Now for the results:
I mean, sure, they still hate everyone who isn't a seven-limbed cephalopod, but now that they've joined the CNS we
might be able to infiltrate them and check out that Fountain of Youth everyone's talking about. Also their library of pre-historic tech that's on par with anything the Rakatans had in their heyday...
Yes! Best diplomats are now on our side!
And that's a +10% bonus whenever we decide to go explore Telos (for the Holocron and/or other goodies...)
And that's a +10% bonus for exploring Yavin IV.
Cortosis weaponsmiths; we got 'em.
All your library belong to us.
YES! Best merchants are on our side, and we can see about chatting up the Baobab family to share in their awesomeness. (I wonder if we could recruit Mungo Baobab as a Stewardship-specialized Hero unit? We don't really have one of those...)
Best geologists are now available for recruitment, to help with anomalous materials research....
Now that we have access to the Kathol Outback, we might be able to send an expedition to visit the Aing Tii monks next door...
We had the best intrigue specialists in the galaxy. Now we also have the best musicians. Time to party!
"This message is sent along with the relevant documentation to confirm that the planet of Thyferra would like to formally apply for membership to the Council of Neutral Systems. Our government believes that neutrality would greatly benefit the galaxy as a whole as it would allow the free trade of bacta-"
Oh shit...
Okay, lots of good discussion, but here's something you're all forgetting:
Thyferra is ruled by assholes.
Seriously. The two corporations basically run the planet like a slave plantation, and maintain an iron grip on their bacta monopoly, without letting the planet natives see a credit of the profit. This is why we were thinking of infiltrating them in the first place....
One possible solution: put conditions on them joining the CNS. A big part of what defines us, is that we trade with
everyone. So... make sure Thyferra knows that will be required. And given that there's a war going on, that means they'll need to
drastically upscale bacta production in order to ensure neither side faces a shortage. And hey, look at that, Lady Ciaran runs her very own medical corporation, with access to all kinds of research centers and medical production facilities, and enough money to drastically upscale production on your behalf. Oh, you mean this would be a permanent end to your bacta monopoly? Sucks to be you, but if you want to survive intact and escape the current occupation/siege you're facing, them's the breaks.
(Solo'd by
Second possible solution: steal the bacta (presumably better odds for our Intrigue action, since we now have an excuse to visit the planet), while delaying our official response to Thyferra until we can talk with all related parties. Then start producing bacta independently through Karada, and present this as a
fait accompli to the CIS. This means that letting Thyferra go neutral will no longer be seen as letting the Republic gain access to bacta (because, technically, we already ensured the Republic would have a supply through Karada). If Thyferra is no longer as essential, then as long as we can guarantee a supply to both sides (or, even better, an
increased supply), they won't object to letting it go its own way.