Base Purchases
[] Sullust: headquarters of SoroSuub, homeworld of gifted navigators to recruit, member of Commerce Guild
[] Ord Mantell: major Mid Rim financial center, neighbor of Gurlanin agents to recruit, former Black Sun system
[] Cato Neimoidia: headquarters of Trade Federation, site of our Baktoid factory (need base to gain vehicles for our own use)
[] Arkania: headquarters of Adascorp, homeworld of gifted 'mad scientists'/geneticists, site of Jedi & Sith archaeological sites, dragons and diamonds!
[] Corellia: headquarters of Corellian Engineering, homeworld of gifted pilots to recruit, center of Corellian Jedi sect
[] Bothawui: headquarters of Bothan Spynet, homeworld of gifted spies to recruit, have planet join CNS
Sienar custom vessels <-- is this going to be a free action or a 'base upgrade'?
- Hospital Ships for Karada Corporation
- Scavenger Ships for Oracle/Invisible Hand fleet
- Space City -- repair? retrofit museum with hyperdrive in order to move it to orbit over Taris instead?!
Dantooine ---> Can we treat this as a base?!
[] Agriworld investments: have Ithorian allies improve agricultural production in planet
[] Salvage teams: explore the Jedi Enclave ruins, with its legendary and unexplored sublevels (!)
- specifically: one sublevel includes an ancient cloning lab with research notes, that was (or will be) discovered by Zeta Mangus (CIS mad scientists)
- also contains "Codex of Tython" super-holocron with Old Republic tech!
[] Expand Luxus Resort as neutral conference center (Muun bankers meeting off-world clients)
[] Silver Cross PR campaign (reduce upkeep for humanitarian organization)
[] Expand droid factory with marketing office (sell excess droid production...)
[] Expand Karada production facilities for pharmaceuticals
[] Expand Karada production facilities for cybernetics
[] Expand Karada production facilities for medical gear
[] Expand Karada research-complex to collaborate with other medcenters around the galaxy
[] Expand Karada research-complex to train doctors and medics for war zones (have other organizations pay for their employees to receive our training?)
Nar Shaddaa
[] Blacksite (for training & troop recruitment)
[] Incorporate chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild (extra income for capturing criminals, extra training, contact with other chapters/houses?)
-identify a specific purpose (law & order? anti-slavery? general?) & decide on our chapter's name...
[] Expanded Smugglers' Den (invest in the black market, buy & sell more goods away from the government's eyes).
[] Cantina franchise: build a string of lower-city and undercity cantinas, modeled on our nightclub/casino, to appealed to the poorer citizens of Nar Shadddaa.
[] Invest in Kyrimorut (expand housing, medical clinic)
[] Establish local branch of Karada Corporation as hospital/research complex for medical income (also easier to smuggle medical supplies to Kyrimorut)
[] Battleroom: use archives of body camera footage and a full suite of holoprojectors for a massive training facility -- in dry-fire ground combat simulations, 3D space-battle simulations for the CNS navy, and comprehensive after-action reports for our operations. Invite Thawn to develop a few combat scenarios.... (recover +5 Martial default bonus from beginning of quest)
[] Expand Incom facilities to orbital shipyards (not just surface factories)
[] Aquaculture Investment: bigger kelp farms, healthier ecosystem
[] Ecological Renewal: hire the Ithorians to make Taris healthier to live in generally
[] Sustained Revitalization: funnel money into Taris to sustain the economic growth. This would be a flat upkeep with no corresponding income, but would justify maintaining the current +100% income bonus given how many new base upgrades we're looking at...)
[] Taris Shipyards: under our own control, less cost for upgrading/retrofitting/repairing ships we recover (Invisible Hand, Chu'unthor, etc.)?
[] Karada Shipyards: specialize in producing hospital ships for Karada, less cost for retrofitting Arkanian Legacy once we recover it?
[] Recruitment Center: increase recruitment for Abyss Watchers guardians/seekers/Force Users
[] Trade Port: similar to Castell facility
[] Large-scale Wiretaps
[] Machineville Racing Course: build a swoop-bike venue in the original birthplace of the swoop bike!
[] Galactic Swoop Racing Circuit: re-found racing circuit from days of the Old Republic, as symbol of Taris's revitalization (other benefits/upgrades later)
[] Lhosan Industries: reincorporate the original Tarisian mining/manufacturing company as an Abyss Watcher business, starting with its old swoop-bike manufacturing facilities in the Lower City...
[] Taris Sporting Complex: stadiums and arenas for entertainment income, pitch Taris as host planet for next year's Galactic Games
[] Sports Development Program: fund youth sports league, 'farm teams'/minor leagues for various sports, sponsor a Taris sports franchise
[] Invent the sport of Space Curling! (asteroids and tractor beams...)
[] Invest in SoroSuub Landing -- invite Sullstan immigration and SoroSuub expansion to Taris (separate as 2 upgrades?)
[] Kuat Drive Yards expansion (invite Kuat to build shipyards in Taris)
[] Wookie Trade Guild expansion (invite Wookie businesses to Taris)
[] Convert mansion into Luxus Resort (OR private retreat for Padme and friends?)
[] Expand Tradeports
[] Invest in Plasma Refinery Complex (attached to Theed Palace, former Damask Holdings asset...)
[] Reclaim Borvo's Porso Hill island base (originally a N-1 starfighter assembly site, then supply center for Nal Raka operations)
[] Reclaim Borvo's vault-complex in Moenia (back-up/bolt-hole).
- also access to Moenia community (elites/artists/intelligentsia, etc.)
[] Invest in Borvo's Black Market (OR buy him out completely? Borvo has bigger things to focus on than Naboo...)
- this could include his holdings in multiple cities, or even off-planet in Rori
- Borvo owns a tradeport on Rori, used for legitimate spice trading (and smuggling via a private hyperlane...)
[] Invest in Naboo Moon Mining Guild (legitimate spice miners/dealers on moon Rori, in competition with Kobola slavers...)
[] Invest in House Benelex expansion (kidnapping retrieval, anti-slavery operations)
[] Ithorian Botanical Garden & Nursery (cultivate native plants, especially those trees, for off-world export...)
[] Engineering Recruiting Center (hire Wookie engineers) -- OR, incorporate a Wookie-run construction company on the planet?
[] Invest in KashyCorp & Wookie businesses: income, chance of upgraded weaponry for our Wookie warriors?
[] Tarisian Ale processing plant (Tarisian ale made from glands of 'tach', native to Kashyyyk. Makes more sense to produce it locally...)
[] Anomalous Materials Research Laboratory: high cost, high upgrade, +1 Learning action for 'Material Analysis' research?
[] Exotic Materials research team: accelerate 'Material Analysis' research (or +5 learning bonus for material analysis actions?)
[] Military Production plants: sell military gear, increase 'military' income?
[] Shipyards: produce starships for Abyss Watchers, including hospital ships for Karada Corporation?
[] Orbital Drydocks: starship production, less expensive to reapir/retrofit ships we recover
[] Sienar/Incom/Kuat retrofit of the Invisible Hand to let it act independently as flagship of anti-slavery/piracy strike force (+1 Martial Action)
-might include stealth systems, battle-droid-operated guns, improved comm center, starfighter squadrons
-or... just enough retrofit to make it able to act independently, but with reduced odds of success, with other future upgrades to ensure success?
[] Salvager Fleet: upgrade Oracle support fleet to include scavenger ships, trawl space battlegrounds to recover loot/tech/ships (contact Squib specialists?)
Hi, I'm the one that came up with the racing circuit idea. Publicola didn't include include the link to my full briefing of the action, so here it is. To put it short, it will most definitely be an action in and of itself.I might have the second group be more of a "tech-tree" kind of thing (e.g. racing course before racing circuit...which might be an action in and of itself. We'll see).
Hi, I'm the one that came up with the racing circuit idea. Publicola didn't include include the link to my full briefing of the action, so here it is. To put it short, it will most definitely be an action in and of itself.
sweetI'm doing the territory map -- @Dr. Snark hasn't threadmarked it yet, but here's the most recent map and Index.
Isotope-5 is crazy valuable. As in, people fought wars over the stuff. To be fair, that was back in the Old Republic days, but still -- if the Old Republic (with their advanced tech) thought Isotope 5 was that valuable, wouldn't it be even more so in 'present day'? Anyway, possibilities of investment, especially if we plan on designing/creating our own droid army. (Or Makeb might just join the CNS, given how much its economy relies on trade.)Aida sector
- Makeb: sole source of isotope-5 (insanely valuable), headquarters of Avesta Mining Corporation, mining & commercial center, site of Keylander Station
This is a pretty awesome archaeology site. I'm not sure if it's a hollowed-out mountain or an extinct volcano, but the Great Jedi Conclave site was extremely cool, and should have plenty of Force artifacts still lying around.Maerdocian sector
- Deneba: site of Mount Meru (hollowed-out mountain, Jedi Shrine), site of Great Jedi Conclave and resulting massacre in Great Sith War of 4000 BBY
O hai super-ship. I'm not sure when it was decommissioned (launched in 100 BBY, saw plenty of service, but is not a good ship for military, so it may have already been refurbished as a museum-ship), so it's up to @Dr. Snark whether he wants to give Thrawn something shiny to steal (or at least, to visit...)Churba sector
- Churba: high-tech industrial planet, headquarters of Sencil Corporation (assassin droid parts) [NB: site of Dreadnaught-class museum-ship New Hope?]
So this is odd. Daimar is a rival of Rodia... so its Senator hates Rodia's senator. Onaconda Farr is anti-Palpatine... so Alet Komain is pro-Palpatine. Onaconda Farr is a militarist... so Alet Komain is a pacifist? Rodia just joined the CNS... Daimar has no idea what to do with itself. Given how quickly Alet Komain became anti-Palpatine after the Declaration of a New Order, I don't imagine he'll be hard to persuade to join us. Just as long as we keep Onaconda Farr out of the picture while we conduct negotiations.Daimar sector
- Daimar: lush trade hub on Corellian Run, major economic & military rival of Rodia, home of Alet Komain (Senator, dislikes Onaconda Farr)
Lambda sector is nuts. Here's the HQ of one of the Separatist Council's member-corporations, in charge of the Shadowfeed and maintaining all CIS comm equipment. Fun times.Lambda sector
- Ando: homeworld of Aqualish race and mineral-fish species (sedrellium), headquarters of Hyper-Communication Cartel (CIS Council), home of Po Nudo
For whatever reason, Palpatine was really eager to shut down this school once he seized "unlimited power." Not sure why, but it might be worth checking out....Lambda sector
- Argus: site of Celestial School of Spaceflight Engineering [NB: forced to close by Emperor Palpatine for unknown reason], home of Professor Maggis
O hai Clawdites. This is one planet we might want to visit for recruitment...Lambda sector
- Zolan: homeworld of Clawdite race (changeling), childhood home of Zam Wesell (bounty hunter) and Oki (thief), center of Mabari sect (warrior-knights)
This is the current center of the 'Order of Dai Bendu'...Lambda sector
- Ando Prime: homeworld of Talid race, rich in vonium, headquarters of Elesa Mining Union, center of 'Order of Dai Bendu' Force sect [NB: pre-date Jedi]
...Along with its origin world. A few points: the Order of Dai Bendu pre-dates the Jedi (it was one of the Force groups picked up by Tho Yor and brought to Tython in those pyramid ships). Dai Bendu is very definitely gray-aligned, which makes me way more curious about the creature that called itself 'the Bendu' in the Rebels TV show (I suspect that wasn't a proper name, but an identification of the creature's faction...!) Third, Dai Bendu monks are definitely our kind of people -- they study the Force, but they also like money, so a big part of what they do is organize trade fairs and markets on their homeworld... Anyway, should be worth a visit once we learn about them.Lambda sector
- Thape: [NB: original center of 'Order of Dai Bendu' Force sect (grey-aligned, non-confrontational, merchant-monks, fifth day of week named 'Benduday')]
Besides all the canon stuff (Palpatine, Amidala, not to mention their respective childhood home!) you also get a bunch of Borvo-related stuff, plus the Plasma Refinery and Royal Palace, plus an unaffiliated black market starport, plus refugee settlements we probably helped set up... Yeah. This is the first and only planet to require three lines of text.Chommell sector
- Naboo: homeworld of Gungan race, childhood home of Sheev Palpatine and Padme Amidala, headquarters of Theed Hangers (starships), Free Trader Association (smuggling), and Plasma Energy Engineering, site of Plasma Refinery Complex (Damask Holdings), Theed Royal Palace, Varykino (Naberrie estate), Kwilaan Starport (black market), Borvo's base & Moenia vault, [NB: Nuvo Vindi's lab], major Refugee Relief settlements, and Abyss Watcher base
Two things: this is a cluster of black holes -- eerily similar to The Maw (which was Celestial made). Second, the spacetime effects of so many black holes in proximity is to generate a stasis/suspended animation field that traps and periodically released ships that venture too close. There's one ship that's trapped there and will stay for a while, but once it escapes it will bring with it a Jedi 'Force ghost'. Not sure if it's useful, but darn if it ain't interesting.Tyus sector
- Tyus Cluster: Maw-like black holes, [NB: home of Aryzah (Jedi ghost)], site of Ashanda Ray 'wreck' [ship & owner in suspended animation for 50 years]
Mace Windu's homeworld. It turns out he belongs to an entire race of Force-sensitive people, of whom he was the most gifted. So there's that.Dustig sector
- Haruun Kal: homeworld of Korunnai race (Force sensitive), childhood home of Mace Windu and Kar Vastor, jungle plateau with single city, CIS member
No idea how it happened, but there's a moon with a kolto-infused atmosphere -- walking around on the planet is the equivalent of taking a bacta-bath. Why this isn't a 'medical resort' world yet, I have no idea. The fact that it's even possible should give us some ideas, though...Dustig sector
- Loposi III: moon contains 'artificial atmosphere' supersaturated with kolto (medicinal proto-bacta from Manaan)
Nebula Front is interesting. They're an anti-corporate terrorist/paramilitary group, who opposed the increasing power of the Separatist mega-corporations in the decades before the Clone Wars. At one point they 'tried' to assassinate the previous Supreme Chancellor, succeeding in their actual mission of assassinating the Trade Federation Directory. Unfortunately, this played right into Palpatine's hands, by elevating Nute Gunray and the current slate of Neimoidian leaders. So... well-intentioned, but a Sith puppet nonetheless. Interesting. This may be another one of Palpatine's 'allies' that we'll need to deal with and/or convert for our own use.Senex sector
- Asmeru: headquarters of Nebula Front (anti-corporate terrorists), site of Asmeru Anomaly (gravitic sink) and ancient ruins
O hai blatantly evil Nazi expy.Senex sector
- Karfeddion: throneworld of House Vandron (strongest noble house), home of Crueya Vandron (Palpatine's Inner Circle), site of main Senex slave market
Terr Taneel is described as 'cosmopolitan' and a good friend of the anti-Palpatine Senator Chi Eekway Papanoida (who we met this turn). OTOH, she represents Senex, which means she's responsible for opposing the 'Rights of Sentients' constitutional provision that bans slavery. Maybe. The wiki doesn't say....Senex sector
- Neelanon: throneworld of House Taneel, childhood home of Terr Taneel (non-isolationist Senator, friend of Chi Eekway Papanoida, possibly pro-slavery)
I would love to see Tyro Torwin compete in the quinennial Kellermin Competition and show up every other marksman in the galaxy. Something about using the Force to correct your aim... it's hardly sporting, but Torwin was a pirate.Juvex sector
- Resti Kel: throneworld of House Kellermin (industrialists), site of Kellermin Competition (marksmanship contest, held every five years), foundry world
Another anti-Palpatine senator, another one the Sith Lord definitely has it in for.D'Aelgoth sector
- Feenix: sector capital, home of Tanner Cadaman (anti-Palpatine Senator) [NB: arrested immediately after Declaration of New Order]
Really really weird. So yeah, they look like teddy bears, but that's just scratching the surface. Bilars are classified as 'semi-sentient', though each one individually isn't even smart enough to qualify as that. The trick is the 'group mind', which forms when they are born. Groups of two have about the intelligence of a trained pet. Each additional Bilar in the group mind amplifies the overall sentience, to the point where they become genius-level intellects capable of outthinking Thrawn. So... yeah. That's a thing.D'Aelgoth sector
- Mima II: homeworld of Bilars race (hivemind teddy bears -- groups of two are roughly 'trained pet' level, groups of seven are genius-level), agriworld
O hai Married Jedi #132.Almak sector
- Jiaan: childhood home of Tyneir Renz (Jedi archaeologist) [NB: married with two children; in canon, Tyneir survived Jedi Purge]
Pacifist religion, CIS member world with Silver Cross refugee settlements, would prefer to be neutral... easy pick-up.Haserian sector
- Monastery: homeworld of sabercat species, center of 'Order of the Sacred Circle' faith (nonviolent), site of CIS refugee settlements, neutral!
Mentioned Makeb above -- they're a commercial center near the front lines of war, and would definitely be interested in joining the CNS. Plus they're the sole source of that insanely valuable 'isotope' thing....Aida sector
- Makeb: sole source of isotope-5 (insanely valuable), headquarters of Avesta Mining Corporation, mining & commercial center, site of Keylander Station
Space station used as neutral ground for diplomatic talks? Seems like the sort of thing that would fit with the CNS.Corweilllian sector
- Kabray: volcanic forest world orbited by Kabray Station, neutral high-security meeting ground for diplomats
An already-declared neutral planet, that's also represented by an anti-Palpatine Senator? Another easy pick-up.Herdessa sector
- Herdessa: sector capital, home of Shea Sadashassa (anti-Palpatine Senator), headquarters of Herdessan Guild, neutral!
An already-declared neutral planet, that's the site of a massive medical space station that treats injured clones, and was (or will soon be) targeted by CIS attack? Yes please, that would be awesome. Especially since the medical station is apparently mobile, so we could theoretically move it around to where it would do the most good....Ryndellian sector
- Kallida Nebula: site of Kalidda Shoals Medical Center (massive original Haven-class medical space station), administered by Nala Se (Kaminoan doctor)
- Ryndellia: sector capital near Kaliida Nebula, neutral!
Another CIS member world with a bunch of (Silver Cross-funded) refugee settlements. Should be an easy-ish sell.Hevvrol sector
- Kalarba: undeveloped resort world, site of Three Peaks of Tharen and major Refugee Relief Movement settlements, CIS member-world
A mobile shadowport that operates on the black market and isn't willing to commit to either the Republic or Separatists? Sounds exactly like us.Ado sector
- StarForge Station: massive mobile shadowport in StarForge Nebula, site of Starwind Chandlery (supplies) and StarForge Shipyard (repairs), neutral!
Ogem doesn't like to discuss politics; they just like making money. Funny thing, so do we.D'Aelgoth sector
- Ogem: homeworld of Ogemite race (traders & smugglers), major trade hub, non-political & neutral!
The wiki has absolutely nothing on this group, only a note saying that a Jedi (who survived the Purge) briefly considered going to the Corbett Cluster to join the Solar Guard. Obviously they're isolationist, and I interpolated to say that they're neutral, but that's up to @Dr. Snark.Corbett sector
- Corbett Cluster: center of 'Solar Guard' Force sect (isolationist, defensive-oriented, neutral!)
The description doesn't mention that they also have major refugee settlements. Anyway, super-smart population on a planet that already professes its neutrality -- we should get their petition soon....Semagi sector
- Cerea: homeworld of Cerean race (binary brain), childhood home of Ki-Adi-Mundi (Jedi), sole source of guilea (spice), tech-free agriworld, neutral!
O hai Maz. Sorry you haven't met your 'boyfriend' yet, but Chewie is a bit busy being awesome. Anyway, it's not just her castle; the entire planet is 'neutral' in the Republic's affairs, so we should be able to persuade the planet's government to join the CNS....Tashtor sector
- Takodana: home of Maz Kanata (Force-sensitive 'pirate queen'), site of Nymeve Castle (ancient fortress, smugglers' den), neutral!
They're supposedly descended from a ship full of Jedi that crashed there during the Great Shadow Crusade.Mace Windu's homeworld. It turns out he belongs to an entire race of Force-sensitive people, of whom he was the most gifted. So there's that.
Speaking of Jedi Master homeworlds, good old George jokingly named Obi-wan's homeworld after renowned comedian Jon Stewart while on his show. Obi-wan is canonically from the planet Stewjon. Just though you might like to know.
*raises eyebrow in curiosity*
I love this. Everything about this omake, including the name-drop of the rainbow-colored race from planet Rainboh... yeah, all of it was perfect.
And link:
Yeah. So, turns out the EU has a planet in the Outer Rim known for a particular incident. An off-world trader from Sullust, bringing in a shipment of a popular breakfast snack, discovered that exposing the biscuits to the planet's atmosphere caused them to mutate into an giant omnivorous amoeba-monsters that seek to consume all living things.
Naturally, this ravenous biscuit-monster could only be defeated by... squirting it with blue bantha sauce, a popular condiment.
Yeah, this is definitely a 'burn it with fire' Wookiepedia entry. This is one that won't be showing up on my next galaxy survey.
- Gastrula: homeworld of Gastrulan race (gastropods), [non-canon: atmosphere causes snackfood (Bantha Breakfast Biscuits) to mutate into monster...]
What @Publicola said. I've had "The Ongoing Diplomatic Adventures of Obi-wan Kenobi" half written for like a week now. I've written like three other omakes for various quests while trying to hash it out.
You inspired this one btw. I've been trying think of what Silas and Oki could steal together, and it just sort of clicked when you wrote Silas complaining about how terrible the ship rides were. I figured Thrawn wouldn't need to deal with it since he had just stolen his own.I love this. Everything about this omake, including the name-drop of the rainbow-colored race from planet Rainboh... yeah, all of it was perfect.
Are you referring to this ship? Because it turns out that Lando Calrissian managed to steal the thing in canon, and now I'm cracking up that our suave smuggling ladies-man managed to beat canon's version to it.Oki peeked out from behind the wall, and found herself looking at a Personal Luxury Yacht 3000, guarded by two Red Guards.
I had this one in mind, since it mentions that Palpatine had one, and I wasn't really willing to put a ton of effort into research. Though interestingly enough Lando had one of these too.Are you referring to this ship? Because it turns out that Lando Calrissian managed to steal the thing in canon, and now I'm cracking up that our suave smuggling ladies-man managed to beat canon's version to it.
I am starting to think that a large part of the Abyss Watcher's success comes from our understanding and subsequent use and abuse of the Refuge in Audacity trope.
And then it turns out they didn't need to steal anything, because Ciaran had already Naboo'd the planet.I am starting to think that a large part of the Abyss Watcher's success comes from our understanding and subsequent use and abuse of the Refuge in Audacity trope.
A good thief will get all the money from a vault, a great thief will take everything of value from a vault, an Abyss Watcher will skip all that nonsense and take the entire vault, as well as a chunk of the surrounding wall just to be sure
I am starting to think that a large part of the Abyss Watcher's success comes from our understanding and subsequent use and abuse of the Refuge in Audacity trope.
A good thief will get all the money from a vault, a great thief will take everything of value from a vault, an Abyss Watcher will skip all that nonsense and take the entire vault, as well as a chunk of the surrounding wall just to be sure
Carmen. Sandiego.
Unless it's one of those things where tech has regressed enough that we don't even have things that needed it, and it's just a useless if rare thing.if the Old Republic (with their advanced tech) thought Isotope 5 was that valuable, wouldn't it be even more so in 'present day'?
Looking over the link, it seems like it might be old enough that that is it's proper name, and the faction named themselves after a giant moose man with superpowers.I suspect that wasn't a proper name, but an identification of the creature's faction...!
We should get some of their ocean monsters for our obligatory villain aquarium.Besides all the canon stuff (Palpatine, Amidala, not to mention their respective childhood home!) you also get a bunch of Borvo-related stuff, plus the Plasma Refinery and Royal Palace, plus an unaffiliated black market starport, plus refugee settlements we probably helped set up... Yeah. This is the first and only planet to require three lines of text.
Especially since the medical station is apparently mobile, so we could theoretically move it around to where it would do the most good....
Carmen. Sandiego.
Get it right when you speak of the Great One.