What if we spend an intrigue action convincing Serreno to join the CNS, trick them into thinking Dooku endorses the decision, then just keep him in the dark until it's official?
We really do need to think of some way of using these defections to gain the largest possible PR victory we can because this could be massive.
So this is what 'gone horribly right' means. We've become so successful that at this rate we might not need to save the Republic. We'll just kill Palpatine and Dooku and from the chaos form the Galactic Empire, a Constitutional Monarchy with Empress Ciaran at the helm.
...if Naboo isn't in the Republic anymore, should Palp even have the right to be a part of the senate? IIRC it's a Republic members only thing?

Knowing him there's an obscure part of the Republic's government that allows him to ignore that little loophole.

Or he just patched it up with the majority support of the rest of the Senate. Either/or.
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I honestly think that the only thing we have to do before directly acting against Palpy is to have a talk with Anakin and make him safe. Given time, Palpatine can spin most situations to his benefit but right now his plans are in shambles, and he's probably doing a thousand things at the same time to keep them afloat. He's distracted, and any reaction of his will be of lower quality than usual.
Us being a galactic monarch is a terrible idea it makes our power to obvious and will alienate our allies, what we really need to do is set up a more effective system that is somewhat similar to the republic, maybe creating administrative sub-divisions within it so that each sector has its own government formed of the planets within it and they then send one representative each to a galactic council or something, and then position ourselves as the power behind the throne who controls politicians and most importantly controls the various bureaucracies.
But isn't it even weirder to have a Supreme Channcelor that of the Republic from a place that isn't in the Republic. That's like letting the POTUS rule GB because "I once belonged to you"
Well, he has a permanent residence on Corusant, propably registered as a citizen there once his Senatorship for Naboo ran out.
Otherwise the fact that he was legally voted into office while being citizen of a Republic world should be enough for his current term, and as we all know that term will not end so easily.
Not in war.
Knowing him there's an obscure part of the Republic's government that allows him to ignore that little loophole.

I'm trying to think how the CNS works in the legal terms. From what I remember in the beginning the CNS was originally formed as a block of Republic Systems who wanted to get away from the upcoming war, but didn't want to be seen as Separatists. So they simply declared that it wasn't a succession, because they where still technically apart of the Republic. They just refuse to follow the direction of the Central Government (Chancellor, Senate, GAR).

Of course things got complicated by the Confederate Systems joining it. As though they want out of the war, they don't recognise the Republic having a claim.

Also we may have ruined Dooku's kidnapping plan before it even began as the reason for Palpatine's visit to Naboo was a festival celebrating Naboo joining the Republic. It may be called into question by the people about why they should celebrate it if they just quasi-succeeded from the Republic.
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This requires a PR solution. Solving the paradox is something I haven't got fully worked out yet, but preventing Palpatine/Dooku from spinning it against us is doable. Essentially, we can just align ourselves lightly with one side whilst undercutting the other's reason for attacking us.
For example, we could make/fabricate an elaborate need for bacta distribution that the CIS isn't allowing (fake a genocide or plague, purchase galactic-scale bacta quantities under a CIS-aligned corporation not associated with us thus making a massive shortfall in bacta, find a way to claim our humanitarian organisation is being denied bacta), and if possible, trick/force the CIS into denying what looks like a reasonable demand. From that situation, from our position as a massive humanitarian organisation, we have a valid cause for intervention that simultaneously gives us the best PR stance, but also potentially lets us act against the CIS at Thyferra without necessarily committing the CNS to all-out war.
In short, we have the PR/intrigue initiative here, so if we can sculpt a circumstance here that is anything other than 'CNS Vs CIS' or 'CNS Vs Republic', it benefits us.
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These latest events have driven home just how crazy the current situation is. The whole thing started when a bunch of members of the Republic decided that for various reasons they didn't like the republic and wanted to do their own thing, So they rebelled, the republic for various reasons decided that this was not okay and decided to force them to rejoin the republic, thus started the clone wars. So far so normal, this sounds like a relatively normal civil war, it is at this point however that things begin to get weird. The CNS appears and basically consists of a bunch of republic systems that decide that for various reasons they don't want to fight. This puts them in a strange place because they are technically rebelling against the republic by not obeying lawful orders from the supreme chancellor while at the same time they are explicitly not part of the CIS, so basically we are a separate rebelling faction. The CNS gets away with this because neither side wants to strengthen the other side by also fighting the CNS despite the CNS being relatively weak and because of the fact that regardless of what faction wins the CNS will then join so the winning faction still gets what it wants. This is a fairly strange position but as long as the CNS stays weak (like it did in canon) this basically has little effect as the war will still continue as before and decide who wins, however our intervention changes everything. Because of our support the CNS becomes far more powerful and really starts growing potentially starting a trend towards becoming the most powerful of the three factions. If this ever happens we will be in the bizarre situation of being a nominally neutral faction that will subordinate itself to what ever other faction wins while being the strongest faction. Not only that we will be a rebellion that claims not to be one that has formed its own separate government and military forces that is stronger than the republic it is rebelling against.
We seriously need to figure out what the CNS's legal and political position relative to the republic is, are we basically a massive group of conscientious objectors working as an NGO for humanitarian purposes, are we a separate state and if so how do we justify that or are we something completely different. The precise answer to this question just got important for several reasons, one of them being that if we are a separate state does palpatine have any right to continue as chancellor if Naboo leaves. Also something else to think about is that considering the CIS main point is self determination it will look terrible for them if they try and prevent one of their own worlds from leaving, like PR disaster level bad.
Good fucking Lord, are things moving fast. The Core is now available to the CNS! And Palpy will be more irritated... Next turn is going to be FUN! isn't it?
We seriously need to figure out what the CNS's legal and political position relative to the republic is, are we basically a massive group of conscientious objectors working as an NGO for humanitarian purposes, are we a separate state and if so how do we justify that or are we something completely different. The precise answer to this question just got important for several reasons, one of them being that if we are a separate state does palpatine have any right to continue as chancellor if Naboo leaves. Also something else to think about is that considering the CIS main point is self determination it will look terrible for them if they try and prevent one of their own worlds from leaving, like PR disaster level bad.

So, the carefully balanced war is shot to hell. Palpatine isn't going to be able to pull of a PR coupe large enough to overshadow the fact his home system just defected, unless he convinces everyone that the Organization of the CNS itself eats orphans. He needs to push the CNS into the sphere (and control) of one of the other groups if he wants to maintain any semblance of continued control over the situation, and no matter what, I don't see that happening.

Spinning Bacta world as war profiteering might take some heat off him, but at this point, with Naboo, the CNS is a very active referendum against the whole existing mess.

So, violent shenanigans inbound, I suppose.