So, it is a sticky situation then.

But here's the catch, if we do accept Thyferra's request and CIS does bad things to Thyferra, will that be enough moral justification to get everyone else in the CNS to perform military/espionage action to help out Thyferra?

After all, imagine the head-lines this will create: CIS blockades/attacks war-wary planet seeking a way out of this horrific war, CNS heroically defends planet's desires and ensured its neutrality.

It will make us look like defenders of the weak and CIS gets a PR hit.

It's like Phantom Menace all over again. :V
Idea. We have an Intrigue Action available to steal bacta data. We do that. Karada starts manufacturing bacta, alienates Thyferra. Hoarding bacta? Why, Ciaran is distributing it and making it easier to acquire without Thyferra's pesky monopoly. Thyferra is pissed. Wants nothing to do with the CNS. Ciaran wins the PR war because moral high ground and she's Ciaran. Either way, we outta get the CNS militia in line this turn.
I don't think we need to that that immediately underhanded.

Why not get in touch with Thyferra secretly, and tell them that the only way the CIS doesn't blockade the planet and/or the Republic suddenly ruins the neutrality they want so bad, is that they should allow Karada Corp. to sell Bacta for the duration of the War to avoid the appearance of hoarding it. It makes Thyferra a slightly less tempting target and as well as less of an impetuous for war. It works because Ciaran has such good PR, and could be spun that Thyferra is serious about it's neutrality.
How about hold another round of peace talks on the planet in order to secretly announce the Thyferra desire to join the CNS.
I don't think we need to that that immediately underhanded.

Why not get in touch with Thyferra secretly, and tell them that the only way the CIS doesn't blockade the planet and/or the Republic suddenly ruins the neutrality they want so bad, is that they should allow Karada Corp. to sell Bacta for the duration of the War to avoid the appearance of hoarding it. It makes Thyferra a slightly less tempting target and as well as less of an impetuous for war. It works because Ciaran has such good PR, and could be spun that Thyferra is serious about it's neutrality.
One slight problem:

We do not really know why Thyferra's making the application: are they really war-wary and want peace (or least a way out of this war), or do they realize that selling Bacta freely to both sides of the war is more profitable when done in neutral territory?

Because if it is the latter, then giving up the Bacta secrets would be a non-starter.

I say that we spend an action or two to make sure we confirm Thyferra's motives, then decide from there.
Thyferra won't voluntarily give up their bacta secrets. Just will never happen. You want them? Steal them. It's the only way.
Thyferra won't voluntarily give up their bacta secrets. Just will never happen. You want them? Steal them. It's the only way.
And if we are caught with our hands in the cookie jar (so to speak), it is out of the frying pan and into the fire...

Look, we should refrain from rash actions until we get more information, because the statement that it smells like a con has more merit to it than I first thought. We have tons of intrigue in our stats and we can assign our heroes to the job to make sure we check every nook and cranny about this...
Now for the results:

I mean, sure, they still hate everyone who isn't a seven-limbed cephalopod, but now that they've joined the CNS we might be able to infiltrate them and check out that Fountain of Youth everyone's talking about. Also their library of pre-historic tech that's on par with anything the Rakatans had in their heyday...

Yes! Best diplomats are now on our side!

And that's a +10% bonus whenever we decide to go explore Telos (for the Holocron and/or other goodies...)

And that's a +10% bonus for exploring Yavin IV.

Cortosis weaponsmiths; we got 'em.

All your library belong to us.

YES! Best merchants are on our side, and we can see about chatting up the Baobab family to share in their awesomeness. (I wonder if we could recruit Mungo Baobab as a Stewardship-specialized Hero unit? We don't really have one of those...)

Best geologists are now available for recruitment, to help with anomalous materials research....

Now that we have access to the Kathol Outback, we might be able to send an expedition to visit the Aing Tii monks next door...

We had the best intrigue specialists in the galaxy. Now we also have the best musicians. Time to party!

"This message is sent along with the relevant documentation to confirm that the planet of Thyferra would like to formally apply for membership to the Council of Neutral Systems. Our government believes that neutrality would greatly benefit the galaxy as a whole as it would allow the free trade of bacta-"
Oh shit...

Okay, lots of good discussion, but here's something you're all forgetting:

Thyferra is ruled by assholes.

Seriously. The two corporations basically run the planet like a slave plantation, and maintain an iron grip on their bacta monopoly, without letting the planet natives see a credit of the profit. This is why we were thinking of infiltrating them in the first place....

One possible solution: put conditions on them joining the CNS. A big part of what defines us, is that we trade with everyone. So... make sure Thyferra knows that will be required. And given that there's a war going on, that means they'll need to drastically upscale bacta production in order to ensure neither side faces a shortage. And hey, look at that, Lady Ciaran runs her very own medical corporation, with access to all kinds of research centers and medical production facilities, and enough money to drastically upscale production on your behalf. Oh, you mean this would be a permanent end to your bacta monopoly? Sucks to be you, but if you want to survive intact and escape the current occupation/siege you're facing, them's the breaks.

(Solo'd by @MobiusC)

Second possible solution: steal the bacta (presumably better odds for our Intrigue action, since we now have an excuse to visit the planet), while delaying our official response to Thyferra until we can talk with all related parties. Then start producing bacta independently through Karada, and present this as a fait accompli to the CIS. This means that letting Thyferra go neutral will no longer be seen as letting the Republic gain access to bacta (because, technically, we already ensured the Republic would have a supply through Karada). If Thyferra is no longer as essential, then as long as we can guarantee a supply to both sides (or, even better, an increased supply), they won't object to letting it go its own way.
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And if we are caught with our hands in the cookie jar (so to speak), it is out of the frying pan and into the fire...

Look, we should refrain from rash actions until we get more information, because the statement that it smells like a con has more merit to it than I first thought. We have tons of intrigue in our stats and we can assign our heroes to the job to make sure we check every nook and cranny about this...

This guy has a point. We can realistically put this off for one year due to bureaucracy which allots us 3 actions or turns. One action to figure out what's going on on Thyferra, general recon and all that good stuff along with making Thyferra realize the bind they've put us in. (Which by Publicola's mention of them being assholes may mean they don't care.) Another to come up with a two part plan if necessary.

The plan can come later. We first need to find out why they're doing this in the first place.
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Seriously. The two corporations basically run the planet like a slave plantation, and maintain an iron grip on their bacta monopoly, without letting the planet natives see a credit of the profit. This is why we were thinking of infiltrating them in the first place....

When did we discuss that?
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One possible solution: put conditions on them joining the CNS. A big part of what defines us, is that we trade with everyone. So... make sure Thyferra knows that will be required. And given that there's a war going on, that means they'll need to drastically upscale bacta production in order to ensure neither side faces a shortage. And hey, look at that, Lady Ciaran runs her very own medical corporation, with access to all kinds of research centers and medical production facilities, and enough money to drastically upscale production on your behalf. Oh, you mean this would be a permanent end to your bacta monopoly? Sucks to be you, but if you want to survive intact and escape the current occupation/siege you're facing, them's the breaks.
The CIS would go to war with the CNS because they don't want Thyferra giving the Republic bacta. This plan gets us out of war with the Republic, but not with the CIS.
Just to make the situation clear here's a OOC breakdown of the issue:
-Thyferra is basically the galaxy's primary source of bacta which is one of (if not the most) vital goods in the galaxy due to its healing properties.
-The CIS has invested a considerable amount of military forces in the area, going so far as to station a fleet there.
-The application going through means that legally Thyferra would join the CNS, but the CIS really doesn't want the Republic to have access to more bacta which could happen if the planet went neutral. If the application was publicized, they will either declare it invalid or just blockade the planet.
-If the CNS doesn't do anything about the application, they look like they're unwilling to protect member worlds and their legitimacy rapidly degrades. Otherwise the only way Thyferra's acceptance will be recognized is through CNS military action.
-And of course Force only knows how Supreme Chancellor Palpatine would spin all of this in the Republic...
... Can't we buy the fleet as well? Actually, what is the composition of the fleet?
This is probably a plot from Palpatine. We turn Thyferra down, we lose reputation. It makes us slightly less untouchable. It's probably stage one or two in one of Palpatine's plans to deal with us.

We accept Thyferra and we are at war with the CIS, allowing Palpatine to use propaganda to twist us from a being that seeks peace to someone trying to create their own little empire.

The Republic could easily be convinced to attack us over Thyferra. At this point in time, it is the only source of Bacta. It's one of the most important resources in existence right now. We have it and Bacta is sold to the enemies of the Republic and Palpatine could twist that. Countries have waged war for less.

The main reason that I know this is a Palpatine plot is that unless we derail it, it's win-win for him.
Exactly what justification would either side have for declaring war on us? "Hoarding bacta" is an incredibly weak justification for starting a second front to an already popular war, and if wouldn't be the first time we yanked a planet out from under the CIS's fleet. I understand Palpatine and Dooku want it, but they can't afford to just force it through without losing a lot of support.
Exactly what justification would either side have for declaring war on us? "Hoarding bacta" is an incredibly weak justification for starting a second front to an already popular war, and if wouldn't be the first time we yanked a planet out from under the CIS's fleet. I understand Palpatine and Dooku want it, but they can't afford to just force it through without losing a lot of support.
there is a cis fleet guarding it. they want it all to themselves. we dont want that. we go to war if we accept. we lose face if we decline.
there that's the main problem
Exactly what justification would either side have for declaring war on us? "Hoarding bacta" is an incredibly weak justification for starting a second front to an already popular war, and if wouldn't be the first time we yanked a planet out from under the CIS's fleet. I understand Palpatine and Dooku want it, but they can't afford to just force it through without losing a lot of support.

The CIS and the Republic need bacta. Thyferra is the only place that is currently capable of producing it.

Denying Bacta to their enemies is one of the main reasons. Another is that the CIS Third Fleet, one of their strongest fleet's is based there, and it's not actually easy to be a base for a large fleet, in real life or in Star Wars.

The third and final reason is that Thyferra is an important base for any attacks on the Core Worlds. In canon it was where an attack on Duro was launched from and likely provided a significant part of it's fleet to the attack on Coruscant.

But mainly Bacta. It'd be a bit like if a Country invented an extremely good medical treatment that could cure 90% of injuries, two countries went to war over it, the country that was hoarding it joined one of those two countries and then got cold feet and tried to swap to a third party. Nobody would be happy with that, and it really doesn't take much propaganda to twist it.

"We need to go to war with the CNS, if we don't, they might deny us Bacta."/"are providing Bacta to our enemies, don't you want our troops to win?"/"They are using the War to make a profit, we can't let this stand!"

...Imagine if Oil could only be found in one country, and was part of one side of a World War. After they started losing the war, they wanted to switch sides to a Third Power that you believe you can beat in open warfare. Do you think any power would turn down an opportunity to twist it using propaganda to get the Oil/Bacta onto their side of the war exclusively? With extensive amounts of troops stationed "For their protection" of course, who would remain well past the end of the war.

Palpatine is a master at propaganda. He managed to convince a Republic to turn itself into an Empire peacefullyish. During his Empire, less than a 100th of a percent of the population rose up in Rebellion against him.

If anyone could use this against us, it's him.
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The CIS and the Republic need bacta. Thyferra is the only place that is currently capable of producing it.

Denying Bacta to their enemies is one of the main reasons. Another is that the CIS Third Fleet, one of their strongest fleet's is based there, and it's not actually easy to be a base for a large fleet, in real life or in Star Wars.

The third and final reason is that Thyferra is an important base for any attacks on the Core Worlds. In canon it was where an attack on Duro was launched from and likely provided a significant part of it's fleet to the attack on Coruscant.

But mainly Bacta. It'd be a bit like if a Country invented an extremely good medical treatment that could cure 90% of injuries, two countries went to war over it, the country that was hoarding it joined one of those two countries and then got cold feet and tried to swap to a third party. Nobody would be happy with that, and it really doesn't take much propaganda to twist it.

"We need to go to war with the CNS, if we don't, they might deny us Bacta."/"are providing Bacta to our enemies, don't you want our troops to win?"/"They are using the War to make a profit, we can't let this stand!"

...Imagine if Oil could only be found in one country, and was part of one side of a World War. After they started losing the war, they wanted to switch sides to a Third Power that you believe you can beat in open warfare. Do you think any power would turn down an opportunity to twist it using propaganda to get the Oil/Bacta onto their side of the war exclusively? With extensive amounts of troops stationed "For their protection" of course, who would remain well past the end of the war.

Palpatine is a master at propaganda. He managed to convince a Republic to turn itself into an Empire peacefullyish. During his Empire, less than a 100th of a percent of the population rose up in Rebellion against him.

If anyone could use this against us, it's him.
Then the best way of avoiding the issue is either removing their monopoly or making them withdraw their application. However there are possibilities to be found in conflict depending upon how we strike the first blow. If the IGBC designed backdoors and/or override systems to their Munificent class frigate in case of theft or mutiny upon the ship. How much of the CIS fleets are reliant upon the Munificent class?
Perhaps Ciaran can speak in front of both the Confederate and Republic Senates, using all her charm and connections, to spin the whole bacta issue as a humanitarian crisis.
Welp that's one heck of a thing.

Wait, couldn't we use the whole 'billionaire philanthropist' angle and the medical company we own to posit a joint-venture with the bacta-whoevers and just like, give bacta away for breaking even price to everyone during the period of the war?
You mean like a medical library against the known dieseses of the galaxy?
Then the best way of avoiding the issue is either removing their monopoly or making them withdraw their application. However there are possibilities to be found in conflict depending upon how we strike the first blow. If the IGBC designed backdoors and/or override systems to their Munificent class frigate in case of theft or mutiny upon the ship. How much of the CIS fleets are reliant upon the Munificent class?

Removing the monopoly isn't as easy as it seems.

First though, the good news.

The first part is that it's likely that the corporations joined the CIS in exchange for having the rules they need to treat the natives with made less. Prior to the war Thyferra was too high profile for the bribes necessary to use Not-Slavery to be cost-effective. So we could likely spin the corporations treatment of them into a humanitarian crisis.

Time for the bad news.

There are two parts to Bacta. Both are produced by the native Thyferrans. One can be produced via other means, but is currently only capable of being made on a planet called Verkuyl.

The biggest problem is the one that can only be made on Thyferra is made either by being secreted from the native Thyferrans or made from a bacteria created in a mix of fungus native to Thyferra which is near impossible to produce on any other planet due to Thyferra's biome. Verkuyl is the only other named planet capable of it.

Also, did you know that Bacta is made from a mixture of a Native Thyferran's secretions and excretions?