Is'nt the Oracle also full of everything needed to be a mobile base? So it has like... the Pentegon stuffed in there.. or Bagram all wrapped in a decently armed and armored shell.
Have we ever considered looking up the Jal Shey? They've spent the last few thousand years wandering the galaxy studying stuff like force nexuses and building really neat equipment.
3) Research miniaturized fission and fusion explosives. Seriously, a pre-spaceflight planet could come up with man-portable devices with kiloton outputs and the best the Galaxy has now is thermal detonators with 20-meter radius? Such technology could be used to assassinate Force-Users with a single droid, especially if the device is set up to explode via remote control by an agent under Force Concealment.
Also, a single droid or missile capable of blasting apart a small freighter or corvette should be useful against the Vong a few decades in the future.
such devices have existed, and exist as of the time of the clone wars I know the clone troopers had the equivalent of backpack nukes at the very least.
main reason thermal detonators are so popular is because their very exact in how limited their explosion is, and the fact that the 20m radius is merely the maximum they can be dialed up to. you could be standing a meter outside the explosion radius of one and be perfectly fine other then being shaken, making them perfect weapons for when you do not want collateral damage. (such as a highly populated urban environment, or shipboard combat)
My, if any music would be playing right now, it'd probably be this, at least for while Ciaran's traveling and when Mortis is in its Garden of Eden-esque state.
Actually, while I'm out here, don't worry about the fact that I'm not saying much besides the actual posts. It's honestly because I'm concerned I might end up spoiling my plans intentionally or unintentionally.
No, she's certainly deceptive as all hell, but she never tells outright lies to her students. If she says we should be hiding from him then we should be hiding from him.
Speaking of Mortis, what's the best case here? The Father is dying anyway and the Son/Daughter are already half an Abeloth each. Killing them all might be the best case.
EDIT: unless we can convince Anakin to take the Father's place.
Speaking of Mortis, what's the best case here? The Father is dying anyway and the Son/Daughter are already half an Abeloth each. Killing them all might be the best case.
What? No.
Son/Daughter both got their powerups, but that doesn't make them half an Abeloth. That's like saying a pool is half salt already because it has Chlorine. They are still rational after all.
No, the best outcome is probably Anakin assuming the role of Father temporarily while we outsource for Therapists. The Son primarily hates the Father, so with him stepping down that should de-escalate a little.
The Son also wants to leave, so supervised exits with Anakin there to slap him down if he goes Conquest should help.
I have no idea how to deal with the Daughter, and it's been a while since I saw the Clone War cartoon.
If I remember correctly, the Daughter was fine. She wanted to keep the Son on Mortis, same as her father. Didn't express any intent to leave like her brother did either.
A/N: Darn it, I was aiming for brevity (and failed miserably). Here's another 12k word galaxy survey.
Briefing the Boss -- Southern Outer Rim
"They arrested him in the middle of the Manarai?" Ciaran laughed, half in disbelief.
"At the peak of dinner hour."
"Son of a bantha. Did you get a holo of him being taken out of the restaurant?"
"Even better, actually." Gulan explained. "Some enterprising reporter heard a hot tip and camped out outside the Ministry of Intelligence. When they moved out in force, she triangulated their heading and put a call ahead. TriNebulon and a few others were already ready and waiting when the SBI agents arrived."
"You mean--"
"Yep. The entire galaxy gets to see the moment Rush Clovis was arrested for high treason." Gulak activated the holoprojector between them.
"Stars, that's perfect! Like a pelikki trapped in an airlane." Ciaran laughed at Clovis's dumbfounded expression.
"It certainly didn't help matters that he was arrested in the most exclusive restaurant on Coruscant, in the midst of the galaxy's high-and-mightiest."
"Is that Lord Lestra Oxic in the background?"
"And with Senator Chuchi, looks like. There's Orman Tagge at another table."
"I doubt any of them will let him forget it."
"Not to mention Manarai itself. Even if Clovis somehow bribes his way to freedom, he'll never get another reservation, not after he brought out the Smellies. And among the circles he frequents, that's a stigma he won't find it easy to shed."
"Excellent. As for the other matter...?"
"Republic Intelligence sent another squad to Clovis's residence at 500 Republica, and our security team confirmed that they found the datacard we'd planted with Clovis's blackmail on the Core Five. It'd won't be long before they pass the intel on to the Council of Banking Clans, along with a secret warrant. We'll make sure to keep our eye on things, and make sure there are no leaks on either end before the Council is ready to act."
"Clu Lesser falls, and the IGBC finally washes its hands of Damask's legacy. Borvo told you our pick to replace him?"
"Yes, Fen Plain, wasn't it? We've worked with him before, haven't we?"
"That was Mak Plain, actually, the younger, and he helped arrange funding for the Outbound Flight Project. The family runs a minor bank on Muunilist, but they know Coruscant's Financial District like the back of their hand, and they're much more willing to pledge themselves to actual neutrality. I've told Borvo to see about investing in some of the Plain Family businesses on Muunilist, so if you could signal-boost that when the Council starts looking to fill Clu Lesser's seat...
"Yes. Make sure to get me a copy of every major Coruscant paper to print a holo-image of the arrest. I want to see that expression" Ciaran pointed to the holoprojector "every time I visit the Vault."
"Of course," Gulan smirked.
Ciaran sighed contentedly as Gulan gathered the holoprojecter and left. Sometimes it felt like the Force really was rooting for her to succeed. Everything came together so perfectly -- the Bothan Spynet, the report on Clovis's droid foundry, the Core Five blackmail, the Plain family ties, and that new initiative to bring Muunilist and Kalee closer together, all of it. Of course, at other times it seemed like the Force was out to get her, but what can you expect from a impersonal cosmic energy field with mutually contradictory aspects?
A protocol droid peeked his head in. "Pardon, Mistress, but it appears you have concluded your two o'clock?"
Ciaran sighed. "Ah, PR-1. Yes, come in, we just finished." After learning that the protocol droid had established a public connection to the Celebratus Archive, Ciaran had tapped PR-1's console to see what files he pulled. It was a small comfort to know that his next briefing wouldn't be ready for at least another week and a half, and this way she wouldn't be constantly surprised by them. "What's next?"
"I have another briefing for you, ma'am."
Ciaran jolted. "But you can't!"
"How do you mean?" PR-1 asked quizzically.
"You've been surveying the southern Outer Rim."
"But you still have a quarter of the way left to cover!"
"And you know this, how?"
Ciaran rolled her eyes. "Fine. I tapped your console. I know you only just pulled the files for Greater Javin this morning. Satisfied?"
"Very." PR-1 sounded smug. Ciaran felt a sense of impending doom. "Gulan told me about the tap, and helped me reprogram it with a built-in delay."
"In fact, I pulled the Greater Javin files eight days ago."
"And therefore completed the last systems of the southern Outer Rim yesterday night."
"...Ah darn."
"Indeed. Well, then, let's get to it. As always, Mistress, here's your map."
"Pardon the messiness, but the Outer Rims sectors are very haphazardly arranged."
"I can tell."
"It's much worse in three dimensions, if you can believe that. Anyway, the first region covers the sectors along the Llanic Spice Run."
Outer Rim
Pelgrin sector
- Lessuris: childhood home of Luskin Exovar (legendary explorer in Republic Scout Service)
- Pelgrin: former site of The Oracle (prehistoric mechanical tower, give clear Force visions, destroyed by pirates [NB: Palpatine] c. 32 BBY)
- Rordak: homeworld of Viska race (vampire bats), populated with repulsorlift cities, desert, mining planet rich in barthierum and other ores
- Sakuub: homeworld of Sakuubian race, resort planet, site of Sky Temple of Karsol [NB: ancient Jedi Temple, site of holocron with info on Abeloth...]
Tolonda sector
Karthakk sector
- Llanic: major spice-trade shadowport, headquarters of Crymorah Syndicate (crime families affiliated with Hutts and Tenloss Syndicate)
- Lok: headquarters of Lok Revanants (anti-Trade Federation pirates), site of Nym's Stronghold (city/spaceport), formerly controlled by Trade Federation
- Magravia: major spice producer in Outer Rim, known for 'Magravian cat-spice' variant rumored to sharpen reflexes
- Maramere: homeworld of Mere race, massive resort world, [NB: site of 'Invisible Island' stygium repository], formerly controlled by Trade Federation
Kiblini sector
- Duunir: adopted homeworld of bha'lir species (jungle cats), headquarters of Black Bha'lir (honor-oriented smugglers gang)
- Neftali: ice planet, home of Luskin Exovar (best scout) and Kaori Batta (best big-game hunter), site of Exovar's Emporium (cantina/museum)
- Socorro: childhood home of Qu Rahn (Jedi) [NB: and Lando Calrissian], headquarters of Socorro Freight, smugglers den, site of Jedi Academy (Guardians)
- Thrugii: asteroid belt near Socorro, rich in doonium and turminium, mining facilities controlled by Kanauer Corporation
Astal sector
- Bahalian: site of Bahalian Shipyards (built prototype Z-95 Headhunter), controlled by Tenloss Corporation (produces starships, secret criminal Syndicate)
- Eredin: headquarters of Ororo Transportation (starship and shipping conglomerate, run by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
- Jarvanam: site of Baradis School of Technology (secret training facility for slicers and criminals, run by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Cor'ric sector
- Andasala: mining planet (rich in tungsten, copper, chromium, etc.) controlled by Gesenix Mining, pirate haven and shadowport
- Qiaxx: homeworld of Jeodu race, tourism economy, site of Bubble Cliffs of Nezmi (massive ancient 'city' of bubble-shaped cave dwellings)
Portmoak sector
- Droxian: headquarters of Droxian Traders League (spice smugglers) and Droxian Manufacturing (droids, controlled by Traders League)
- Reuss VIII: homeworld of Reussi race, headquarters of Reuss Corporation, thriving agriworld [NB: converted into polluted dystopia under Empire]
Dail sector
- Danadine: headquarters of Relekin Confidential (collection/enforcement agency controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
- Friijillis: headquarters of Friij News Service (underworld alternate HoloNet, sponsored by Hutts, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
- Lesu: headquarters of Malakin Enterprises (venture capitalists & loan sharks, sponsored by Hutts, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Lol sector
- Drexel: homeworld of sea-dragon race, water world, site of Great Ship (massive city-ship populated by scavengers), center of Dragon Lords faction
- Kendamar: headquarters of Kendamari Casinos (casino/resort chain, sponsored by Hutts, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
- Lol: homeworld of Sumrias race (mathematicians who use base-8 math and developed 'Df' scale for artillery firepower & range)
- Majilop: headquarters of Lucin Syndicate (produce holo-porn, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
"The first item of note is perhaps the most impressive -- The Oracle of Pelgrin is quite possibly the oldest archaeological site in the galaxy. It was already ancient when Xim the Despot visited it at the height of his power, over twenty-five thousand years ago. It certainly predates the Galactic Republic, it probably predates the Infinite Empire, and it may even predate the Architects who built Centerpoint Station and the Penegelen Shards. The Oracle was an eleaborate clockwork tower, known for inducing Force visions in any Force-sensitive being to operate the uppermost chamber."
By this point, Ciaran was already imagining ways to get her hands on it.
"Pelgrin and the tower itself were re-discovered about three thousand years ago, and given over to the custody of the Jedi Order, who maintained a log of all prophecies made under the Oracle's influence. Notably, every single one of those visions came true, even if it took a decade, or a century, or even a millennia before its fulfillment. Unfortunately, there will be no more visions in the future -- the Oracle was destroyed by a rogue band of pirates a little over a decade ago."
Ciaran couldn't help the crestfallen look that overshadowed her face, nor could she help but wonder at the story. A prehistoric tower, old enough to pre-date all human civilization, and only now was it destroyed? What had protected it for so many millennia, and what led those pirates to target it?
"The next planet I've highlighted is Neftali, an ice planet populated by only a single small city, and even that is buried in a cave. What most of the galaxy doesn't realize, is that Neftali is also the home of Luskin Exovar--"
"The scout?"
"The very same. Having explored the galaxy, Exovar decided to settle down for retirement in the middle of nowhere -- not just on Neftali, but practically at the antipodes of Cordel Cove. He's built himself a showroom-cantina called Exovar's Emporium, frequented by the most notable smugglers and for-hire mercenaries in the galaxy. While most come and go -- by invitation only, of course -- there are a few who live there more permanently. For instance, Exovar's Emporium is also the home of Kaori Batta."
"...wait, the Kaori Batta? The one who captured a live Gorog for the Intergalactic Zoological Society?"
"That bounty had been open for over twelve hundred years!"
"Ever since the Gorog was first discovered, yes."
"He must be the best big-game hunter in the galaxy, to pull that off. And he's living on Neftali, of all places?"
"As you say, he is the best, and he prefers not to be bothered. Exovar's Emporium gives him the opportunity to keep his adoring public at a distance, and keep his clientele exclusive."
"I guess so. Remind me to -- wait, you said it was invitation-only?"
"Naturally, several of our members have open invitations."
"That's what I want to hear. Remind me to see if we can't hire him for a job -- perhaps he could hunt down a live taozin for us to study? There are plenty of dangerous creatures in the galaxy we might want to get our hands on."
"I'll make a note of it."
"Moving on, you might find Jarvanam interesting -- it's the location of the Baradis School, a private academy for young slicers and high-tech thieves, run by the Tenloss Syndicate. I understand several of our Seekers are graduates of their program, and now that Tenloss Space has joined the CNS, we can expect to see more of their alumni in our ranks."
"Good to hear."
"Next door to Jarvanam is Friijillis, in the Dail sector. You remember I had mentioned that the Confederacy of Independent Systems has their own version of the HoloNet, that they call the Shadowfeed?"
"The same is true for Hutt Space and most of the unaffiliated systems in the southern Outer Rim. It's called the Friij News Service, and it's run out of this system. It's not as highly reputed as the HoloNet proper -- it's run by Tenloss Corporation, but was originally funded by the Hutts -- but we might be able to provide funding to expand its reach into CNS Space in the northern Outer Rim."
"That investment might be the backbone we need for a much broader CNS-centric media market. HoloNet News is based on Coruscant -- it serves the Core and Colonies, and is subject to Senate oversight and censorship. Having an alternative would remove another potential avenue for Palpatine to target us."
"And bolster the CNS's independence, if it comes to it."
"Make a note, would you?"
"Of course. That's all for the first region; the next is immediately to the galactic west, and covers the end of the Five Veils Route."
Merel sector
- Ragnar VIII: sector capital, headquarters of Ragnar Syndicate (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, specialized in 'unorthodox techniques')
Samix sector
- Sabrix: ice planet, rich in radioactive elements, mining economy
- Lasan: adopted homeworld of Lasat race [NB: 'hairless Wookies'], headquarters of Lasan-Malamut Firearms (bo-staff) and High Honor Guard
Skine sector
- Lucrenn: headquarters of Galindas Exports (mass-market fencing, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate), site of many hollow-asteroid depots
- Skine: headquarters of Skine Bounty Hunter College (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, 'paramilitary academy,' offers training by elite specialists)
- Wodenstam: headquarters of Lucross Collections (collections agency & money laundering, controlled by Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Thuris sector
Torch Nebula sector
- Shownar: homeworld of Shownarri race, crystalline resort world illuminated by Torch Nebula, rich in vertag crystal spires
Sujimis sector
- Ab'Bshingh: homeworld of Farang and Waroot races (centuries of civil war, led to development of unique tactics and military customs)
- Alzoc III: homeworld of Talz race, resource-rich ice planet (sole source of Alzoc pearls)
- Karazak: headquarters of Karazak Slavers Cooperative (slaver gang) and Slaver Syndicate (slave-trading chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild)
- Maryx Minor: headquarters of Ancient Order of Pessimists, site of Pessimist hermitage
- Ord Plutonia: Talz colony world, ice planet, site of Gild Station and Beetle Base (abandoned Republic & Separatist military outposts)
- Pantora: moon of Ord Plutonia, homeworld of Pantoran race, childhood home of Baron Papanoida (media mogul), under Trade Federation blockade
Parmic sector
- Spice Terminus: massive trade hub and deep-space shadowport on Llanic Trade Route, used by spice smugglers
Quence sector
- Eirrauus: homeworld of Eirrauc race, childhood home of Puroth (Jedi Master), desert planet
- Elshandruu Pica: resort world, childhood home of Kina Margath, headquarters of Margath's (massive entertainment complex) and Droid ReServe
- Godo: homeworld of Godoan race, sole source of flame gems, site of House of the Goddess [NB: techno-organic machine to protect planet from virus]
- Shogun: Mandalorian colony world, crystalline planet (known for 'dreamscapes'), site of Mando'a shrines and center of religious pilgrimages
- Susevfi: moon of Suarbi VII, center of 'Jensaarai' Force sect (Grey-aligned, known for ballistakinesis)
- Tresidiss: shadowport controlled by Herglic cartel, known for casinos, loan sharks, and slicers
Khuiumin sector
- Breshkall: heavily fortified space station controlled by Prengahl Kreen (Twi'lek arms dealer)
- Courkrus: headquarters of Eyttyrmin Batiiv (revolutioanry pirates), site of Margath's (entertainment complex), pirate haven
Svivreni sector
- Svivren: homeworld of Svivreni race (best geologists), home of Tyro Calladin (Senater), trade hub, site of Svivren Xenomineralogy Institute, neutral!
Wild Space
- Lira San: [NB: original homeworld of Lasat race (powerful & agile warriors, "hairless Wookies"), long-forgotten & hidden by imploded star cluster)]
"I'd direct your attention to Skine, home and headquarters of the Skine Bounty Hunter College. Just as Baradis School teaches young slicers and thieves, Skine College instructs bounty hunters, security guards, and other private military operatives. As before, we have a number of Guardians who matriculated from Skine, and now that the sector has joined the CNS, we can look forward to a closer partnership."
"I'd also point out Karazak, home of the Karazak Slavers Cooperative that is the closest rival to Trandosha, Thalassia, and Zygerria as the absolute scum of the galaxy."
"It is fortunate we are their newest neighbor, then, as it gives us a ready excuse to step on them hard if they get out of line."
"As you say. In the same sector, I highlighted Pantora, who we lately saved from a Trade Federation blockade, to our mutual profit. I would remind you that Pantora is the home of Baron Notluwiski Papanoida, father of the Wroona Senator you met recently and a very important person in his own right. Baron Papanoida was recently elected Chairman of the Pantoran Assembly, but before that he was a media mogul with a private information network that actually rivals the Bothan Spynet in scale. We would do well to cultivate him as an ally and asset."
"Agreed. Not sure how, precisely, but that's definitely one opportunity to seize if we get the chance. Remind me?"
"Of course, Mistress. Moving on to Quence sector, there are several items of interest here. The first is Margath's on Elshandruu Pica, an entertainment complex with a rising reputation as one of the best in the galaxy. You'll note I highlighted the heiress, rather than her parents, as most accounts indicate that Kina Margath bears responsibility for its recent surge in popularity."
"There are two other interesting points nearby -- Shogun, a Mandalorian colony world known as a holy site for Mando'a pilgrims, and Suarbi, whose moon Susevfi is home to the reclusive 'Jensaarai' Force sect, a recent Jedi splinter group with particular skill in ballistakinesis."
"Huh. Didn't I hear something about them recently?"
"Indeed -- in their search for 'Darth Sidious', the Jedi discovered the Jensaarai and by most accounts put a quick end to them. We detailed a few agents to follow up and check the site for effects or artifacts; we discovered that the Jedi had only killed the sect's leaders, but that the others had survived in hiding. They're naturally not fond of the Jedi, but retain most of the skills being taught, and should be amenable to recruitment."
"Well then. Put then on the list."
"Of course. Finally, I would direct your attention to Svivren, a neutral planet that's home to the galaxy's best geologists."
"We have one on staff, actually. Irits Kejorn, the head of our Exotic Materials department? Svivreni, and a recent graduate of the Xenomineralogy Institute. Within a few months of our recruiting him, he's running the department. Worth every credit."
"...That sounds useful. See if we can't encourage them to apply for CNS membership, can you?"
"Of course, Mistress." PR-1 nodded. "That's all for the second region; the next covers the region between Five Veils and the Sanrafsix Corridor."
Outer Rim
Cadavine sector
- Eos: resource-rich lava world, site of demolished Trade Federation droid foundries and weapon testing facility
- Gall: moon of gas giant Zhar, site of Smuggler's Canyon and Gall Spaceport (shipyard)
- Melida/Daan: industrial planet ravaged by recently-concluded civil war, site of 'Halls of Evidence', center of Melida, Daan, and 'the Young' factions
Juris sector
- Trigalis: Corellian colony world, major smugglers' den and pirate haven, formerly controlled by Black Sun
- Vorusku: water world, headquarters of Blue Star Pirates, [NB: former home of Kina Ha, ancient Kaminoan Jedi Master]
Bajic sector
- Kabaira: headquarters of Delgas Medical (pharmaceuticals) and Hydrospeare Corporation (aquatic vehicles & weapons), foggy island-dotted water world
- Talofan: childhood home of Fema Baab (pro-Palpatine Senator), industrialized and militarized trade hub
- Vergesso Prime: planetoid in asteroid belt, major shipyard & research lab, shadowport jointly controlled by Tenloss Corporation and Crymorah Syndicate
- Vergesso III: middle asteroid belt, headquarters of Vergesso Pirates (affiliated with Crymorah Syndicate)
- Verisin: headquarters of Tenloss Coalition (kidnappers & slavers, original member of Tenloss Corporation/Syndicate)
Sarin sector
- Parein II: gas giant, orbited by moon that is major regional agriworld (export sweetgreen and daranu), recent site of Clone Wars battleground
- Seylott: homeworld of Seylott race, jungle planet, [Rakatan-made] canals, center of Disciples of Shaa (cult), site of Infant of Shaa (Force superweapon)
Parmel sector
- Kallistas: mining planet rich in gemstones and radioactive elements, major pirate haven
- Turcan III: headquarters of Churhee's Riflemen (low-profile mercenary specialists -- reconnaissance, infiltration, snipers)
- Vohai: semi-ecumenopolis, headquarters of Arkanian Microtechnologies (genetic engineering), site of Churhee's Riflemen compound and Vohai Unirail
Hook Nebula sector
- Lan Barell: homeworld of Qieg race (insects), headquarters of Human-Qieg Guild (control multiple resource-rich mining planets in system)
- Santarine: headquarters of Mantis Syndicate (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, specializes in large-scale anti-piracy operations)
Sanbra sector
- Aquilaris: water world, economy based on resorts and sports tourism, especially undersea pod-racing courses
- Beheboth: homeworld of Tirrith (sentient hives of energy-mist particles) and Behebothian races, desert world with moisture-farming economy
- Sanbra: site of University of Sanbra (specialized in sentientology and xenoarchaeology research), home of Dr. Callow Batta (political history)
- Loratus: industrial planet, headquarters of Loratus Manufacturing (mobile weapons systems and battle droids)
- Rugosa: former Rakatan colony ('Infernal Ones' inscriptions) and former Toydarian resort world, known for massive coral forests
Toblain sector
- Shafr: site of Shafr Center (university, specialized in xenoarchaeology), home of Dr. Follnor Callat (treasure hunter)
Tamarin sector
- Dravian Station: massive deep-space starport and smugglers' den, headquarters of Topatz Shipping, Skypath Industries, and Jontz Freight (shipping)
- Kirdo III: homeworld of Kitonak race (slow), desert planet with nomadic culture, plagued by slave raids
- Sevarcos II: homeworld of spice eel species, sole source of andris and carsunum (spice), mines worked by Republic penal colonies
- Tertiary Fujar: former headquarters of Fujari (pirate fleet), destroyed by Trade Defense Force (Trade Federation) in 214 BBY
- Viraxo LIV: space station, major trade hub controlled by Viraxo Shipping (associated with Trade Federation, formerly associated with Black Sun)
Rseik sector
- Chortose: homeworld of Chortose race (intuitive mechanics & engineers)
- Corva Yag: former headquarters of Hajara (pirate fleet), destroyed by Trade Defense Force (Trade Federation) in 214 BBY
- Cotellier: childhood home of Firmus Kett, headquarters of Kett Shipping (Trade Federation subsidiary), mining planet rich in ores and nova crystals
- Ma'ar Shaddam: headquarters of Ma'ar Shaddam Weaponsmith Guild (Trade Federation subsidiary), mining planet rich in high-grade ores
- Rseik: homeworld of Rseikharhl race (high-tech), headquarters of Rseikharhl Hullspace (Trade Federation subsidiary), also export droids and medicine
- Vestar: homeworld of Icarii race (humanoids, weird biology, can survive dismemberment), home of Selestrine (queen, powerful precog), jungle planet
"The first planet of note is Verisin, headquarters of the Tenloss Coalition, founding member of the Tenloss Syndicate that controls most of the neighboring systems. I'd also point out Seylott, location of the 'Infant of Shaa' Force artifact and apparent planet-killing superweapon. Apparently, there was an incident about seven years ago where it was brought to Coruscant and nearly unleashed."
"Luckily, the crisis was averted, and the artifact returned to Seylott for safekeeping."
"...Safekeeping? How safe can it be, if seven years ago it could be brought to the Galactic Capital with no one the wiser?!" Ciaran was very quietly panicking. "Seven years ago... kriffing hell, seven years ago I was in a coma, on Coruscant! And you're telling me the planet almost blew up?"
It was several minutes later that Ciaran finally got a grip on herself, and released her death-grip on the desk. "All right, that's over. You and I are going to have a chat about it later. Now, proceed."
PR-1 did not warmly anticipate said 'chat', but need enough to heed Ciaran's orders when she was in this sort of mood. "The next point of interest is Vohai, a quasi-ecumenopolis that's home to Arkanian Microtechnologies. Given Arkania lately joined the CNS, Vohai might be willing to be persuaded as well."
"Okay." Ciaran was still having trouble concentrating.
"Another nearby system is Santarine, home of the Mantis Syndicate bounty hunters. They're not very good at tracking or taking down single targets, but they can put a lot of assets in the field, and specialize in that sort of large-scale military operation, especially against pirates. They might be a useful ally for securing Neutral Space in the area."
"I can imagine. Put 'em on the list, would you?"
"Of course. Next up is De'etta, home of the University of Sanbra that specializes in Outer Rim sentientology and xenoarchaeology. Basically, if a new entry has been added to the Celebratus Archive in the last thousand years, chances are a Sanbra graduate was involved in the discovery. They're very good."
"All right then."
"Speaking of specialist species, the Rseik sector contains two of them. It's rare to see a Chortose around the galaxy, but the few that venture into the black are usually working as starship mechanics. Chortose have a natural gift for hardware, and can dismantle and repair a starship faster and more effectively than most trained mechanics."
"Huh. Put them on the list too."
"Also from Rseik is Vestar, home of the Icarii race. Icarii are best described as humans with weird biology -- they've been known to walk away from dismemberment, and can even survive decapitation."
"Weird biology, got it. Make sure to mention them to the Arkanians -- they might want to add them as a potential genemod."
"Yes, Mistress. I've also included a mention of the current Icarii queen, who has a local reputation as a powerful precognitive, though I can't speak for the rumors' accuracy."
"Thank you, PR-1."
"At your service, Mistress. That finishes the third region; next up, the sectors along the Rimma Trade Route."
Wild Space
Kesh sector
- Kesh: [NB: homeworld of Keshiri race, center of 'Lost Tribe of the Sith' Force sect, site of 'City of the Doomed' (ruins), Circle Eternal, and Sith Temple]
Jahilid Drift sector
- Shiva IV: [NB: homeworld of T'Syriél race, planet ravaged by civil war between 'Twelve Tribes of T'Syriél' and 'Calian Confederacy' factions]
Outer Rim
Kathol Rift subsector (Kathol)
- Aing-Tii: [NB: secret homeworld of Aing-Tii race (monks), center of 'Aing-Tii' Force sect (grey-aligned, teleportation & 'flow-walking' abilities)]
- Danoor: independent scientific outpost (study Kathol Rift nebula and its possible Celestial origins), orbited by resource-rich Duhrib Belt asteroids
- Kathol: [NB: homeworld of Cthol race (Celestials?), home of DarkStryder (supercomputer), site of Lifewell (stasis chamber) and orbital launch gate]
- Kathol Construct: [NB: prehistoric Cthol-built space station, site of Codex (Force artifact), self-sufficient, organic, & seemingly autonomous...]
- Q'Maere: site of Q'Maere Research Facility (major xenobiology and planetology lab, run by University of Sanbra)
Kathol Outback subsector (Kathol)
- Bresan: member of Pimbrellan League, barren planet with dome-habitats built in underground caves, highly educated industrial economy
- Dayark: capital of Kathol Republic (colonists), moon of gas giant Nepe, fertile agriworld (Ithorian rice farms), headquarters of Kathol Republic Navy
- Dolstan: capital of Pimbrellan League, center of 'Pinacist' cult (predict end of Republic), fertile agriworld, headquarters of Pimbrellan anti-piracy fleet
- Exocron: protostar gas cloud [NB: contains legendary garden planet 'Exo', settled by Exocros Cabal colony ship, technocratic society, anti-piracy fleet]
- Pitann: member of Kathol Republic, childhood home of Han Olbegg (Senator), resource-rich desert planet, strip-mining & industrial economy
- Shatuun: site of 'Ophidian grotesque' artifacts (Celestial colony world), home to mated pair of Duinuogwuin (star dragons)
- Swedlan: member of Pimbrellan League, barren planet with dome-habitats built in underground caves, educated commercial economy
- Uukaablis: homeworld of Uukaablian race (specialists: diplomats & medical researchers), high-tech medical and industrial economy
Kathol sector
- Aaris III: homeworld of Aaris race (revert to savagery), jungle planet, site of 'Place of Kastays' [NB: contains 'Plaque of Victory' omnicidal Sith artifact]
- Brolsam: Fefze colony world, fertile agriworld and artists' retreat
- Charis: major industrial planet, trade hub near Gandle Ott on Trition Trade Route
- Corjain: Svivreni colony world, resource-rich mining planet
- Gandle Ott: terminus of Trition Trade Route, heavily populated industrial center, site of Jedi chapterhouse and Corellian Merchants Guild offices
- Kal'Shebbol: Twi'lek colony world, pastoral agriworld (chollas and rice), major trade hub on Trition Trade Route, site of Kal'Shebbol Starport
- Kolatill: resource-rich factory world, headquarters of Ikas-Adno (speeders), Kal'Shebbol Transport and GandleMotors (repulsorlift vehicles)
- Oon Tien: homeworld of Jarell race ('hired muscle'), mining planet rich in gemstones and ore
- Pembric II: resort world for criminal underworld, major shadowport & smugglers' den, site of asteroid belt rich in hfredium ore (starships)
- Sebiris: homeworld of Sebiri race (hunters), site of Stone Temple (Celestial-built ruins), jungle planet rich in poisons and medicine
- Tanquilla Beach: asteroid mining facility-turned-shadowport, black market and smugglers' den, headquarters of Spang's Repair Shop
- Torize: heavily populated volcanic planet, industrialized trade hub, headquarters of Kazellis Corporation (light freighters), orbited by many shipyards
Minos Cluster sector
- Adarlon: Alderaan colony world, [NB: basically Hollywood], site of Glow Dome (nightclub), headquarters of Tri-Nebula Entertainment (holovids)
- Jilsaaria: homeworld of Jilsaarian race (four arms), childhood home of Golben (technician on Omze's Incredible Traveling Starport)
- Karideph: subterranean ecumenopolis, homeworld of Kari race (burrowing insects), headquarters of Spagga Core Inc. (gem mining), overpopulated agriworld dotted with massively tall skyscrapers, trade hub at terminus of Rimma Trade Route
- Mestra: massive asteroid field (100 trillion rocks!) controlled by Arcona Mineral Harvest (Commerce Guild), rich in durelium (hyperdrives)
- Pergitor: mining planet colonized by Jesa Corporation, currently ruled by Church of Infinite Perception (anti-Force theocracy)
- Quockra IV: homeworld of Quockran race (xenophobes), desert planet inhabited almost entirely by droids
- Shesharile V: moon of gas giant, headquarters of Gallis-Tech, Dutan Mining Supply Exports [NB: weapons smuggling] and Minos-Mestra Corp (mining)
- Teh'Jar II: legendary location of Um'Tal ('Sky Stone', Force artifact "invested with mystical powers")
- Yelsain: forest planet, massive trees (400 m tall) and massive carnivores (trogliths and garaths), home of Jedi Watchman, site of Jedi chapterhouse
Elrood sector
- Akana: barren world with biodome cities, orbited by shining quartz moon Akanala, headquarters of Professiona Artists Guild
- Alluuvia: homeworld of Anguilla race (eels), water world [NB: rich in alanium, doonium, and zersium ores used for starship hulls and dura-armor]
- Almar: tourist-friendly agriworld, rich in norris root (used by Jedi for 'Norris robes', resist lightning & energy attacks), orbited by Almar Upside tradeport
- Bodrin: mining planet rich in bodrite (marble), controlled by Elrood Quarry Corporation
- Coyn: homeworld of Coynite race (gladiators), site of Rols'Kus (arena) and five stellar-class starports, headquarters of Ekkar Arms and Mercenary Guild
- Dega: former Radell mining colony, smugglers' den in Dega Gas Clouds, headquarters of Degan Explorations (Corporate Sector, chemical surveyers)
- Derilyn: childhood home of Wuxod (anti-Palpatine Senator), high-tech industrial planet, headquarters of Elrood StarYards Ltd. (produce Prosperity-class Customs Cruisers/patrol ships), site of Park of Peace [NB: 'National Mall', site of government] and Derilyn Platform (spaceport)
- Elrood: sector capital, home of Lud Chud (crime lord), headquarters of Radell Mining Corporation (own several planets), Transsector Lines (shipping), and Ganrite Yards (starships), site of Elrood Bazaar and Daya Plaza, CIS member world
- Gelgelar: Sullustan colony world, homeworld of swarm wyrm (big!), swamp planet rich in shvash gas, site of Gelgelar Free Port (resupply depot)
- Kidron: homeworld of Orfite race, headquarters of Orfa Olfactory Corporation and Attakril Meats, jungle planet, site of High City of Refuge
- Korad: massive orbital junkyard, headquarters of Renew (starship salvage company)
- Kuras III: homeworld of Aganof and Pulra (changeling) races, volcanic planet, isolated by Kuras Drift Nebula and asteroid belt
- Lanthrym: Gamorrean colony world, pirate haven & shadowport, center of "Marauding Dark Jedi" Force gang (defeated 32 BBY by Jorus C'Baoth)
- Merisee: homeworld of Meri and Teltior races, lush agriworld, headquarters of Utozz Prime Brewery and Tozzin Foods, center of 'The Cult' (Jedi-based)
Tantra sector
- Tantra: ice world rich in banfra resin, major trade hub on Rimma Trade Route
Methall'has subsector (Tantra)
Tarabba sector
- Glova: former precious-metal mining colony, now major agriworld, site of Orchid Hotel and Drepplin Starport
- Skustell: homeworld of Ongree race (diplomats), childhood home of Pablo-Jill and Coleman Kcaj (Jedi Masters), waterworld [NB: with treasure cave!]
- Utapau: homeworld of Pau'an (long-lived) and Utai (miners) races, home of Tion Medon (Chairman), sinkhole-cities, neutral [NB: under CIS occupation]
Sluis sector
- Bpfassh: homeworld of Bpfasshi race (Force sensitive), site of Jedi Praxeum (affiliated with Jensaarai Force sect), orbited by Commerce Guild trading post
- Canoliss IV: homeworld of Cannolite race (3D mathematicians), high-tech industrial world, export 'unique' security systems
- Dagobah: homeworld of Hepsalum Tash race (worms), biodiverse swamp planet, planetary Force nexus, [NB: site of Cave of Evil]
- Kerest: homeworld of Kerestian race (high-tech, reverted to savagery), orbited by two moons (former colonies), isolationist/neutral
- Orto: homeworld of Ortolan race, childhood home of Max Rebo (musician), resource-rich mining planet, neutral! [NB: imminent CIS occupation]
- Praesitlyn: headquarters of Intergalactic Communications Center (HoloNet hub), site of Freedom's Sons outposts (Jedi auxiliary & paramilitary fleet)
- Sluis Van: homeworld of Sluissi race (technologists), site of orbital Sluis Van Shipyards (largest in Outer Rim), CIS Foundry, under Republic blockade
Danjar sector
- Engebo V: former Outer Rim Oreworks mining colony, then nerf-herding pastoral agriworld, now uninhabitable due to skekfish infestation
- Entooine: moon of gas giant, homeworld of Askhew (humanoids) and 'blue bantha' (Force-sensitive sapient mamooth) races
- Qexis: high-security secret research facilities, former home of Talesan Fry's uncle (subplanetary engineer, died. c. 25 BBY)
- Queyta: lava planet controlled by Techno Union, site of Separatist base and mobile chemical plant
- Rhamsis Callo: homeworld of Schenor race (Force-sensitive martial artists, tall cat-people), low-tech industry ('reaction cars'), neutral!
Mayagil sector
- Clak'dor IV: homeworld of Y'bith race (mutated 'ghost Bith'), colony world and site of New Nozho trading post
- Clak'dor VII: homeworld of Bith race (craniopods, scientists & musicians), heavily populated biodome-cities, pacifists and reluctant CIS ally (neutral...)
- H'nemthe: homeworld of H'nemthe race (pacifists), romance-centric society with tradition of female killing the male after mating...
- Kabal: major trade hub on edge of civilized space, manipulated by Trade Federation embargo to join the CIS
- Triton: homeworld of Tritonite race (insects), center of Gactimus cult (anti-entertainment) and theocracy, orbited by three Triton Moons
- Virmeude: icy mining planet, headquarters of Issham Mining Corporation [NB: anti-Palpatine, will become Rebellion front company]
- Xagobah: homeworld of Xamster race (fungal farmers), occupied by CIS, site of Mazariyan [NB: organic fortress bioengineered by Techno Union]
Bon'nyuw-Luq sector
- Arbra: homeworld of Hoojib (telepathic bunnies), site of Grotto City (ancient subterranean ruins), [NB: home of 'The Darker' Force creature]
- Destreg II: site of Destreg Spaceport (orbital space station and civilian trading post)
- Verdanth: Bothan colony world, strategic trade hub on Duros Space Run hyperlane, fierce battleground during Republic Dark Age
Garis sector
- Azzameen Station: family-owned space station, headquarters of Twin Suns Transport Services (trading company), site of Comm Datacore
- Omwat: homeworld of Omwati race (scientists), home of Bleth Fahr (former Jedi, now 'Believer' cultist), honeycomb settlements, [NB: imminent battle]
"As you can see, Kathol and its subsectors have much of interest. For the sake of time I've constrained myself to highlighting the Uukaablis, home of a 'specialist species' dedicated to medical research. However, you might be more interested in the rumors concerning the Kathol Rift, especially those to do with secretive Force sects, Force artifacts, and organic space stations. As I cannot confirm which if any of those are true, you'll have to investigate on your own time."
"...Oh, I plan on it."
"I thought as much. Coreward, in the Elrood sector, I've highlighted Derilyn. It's an impressively high-tech planet, and after your meeting with Senator Wuxod last month, it should be interested in joining the CNS, which would be a big boost to our industrial capacity in the galactic south. I'd also point out their neighbor, Utapau, which has been oddly outspoken about their neutrality despite not yet reaching out to us for membership."
"Hmm. Keep your eye out, would you?"
"Yes, Mistress. Next is the Sluis sector, which has a number of interesting points. First is Bpfassh, site of a 'Jedi' Enclave that joined the Jensaarai Force sect I mentioned earlier. The native Bpfasshi themselves have a long history with dark and gray-aligned Force sects, and quite a dislike for the Jedi Order given their treatment over the last several centuries. They might be prime targets for recruitment once we recover and repair the Chu'unthor."
"Indeed, though they'd be a fairly low-priority, I'd imagine."
"In the same sector is Orto, a neutral planet that lately joined the CNS, and which was the home of the musician Max Rebo. I'd also point out Praesitlyn, home of the InterGalactic Comm Center that delivers the HoloNet to most of the southern Outer Rim, and also plays host to the Freedom's Sons fleet that serves as a pro-Jedi paramilitary similar to the Antarian Rangers."
"Good to know."
"Finally, there's the eponymous Sluis, sector capital and home to a race of gifted technologists and engineers. The native Sluissi have such a sustained reputation for excellence, they've turned their obscure Outer Rim planet into the largest starship industry outside the Core itself. The Sluis Van Shipyards are galactically renown for good reason. Currently, they're aligned with the Separatists, but have been under Republic blockade since the earliest days of the war. Given the blockade's impact on their economy, we might be able to persuade them to join the CNS if only to help them recover."
Ciaran looked at PR-1 meaningfully.
"I'll make a note of it?"
"I should say." Ciaran chuckled.
"I have two more planets and two more specialist species for you, then. The first is Rhamsis Callo, home to an entire species of Force-sensitive martial artists. The Schenor only recently joined the rest of the galaxy, so their industry remains low-tech, but the people themselves are quite resourceful, and they might be amenable to recruitment."
"...According to this, they also look like 8-foot-tall cats."
"That is true, yes."
Ciaran blinked. "Huh. What's the other one?"
"The last planet for this region is Clakdor VII, the Bith homeworld. They're probably the best known 'craniopod' race around, and have a justly-deserved reputation as some of the best scientists in the galaxy. They're also known for producing excellent musicians, for whatever reason."
"Add 'em both to the list, then."
"I'd also mention that most of the Bith on Clakdor are pacifists, and while they are a member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, that's primarily due to their contempt for corruption in the Galactic Republic and especially the Senate. Given our independence and your own peacemaker credentials, it shouldn't be too hard to persuade them to rejoin the Republic as a member of the CNS."
"Good to hear. That all?"
"Oh, there's plenty of other points I skipped over -- a planet that some call the 'entertainment capital of the galaxy,' a specialist species that exports unbreakable multi-dimensional encryption, even a planet with fluffy telepathic bunnies -- but that's all I planned to cover for this region."
"...Wait, now I want to hear about all of those--!"
"Too late."
Grumani sector
- Aquilaris Minor: water world, headquarters of Seacroppers' Guild (aquaculture), trade hub with tourism economy, site of Capital Cay spaceport
- Darkknell: former capital of 'Daimanate' Sith Empire, major trade hub, rich in iridium (used for starfighters), former site of Black Fang research complex
- Jubalene: former capital of 'Odionate' Sith Empire, rocky volcanic planet, heavily industrialized foundry world
- Jutrand: former capital of 'Bactranate' Sith Empire, ecumenopolis, headquarters of Industrial Heuristics (built 'arxeum' ships, mobile military academies)
- Nilash: homeworld of Nilashi race (telepathic hive-mind), jungle planet rich in anthracite (starship fuel), former site of Daimanate munitions factory
- Phaegon III: mostly-depleted mining world, moon rich in Lignan ore (lightsaber crystal, boosts dark-side Force abilities)
- Sanrafsix: massive trade hub and terminus of Sanrafsix Corridor, depopulated by Candorian plague during Republic Dark Age but since recovered
- Syned: former capital of 'Arkadianate Sith Empire, ice planet rich in Synedian algae (fuel & food, also used for Chagras' Blood nerve-toxin)
- Tramanos: Celagian colony world, water world rich in cyanogen gas
- Vellas Pavo: mining planet rich in gadolinium (used for superconducters)
Brema sector
- Callos: homeworld of Callosian race (cultured elite), urbanized jungle planet known for research facilities, neutral! [NB: opposed Palpatine's New Order]
- Ord Ibanna: gas giant, site of abandoned tibanna gas mining platforms-turned-podracing courses, shadowport and smugglers' den
- Sullust: homeworld of Sullustan race (best navigators), home of Beolar Bribbs, headquarters of SoroSuub Corporation (Commerce Guild)
- Sulon: moon of Sullust, agriworld, headquarters of Sulon Incorporated (SoroSuub weapons testing & research blacksite), [NB: home of Morgan Katarn]
Reithcas subsector (Brema)
- Bortras: lush agriworld, childhood home of Jorus C'Baoth (Outbound Flight)
Seswenna sector
- Dzass IV: headquarters of Lunis-Medix Medical Academy (cybernetics)
- Eczar: financial & banking center of Seswenna sector
- Eriadu: sector capital ('Coruscant of the Outer Rim'), heavily polluted foundry world, rich in lomnite; childhood home of Ranulph Tarkin (militarist Senator, died 44 BBY), Wilhuff Tarkin (Governor), and Shayla-Paige Tarkin (pro-Palpatine Senator); headquarters of Eriadu Manufacturing (biggest employer), Valorum Shipping & Transport, Eriadu Mining, Quintad Orbital Manufacturing, Seswenna Sector Bank ; site of Phelar Port, Eriadu Manufacturing Shipyards (Sluis Van rivals), Carrion Plateau, Governor's Palace (Tarkin Estate), and Seswenna Hall; location of Eriadu Trade Summit (Trade Federation Directorate assassinated by Nebula Front terrorists, 33 BBY)
- Orryxia: homeworld of Orryxian race (felinoids), woodland world with agro-forestry economy
- Parwa: homeworld of Parwan race (electrified floating squid), childhood home of Gubacher (droid mechanic for Jedi) and Derrown (bounty hunter)
- Phelarion: industrial planet rich in megonite moss (explosive), headquarters of Motti Industries [NB: relatives of 'Admiral' Motti (Death Star)]
- Uvena Prime: homeworld of Shistavenen race (wolfmen), childhood home of Voolvif Monn (Jedi), forest world
Steniplis sector (neutral!)
- Kelrodo-Ai: homeworld of Kelrodoan race, mining planet rich in gelatin [NB: ...huh?], site of ancient Citadel of Axes, neutral!
- Rogue Antar: nearby asteroid field is site of Black Stall Station (Cad Bane's headquarters) [NB: former HQ, now in ruins?]
Atravis sector
- Ather: industrial planet, headquarters of MicroData Technologies (datapads)
- Carreras Major: homeworld of Shifala race (simians), controls ice-mining facilities on sister planet Carreras Minor
- Mustafar: homeworld of Mustafarian race, lava mines, rich in mirkanite and dolovite; headquarters of Klegger Corp; center of 'Blackguard' Force sect; site of Techno Union droid foundry, Damask Holdings facility, Black Sun fortress, and Southern Jedi Ruins; location of HK-47 and Chu-Gon Dar cubes
- Rutan: homeworld of Rutanian and Senali races (planet & moon at civil war) and Kudana species (bronze skin), trade hub plagued by piracy
- ZXK-100346: ice planet, [NB: site of Cavern of Light -- light-side nexus, contains 'Soulsaber' dark-side artifact]
Airam sector
- Mobetta: headquarters of Gallofree Yards (civilian shipwright, freighters e.g. GR-45 medium transports) and Airam Clans (nomadic mechanics)
- Mylok IV: homeworld of Habeen and Nharwaak races (engineers), site of Corellian Engineering facilities, [NB: developed compact hyperdrive in 3 ABY]
- Nocto: headquarters of Nocto Clan (Airam pirates) [NB: funded by Palpatine via LiMerge Power, to drive sector into CIS]
- Ochotl Ag: childhood home of Kob Mondray (sports celebrity), agriworld (rich in chak-root) associated with Corporate Alliance, rivals of Eriadu
- Pangaree Nebula: 'Pangarees' region with multiple agriworlds, dominated by Eriadu-controlled agricorporations, rivals of Ochotl Ag
- Paradise: homeworld of Ugor race (monocellular scavengers), junkyard, headquarters of Ugor Salvage (garbage disposal & starshipwright)
- Skor II: homeworld of Squib race (traders), headquarters of Fegegrish Heavy Industrials (tensor guns) and Squib Merchandising Consortium (scavenging)
Cegul sector
- Askaj: homeworld of Askajian race (six-breasted humanoids), desert world, pastoral economy known for exporting tumuon fabric
- Besberra: site of Zirtran's Anchor (makeshift space station owned by Geelan merchants), shadowport for free-traders and smugglers
Subterrel sector
- Kallidah: homeworld of Kallidahin race (faceless hermits), headquarters of Archaeological Research Council, site of massive xenobiological database
- Orax: homeworld of Shard race (crystals), childhood home of Cheriss Sair, mineral-rich crystalline world [NB: slave-run mines under Empire]
- Polis Massa: asteroid field, adopted Kallidahin homeworld, headquarters of Polis Massa Assemblage (droids), site of Polis Massa Base (archaeology dig)
Kallea sector
- Delrakkin: homeworld of Delrakkin race (lizards), stormy mountainous jungle planet, shadowport and smugglers' den
- Katchan: homeworld of Katchani race (elves), forest world governed by elfin monarchy
- Terminus: massive trade hub at the end of Hydian Way and Corellian Trade Spine, [NB: inspired by Asimov's Foundation trilogy]
"This fifth region covers the southern section of the Hydian Way. I'd draw your attention first to Grumani sector, home to several petty Sith Empires during the Republic Dark Age a thousand years ago. Jutrand is especially noteworthy: an industrial ecumenopolis that's home to Industrial Heuristics, which specializes in starships that can be anchored and converted to buildings. Nowadays they're better known for colony pods, but during the New Sith Wars, they produced 'arxeum' ships to serve as semi-mobile military academies and research institutes. The Republic hasn't had need of them for the last thousand years, but I'd wager the company still keeps the specs lying around somewhere--"
"I want it."
"I thought you would."
"Are you kidding me -- a flying war college? Between that, the Chu'unthor, and the Arkanian Legacy, we'll have a Force-be-damned superfleet at our beck and call." Ciaran looked to PR-1. "Is it automated? Tell me it's fully automated."
"Unfortunately, Mistress, that is information I do not possess."
"Shall I move on?"
Ciaran waved him on.
"Nearby in Brema sector is Sullust, which you recently visited."
"Ah yes. Anything new to report?"
"Not particularly."
"Very well, then, what's next?"
"Next is Eriadu, capital of Seswenna sector and wannabe 'Coruscant of the Outer Rim'."
"Ah. Pity we already trademarked that for Taris."
"Indeed. Eriadu is home to the Tarkin family, notably including Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin, as well as House Valorum--"
"The former Supreme Chancellor?"
"More like, his extended family. The Valorums owns a fairly sizable shipping company on the planet, and there are several other major mining and manufacturing companies on the planet as well. Unhappily for its neighbors, Eriadu has very close ties to the Core Worlds, and gets away with pretty much everything without consequence. One of the reasons the Trade Federation gained so much support from the Outer Rim is because Eriadu preferred to play politics with the sector defense funding. It claimed responsibility for protecting most of the southern Outer Rim, and pocketed the earmarked money, leaving the rest of its neighbors to fend for themselves. When the Trade Defense Force stepped in to end the threat of piracy, they became about as popular with those sectors as you are with much of the galaxy."
"No wonder so many systems joined the CIS."
"Indeed. The next item of interest is the lava planet where we lately recovered HK-47. Mustafar has quite a few points of interest, but I'll direct your attention especially to the 'Blackguards' Force sect, a grey-aligned order that was apparently founded as a Sith splinter group. They have a reputation for seeking out Force sects around the galaxy in order to borrow others' techniques. They should have quite an eclectic set of Force abilities, and might be able to introduce us to many other Force sects around the galaxy."
"Interesting. That might give us a head start once we get the Chu'unthor up and running."
"Over in the Airam sector, I highlighted two races with two specialist species, the Ugors and Squibs, both of whom are known across the galaxy as excellent scavengers. Further to the south, in Subterrel, I've highlighted the Shard homeworld of Orax, where Cheriss was... budded?"
"Sure, that works."
"Finally, I also highlighted Polis Massa, adopted homeworld of the Kallidahin race, a specialist species considered to be the best archaeologists and xenobiologists in the galaxy. They're a rather insular race, so we may need to reach out to them first, but their expertise in both fields would make it well worth our while."
"I can imagine." Ciaran nodded appreciatively. "Is that all for the region?"
"Indeed. The next group of sectors will take us to Greater Javin and the Southern Corellian Trade Route."
Bozhnee sector
- Belsavis: ice planet with lush canyon-rifts, home of Plett (Ho'Din, Jedi botanist), site of Plettwell (rift-city, with Jedi enclave, research lab and greenhouse caverns) and Belsavis Prison (massive rift-prison complex, used by Old Republic), [NB: location of many Rakatan teleportation devices!]
- Minimum Security Section: district of Belsavis Prison, site of Carbonite Prison storage, Cliffside generators, Prison Administration Center, [NB: and Condemned Caverns (original home for prisoners' descendants, given rift-cities of their own after a Sith invasion & prison riot)]
- High Security Section: district of Belsavis Prison, cell-blocks adapted for different species (Gamorrean, Gand, Gen'Dai, Gran, Rattataki, Rodin, Trandoshan); site of Scientific Research Compound [NB: headquarters of 'Project Noble Focus', Old Republic experimentation on prisoners], and Republic Watchtower [NB: site of 'Noble Focus' gladiatorial arenas]
- Maximum Security Section: district of Belsavis Prison, site of Special Restraint cells, Ultraviolent Offenders containment, and Ancient Prison caverns
- Deep Prison: 'The Tomb' beneath Balsavis prison, site of Central Power Core (planetary hypermatter generator) and Zedalus Keep (main prison area), [NB: original Rakatan prison-complex beneath Belsavis Prison; home of Ashaa ('Mother Machine', Rakatan artificial intelligence capable of "modular life-form adaptation" -- reconstructing Force-sensitive bodies and/or designing new species), World Razer (original prisoner...), and Failsafe (Rakatan artificial intelligence, responsible for maintaining security on World Razer); site of Burning Way (magma-circuits used as prison security failsafe), Caves of Elshuu ('mind prison' for Rakatan dark lord), Caves of Primeval Wardens, Cells of the Lords of the Infinite (stasis vaults for Force-sensitive prisoners), Greater Menagerie (prison for Rakatan-made creatures and sithspawn), Jedi Containment Vault (vault for fallen Jedi Masters), Megasecurity Ward 23 (former headquarters of 'Star Cabal' anti-Force group), Tomb of Hallow Voice (Esh-Kha faction leader), Transporter Control Center (control mechanisms for Rakatan teleporters...), Vault of the Mother Machine (A.I.), Vault of the Tyrant (pureblood-Sith dark lord), Waters of the Primal Destroyer]
- Eternity Vault: [NB: Rakatan mountain prison (stasis-vaults) built before 24,000 BBY, all inhabitants killed in 3641 BBY, former home of Soa ('The Infernal One', ancient Rakatan dark-side Force User; once ruled 'Infernal Empire' of 1000+ planets, including Korriban), 'Infernal Council' (pureblood Sith slaves & advisors to Soa), and Silentior (Annihilation Droid XRR-3, constructed by Soa with mechu-daru)
- Brodogon Station: headquarters of Brodogon Consortium (slave traders, middle-men between Hutt Space and Senex-Juvex)
- Garnib: homeworld of Balinaka and Vernol races, ice planet, headquarters of Galactic Crystal Creations (produces 'Garnib crystal' sculptures)
Videnda sector
- Dorvalla: mining planet, rich in lommite ore (durasteel), headquarters of Dorvalla Mining (mining conglomerate, controlled by Trade Federation)
- Golh: water world, controlled by Hydrospeare Corporation, site of Hydrospeare weapons testing & research blacksite
Jjannex sector
Tungra sector
- Gam Tim'nisi: resource-rich asteroid field, site of Shusko Station (mining facility, owned by fringer Kelko) and Tallis Outpost (Republic listening post)
Javin subsector (Greater Javin)
- Aztubek: former Mugaari colony world, commercial center, most of the population lives on Javin and works week-long rotations
- High Chunah: former Mugaari colony world, phosphorescent rocks, industrialized 'factory world' specializing in land-speeder manufacturing
- Javin: Mugaari colony world, heavily urbanized trade hub in Greater Javin region
Anoat subsector (Greater Javin)
- Allyuen: one of four Mining Worlds, icy planet rich in chromite, controlled by Figg Excavations (Mining Guild)
- Anoat: depopulated ecumenopolis, sector capital, center of 'Noble Court' aristocracy, former Ugnaught mining colony, controlled by Figg Excavations
- Bespin: gas giant rich in tibanna gas (energy); site of Cloud City (platform-city), Ugnorgrad (Ughnaught colony-city), Tibannopolis (abandoned platform-city), [NB: and BesGas Three (droid-run colony); location of Chu'unthor II praxeum-ship and mobile enclave; center of 'Altisian Jedi' Force sect ('transfer essence' and psychometry techniques...)]
- Burnin Konn: one of four Mining Worlds, center of Trade Spine League (smugglers), rich in dolovite and kammris ores, controlled by Figg Excavations
- Cloud City: platform-city over Bespin (built by Incom, controlled by Figg & Associates), home of Voras the Hutt, center of 'Ivax Syndicate' (Anoat criminal organization), headquarters of Bespin Motors, Ugnaught Mechanics Union, and Bioniip Laboratories (cybernetics), site of Administrator's Palace, Paradise Atrium, Royal Park, Port Town (shadowport), Trest (casino), Royal Casino, Yarith Bespin (hotel), Grand Bespin Hotel, and SkyCenter Galleria
- Darlyn Boda: Yarkora colony world, headquarters of Ivax Syndicate and Trade Spine League, biggest shadowport in Greater Javin
- Delphon IV: headquarters of the Black Hole Pirates (slavers)
- Gentes: homeworld of Ugnaught race (subterranean pig-men), plagued by slave raids, site of Sith Academy (trained warriors & marauders)
- Gerrenthum: heavily urbanized trade hub in Greater Javin region, headquarters of Figg Excavations and Figg & Associates, neutral!
- Hoth: homeworld of Skel race, Wampa and Tauntaun species, ice planet, orbited by massive mineral-rich exogorth-infested asteroid field
- Ione: urbanized trade hub, sole staging point for four Mining Worlds, controlled by Figg & Associates
- Isis: one of four Mining Worlds, homeworld of Gutretree race (crystals), crystalline planet, controlled by Figg Excavations
- Ivax Nebula: colony of purrgil species (deep-space whales-squids), asteroid field rich in Clouzon-36 (hyperspace fuel), site of Mining Guild gas refinery
- Mataou: former throneworld of Gnuda kajidic (Hutt), homeworld of ro hypa species (venomous, some medicinal uses), center of 'Kouhun' assassins, site of Necropolis (Hutt burial ground, source of 'Waters of Truth' ritual poison), Gnuda Estate (abandoned) [NB: populated with Hutt Guard Droids and mining droids], and Shrine of Dynasties
- Nothoiin: homeworld of Nothoiin race (goldskin, intuitive pilots), orbited by crystalline moon rich in ur-diamonds, mining planet
- Tokmia: one of four Mining Worlds, homeworld of Oku race, ice planet, controlled by Figg Excavations
- Varonat: adopted homeworld of Morodin race (herbivores), site of Great Jungle, rich in Yagaran aleudrupe planet (delicacy) [NB: can use as blaster fuel]
Yarith subsector (Greater Javin)
- Isde Naha: heavily industrialized trade hub in Greater Javin region, site of Figg & Associates branch offices (engineering and financial center)
- Lutrillia: homeworld of Lutrillian race (nomads), desert planet with heavily populated mobile platform-cities, rich in ochroid dust
Kriz sector
- Banvhar: asteroid field, site of Banvhar Station, headquarters of Banvhar Combine (miners)
Dalicron sector
Seitia sector
- Barkhesh: lush agriworld, site of Great Temple Valley [NB: ancient Sith compound?]
- Cosmatanic Steppes: solid ground suspended in gas giant atmsophere, headquarters of Archaeological Association, site of Archaeo-Prime (space station)
- Manpha: homeworld of Shawda Ubb race (amphibians), [NB: childhood home of Rappertunie (Max Rebo Band musician)], site of Shanpan Spaceport
- Sil'Lume: asteroid field with 800,000 catalogued, site of 24 Tredway (asteroid base & family estate of Axton Tredway, Jedi Knight married with children)
Saijo sector
- Faldos: smugglers' den and shadowport, thriving black market in stolen military tech (weapons, armor, etc.)
Wild Space
Geelan sector
- Needan: homeworld of Geelan race (merchants), ice planet with biodome cities
Anoth sector
Kinooine sector
Zonju sector
"The first planet of interest is Belsavis, a rather lush ice-planet that's the location of one of the largest prisons in the Galactic Republic. It's also home to a Jedi botanist, who could probably teach the Ithorians a few things about plants."
Ciaran chuckled.
"As for Greater Javin," PR-1 continued, "I picked out two major points of interest. First is the gas giant Bespin, rich in tibanna gas and equally rich in tibanna mining platform-cities. One of those, 'Cloud City', has become something of a major trade port and commercial center for the region. The second point of interest is Nothoiin, home to a native species of innately-gifted pilots. I can't say who would win a race between a Corellian and a Nothoiin, but the fact that it'd even be competitive is telling."
"No kidding. Add them to the list."
"Of course. For the rest of the region, I also highlighted two planets in Seitia sector. Cosmatanic Steppes is quite an odd sight -- a layer of solid ground suspended in the atmosphere of a gas giant."
"Indeed, a completely natural platform-city. It might have even been a thriving agriworld, but for the lack of space. More notably for our purposes, it's also the headquarters of the Archaeological Association -- they're not as good as the Kallidahin, but they have a lot of experience and a lot of contacts we might be able to use."
"Good to know."
"The second is Sil'Lume, a massive asteroid field that surprisingly well-populated. One asteroid contains the family estate of a Jedi Knight, for instance."
"...That's all? Usually you have something more interesting for me."
"The estate is inhabited by the Jedi Knight's wife and children."
"Another?" Ciaran slumped. "So he's kept them a secret from the Council?"
"He certainly hasn't tried very hard. Whenever he finds a spare moment, he's back at 24 Tredway helping with the family mining business. He even introduced them to some of his fellow Jedi."
"Including Anakin Skywalker."
"What? Just... what?"
PR-1 didn't move, but Ciaran got the very distinct impression that he was trying to shrug.
"You know, never mind, I don't want to know. That's it for this sector?"
"Indeed. Here's the last one."
Wild Space
Red Nebula sector
- Red Nebula: extra-galactic planet with comet field, [NB: homeworld of (unnamed) race, site of Untouched Valley and 'Great Life Gems']
Seoularian Space sector
- Seoul V: [NB: homeworld of Seoularian race (prehistoric humans), site of Onrai Square (religious shrine & control center), Rakatan colony world]
Mephout Dominion sector
- Plintep: sector capital, homeworld of Mephout race, matriarchal government, headquarters of Plintep Cybernetics Corporation
Shashay sector
- Crytal Nest: homeworld of Shashay race (bipedal avians, gifted singers & astrogators), childhood home of Crying Dawn Singer (singer)
Void of Aogros sector
- Quintarad: galactically unique five-star system [NB: constructed by Celestials, possible similarities to The Maw...]
Outer Rim
Varada sector
- Baralou: homeworld of Krikthasi (mollusks) race, water world rich in gems (sasho, etc.), headquarters of Aqualis Food Conglomerate (bestrum algae)
- Bestal III: sole source of Vortal trees (medicinal seeds), orbited by Kadal asteroid field (rich in aluminite and corax ore) [NB: later owned by Alara Fax]
- Dyspeth: moon, center of 'Disciples of Twilight' Force sect (light-aligned), specialized in light-bending techniques (illusions, Force cloak, shadow vision)
- Marat V: homeworld of S'kytri race (winged humans), pending petition to join CNS! [NB: site of Skye Citadel? formerly controlled by Zeta Magnus, CIS?]
- Rhamalai: agriworld, center of Cherishite religious sect, protected by post-Ruusan Jedi Lord
- Varada V: sector capital, industrial economy controlled by SoroSuub Corporation, site of SoroSuub regional headquarters
Tunka sector
- Absit: homeworld of Yatir race (humanoids), neutral!
- Thakwaa: homworld of Thakwaash race (horse-men with multiple personalities), isolated agriworld
Rayter sector
- Karra: homeworld of Karran hive-mind race (insectivores), inhospitable and unexploited mining planet rich in varmigio (hyperdrive cores)
- Gastrula: homeworld of Gastrulan race (gastropods), atmosphere contains naturally-occurring LSD [NB: bantha biscuits...]
- Narg: commercial center, headquarters of TransGalMeg Industries (starships, notably hyperspace transports ring for Jedi interceptors), neutral!
- Pako Ramoon: high-tech foundry world, controlled by TransGalMeg Industries
Koradin sector
- Abridon: industrial planet, headquarters of Abridon Shipyard (Incom), site of Killik citadel-hive used as seat of government
- Sump: homeworld of Nuknog race, formerly enslaved mining planet, site of pre-Ciaran humanitarian efforts, anti-Senate but neutral
- Virgillia VII: sector capital, main battlefield of Virgillian Civil War (between 'Aristocracy' and 'Free Alignment' factions), site of disastrous Jedi mission
Wazta sector
- Cuthbern: barren moon, heavily industrialized Republic foundry constructing high-quality weapons
- Lotho Minor: homeworld of junker race (cyborg scavengers), junkyard world orbited by 'Wreck Belt' debris field, former location of Darth Maul
- Oko E: volcanic resort world, known for 'wild-water rafting' down streams of molten sulfur
- Ryoone: homeworld of Lyunesi race (gifted linguists) and five other [NB: unnamed] sentient races, inhospitable ash world
- Vassek III: moon owned by Count Dooku, [NB: in canon, site of Grievous's Castle and personal retreat, home of his pet roggwart Gor]
Bri'ahl sector
- Bri'ahl: homeworld of Bri'ahl race and Bri'ahlian mammoth species, lush agriworld, neutral!
- Lanteeb: isolated agriworld, rich in damotite & trenomite (industrial chemicals), [NB: site of Lok Durd's bioweapon lab], controlled by Trade Federation
Stensen sector
- Mastare: childhood home of Rahm Kota (Jedi General, recruited at age 18), sole source of mestare lightsaber crystals (anti-cortosis, curved blade)
- Verkuyl: isolated industrial world with widespread alazhi forests (bacta ingredient!), home of Corlin Quarle Deld, headquarters of Verkuylian BactaCo
Fusai subsector (Outer Zuma)
- Fusai: site of Obroa-Skai branch library (affiliated with Celebratus Archive), [NB: home of 'Mistress Mnemos' (artificial intelligence in a supercomputer)]
Iknomin subsector (Outer Zuma)
Kakani subsector (Outer Zuma)
Sugai subsector (Outer Zuma)
- Firrerre: homeworld of Firrerreo race (gold-skinned regenerating humans), site of Great Falls spaceport
Spar subsector (Inner Zuma)
- Abbaji: forest planet, site of Irugian Rain Forest, sole source of firethorn trees (ludicrously expensive)
Inner Moddell subsector (Inner Zuma)
- Kuna's Eye: orbited by mineral-rich protoplanetary disk, site of Mote (shadowport catering to prospectors and small mining companies)
- Kuna's Tooth: mining world with chemical processing plants, sole source of 'Rokna Blue' (narcotic), site of Doestes High Port
- Maya Kovel: homeworld of Ayrou race (gifted intelligence gathering), colonized and control rest of sector, neutral!
- Qina: moon of gas giant Hanchin, site of Inicus Mont (religious retreat and shrine for Vashan pilgrims)
- Ovise III: Ayrou colony world, industrial economy, headquarters of Tripartite Lines (shipping)
- Ovise V: gas giant rich in tibanna gas, orbited by mining platforms and two populated moons (Midakos and Midakinos) with biodome cities
- Thonner: Ayrou penal colony, homeworld of Cxala race (fishermen, human/Kian'thar cross-breed), archipelago world with aquaculture economy
- Vasha: homeworld of Vashan race (hard-working insectoids), heavily populated mining planet controlled by Ayrou
Outer Moddell subsector (Inner Zuma)
- Ast Kikorie: recently abandoned (!) Republic astrocartographic research outpost, site of Kikorie Station (control center for orbital ring of telescopes)
- Din Pulsar: 5000-year-old supernova, orbited by Din Crystal (planet-sided diamond, hardened core of a former gas giant with atmosphere stripped away)
- Dor: planetoid in Endor system, rich in phobium (power cells), doonium (starship hulls), zersium, neutronium, lommite (durasteel), iron and gold
- Endor: 'forest moon', homeworld of Ewok, Yuzzum, and wistie (fairy) races [NB: dozens more?], rich in sun crystals, site of many starship wrecks
- Linear Miasma: nebula in Endor system, site of Onyx Beacon (space station), headquarters of Endorian Researchers Guild, ravaged by Blacklight Pirates
- Sanyassa IV: homeworld of Sanyassan race (ape warriors), headquarters of Sanyassan Marauders (pirate fleet)
- Zorbia: insular Corellian colony world, headquarters of Zorbian space pirates
Ablajeck subsector (Inner Zuma)
- Xal III: ice planet, headquarters of CryonCorps (scanners), original HQ of Armorers' Confederacy (black market weapon technicians, best in Outer Rim)
Wild Space
Bakura sector
- Bakura: homeworld of Kurtzen race, headquarters of Bakur Mining Corporation and Bakur RepulsorCorp, center of 'Cosmic Balance' religious sect
Shiritoku Spur sector
- Abran: resource-rich asteroid field, site of B'Knos mining colony
- G'rho: Chandrila colony world, homeworld of Ilwizzt race, agriworld rich in juvica, site of Boku Settlement (crimson ore mining colony)
Pacanth Reach sector
- Bunduki: Epicanthix colony world, center of 'Followers of Palawa' Force sect (anti-Jedi, study midichlorians, developed Teräs Käsi martial art)
- Panatha: homeworld of Epicanthix race (humans with genetic immunity to Force mind tricks & telepathy), sector capital with mining economy
Trilon sector
- Rattatak: homeworld of Siniteen race (craniopods, best navigators); childhood home of Asajj Ventress (Sith Exile), Osika Kirske (warlord, killed 21 BBY), and Bec Lawise (Speaker of the Separatist Senate); home of Ky Narac (Jedi Knight, killed 23 BBY); site of The Cauldron (gladiatorial arena) and Castle Ventress (citadel & seat of government)
"There are a surprising number of noteworthy items in the far southwest of the Outer Rim. In Varada sector, I've highlighted the moon of Dyspeth, home to a light-side Force sect that specializes in light-bending techniques, much like the Fallanassi sect closer to home but even more versatile."
"Huh. Add 'em to the list, then."
"Yes, Mistress."
"Skipping past the many planets in this region that lately joined the CNS, I've next highlighted the junkyard planet of Lotho Minor, where Ms. Ventress says she found the Sith apprentice Maul."
"Over in the Stensen sector, I put a note by Mastare, the childhood home of the Jedi Rahm Kota. I don't believe the Jedi have made it common knowledge, but General Kota was actually recruited at the age of eighteen."
"How's that?"
"I'm unsure, but I believe it relates to the local civil war concluded shortly beforehand."
"More importantly for our purposes, Mastare is also notable as the only known source of a peculiar type of lightsaber crystal, that can naturally penetrate cortosis ore."
"Really?" Ciaran sounded in disbelief.
"Indeed. Apparently there was a local Force tradition that developed around those crystal caves -- possibly based on the Jedi Lords -- but the group has long since vanished."
"I wonder if there's any artifacts or lightsabers left over -- that sounds useful."
"I'll add it to the list. Further out, we reach the systems of Inner and Outer Zuma, occupying space above and below the galactic plane. In Outer Zuma, I've highlighted the homeworld of the Firrerreo species, gold-skinned humanoids that can naturally regenerate from anything less than a lethal wound."
"Oh, I think I know a number of researchers would who love to get their hands on a genetic sample."
"I thought you might say that. As for Inner Zuma, I've highlighted Maya Kovel, home to yet another specialist species. Unlike the Bothans, the Ayrou are descended from birds, rather than horses, and their voices are widely regarded as decidedly unpleasant. Like the Bothans, however, the Ayrou are naturally gifted in intelligence gathering, control most of their neighbors, and recently joined the Council of Neutral Systems."
"Add 'em to the list."
"Certainly. You'll note that I also highlighted the forest moon of Endor, which has far too many peculiarities and wild rumors to count. Apparently there's a nearby 'phantom black hole', that every so often spits out a starship from halfway across the galaxy."
"Really? A phantom black hole -- that's what you're going with?"
"...Perhaps it's nonsense," PR-1 defended himself, "but at least it explains why Endor is... itself. How else to rationalize the sheer number of random starship wrecks from all eras of galactic history? How else to explain why there are apparently so many lost tribes and individuals, of species and races taken from so many sites in the rest of the galaxy."
"Phantom black hole." Ciaran just shook her head in disbelief. "Right, sure. What's next?"
"Everything after Zuma is technically classified as 'Wild Space,' though it has assigned sectors like the rest of the Outer Rim. The most notable of these is the Pacanth Reach, home to the Epicanthix, humans with a genetic immunity to Jedi mind-tricks and telepathy. Pacanth is also home to the Followers of Palawa, a Force sect that predates the Jedi and emphasizes the study of the Force and midichlorians. The sect's original homeworld in the Core was destroyed by the Jedi Council in the First Great Schism twenty-four thousand years ago, so the Followers are pretty decidedly anti-Jedi, despite their gray alignment. To ensure that no one else would share their homeworld's fate, the Followers of Palawa also developed a martial art specifically for fighting Force users, which they called Teräs Käsi."
"Well that sounds useful. See if we can't send one of the Council to learn some of the tricks -- especially if we decide to use ysalamiri for the fight with Palpatine."
"I'll add it to the list."
"Was there anything else?"
"Only Rattatak, home to the Siniteen species of--"
Ooo-Eee. The comm on Ciaran's desk suddenly whistled at her.
Ciaran looked at PR-1 quizzically. "...Was I expecting a comm call?"
"No, Mistress, I made sure to block off at least four hours."
"...I should probably take this, then."
"Very well, Mistress." PR-1 said resignedly, "We were nearly done anyway." He gathered his notes to leave, but turned just as he reached the outer door. "One last thing, I don't want to forget to mention --"
"Hello?" But Ciaran had already activated the call.
"Ah, Lady Ciaran -- thank you for taking my comm."
"Raith? What leads you to call? Don't get me wrong, it's good to see and hear from you, but--"
"...I'll show myself out, then." PR-1 concluded softly.
Raith Sienar chuckled. "I understand completely -- usually our calls are pre-arranged between our respective staffs. That's what I was calling about, actually. Ordinarily, right now I would be pre-arranged a call to you for later today, to tell you that the Invisible Hand refits have been completed and that it's ready to be picked up any time."
"But that's no longer true." Raith was having trouble concealing his amusement.
"All right, you have my attention. What's this about?"
"Your Kaleesh friend..."
"Yes, him. He was apparently keeping an eye on things over here, because he commandeered the ship the moment we were done with it, as soon as we finished the last modifications to the hanger bay. Didn't even give the paint time to dry."
"Weren't you repairing it in an orbital drydock?"
"Okay, fine, the paint was already freeze-dried, but it's the principle of the thing. And he certainly didn't allow time for a test flight, though it sounds like he already has one planned."
"Wait, you mean...?"
"From what I understand, he was saying something about fighting exogorths in Omonoth...? I didn't really follow, but apparently he has a mission in mind to kick the ion drives." Raith Sienar smirked. "Just thought you'd appreciate a heads-up."
Ciaran blinked. "I see. Thank you, for the heads-up. It had slipped my mind, but yes, I was expecting something like this." It was occasions like this that she was grateful to have a well-practiced sabbacc face. "Oh, and thanks again for the refits."
Raith nodded, "You can thank me with credits. And more jobs -- between the Invisible Hand and those courier ships, you're fast becoming my favorite customer."
"I'll take you up on that. I have a few other ideas and projects that should capture your fancy."
"Glad to hear it."
"Thanks for the call."
"Anytime." With an Eee-Ooo, the holocomm deactivated.
Ciaran slumped to the desk. "Of course he did. Not even time for a test flight, and now he's pitting my new ship against a horde of deranged mutant exogorths who ate the command deck of the last capital ship they came across. No need to worry."
A few seconds passed, before a soft chuckle began to fill the silence. "I guess Kaori Batta will have to fight to keep his top spot after this. Bagging an exogorth is a pretty decent way to put his name into contention."
More chuckles. "Qymaen jai Sheelal, Grievous. Big game hunter."
Oddly enough, I don't feel the need for a final author's note, I pretty much covered everything above. Well, except for the unbreakable multi-dimensional encryption thing, or the fluffy telepathic bunnies, or the dozen other specialist species I didn't have room for.
Also, I want to remind everyone to pay careful attention to the parts marked "NB:" (short for Latin nota bene, "note well"). There are a bunch of items that PR-1 would not learn about in-universe -- things like, who ordered the destruction of the Oracle at Pelgrin (Palpatine), or what's going on in the Kathol Rift (ALL THE THINGS).
Seriously, check out the survey of the Kathol Rift -- did anyone notice that the original homeworld of the Celestials makes an appearance? Also an Force order of teleporting monks. And speaking of teleportation, don't forget to check out the notes for Belsavis Prison as well.
Don't the Baran-Do also have knowledge of the Fold Space power? In fact, they use it, combined with special amplification devices in their ships, instead of a hyperdrive - I think.
Don't the Baran-Do also have knowledge of the Fold Space power? In fact, they use it, combined with special amplification devices in their ships, instead of a hyperdrive - I think.
Pretty sure that's only the Aing-tii's thing. It's also mentioned that they teleport their ships around in space.
The Baran Do Sages are usually described as more focused on meditation and nature-based techniques, including weather forecasting (lame) and electricity manipulation (...awesome). Teleportation doesn't really fit the rest of their M.O.
Sorry, mixed them up. Been some time since I read Luke and Ben's trips to their world during the Fate of the Jedi.
I had much fun with Fold Space and Fold Light in Saga, and that other power that lets you walk through objects. Invisible, teleporting, ghost at lvl 8 and if someone annoyed me, there was always Force Lightning. Too bad it didn't scale like other powers did.
I don't think Anakin has the power, or at least the experience and training, to stop them outside Mortis. He couldn't beat Obi Wan so it doesn't make sense him being able to beat Celestials. I think Mortis temporarily boosted him to where he'd be if his full potential were realized, same as it boosted the Father despite his decline - the Father couldn't stop them either outside the monolith.
Sorry, mixed them up. Been some time since I read Luke and Ben's trips to their world during the Fate of the Jedi.
I had much fun with Fold Space and Fold Light in Saga, and that other power that lets you walk through objects. Invisible, teleporting, ghost at lvl 8 and if someone annoyed me, there was always Force Lightning. Too bad it didn't scale like other powers did.
Debatable. At least from a human point of view - maybe their being nigh immortal has desensitized them to the destruction they cause.
I don't think Anakin has the power, or at least the experience and training, to stop them outside Mortis. He couldn't beat Obi Wan so it doesn't make sense him being able to beat Celestials. I think Mortis temporarily boosted him to where he'd be if his full potential were realized, same as it boosted the Father despite his decline - the Father couldn't stop them either outside the monolith.
Well then Anakin could take a sip from either the Font or the Pool, accept the source of power that makes the Son and Daughter so powerful.
We know multiple people can have the same source, as the Mother took both of them and the only downside was in taken both.
Note to Add to our eventual Palatine showdown plan: Holo-recorders, Holo-Recorders everywhere! what ever attack we launch against Palatine , we need to record the @!#! out of it, as insurance should we fail or only partialy succeed. we can prevent Palatine from exclusively presenting his version events unopposed.
Unfortunately, Star Wars has sufficiently advanced information tech that manufactured videos are indistinguishable from real ones. We need to make sure it is transmitted live.
Speaking of presenting our version of events, wouldn't any fight of ours with Palpatine label us as criminals in the Republic? Non-Jedi Force users are outlawed, no?
Unfortunately, Star Wars has sufficiently advanced information tech that manufactured videos are indistinguishable from real ones. We need to make sure it is transmitted live.
Speaking of presenting our version of events, wouldn't any fight of ours with Palpatine label us as criminals in the Republic? Non-Jedi Force users are outlawed, no?