They didn't make his son the Chosen One. Obi-Wan was simply incorrect as to who the Chosen One was. Furthermore, the near-eradication had nothing to do with the prophecy. Balance was lessened with their deaths and only restored when the Sith were entirely eradicated.
but no your wrong
(do you get it? that's what this is going to turn into. let's stop.)
Oh god, if we're really going to go here you could argue he is as Anakin's motivation for killing the Jedi was the birth of his Children killing Padme (not really, but that's what he thought) and his motivation for killing Palpatine was again Luke, but for goodness sakes DOES IT REALLY MATTER?

The Skywalkers are Star War's line of Abraham that's all there is too it, they're all chosen, though some are more chosen then others :).

Rebels is good. Fight me.
I'd like it just for the reinculsion of Thrawn into Star Wars canon and fleshing out what happened in the 20 year interim between End of prequals and start of New Hope.

The fact that it is really good, with good characters, good plots, great set pieces and wonderful ideas and locals is just great.

I'd expect nothing less from the people who also brought us the Clone Wars cartoons.
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They didn't make his son the Chosen One. Obi-Wan was simply incorrect as to who he thought the Chosen One was. Furthermore, the near-eradication had nothing to do with the prophecy. Balance was lessened with their deaths and only restored when the Sith were entirely eradicated.

You are saying this and I understand why you believe it, but Disney has not yet said that Obi-Wan was incorrect. Meaning that until they do, he could be right.
They didn't make his son the Chosen One. Obi-Wan was simply incorrect as to who he thought the Chosen One was. Furthermore, the near-eradication had nothing to do with the prophecy. Balance was lessened with their deaths and only restored when the Sith were entirely eradicated.

I'm pretty sure that was just Obi-Wan trying to give Maul some comfort in his final moments.
You are saying this and I understand why you believe it, but Disney has not yet said that Obi-Wan was incorrect. Meaning that until they do, he could be right.
Or he could be both incorrect and correct, Luke is the catalyst for getting Anakin do that chosen one stuff or maybe he was just trying to be nice to the very depressed Maul in his final moments, cause ironically those two were closer than friends by that point (oh the irony) and Obi's a nice guy.

Or maybe there is no chosen one its just something they made up cause it sounds cool and makes people hope for something... Like Jesus. I dunno, this is just asinine :confused:.
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You are saying this and I understand why you believe it, but Disney has not yet said that Obi-Wan was incorrect. Meaning that until they do, he could be right.
'Star Wars Rebels' Clarifies Obi-Wan's 'Chosen One' Comment
Obi-Wan is mentioning who he believes is ultimately going to defeat the Sith, and if you watch the original trilogy, you know that Obi-Wan's complete belief is in Luke Skywalker. He doesn't believe that Anakin can be redeemed. Anakin's gone, as far as he's concerned, but Luke thinks differently, and I think that's what makes Luke … Luke.
The context was a request for clarification about what was going on. It does everything but outright explicitly state that Anakin is still the Chosen One. Combined with Disney's official stance being that everything in the movies and The Clone Wars is canon, it's a matter of "Until they outright and explicitly state Anakin isn't the Chosen One, he's still the Chosen One."

EDIT: Also, we're on bloody Mortis - the place where it was confirmed beyond the shadow of a doubt that Anakin was the Chosen One.
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Obi-Wan is mentioning who he believes is ultimately going to defeat the Sith, and if you watch the original trilogy, you know that Obi-Wan's complete belief is in Luke Skywalker. He doesn't believe that Anakin can be redeemed. Anakin's gone, as far as he's concerned, but Luke thinks differently, and I think that's what makes Luke … Luke.

And where does this say that his opinion isn't true? Just because someone believes something doesn't mean that something is false. Just that the people behind it would rather be vague.

The guy is saying "This is what Obi-wan believes." Not "Obi-wan is incorrect." or "Obi-Wan was right."

It's deliberately being vague to hint both ways.
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And where does this say that his opinion isn't true? Just because someone believes something doesn't mean that something is false. Just that the people behind it would rather be vague.

The guy is saying "This is what Obi-wan believes." Not "Obi-wan is incorrect." or "Obi-Wan was right."

It's deliberately being vague to hint both ways.
Intense irritation.

Once again does this really matter?


Of course they're the chosen ones it doesn't matter.
In advance, on Ciaren...

Common Sense, is one hell of a derailer. More so, when it's that same 'sense' that's likely put the entire force beings of light/dark and balance on edge.

... But seriously, who knew that common sense can be such an explosive derailer, that it's likely put the whole 'force balance' family on horror, and a possible green link to that eldritch abomination called Mother if we're not REALLY Careful...

Because sometimes, explosive luck can be a curse... ESPECIALLY if at the end of all this, Ciaren might sub-conciously subconciously be 'delicious bait/perfect host' for Mother, if she ever awakens...

So much, that it'd be a hell of a joke. Common sense wise.

EDIT: Since I can, Quote barrage. With an added dose of commentary on invisi-text, that may totally end up with Ciaren being a possible 'Akasha/Void' of the Force expy, if only at a joking sub-concious level...


So Ciaran's presence there is part of the Mother's plot then?
Given that she saved the father and halted the feud between some and daughter for now it backfired if it was
On one end, Henderson wise I don't think Aboleth/Mother would have had a hand, let alone knowing that Ciaren would have accidentally saved her beloved family...

But short term, I'd expect it in a distorted sense, all to her benefit, but on a longer run, there's a danger...
And I'm feeling smug as shit my line made it in... if not a little bit worried over the fact Ciaran apparently made/has some connection with Aboleth now.
On one end, I don't think we'd have to worry so much on getting connected/hijacked by Mother, quite yet.

... Yet, on the other hand. Now that by our nature of derailment, we somehow brought the typical force entity bickering to a halt again, on a metaphysical plane, we may have bought ourselves some more 'time' before a force war...

But on the other end, our nature... If going by pseudo Shatterpoint being akin to "Mystic Force Sense of Death Perception" and blah bah Akasha/Void =/= Force theory...

It's probably TOO perfect, for Mother/Aboleth to NOT ignore, if she becomes aware of Ciaren. So, maybe in a shorter term, we're kinda dodged the clear, past paranoia... But now, we've got the whole family worried that we might end up being 'too' perfect a comparison, as to end up becoming a suitable 'vessal' for an Eldritch Abomination in a sealed mortis, if we're uncareful...

So yeah, expect some probable benefits, to maybe stand a force chance against that, if family force feuds end up a thing again?
So now we are the SCP Foundation?

At least the Jedi are unlikely to kill Ciaran if she is one of the leading individuals in keeping the really nasty things from breaking out into the galaxy.
... I'm more worried that at the end of this, Obi-Wan Kenobi beginning to shudder over how Ciaren's even more mysterious, and just too damn hard to safely label a light or dark side user to his liking...

Though incidentally, if this keeps up, we might passively influence his vagueness to be lightly Ciaren lite. The horror...
Well one is Kreia, but the other... it speaks of "her" so it cant be the Mother.
... My honest bet, is it's more 'Force' itself, like Akasha/Void, if only on a collective unconsciousness thing just wanting to live, without pointless wars.
I would argue that the lower case one is probably the actual Will of the Force or something, something we can hear in this place, with our specific set of skills--but not consciously. Obviously, the Force itself doesn't want to be knocked off balance, so of course it's going to slip Ciaran with what she Needs to Know (Through Ciaran's shatterpoint nonsense) to resolve this issue without setting everything all helter-skelter.
... Hmm, will of the force? That actually might be a valid 'third' option for us, if we were going to try to aim for some power up, maybe?...

Except, not through Dark Force Power Fountain, or Light Force Knowledge archive, that Mother took the double dose on? ... And more, empathy related? Eh, hard to think about...

More so, if thinking on actual Will of the Force, might lead to some pretty bizarre contrasts by the father, and son/daughter over how similar/different we are from Aboleth, and yet 'just' similar enough to give them yet another heart attack if we even think of going derailing on a different path to power not based on light/dark.
If she can affect force sensitives outside the Maw, then honestly, we should be worrying less about ourselves and more about any of the much more powerful, much more important force users scattered across the galaxy.. or even Palpatine himself being possessed by her.
... Honestly, imagining Mother possessed Sidious, trying to pull an Orochimaru on Ciaren, is pretty much a horror show in the making. But I don't think Mother would be 'that' despairate...

More likely, to hijack an old maid, who'd then go tentacles/try and spiritually hijack Ciaren, or start becoming so obsessed with envy, she starts taking on traits from Ciaren during her observations, or becomes outright obsessive with Ciaren's family at worst...

... Hindsight, it could be arguably worse, if at the rate things are going, there's a chance that Ciaren's family might end up becoming a subconcious 'mark' for Mother's 'back up family', if she's that desperate.

Did we reach 1 Henderson yet?
... Hmm... Hard to say with Star Wars.

Fudge wise, force entity, we're just continuing a Henderson tier quest. So maybe not quite a 1 yet. If we go beyond 1, then it'd likely not merely being sicing Anakin against Palpatine, but actually bringing balance to the force ourselves, in spite of prophesies...

And a likely moniker of "Unchosen One."

Hell, if throwing a really deep argument on a Henderson scale, and I don't think Ciaren has the sanity for it. Going an 'arbitary' 1.6 Hendersons would be accidentally romancing Father, and accidentally doing some 'family make up' that sticks, much to Mother's brewing envy...

... But that'd likely be easily counter fudged/plotted, with an additional rail track being "destination: Mother Orochimaru plotkai."
Unreliable narrator and bias could well have been in play. Kreia is hardly some inexhaustible font of wisdom. She has her faults.
I wonder how smug Kriea is that her successor managed to find a third path that wasn't 'foretold' and bungle up destiny all over the place?
My hedge is Kriea wise, her bias would be of the MegaTen KILL THEM ALL!

However, Ciaren, likely having heart or empathy to actually care, instead of been pragmatic... I wouldn't say picked a 'third' option, more of a fourth there... That might still make Kriea smug, if still concerned over the family's long term antics in hand. Which leads to this...
I think we're in Imaginary units of Hendersons, because we're working with both positive (plot derailment) and negative (party will be victorious and resolve things positively for the galaxy) Hendersons.
... Arbitary wise, if we're on a scale of Hendersons. With 'i' being dark, and 'j' being light...

We might have a possitive Henderson, maybe... But an even split between 'i' and 'j' that's eerie. Which reminds me...

I'm now mentally tempted to think of what 'henderson' tier shenanigans could be had, if the Daughter was free without Son and Father to reign in her madness, to try and instill a thought control 'utopia'?
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o see i missed something some where?
when and where did kreia come into this
have i missed a chapters somewhere?
Gambled Too High Pt. 1 (Canon)
A/N: Part one of three of a plot bunny Snark's 'Alien' scenario gave me. I happened to be bored enough today to start work on it. Sadly this is just the beginning and background to it all so it might be boring to those who don't care for original characters or scenarios. Oh well. Have fun! The entire thing will star an Abyss Agent, a one off character, and two very unlucky Ithorians and their hired help. Poor SOBs won't know what hit them.

Gambled Too High, Part 1
The Fool's Bet Casino,

Zeltros is a fun place and I have to say this vacation has done wonders for my complexion. It may have been only one week off but it's still been plenty of time for me to relax, have fun, and also deal with the occasional skeleton in the closet. It's something I should have done a while ago but … a girl can't help but forget a few things after having her world shaken. I'm beginning to find out that the Force tends to do things like that.

"Irsin, remind me to look up who our garbage collector is. A piece of trash just walked into the casino!"

Today happens to be the last day of one Dani Plenar, Abyss Agent extraordinaire's, vacation. So on the topic of skeletons, my closet could really deal with one less. My smirk grows a bit as I hear one of them be so cavalier in insulting me. Reminds me of the old days when this skeleton's father used the same insult in a fonder manner. Oh well, I always did enjoy a bit of masochism.

"Why Heiron, it's been ages since we've seen each other. Surely I don't deserve such a cold welcome. "

Heiron Plenar, my cousin, whirls around and snarls at me. Violently he motions his assistant to take control of his duties. If he had the same potential as me, I wouldn't be surprised to see a few specks of yellow in his eyes. Good thing for him, then. Yellow is such an ugly color.

"Why would you be welcome. The last time I saw you was with a blaster in your hands and dad's body lying beside you. The only reason I didn't have Irsin shoot you at the door is because I want answers. Why, Danira? What could dad have possibly done to have you shoot him? Did he not spoil you enough? Is that it? But then again, you always did seem like such an ungrateful bit-chrghk!"

A small part of me relishes in the sudden fear that shoots across Heiron's face. The rest of me warns that I don't want to continue on this road. The Watcher's have only had one apprentice fall off the deep end before we were given the holocron and let's just say the rest of us firsties saw Tyro in a whole new light after that. But it's not Tyro's lessons or Vectivus' wisdom that releases my hold on Heiron. It's the old voice of Uncle Plenar that constantly mumbles in the back of my head, You're better than that, child.

The soft tension in my hand underneath the Casino Manager's bar goes away along with the specks of yellow visible in my eyes. I allow my eyelids to close off my sight and I calm down with the unusually useful nagging that is my partner's favorite saying when it comes to my anger issues.

"Dani, Remember Tyro's control exercises."

After the short moment of weakness, I open my eyes to look back at Heiron. The fear is still there but now a large of amount of confusion has added to it. It's not every day that the air itself chokes you.

"Danira?" Heiron hesitates but gathers enough courage to continue. "What happened? What are you?"

My smirk reappears but it's unusually cold.

"Why Ronny, I'm your cousin. But then again, you always did seem like such a forgetful boy. I also go by Dani now. I haven't gone by Danira since … " My smirk goes astray for a second. "Since Uncle."

The mention of his father sees his hands turn into fists but thankfully he still remembers my new trick. He hisses back, "You didn't answer my questions, Dani. Why did you kill dad and what was that just a second ago! Your eyes turned slightly yellow there for a second so don't tell me it was nothing!"

I sigh and sit down on a stool. I can feel the bouncer's wariness as his eyes drill into me. I rub one of my eyes.

"Let's just say I've walked with the Abyss and it's given me a new perspective. Let's leave it at that."

Heiron's left eye twitches and he growls. I give a slight pull on the Force and then grab it. I allow some of my frustration and anger for this situation to influence what I grab towards the Dark Side. I then feed it into my eyes. My eyes turn a bright yellow - Such an ugly color. - and I stare directly into Heiron's eyes. As soon as I sense the fear in Heiron begin to grow, I let go of my touch to the force. Heiron gulps and steps back. I feel disgusted as my eyes turn back to their natural magenta and I look down. The disgust isn't directed at Heiron.

I sigh and repeat, "Let's leave it at that. And as for Uncle … I didn't kill him."

Heiron manages to shoot me a weak glare.

"I don't remember seeing anyone else."

I let out a deep growl and nearly shout, "That's because the one's who did ran off!"

Heiron cowers but, like always, he comes back. He asks softly, "Then who did?"

My eyes narrow and I glance back up. Heiron flinches but quickly recovers.

"You're the owner now, right?"

Confusion flashes across Heiron's face but he nods.

"Yeah, the casino has always been owned by o- … our family. Who else would own it?"

"Why not the kindly folks who you owed a large debt to until today? I loved Uncle dearly but I have to admit he wasn't too good with money."

"The Baradans!? Why those bastards! I'll-"

I cut him off before he can start ranting.

"No, they didn't order him dead. Zeltros isn't the Outer Rim, Heiron. If Uncle had defaulted on his loans they would have instead taken the casino itself, everything else Uncle owned, and then kicked him onto the curb. It would have better for them that way as it wouldn't have brought the King's Guard on top of them. No, it was two bounty hunters they hired to work as enforcers."

Heiron takes deep breaths. I inwardly laugh a little. It seems our whole family should have taken anger management classes. I sense a flash of realization go through Heiron's mind. My smirk comes back.

"Wait." Heiron sits down on a stool on the other side. " 'Until today?' What did you mean by that?"

"Did you know the Baradan's were nearly defaulting? It seems like having a well known client of theirs being horribly murdered- Sorry. Simply put, they were in deep waters themselves. I just happened to walk in at a great time. They needed money and a clean slate desperately and I needed them gone from this sector of the planet without questions. It was a perfect trade."

I nearly let out a few giggles at how scrunched up Heiron's face looks. He shakes his head.

"Okay, say I believe that you got the Baradan's off my back. How did you get that much money? Even now, I've only paid off a third of it."

My smile turns mysterious and I tease him with a wink.

"If you look into the Abyss, you'll never know what you might find."

I burst out laughing as now Heiron just looks constipated. Eventually he knocks a fist onto the countertop.

"Okay, Dani. You've had your fun. Now being serious, how could you have gotten so much money?"

I collect myself and answer, "Believe me when I say I can't tell you anything. It's literally in a contract I signed. Just trust me that I've-"

I'm interrupted as the lights suddenly turn out and the entire casino is plunged into darkness. The credit registers, the pazaak and sabacc tables, everything has turned off. It seems like the power of the entire casino has been shut off. Startled shouts are heard throughout the place.

Heiron shoots up and joins his voice with everyone else's yelling, "What in Hell?"

My skin crawls and I delve into the Force. My gaze is directed toward the open doors at the front of the Casino's main parlor where the lights outside can still alleviate the new darkness somewhat. The small sense of a threat comes from there. I'm able to see the bouncer react to something outside in the lobby. He goes for his blaster, but a red bolt comes from behind him and hits him in the back.

Screams start and I don't blame them. Even in the midst of this civil war, Zeltros is currently far enough away from the front lines. This isn't to mention that Zeltros is a pleasure planet. People come here to get away from trouble in their lives and the King's Guard is known to be effective in keeping it that way.

Who would be stupid enough to cause trouble here?

My answer is found when two Ithorians and a gaggle of other lower scum walk through the parlor's entrance pointing blasters every which way. I feel anger surge through me and it takes all my training to clamp down and not to shoot the Ithorians down right then.

Well isn't today my lucky day. One skeleton was cleaned out and two others just happen to walk right into their graves.
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And here's the latest update on our omake count.

At last count:
Since then, we've added four more, pushing our total to 26 omake bonuses for Turn 26.

Over the last 30-ish pages, we've added 8 more omakes, pushing our total to 34 omake bonuses for next turn. That puts us four omakes away from next turn's cap; hopefully we'll get there before Dr. Snark finishes the interludes for this turn (only one left on Mortis...).

Edit: I also updated the Indexes for Non-Canon, Currently Non-Canon, and Canon Non-Story omakes. You may want to check out the Non-Canon Index for any you missed, since those omakes don't get threadmarked.
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Ugh. That reminds me of the omake drafts I lost when the Lazarus extension for Firefox broke. Not fun times.
Gambled Too High Pt. 2 (Canon)
A/N: 2nd part of Gambled Too High is now done. Link to first part: Scroll up.

Wasn't today supposed to be a good day?

My eyes are wide as I see a group of armed thugs walk into my Casino's main parlor. A few lesser ones take guard at the entrance keeping anyone from fleeing. The two Ithorians in the lead peel off towards the Manager's bar, towards me.


Today was looking up. It was a week until the next payment and already I had the money stowed away until it was needed. I hadn't burned breakfast. I hadn't even gotten the daily message from Giron Baradan reminding me of my debt! It was looking to be a good day. That is, it was until my cousin Danira showed up. The last time I saw her was the day everything changed.

One day, Dad received a call which left him unusually pale. He told Danira and I to hold down the Bar and he went into the back. He hadn't said what it was about but I knew better than to question it. Too bad Danira didn't because she snuck back there after him. About half an hour past and I heard what sounded like the blasting of a couple of pistols going off coming from the back. I ran into the back to find Dani slumped over Dad's body. She looked angry even with the tears rolling down her eyes. When she saw me, she ran out the back door.

After that it was a couple of days being questioned by the King's Guard, fighting the Baradan's for a chance to prove I could run the Casino, and then toiling to pay off Dad's debt. So when Danira walked into the Casino today after years of being wanted by the King's Guard for knowledge in the death of Crelio Plenar, what was I supposed to think?

"Cousin Danira! It's good to see you! Why, it's been so long I nearly forgot about you, you cowardly murdering BITCH!"

No, things had definitely changed and so had Danira. She came in with a swagger and a large smirk. I could see the bulge of a blaster on her side. I also thought I saw a what looked like a few vibroknives on her belt. It seemed to strengthen the criminal scum idea that had grown to replace the loud-talking and spoiled brat in my mind. But her eyes. Her eyes are what solidified the change. It used to be they were a dark violet. Now, they were a dull magenta. And when I somehow started choking, yellow streaks could be seen.

It all brought back painful memories. I wanted, needed, answers. And I was getting them! Or at least I was getting a verifiable lie. I might have been forced to be a Baradan client but even I have been able to grow some sympathy with a select few insiders. But now …

"Ronny, you wanted to know what I've become?"

I send a quick glance at Danira. Her eyes seem to shine even in this dark. They're completely yellow. Not even the bright yellow she shot at me before. No, this is a sickly yellow that seems to shine out of spite. She turns her head and brings those orbs that make my hair stand on end to meet my own violet eyes.

"Y-yeah?" I stammer out.

"Watch and learn."

And with that ominous warning the one person who I could get answers from slides away as the Ithorians finish pushing towards the bar. One growls low at Danira and she snarls at him. The Ithorian moves threateningly toward her but the other Ithorian standing right before me punches him in the shoulder.

"Onca, forget the girl. We came here for the money, not a good time."

Onca turns back towards the apparent leader.

"She started it, Bulduga. Besides, it's bad enough that you've dragged me into close range. Now you're keeping me from putting someone in their place?"


I try to keep tails of Danira as she slinks away but soon enough she disappears into the shadows. I have my doubts but hopefully she's gone to join the others being peacefully rounded up by the Ithorian's thugs. I don't need a bloodbath on my hands.

Bulduga towers over me as he leans over the bar. A deep growl resonates from the Ithorians vocal sacks.

"Now then, to business. You're the owner of this dump?"

I grit my teeth at the insult but I know better than to argue with an armed criminal.

"Yes." I force out.

Bulduga nods his head and then orders, "I want you and all your employees to round up every last credit chip in the building. No funny business and no calling the authorities. Try anything and you'll wind up just like your bouncer back there."

I grimace and have to force down a snarl. I nod my head and begin to turn towards my assistant when a commotion comes from the front of the parlor at the entrance. My head jerks to face the sound and all I see in the moment before the entire room is plunged into pitch black is a pair of two sickly yellow orbs. When the durasteel security door that Irsin was supposed to close slams shut, I know with a keen sense of dread that today is not a good day.

Today was turning out to be a great day. Onca and I had been down on our luck for the past year. We took the odd jobs and seemed to have made a name for ourselves but a big pay day seemed parsecs away. Then I had a great idea. A decade ago the two of us were hired to shake down a Casino for spare change. That turned into the largest bust of that year but a month ago I heard that it had turned successful when it changed hands. With some disposable help, we'd make it big easily. Onca was skeptical and suggested caution but he always suggested that.

Everything was going well. The single bouncer was taken care of by one of the helpers who went in early to scout out the place and everyone else was suitably cowed. We got in and we'll get out as soon as the nerfs collect that credits. My mind was suitably filled with images of me and Onca getting away after bumping off the lower idiots on the totem pole. That's when the startled yells of the thugs left at the entrance steal my attention and I see a previously unseen security door cut off the exit along with the rest of the lights.

A few blasts from the trigger happy help go off but they don't seem to hit anything. I have an idea of what happened. My left pistol goes back to the Casino's owner and I try to shoot in the direction where he was but the pistol is somehow yanked out of my hand before I can squeeze one off.

A female whisper tsks, "Now, now, now. What did he do to you? The controls for the door after all are located at the front."

I bring my datapad out to make some light while Onca takes out a flashlight. The thugs join with their own light sources. Two guys decide to move slowly towards the bouncer's room just off to the side of the new durasteel wall. They don't make it.

One of the guys trips and falls into the darkness. His light cuts out and all anyone hears after that is a scream cut short.


The other guy shouts out and runs for his friend. I manage to see a pair of arms come from the darkness and grab the thug's head. All that happens after that is a quick twist, a snap, and the thug falls hard thumping against a Sabaac table. Our lights all zero in to where the guy fell but nothing is there besides the cooling body with a head twisted all the way around to look up.

"I believe that makes four. Only five left."

The feminine voice comes from all around. Everyone twists and turns trying to find and see who's attacking but nothing is there.

One thug loses his nerve and fires off a few shots in all directions but they miss anything important. He turns towards the civilians we've rounded up and points his blaster. A few of the hostages panic and scream but they all stay put.

The thug violently shouts, "Show yourself or I'll cook one of them! I will!"

His threat is met with silence but for the whimpers of the hostages. For a short moment all is still but then a soft laugh is heard. The specter then growls, "Try it."

The idiot actually fires but what happens next causes all our eyes to widen. The laser blast stops short of hitting anyone and just hangs there in midair. The hostages all move away and scurry to the nearest wall but none of us care to act against them. We're too shocked.

The laser casts a soft red glow against the whole room. We furiously start scanning but we still see nothing. There's no movement but for the flickering of shadows. There's one shadow though that sends a shiver down my spine. In the corner of the parlor an unnatural darkness lies there greeting my fearful stare with two cold yellow eyes.

The thug turns back towards his spent shot and stutters out a squeak.

"W-what!? What's going-"

He's interrupted when his bolt suddenly reverses direction and takes out his head. The room is plunged into darkness once more. I immediately point my remaining pistol at the corner and let off a few shots. They hit nothing as the eyes have disappeared.

The voice sings, "Five little worms~ Lying in their grave.~ Four more to go~ Who's the next fool to be brave?~ Heh."

Onca and I move to have our backs against each other. Our eyes and lights fly around the room. The two remaining helpers look at each other and share a nod. I hear them sprint towards the bouncer's room. One of them barges through the closed door while the next takes guard at the door. Onca and I start slowly moving their way but stop short when we hear cursing coming from the one in the room.

"Oops.~ I might have broken something when I forced the security door to fall. You know, it's funny really."

The door to the bouncer's room slams shut and the thug caught outside spins around and tries to open it. He is unable to open it. A loud yell comes from the room followed by a single blaster shot. The other thug nervously steps back with his own gun pointed at the door. Onca and I cautiously turn and aim at the room as well.

"You came here and thought you'd make easy money with everyone trapped in here with you."

All three of us open fire and try to kill whatever is in there by blasting the doors and walls down. We don't let up until our cartridges are empty. Silence once more greets us. Our hopes are dashed as the voice continues on heedless of us frantically reloading.

"In the end though, you've only managed to trap yourself in here with ME!"

The remnants of the door blast out of their hinges before the remaining thug can fully bring his pistol back to bear. His flashlight is sent flying giving us just the bare glimpses of a dark figure. Onca and I fire towards it. We manage to fry the flashlight and darkness returns. It's not totally silent though. Faint choking, metal clearing flesh, and then wet gurgles fill the void. Eventually, finally, they cease.

Sweat drips down the back of my neck into my mouths. My eyes flicker every which way in an attempt to catch any movement. My hand clutches the datapad like a lifeline. I nearly turn around and shoot Onca's when his back touches mine. We stand back-to-back with our pistols pointed outwards.

Onca stammers, "W-w-WHAT ARE YOU!?"

The voice faintly whispers back its answer.

"I am the spirit of vengeance settling old debts. I'm a janitor cleaning up the filth of the underworld. But most importantly..."

Off to the side my datapad manages to catch a shape as it oozes out of the darkness. My hearts nearly stop as the sickly yellow eyes of a demon dig into my soul. A cold and wide smile bares teeth as it laughs.

"I am what greets you when you look into the Abyss."

I jump back and instinctively pull the trigger on my pistol. I shout in denial as my bolt burrows into the back of Onca when he jumps forward to attack the demon. I trip and then suddenly the demon surges forward. With a punch I'm sent flying over the Casino's bar. I scramble to get on my knees and look around. I see the casino owner off to the side looking at me in fear. I move to grab him but I stop and cry out in pain when a vibroknife stabs into my left knee.

"Eyes up here. Your deal is with me."

I whirl around and try to get an aim on the demon but my pistol is yanked out of my grip. I see it fly away and then my sight jerks as the demon punches my head.


My mind stalls for a second before I realize it's me who asked the question. The demon tilts her head. The demon's face moves close to mine and it hisses.

"You've been here before. I know. The last time you were here you dealt with two people. You shot the first. Did you ever wonder what happened to the second?"

My mind spins hard trying to remember.

The last time?

Suddenly an image of a pair of Zeltrons. A middle-aged man is shot by my pistol when he tries to tackle Onca when he grabs a younger girl from out of the shadows. The girl kicks Onca while taking his pistol from his holster. A very short firefight occurs before Onca and I flee out of the door. My eyes widen.


The demon gives a cruel grin.

"Yes, me. You took my family from me. I remember cursing your existences. I swore that if I ever found you I would make what remained of your life absolute hell. I remember saying that I would start with your toes and fingers and then move on to your extremities. One. By. One."

My eyes zero in on a bloody vibroknife held in the demon's fist. The demon's smile widens and her eyes turn nearly gold when she notices me shivering.


My attention and that of the demon's are ripped away from each other and focus on the horrified Casino owner. The owner flinches but he still returns the Demon's gaze.

"D-Dani, I-I believe you now. S-so- Uhh- R-Remember what Dad k-kept telling you when you got into fights!"

The Demon's grip on me tightens and its eyes flash for a second. After a moment its golden eyes dull back to the sickly yellow. Its eyes then close but I don't move with the vibroknife still pointing at my throats. The demon's eyes eventually reopen and once it looks at me I'm confused when I see magenta. The vibroknife is stashed back into the demon's belt. With the weapon gone I prepare to move.

"I'm sorry Ronny."

I freeze when I notice something though. I realize that its eyes still have yellow flakes infecting them. Quicker than I can, the demon takes out its pistol and points it directly at my head.

"I don't think I am."

Panic sets back in but I'm unable to feel it for anything but a second. I see a bright red light and then all I can feel for a microsecond before the nothing overtakes me is pain.

My eyes can't move away from where my cousin shot a hole through the criminal's head. When the security door slammed shut I ducked underneath the bar. As soon as I saw the yellow eyes I somehow knew that it was Danira. All throughout the fight I kept my head down as I heard blaster shots, screams, and then finally saw the Ithorian get thrown over the bar.

Dani looked like a monster. From what little light shined from- Bulduga was it? - from Bulduga's datapad I could see blood and two golden eyes. After she threatened the Ithorian murderer I tried to calm her down. I don't know why. Maybe it was just because I didn't want that rage turned towards me. It seemed to work for a moment… a moment.

My hands shake as I watch Dani reholster her pistol. She takes the datapad, and sends a quick glance at me which causes me to flinch. Dani jumps back over the bar and then heads towards the back exit door. I think she's just going to leave before she pauses.

"Sorry. I'll send enough credits your way to pay for the damages."

I nearly have a heart attack when she throws the datapad back my way. I catch a short glimpse of a number and the notification of a new contact before I look back at Dani. She refuses to look at me and starts walking away.

"Y-You better!"

My mind screeches to a halt as it catches up to what I just blurted out.

Damn. Damn!

Dani finally turns back and what I see is not what I expected. Her eyes are fully magenta now with tears rolling down her cheeks. Her lips stay pursed for a second before she lets out a weak laugh.

She whispers, "Will do."

She sends a watery wink and then turns back towards the back door and continues walking. When the door to the back storage room closes, my customers begin to shakily stand up. I hear someone call the King's Guard. I stumble back against the bar's shelves and slide down. When they say skeleton's can haunt you, I don't think they mean it like this.