So, the carefully balanced war is shot to hell. Palpatine isn't going to be able to pull of a PR coupe large enough to overshadow the fact his home system just defected, unless he convinces everyone that the Organization of the CNS itself eats orphans. He needs to push the CNS into the sphere (and control) of one of the other groups if he wants to maintain any semblance of continued control over the situation, and no matter what, I don't see that happening.

Spinning Bacta world as war profiteering might take some heat off him, but at this point, with Naboo, the CNS is a very active referendum against the whole existing mess.

So, violent shenanigans inbound, I suppose.
Soooo - with Thrawn, Ciaran and others - is there a way to spin events in a way that forces Palpy to react in a forseeable way, and then counter that?
Ok if Naboo is joining us then it might be time to try and get Palpatine removed as supreme chancellor, we have the perfect people to suggest it in our covert supporters and we might be able to apply our own influence.

An inside joke I picked up on while perusing Tv Tropes and my own short stint with the game. "FUN" for Dwarf Fortress players is what is called spectacular failure in nearly any other game. It is finding masochistic pleasure in doing your best to build something up when you know, with 100% certainty, that it will all come falling down. Bonus "FUN" for creative downfalls that make you tilt your head and say, "huh."

Look up the succession game Boatmurdered for one example.
Did you mean someone else? As far as I'm aware Sora Bulq is just a Jedi who survived the battle of Geonosis in canon, not some sort of super Assassin for Palatine.
In Legends he helped Windu to create the Vaapad, but he turned to the Dark Side and joined Count Dooku.

He was later killed by Quinlan Vos, who joined Dooku as a Double Agent when his cover was blown up.
Ok if Naboo is joining us then it might be time to try and get Palpatine removed as supreme chancellor, we have the perfect people to suggest it in our covert supporters and we might be able to apply our own influence.
Then - our supporters disappear, or Palpatine declares Naboo's defect a plot?
Er so we actually have our own branch of Jedi now thinking about it, if we just got Correllia then the Green Jedi are now part of the CNS.

So this is a really interesting development now depending what we are going to do with them.
We seriously need to figure out what the CNS's legal and political position relative to the republic is, are we basically a massive group of conscientious objectors working as an NGO for humanitarian purposes, are we a separate state and if so how do we justify that or are we something completely different..
Claim the title of Republic? I mean, if we hold more world, more economic power, and more worlds with senatorial seats then what remains in the republic.. then aren't we the will of the republic?
Claim the title of Republic? I mean, if we hold more world, more economic power, and more worlds with senatorial seats then what remains in the republic.. then aren't we the will of the republic?
Well, in territory we're bigger, yeah, but in population and economy we're still behind both CIS and the Republic.
EDIT: Also, remember, some of our territory is systems that officially were with the Separatists, and therefore left the Republic.
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Claim the title of Republic? I mean, if we hold more world, more economic power, and more worlds with senatorial seats then what remains in the republic.. then aren't we the will of the republic?

If we get through maybe two more turns without us turning into a hot side in the civil war, we could probably just call a constitutional convention.

I don't think Palpatine and Dooku will let that happen no matter what we do now though. I really can't imagine the scale of PR crit on Palpatine's end that would be required to overshadow the loss of his own homeworld. CIS using a minor pretense to make the war hot, and praying that the CNS falls back into the Republic's sphere is basically his best bet, the threat of the CIS would have to be massive though.
I'm not going to say too much about the whole Naboo flipping to the CNS aside from three little things:

1. This is going to provoke an effectively immediate response from Palpatine as well as a slight-to-moderate escalation from him in general.
2. Said immediate response will be detailed after the second half of the turn with the bases and whatnot is wrapped up.
3. It will also be perfectly legal.

That's all~
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I'm not going to say too much about the whole Naboo flipping to the CNS aside from three little things:

1. This is going to provoke an effectively immediate response from Palpatine as well as a slight-to-moderate escalation from him in general.
2. Said immediate response will be detailed after the second half of the turn is wrapped up.
3. It will also be perfectly legal.

That's all~

There needs to be a "Dread" rating for when GM's pull shit like this on the users.
I'm not going to say too much about the whole Naboo flipping to the CNS aside from three little things:

1. This is going to provoke an effectively immediate response from Palpatine as well as a slight-to-moderate escalation from him in general.
2. Said immediate response will be detailed after the second half of the turn with the bases and whatnot is wrapped up.
3. It will also be perfectly legal.

That's all~

Hmm, I guess the counter action is gonna need our crit button. Watch it roll an obscene number and we get another insane.
Embargo, combined with tax hike targeting our businesses, followed up by massive media campaign to portray the CNS, and via that Ciaran, as proto-separatists.
Then we should come up with an ingenious plan, including a counter PR offense, where also some other planets declare for us because 'they are tired of all the corruptness'.
To be honest I'm surprised that Palpatine's cronies haven't been banging the PR drum harder, even beyond their blackmail.

Ciaran did play critical roles in the foundation of the CIS after all, she just got outplayed by Dooku.

I'm guessing that Ciaran is going to be harassed by the taxman.
If the Vong show up now at least our civil war wouldn't seem very significant any more, they might actually be more evil than palpatine.