To be honest I'm surprised that Palpatine's cronies haven't been banging the PR drum harder, even beyond their blackmail.

Ciaran did play critical roles in the foundation of the CIS after all, she just got outplayed by Dooku.

I'm guessing that Ciaran is going to be harassed by the taxman.
Didn't we crit the 'remove blackmail material' action?
Honestly if they try to get at our money they are welcome to try, much of our money is invested in the CNS and the CIS and we still have our illegal cash flow.
An inside joke I picked up on while perusing Tv Tropes and my own short stint with the game. "FUN" for Dwarf Fortress players is what is called spectacular failure in nearly any other game. It is finding masochistic pleasure in doing your best to build something up when you know, with 100% certainty, that it will all come falling down. Bonus "FUN" for creative downfalls that make you tilt your head and say, "huh."

Yep, that was my definition of FUN! in my previous message. I mean, seriously, we are on a razor thin tightrope here. There is only so much we can do to prevent getting caught up in the hot side of the upcoming war, no matter how scandalous that may be for the Senate or the Republic's citizens. Remember that Sheev has aaalllll the power in his hand still, written into the Law by him and his cronies. We will not win any wars on our own. We have to do damage control HARD this turn to avoid looking like a new nation with an agenda other than "please don't attack me". Sheev is the master of politicking and shadowplays. He knows how to play the game. We must be careful in what we do know. Remember that Snark isn't going to be pulling any punches for us.
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We need to decrease palatines influence. Just making more planets join the CNS is pointless on its own. Even ending the war by its self is pointless. Palpatine has to much power and influence. Reducing that is the real goal.
In Legends he helped Windu to create the Vaapad, but he turned to the Dark Side and joined Count Dooku.

He was later killed by Quinlan Vos, who joined Dooku as a Double Agent when his cover was blown up.

Wasn't it this quest where Bulq turned them down? Or was that something else I'm thinking of.
I kind of agree with the position that we are now at the point where we need to actually start actively trying to reduce palpatine's influence, I'm honestly not sure how to really start with that though.
I kind of agree with the position that we are now at the point where we need to actually start actively trying to reduce palpatine's influence, I'm honestly not sure how to really start with that though.

Send HK in to repeat some of his stories on dealing with politicians? We have about even odds of him dealing with a Palpatine supporter.

Yeah, when your first and only plan is murder, you probably need a better planner.

I mean, a few well placed murders is a time-honored tradition for making a politician lose influence.

But a massacre isn't unless we can blame it on him.
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Destroy the CIS leadership. Palpy can't accuse us for war profiteering if there is no war. And he will have to give up some of his power when that happens.
<insert 'Mother of God' gif>

So! That was a thing.
CNS Roll Results: Chandrilla provides under-the-table support to CNS. Corellia and Naboo join CNS.
Naboo is a big can of worms, but hey! We just got Corellia!!!

And now that's the Tapani Sector in our corner as well...



It's weird. In terms of territory size it's probably on the verge of becoming the biggest, but in terms of population and economy the Republic and CIS still hold significant advantages.
I think you may be miscalculating a bit, @Dr. Snark. Yes, population-wise, the Republic is much bigger than either of the other two. But in terms of economy... not so much anymore.

See, by picking up the IGBC, we also picked up a number of affiliated banks, including Aargau:
Zug sector
- Aargau: thriving banking world, orbited by Coins of Guaha asteroid belt; headquarters of Bank of Aargau (affiliated with IGBC), Bank of Aargau Security (private army, planetary defense force), BAS Research & Development (security tech, e.g. BAS44 holoscanner), Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation (IGBC vehicles, e.g. TSMEU-6 wheel-bike); center of 'Aargau Home Guard' (security force) and 'Aargau Medical Observer Corps' (neutral war-crimes watchdog group); site of Dawn Pyramid of Aargau (Wonder of the Galaxy, massive structure of indestructible, iridescent plastic, built by Sharu engineers c. 100,000 BBY), Garden of Butterflies and Dragonbird Gardens (conference centers), New Escrow Old Spaceport, Great Databank of Aargau, and IBC Arcology (massive pyramid with seven city-sized levels, site of IGBC regional offices, IGBC droid foundry, and Undercity with thriving Hutt-controlled black market); location of Malastare Senator Aks Moe assassination (22 BBY); neutral!
As well as Circarpous:
Circarpous sector
- Circarpous IV: financial capital of Republic Space (comparable to Mygeeto for CIS), banks 'back' the Republic credit, site of multiple Separatist attacks
- Gyndine: site of Gyndine Shipyards (research shipyards affiliated with Kuat Drive Yards) and Republic droid reclamation plant, location of Tikkes slave ring
- Niro: financial center, private planet owned by InterGalactic Banking Clans (IGBC)
The IGBC is probably the biggest individual bank in the galaxy (the Bank of Aargau is somewhere in the top five), but Circarpous is an entire planet of banks, most of which are smaller individually, but as a group dwarf just about everyone else. That's why Circarpous is considered the financial capital of the Republic, despite its odd position near the frontlines of war in the Expansion Region. Per the wiki:
Wookiepedia said:
During the Clone Wars, it was a major backer of the Galactic Republic credit. Attempting to undermine the Republic economy, the Separatists attacked the world many times, just as the Republic tried to undermine the Separatist economy by attacks on Mygeeto.
And now we own it. Or at least, have pledge to secure its neutrality, so both Circarpous and Mygeeto are no longer threatened by war.

Right now, every businessman in the galaxy loves us. Doesn't matter if the Republic or CIS are upset that a potential target has been taken off the table; their financial backers could not possibly be happier, to see the threat of economic collapse eliminated.

EDIT: don't forget we also added the Corporate Sector to our portfolio this turn....
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I kind of agree with the position that we are now at the point where we need to actually start actively trying to reduce palpatine's influence, I'm honestly not sure how to really start with that though.

Assassination, extortion, bribery, false charges, scandals etc.

Ciaran has considerable control of the courts as seen with Nute, we have some of the most deadly and effective assassins in the Galaxy.
We have access to more sensitive political information than almost anyone.

Ciaran is an utter horror to face in a shadow war.

Intrigue actions baby, start looking for his allies and follow the trail from there,.
Viable targets:
Mas Amedda: Political, vice chancellor, kinda a direct swing. Maybe get Garm to question particularly pesky areas of law that support Palpatine?
Janus Greejatus: Anti-alien sentiment. At some point he could be made to look like a behind-the-times idiot I'm sure.
What would eventually become the Imperial Ruling Council:
...I really need to write up that omake dossier on Palpatine's Inner Circle (hat-tip to @Stealthy for the original). Because some of his allies are ridiculously vulnerable. As in, one of them actively sponsored and supported the terrorist Granta Omega while Omega was threatening to bomb the Senate. So yeah, it shouldn't be hard to pin at least a few scandals on the Chancellor.
Ok if we really have defacto control over the economic centers of both the Republic and the CIS we've effectively got them by the balls, if they actively embargo us, we can counter by cutting them off from their financial support.
I for one fail to see why no one has decided to deal with the root of the problem.

Ciaran: "Since this entire war began because of problems with the tax code, we of the CNS decided that the best solution is a new tax reform."
*Shows an impressive tax reform that ends the entire war right then and there.*
Palpatine's Thoughts: 'How the #*@# didn't I consider that angle for my master plan!?'

Politicians always underestimate the power of Economics. Especially any Sith who probably never took a beginner's course in their life. :evil: