoped to give the impression that war with the CNS would be futile." complained Thrawn jokingly. "How goes the diplomacy?"

"Sheev's approval ratings have taken a severe hit between his unpopular little war and the fact that he managed to lose it. I've also taken pains to assure swing votes in the Senate that bacta would continue to flow. In fact, the Republic would be getting more bacta than they had been under the Separatist embargo." said Ciaran.

"And the CIS political scene?" asked Thrawn. A protracted fight with the Republic was unlikely now, but a war with even just the CIS would be a knockdown, drag-out affair.

"Oh, Dooku is quite furious." said Ciaran, snickering a bit to herself at the Count's misfortune. "But the Republic will be issuing an apology for this 'misunderstanding' and focusing their efforts on the CIS again. Dooku might want revenge, but he can't afford to be fighting on two fronts now that his opponent isn't. Expect a few intrusions to repel in the coming days and then frosty relations after, but nothing too serious."

Thrawn nodded. "By the way, we've managed to salvage a number of droids from the CIS fleet. Currently, Adacap Zekk is storing them for us in the Arcblade Fleet. I wasn't certain that stealing battle droids wouldn't harm your efforts on Coruscant."

"It might have, but so would most of what I do." said Ciaran, waving off his concerns. "Have Zekk bring them to one of our more remote hideouts. We'll reprogram them and gradually start slipping them in with our regular forces. No one will notice."

"Understood." Thrawn hesitated. "I realize this whole crisis would have been better avoided, and it may be wrong for me to feel this way. But I hope we have more opportunities like this in the future."

Ciaran smiled. "Likewise. It was quite something to see you in your element like that Thrawn. A real work of art." With that warm feeling of accomplishment in his chest, Thrawn nodded and terminated the transmission.

AN: So upon seeing that taking bactaland would get both the CIS and Republic mad at us, with our neighborhood Sith pushing for a blitzkrieg before the bad PR halts their war with the CNS, my first thought was to just give Thrawn everything he asks for and set him loose. Clever plans don't matter when your opponent is just so much better than you, Sheev.
Interlude - Defiance
Fresia, Hidden Meeting Room

"Senator Mothma," Ciaran said evenly, "why exactly are we meeting here instead of on Chandrila?"

"I do not wish to put my home at risk given the nature of this meeting," Mothma responded coolly. "Simply put, Chandrila will be joining the other Core Worlds that have been providing unofficial support for the Council."

"The help is appreciated, Senator."

"It is unfortunately all we can do. While your efforts in the rest of the galaxy have certainly borne considerable fruit the fact remains that the Core Worlds are simply too close and Palpatine's influence is too great-"

"She doesn't speak for me or my people," announced Garm Bel Iblis as he confidently strode into the room, a stone-faced Padme following him. "Corellia is already publicly neutral and I can safely say on behalf of it that we hate Palpatine. So," Bel Iblis said confidently, handing a datapad over to Ciaran, who looked at it curiously. "I've been speaking with the planetary government and we've decided to show him that there are in fact Core Worlds who aren't just going to stand by and let Palpatine have his way."

"That's..." Ciaran couldn't quite find the words as the reality of Bel Iblis' own sunk in. "I can safely say that the Council would hardly be willing to turn down the aid of Corellia."

Bel Iblis chuckled. "If you appreciate that so much, you're going to love what your friend has to say."

"Naboo will be joining the Council of Neutral Systems," Padme said flatly, handing over the relevant datapad to a stunned Ciaran. "The decision has already gone through the Queen and will be-"

"Padme," Ciaran interrupted with worry coming into her voice, "this isn't just another planet we're talking about here. This is Palpatine's homeworld. If it joins the Council he's going to take this as a personal insult from you."

"I've done my best to make sure that this is the planetary government's decision, and to be fair it almost entirely is," Padme responded. "I would testify as such in front of the Senate even. But even if he thinks otherwise I don't care." She clenched her fists. "I am not going to cower and do nothing while this is happening. I am not going to stand by and let my home burn for the sake of this madman's ambition. I risked my life to free my home from one tyrant; I'm not afraid to do it again."

The room went silent at Padme's declaration save for Bel Iblis, who chuckled slightly. "Defying Palpatine like that...you sure you aren't actually a Corellian, Senator?" he said affectionately, causing Mothma to smile ever so slightly.

"At least promise me you'll keep yourself safe okay?" Ciaran said. "Keep a blaster nearby at all times, make sure the SSS is running overtime-"

"I'll be fine. Trust me," Padme said confidently.

"No wonder he likes you so much..."

"Hmm? Did you say something?" Padme asked.

"I was thinking things over," Ciaran replied. "Specifically that..." She stopped short as something occurred to her. "Can we be alone for a moment?" she said to Bel Iblis and Mothma, who looked at her confusedly before nodding and leaving.

"Ciaran, what is-"

"Are you going to tell Anakin why you want Naboo to be neutral?" Ciaran asked, intensity in her voice. If he learned that Palpatine was playing both sides that might be enough for him to put the dots together far sooner than she would like...

"Why wouldn't I te-oh no," she said, realization dawning on her. "He'd..."

Ciaran froze up as something occurred to her as well.

Did he see Palpatine in those visions the Son showed him on Mortis!? Nonono, breathe Ciaran. If he did I would have heard about an abortive coup d'etat from the Jedi by now or something along those lines...or he would have probably told me about it back on Mortis. Okay, relax and focus on the more immediate problem.

"Knowing him?" Ciaran said after what appeared to be only a brief second of hesitation on her part. "He would probably end up doing something...regrettable. I know you two are close but..."

Padme's face fell. "I won't tell him them."

"Don't tell him about Palpatine. Do tell him about your conviction to protect your home and all of that," Ciaran clarified as she smiled slightly. "That conviction is...admirable." Perhaps foolish...but still very admirable.

I swear though...it's starting to feel like things are spiraling out of control...

CNS Roll Results: Chandrilla provides under-the-table support to CNS. Corellia and Naboo join CNS.

AN: Given the planets involved? You bet your ass I had to do something for them. Especially Naboo.

For the record all of the planets mentioned here rolled in the 90s to join. I swear to god, the dice just love fucking with me...

I swear I'll get to the base stuff soon, as soon as my muse stops giving me good ideas!
As for the other planets that joined the CNS from the last set:

Epsi Nadir

There. We're done with that now. Honest.
So, how big is the CNS right now? I mean, between Corellia and Jedha (which not many people know about) the CNS is about to become a bigger government than even the Republic or the Confederacy.
So, how big is the CNS right now? I mean, between Corellia and Jedha (which not many people know about) the CNS is about to become a bigger government than even the Republic or the Confederacy.

It's weird. In terms of territory size it's probably on the verge of becoming the biggest, but in terms of population and economy the Republic and CIS still hold significant advantages.
Wow, the republic and the confederacy are starting to unravel, loosing these planets to us is a massive blow to their credibility especially since if the republic decides to attack us based on tenuous justifications now it looks like they're simply bitter over losing some of their core worlds. If this continuous both of our opponents might just quietly collapse as we consume more and more of their worlds especially if we can keep the cease-fire going. Basically as long as we can maintain the current political position while continuing to strengthen our selves we might just win by default. It might be time to start thinking about how to turn the CNS into a permanent government and how to make sure it avoids the pitfalls of the republic.
Wow, the republic and the confederacy are starting to unravel, loosing these planets to us is a massive blow to their credibility especially since if the republic decides to attack us based on tenuous justifications now it looks like they're simply bitter over losing some of their core worlds. If this continuous both of our opponents might just quietly collapse as we consume more and more of their worlds especially if we can keep the cease-fire going. Basically as long as we can maintain the current political position while continuing to strengthen our selves we might just win by default. It might be time to start thinking about how to turn the CNS into a permanent government and how to make sure it avoids the pitfalls of the republic.

Though this may set off the endgame before we are ready.
Perhaps, but ideally this will work for is in that it weakens Palpatine before we have to deal with him and reduces his options. IF we can maintain the status quo and manage to continue leaching planets and support away from both factions (which is not guarantied) we may be able to get to the point where we are more powerful that either or both of the republic and CIS, this would certainly give us more options and a better position to operate from.