TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands.
To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.
I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.
I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.
I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all.
With the renewal of Luke Cage, I thought it would be a good idea to at least present what I think would be Season 2 of the series. In the first one, I removed Willis Stryker and made it all about Cottonmouth as the main antagonist. Also, I made sure he was arrested rather than killed, and modified Luke Cage's past somewhat so that he was always a Harlemite, as well as him being involved from the beginning in protecting Harlem rather than just skulking in the shadows and trying not to get involved.
This season is the one where Willis Stryker takes over as the main villain, as Mariah Dillard tries once more to take control over Harlem, but in the end is betrayed by Willis. Consider it an almost original season, since I'm hoping to use Bushmaster and OTL Season 2 of Luke Cage as its own thing because, as I've mentioned many times before, I Fucking Love Bushmaster as a Villain.
Thus, I give you:
TV Pitch: Luke Cage - Season Two GENRE: Action/Crime/Drama
SUBGENRE: Superhero Fiction/Adventure
FORMAT: TV Show (2nd Season)
Set Up: Based on the Marvel Comics character created by Archie Goodwin, George Tuska, Roy Thomas, and John Romita Sr. The series follows Luke Cage, formerly Carl Lucas, an Ex-Con who gained superpowers through experiments realized when in prison. After the vents of the previous season, Luke has been finally freed, only to find Mariah entrenched with her new organization in place, and with no job prospects as well. Luke Cage founds a new business "Hero for Hire" in order to aid the community in any small problem they may have, dealing with the crime lords the police can't touch, that is until a new weapons dealer enters Harlem, and his new weapons may be more than even he can deal with.
Showrunner: Aaron Spelling Composer: Tom Scott
Season Length: 10 Episodes. Episode Length: 55 Minutes.
Luke Cage has been freed from jail thanks to both the excellent services of Matt Murdock, as well as the flimsiness of the evidence of the previous charges. In fact, that is one of the main points as Luke Cage had always thought that he'd been set up by both Shades and Comanche, but the investigation showed that they had at most just stumbled upon the fabricated evidence; which meant someone else had framed him. Thus, Luke Cage now has another goal aside from restoring his life and finding a living; discover who was the one who set him up.
Mariah has meanwhile strengthened her hold on Harlem, with both Shades and Comanche becoming her link to the criminal element as she continues with her new bid for re-election, getting in contact and reuniting with her estranged daughter, Tilda Johnson, in order to garner sympathy. Once Luke Cage returns to Harlem, she makes sure to besmirch his reputation as much as she can, making it difficult to get a job. He once more reunites with Misty Knight, who suggests that he could aid the police and do a lot of good working with them. Cage however does not fully trust them yet, choosing to form a "Bounty Hunting" agency, which is soon inundated with requests for regular jobs, but also petitions from the community to aid against criminals. Soon, his actions have put a dent in the criminal element, enough that they start complaining to Dillard about it.
While this is going on, we are shown a mysterious new player in the game who starts insinuating himself; first he recruits Zip, a former worker under Cottonmouth, who can give him information of the area and the current crime lords. He then moves to kill Domingo Colon and taking over his operation, before finally meeting Dillard as she's being given the news and offering an alliance in order to finally get rid of Luke Cage once and for all. Mariah accepts (figuring she will get rid of him later on), and the man introduces himself as Willis Stryker.
Stryker, once imbedded into her forces, begins making plans along with Zip, suborning Shades into his service, and from there slowly and unobtrusively making secret deals with the other criminals who were under Dillard's umbrella. With Mariah preoccupied with Re-Election, and dealing with her daughter (whom she still rejects and fights) she does not notice what's going on, though she has her own suspicions.
Mariah's campaign against Luke Cage continues apace, with the latter meanwhile still investigating as to who was the one who set him up before. Mariah begins making plans to have Cage implicated on a public attack, which he order Stryker to perform. Willis wants to kill Cage rather than just frame him, his mental state clearly deteriorating as time passes, making him more erratic and obsessed. During one of Luke Cage's regular patrols he manages to help Claire Temple, a nurse from Hell's Kitchen, who then decides to aid him in his quest to help the community. With her help he manages to find a lead as to where he can find answers, but before he can act on it, he's struck with a new type of weapon that manages to pierce his skin, leaving him heavily wounded. Claire manages to get him to a hidden place to nurse him to help.
Mariah reprimands Stryker his actions, but Stryker kills her and Alex, her personal assistant, while Shades kills Comanche. He then frames Luke Cage for the kill, knowing that he won't be there to defend himself for now (and removes the police as an ally for the moment), which lets him take over as the new leader of organized crime and begin a manhunt for him. He also manipulates Tilda to serve as a spokesperson against Cage, however she was already suspicious of him, and begins looking into Stryker with the aid of Misty Knight, who goes against orders to research just what is going on. Signs begin appearing of Stryker building an ultimate weapon, an exoskeleton, to fight against Luke Cage and defeat him.
While on the run and recovering with the aid of Claire, Luke Cage sees the news of the framework against him and begins piecing together both what is going on, and tying down to his past, while at the same time both Tilda and Misty find clues to where Stryker comes from and what is his ultimate plan. Eventually all groups find out the truth from different sources; Tilda and Misty discover that Stryker is Luke's half-brother, while Cage and Claire find it out from the small clues pointing to Luke's father, who at their meeting admits to having an affair with Stryker's mother.
During this we see flashbacks to Luke and Willis' childhoods and interactions, showing how Willis felt ostracized and jealous, how it poisoned his mind, turned and twisted his psyche until all he could see was Luke Cage as the one who prevented him from having a father or a normal life. As this happens, Willis starts unraveling as they can't seem to find Cage. This puts pressure in his underlings and colleagues, mainly Shades who starts seeing signs of their organization breaking down. Stryker sends Nix to kill him, but Shades turns the tables and kills him in return, going to ground as Tilda begins separating from Stryker in order to avoid the fallout. Misty tries to lead a group to arrest her and Stryker, leading to Stryker leading his group on a rampage through Harlem using his new weapons and his new exoskeleton. Luke Cage, still recovering, manages to face him and defeat him, stopping himself from killing him at the end.
Luke Cage is established as Hero of the Community, with his new "Hero for Hire" business now accepted though still watched by the police. Misty Knight is temporarily suspended after acting without orders, Marcus Ridley is replaced with a new inspector while Claire begins her new clinic aiding those who need it, and supporting Luke Cage as well. Shades begin taking over from where Dillard fails, Tilda is left with the Club that belonged to Cottonmouth in Mariah's will.
Luke Cage: Former convict Carl Lucas who was given superhuman strength and unbreakable skin in a secret experiment when he was in prison, and now fights crime under the name Luke Cage. He uses his signature catch phrase 'Sweet Christmas' from the comics, but sparingly, with the character often opting instead for pensive silence. He's not bombastic, but more soulful and intelligent. Though he prefers no conflict, he does not shy away from it, with his anger and simmering passion sometimes being a weakness of him.
Played By: Michael Clarke Duncan
Mercedes "Misty" Knight: Harlem NYPD Detective with a strong sense of justice and determination to match. She seeks to learn more about Luke Cage when he stumbles into her investigation into Cornell. She's not the sidekick but a person who has a very strong moral compass and is absolutely dedicated to protecting her community. She believes in the system, even though it's difficult to believe in it at the moment. She also has good detective and investigation skills that allow her to look at a crime scene and deduce what happened.
Played By: Pam Grier
Mariah Dillard-Stokes: A local councilwoman, and Stokes' cousin, looking to bring change to Harlem, whose life is "thrown into turmoil" by the actions of Cage and Stokes. Though Dillard is not necessarily a criminal herself, she is corrupt and works with Stokes in order to fund her campaign while keeping her hands clean. Like her comics counterpart she has the nickname "Black Mariah", but is only used by Stokes as a personal insult from their past growing up together.
Played By: Roxie Roker
Willis "Diamondback" Stryker: He is a powerful arms dealer, as well as Luke Cage's former best friend and (unknown to Cage) his half-brother who feels betrayed by their father and Luke as well. Willis returns to the city to fill the void left by Cottonmouth, as well as to form an alliance with Mariah in order to get rid of Cage once and for all; by framing him and using the media to ruin his reputation, while he steps up to take his place. Eventually, he double crosses Mariah, killing her and blaming Cage for the deed.
Played By: Jim Brown Alternate: Michael Dorn
Hernan "Shades" Alvarez: He is a relentless, menacing, smooth and manipulative, street smart criminal working for Stokes with ties to Cage's past when both he and Darius framed him for a crime they committed. He's the ultimate opportunist, the one guy that would not hesitate on betraying his brother if it came down to it.
Played By: Erik Estrada
Darius "Comanche" Jones: He is a street criminal who worked with Shades as his muscle due to not being very smart. He served as Stokes informant while posing as one of Mariah's henchmen, reporting all information for the moment she tried to hung him out to dry. He brings the attention of Luke Cage when caught in the scene of a meeting between both Mariah and Stokes.
Played By: Kevin Hooks
George Goodwin: He's an energetic and eccentric news reporter whose first coverage of Luke Cage made him a community hero, as well as skyrocketing his career. A bit obsessed with headlines and "newsworthy stories", he does have a heart inside of him, willing to shelter a kid from the vengeance of Stokes, and risking his life to help exonerate Luke Cage from charges.
Played By: Mike Evans
Marcus Ridley: He's an inspector in the NYPD's 29th Precinct who Misty Knight answers to. A cop trying to do his job and keeping the peace, the constant weariness and crime puts him in a difficult position where he has to make sure his cops are not ignoring the crimes, while also fighting a hidden war in his own precinct against the ones who are now in the pockets of said criminals.
Played By: Ron Glass
Alex Wesley: He's the loyal assistant of Mariah Dillard. Well aware of her boss' past history, Alex knows how to spin the story to get the perfect look in Mariah's political challenges. A man with hardly any scruples so long as it benefits him or his superior, he makes sure to tarnish as much of Luke Cage's reputation in order to get him arrested as soon as possible.
Played By: Philip Michael Thomas
Tilda Johnson: She is the estranged daughter of Mariah, and a doctor who cannot stay out of trouble in Harlem. She is the daughter of Mariah Dillard as the result of one of her rapes at the hands of Pistol Pete. After Mariah tries to reconnect to improve her publicity, Tilda is then used by Willis after he kills Mariah in order to persecute Cage. She finds the truth afterwards and betrays him in return.
Played By: Angela Bassett Alternate: Rae Dawn Chong
Claire Temple: She is a nurse who works in Hell's Kitchen. She was rescued by Luke Cage, and aids him after he is wounded and incriminated by Diamondback, helping him hide and find out the truth about both his family and Willis. She decides to aid him in his quest to help the neighborhood afterwards.
Played By: Tina Andrews Alternate: Debbi Morgan
Zip: He is a gangster who provided muscle for Cottonmouth. Following Cottonmouth's death, he was found by Diamondback who promoted him to be his advisor. After Diamondback and Shades have a falling out, Diamondback offers to make Zip his second-in-command if he kills Shades.
Played By: Joseph C. Phillips Alternate: Geoffrey Owens
Mark Bailey: He's an NYPD officer at the NYPD's 29th Precinct focused on analytics. He becomes a partner and friend of Knight's.
Played By: Roger Davies
Turk Barrett: Small time crook who sells guns to criminals, and has the worst luck as he's always stopped by Luke Cage or Misty Knight.
Played By: Richard Pryor
Domingo Colon: He is a gang leader from Harlem and business partner of Stokes and Dillard. he is killed by Diamondback when he arrives in town.
Played By: Lou Ferrigno
James Lucas: is a pastor and Luke Cage's father. The two have a strained relationship due to Cage's incarceration and his own adulterous affair with Dana Stryker.
Played By: Richard Roundtree
Raymond "Piranha" Jones: He is a crime boss from wall-street who has ties to the Stokes and is obsessed with Luke Cage.
Played By: Demond Wilson
Arturo Rey "El Ray" III: A drug dealer covering as a furniture salesman who works for Dillard. He is later arrested by Luke Cage.
Played By: Byron Stewart
A.N.: Man, adding more characters in just makes it more difficult to keep track of the actors. It's like when I was making the DCU movies all over again. At least Season three should trim down the fat a lot after what happens this season. Enough for at least make it easier to find actors later on.
[]Agitha Christie Called, she wants her detective back (Some of Agatha christie fans saw the script, and think that its bad... and that means that people want it made)
[]A New Detective (You hope that this will be good)
[]I do not know (unknown effect)
[]Sly wants it! (Sly wants to make it, though on one condition... you direct)
[]I want to see blood and guts (Pushing the MPAA to the limts. that is an idea)
[]Oh boy (Fun things are about to happen)
You honestly should have expected this, of course, you were seeking to keep a promise and fulfill her desires.
Of course, that was going to wait because she was happily standing before you in the Star Wars slave outfit she had stolen from ILM. though stolen was a strong word. To say she stole it would be inaccurate. She just said she was burrowing it for a while to hand it over to her mom so it could go into her collection. Or your own.
However, that was… not the case as she swayed in front of you and leaned down on you. "You know, I have been waiting for a very long time to do this."
You raised an eyebrow. "We kept on having interruptions, but the kids are with my mom for the night, no more movies to have you leave home, and there is one more thing…" She then whispered in your ear. "Say the magic words."
"Carrie, as much as you seem to be enjoying it, why the foreplay?" You asked. "Can't we just do what we do every night?"
"I want this to be special." She replied.
"And I don't make you special?" You asked.
There was a giggle. "You make me feel like the only person in the world sometimes, and that is not what I want to do. I want to make you feel like the special one."
You smiled. "With you, I feel like I am the special one."
She then placed a finger on your lips and shushed you. "I love you."
You didn't even say the words before you kissed.
But you didn't need to. You didn't need to.
The reward of the Night:D1000 => 864
Welp, we got another gosling on the way.
AN: Dammit Bruce and Carrie, stop being so wholesome...
I kinda want to see how much 'Space Fever' we manage to rekindle with the third release, hopefully enough to keep nasa funding above the atrociously abysmal OTL 0.3%-2.5% it kept bouncing between
I kinda want to see how much 'Space Fever' we manage to rekindle with the third release, hopefully enough to keep nasa funding above the atrociously abysmal OTL 0.3%-2.5% it kept bouncing between
Bruce singlehanded increasing USA scientists and enginners with Star Wars, like in the future it must be funny seeing the graphs showing a noticeble increase in graduates, after each film with the third having the largest of them all kek, as we do have events that happen to create this and with Star Wars being so much bigger it wouldn't be so strange, to be fair i bet that this world will have a larger % of enginners and scientists because they where so much larger and spread out around the world.
I am waiting for NASA to receive Marys rocket. Scheduled dlilivery is after ROTJ
A boost to nasa but also think of the filming possibilities of a closer working relationship with NASA.
Use of the "Vomit Comet" NASA'S Zero g training plane to film scenes in real zero G - forget special effects shots that are slightly wrong , do it in practical.
Borrow part of the moon base or space station to do reduced gravity or zero gravity shots, or run calibration expreiments to get things right.
Borrow their expretise to create models tha tlook cool but are scintifically plasable rather than some of the setting jarring wird "scifi Plane/ spaceship ect stuff"
What is the wasteland of a gaming field looking like right now? Basically a wasteland where Lucas Arts is one of the few remaining bastions left? I mean, we are about a year away from the project that births the greatest thief of fiction, and teacher's assistant of geography, Carmen San Diego.
really want to invest our money into things but not sure what a good investment is TTL.
we got so much money and we are not doing much if anything with it.
thats just waist full honestly.
really want to invest our money into things but not sure what a good investment is TTL.
we got so much money and we are not doing much if anything with it.
thats just waist full honestly.
really want to invest our money into things but not sure what a good investment is TTL.
we got so much money and we are not doing much if anything with it.
thats just waist full honestly.
People were talking about buying out Games Workshop sometime soon to get ahold of the Warhammer IP and have a miniature maker for our tabletop rpgs.
We could invest in a company designing solar panels and wind turbines or something. Sand batteries exist so it's possible they'll become common earlier.
For charity we could start up Box Tops for Education a few years earlier. Or just donate to Saint Jude or something.
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♦ Topic: NASA Ascendant Quest
In: Boards ► Questing
King Billy (Original Poster)
Posted On Sep 20th 2022:
NASA Acendant CK2 Quest.
Welcome to NASA Ascendant CK2 Quest, the Quest where you get to run NASA, please your political masters, and manage the many demands of your scientists, the American public, and Military and Business interests. Oh, and do a bit of space exploration.
Good luck. You will need it.
NASA has had one Lucky break in this timeline, and you must use it well.
Actions are split into different possible areas: Diplomacy, i.e., getting Congress or business to fund you, approve projects, or stop impossible ones; science, analyzing results or developing new technology; engineering, building rockets or facilities; and spacecraft stuff that can help or hurt you behind the scenes.
Your income determines how many dice you have. What you do with them is up to you. Some items, such as facility maintenance and staffing, have a flat cost in dice. Some are a gamble on successes or failures, e.g., improving technology. Some are simply cumulative scores you need to beat, e.g., constructing something.
Placate Congress and reach mission milestones, and they will keep funding you. Miss Milestones, have expensive disasters or generate poor PR, and they may reconsider.
You can take as many actions as you have dice, although you may wish to add more than one dice to an action to make sure it succeeds. A Hero can be added to an action to add their bonus multiplier to make a positive (or negative ) difference. The amount of pluses or negatives indicates how many extra dice are added (or removed) for Free.
Heroes have pseudo dice that they add to specific actions. All heroes have the potential to stick their noses into other actions and "help" according to their interests or even give Quests. This can be a helpful thing. For example, a calculator can review a budget and find lost money, potentially giving you an extra die next turn. Or poorly, such as that same calculator being female and black but the only person available to head a tour of the facility to a certain politically connected wizard.
While money is your primary resource, as you are NASA and not a private start-up, your public image and keeping political masters happy are very important, as that determines the funds you are assigned.
♦ Topic: NASA CK2 Quest
In: Boards ► Questing
YaDuck (Original Poster)
Posted On Jan 7th 2024:
To troll or not to troll, that is the question.
What the Heck Roll =>99
(Showing page 976 of 977)
Replied On Jan 7th 2024:
Yeah? what did we get? It's good, right? Wait it Mary good right?
[X] Space Cadets Awayy!!
Replied On Jan 7th 2024:
The real question is if we can we bargain with Lucasfilm for it ahead of time?
[X] Space Cadets revised
FuddQueen > "Snip"
Yes the shuttle is not that great but we still can use it to Build a space station in orbit and then send the Station across to the moon. use the shuttle for what it was intended to do, a low earth orbit tug. ashuttle and Aritmis quests a the same time.
►YaDuck (Original Poster)
Replied On Jan 7th 2024:
Calling the Vote
►YaDuck (Original Poster)
Replied On Jan 7th 2024:
Turn 87 April 1982
Two, Two successful Shuttle launches, you feel a bit like that Puppet on Sesame Street. The new system is working, and soon, the US will have a cheap, easy, and reusable system to Send Civilian equipment into space. No more building one-and-done rockets. You can get so much done with this. You might even get that lunar base far enough that you actually get to land something rather than having the funding pulled at the last second with nothing to show for it. AGAIN.
With space stations in orbit or bases on the Moon, you have visible, impossible-to-ignore results, which means they have to be maintained. That means it is harder for Congress to pretend you spent the money poorly and wasted it, so instead, it should go to more worthy causes, like the need for the people running Congress to have gold toilets encrusted with diamonds.
You might be a bit cynical, but if the CIA has 19 Hubble-equivalent spy satellites and Congress is complaining about your funding being too high, wouldn't you be too?
Hero -Appointed
James M. Beggs: 1926. Diplomacy ++, Political connections+, Business connections +,Military connections -, – Science, – Engineering. Special: I know someone in Congress. Can sell Random patents for up to 1 bonus dice Dice.
Former manager of several Corporations such as Westinghouse, Summa and General Dynamics, and serving as the under-secretary of Transportation, James is the Presidents pick to run NASA and get those Scientists in order. Ballooning Budgets will be cut, and research and spending will be redirected to more useful ends. Schedules will be maintained so Politicians get their photo ops when they need them. James is a big-picture guy, not concerned about tracking every O ring. That's the engineer's Job.
NASA T2 technology transfer program. (sell Development)
Allow an advancement into the public sphere:
Zero dice, James M. Beggs: level 2. Diplomacy ++, Political connections+, Special.
"So, Anything else except memory foam for high-tech Body pillows?" An intern blushed and sat down. The rest of the table carefully looked in other directions. Carrie Fisher's now O'Brian body pillow empire was somewhat notorious. Nobody wanted to admit whether or not they were the owners of such a device, though based on blushes and lack of eye contact, more than a few were.
James M. Biggs, NASA's director, continued, "Yes, the goal of this program is to transfer NASA technologies to the American public, but we need to keep our bottom line in mind. That means being friendly with Congress so that when the budget goes around, we don't get cut. What do you have for me?"
A hesitant hand was raised, and at James nod, a nervous intern started, "Anti-fog, you mentioned that senator we were having trouble with liked skiing and had a friend with some interests in the manufacturing of Goggles and masks? Well how does this look?"
"Looks like a few more pennies in the pot. Let's do it. Now, the rest of you, what do you have?"
Reward: Details of a process that can make anti-fog ski goggles goes to a certain senator's friend after a "totally unbiased" selection process.
Reward: + 3 dice
MTV (Automatic Quest)
MTV has appropriated the footage of Columbia's launch and then has an astronaut saluting the MTV flag on the Moon. On one hand, it keeps you in the public eye. On the other hand, it sets a precedent. What tack would you like to take? Dc 50 degrees of success or failure + or minus 5. Every dice added gives you a plus 10
- Let them keep doing it D100 => 50
Kids these days are so focused on music videos that they miss all the applications. You Blame rock and roll. It really is different from the good Quality Hawaiian music of your youth. There is no public backlash, and MTV itself is determined to keep the image clean, but it has not inspired anyone either
Nil dice gained or Lost.
Space Camp.
Star Trek began it, but Star Wars made it a national obsession. People want to go to space. With the current economic downturn, people are dreaming of the stars again. Kids, these days, seem to get sick of going to the arcade or playing pong; what is there left for kids to do? Send them off to camp?
Establish a Space Camp to recruit future astronauts, engineers, and scientists. All recruitment efforts, including heroes, scientists, engineers, lobbyists, and Spies, will receive one free dice.
3 dice 2345/2500
3D100 =>107 2452/2500.
The end is in sight. Space camp will be open for summer; however, it will be a rush job, and some of the money earmarked for maintenance will instead be spent on finishing it off.
The final paperwork is printed, and invitations are sent, but the return is less than expected. Apparently, all the Kids are talking about is that new movie, Brandon Lee Kung Fu Kid or something, and space is less exciting than some sports camps.
Reward Space Camp is open. Upkeep is 1 d, and the recruitment bonus is only half for 1982 due to the rushed finish.
Steward - None
Budget Quests
Artemis program: Min 3 dice must be allocated to the Development or deployment of the present moon base. One major success in Any Field per Quarter must be achieved to please political masters.
Space shuttle program: Min 2 dice must be allocated to development construction or launches
To the Skies: Min 12 launches a year. NASA is a space organization. Rockets and rocket launches are to be expected. oversee at least 12, lunches test flights or Rocket Tech demonstrations, so you are visibly doing something.
Space Camp - Warner von Braun had a dream and... No, not that dream, or that one, or that one. Look he wanted to educate kids. Your engineer Georg, Also an alumnus of the Paperclip program, thinks educating children about space and getting them interested in the future of space exploration is a good idea.
Spymaster – none
The Jupiter effect (Automatic Quest) : Some crackpots insist that the planet's alignment will lead to a disaster. Assign someone to crunch the numbers or ignore it completely. dc 10
-1 dice
D100 => 97
A presentation specifically mentions the Jupiter effect on PBS, the phenomenon where all the planets line up and how their gravity potentially affects each other. Hot take, they are so far away that they practically don't and certainly can't spontaneously create natural disasters like volcanic eruptions. You get more force pulling on you when the Moon is overhead. Carl Sagan narrates the show, and you end up with a nod from a congressman or two.
Reward: The fringe, which insists the moon landings were faked without ILM help, has retreated for now. +3 dice
Soviet Shuttle: The Soviets are blatantly copying the shuttle design, and you can't stop them as they are taking it from the national archive Via official government printers. As you can't Classify the data, poison the well by putting some false or misleading reports, forcing the Soviets to waste time analyzing it. dc 30
Dice 1
D100 => 47
A rumour reached your ear that the Soviet shuttle program was slightly delayed. You don't know how accurate it was, as the names Yuri and Sean were involved. Isn't Sean an Irish name?
The Soviet program lost one significant breakthrough.
Marshall / Engineering
Georg von Tiesenhausen 1914-
Diplomacy -, Engineering +++, Lunar +, Science +, intrigue-- Special: Paperclip
Paperclip is attached to NASA not because he wants to be but because he has to be; expect him to be more vulnerable to intrigue and blackmail.
A recruit from Germany born in Russia, he has skills and is a passionate educator and proponent of space education. He is happy to educate the next generation. He is also the mind behind the Lunar rover and other designs for the Martian surface.
Assemble shuttle stack at Vanderburg 1 dice per Part dc 5
- Assemble full stack
Pratt and Whitney have provided you with two solid rocket boosters at a cost of 4 dice each.
Boosters D100 => 67, 51
The Boosters go in place without issues.
Tank, D100 => 31
The tank bolted on just fine; its white glow and red Starbird looked very nice.
Shuttle, Colombia D100 => 15
Some carbon scoring was noted, but ultimately, it was rejected as not an issue. You home the assessment was correct.
3 RS25engines D100 => 19, 17, 18
All engines fitted correctly, and had no apparent damage. They are 3 flights into their five-flight replacement cycle.
Transport to Launch pad from Vehicle assembly building. D100 => 8
There was a slightly hairy moment when the transporter refused to start, but a little percussive maintenance had it working correctly and slowly crawled up to the launch site for final checks.
Reward Colombia is settled on the launch pad, ready for STS flight 3 and further certification. Some engineers have raised concerns, but all are within expected tolerances. Must launch or cancel launch next turn
Manufacture rocket Parts.
Manufacture new boosters 0/500 6 dice
6D100 =>299
The new booster is nearly halfway finished by the end of the month. Less progress than you hoped.
Manufacture new disposable tank 0/150 3 dice
3D100 =>176
The New disposable tank is finished and awaiting paint. Except Katherine has something to say about that.
Reward: The tank is of the new generation. Gain one DC 97 tank.
Launch Rocket. – You are a space agency with several launch sites. Use them to launch other people's rockets and keep yourself in the public eye.
Launch success. Nil technical issues and the rocket got up there.
Reward: +1 die
Vandenburg – NRO
:1 dice
D100 => 92
The launch was successful, and a Congressman happened to be passing and was impressed by your work. Extra funding is heading your way.
Reward: + 3 dice
Katherine Johnson- 1918
Science +++++, Engineering ++, Diplomacy-, Public Perception south---, Minorities +++
Special: Black, Female, Assertive? Ignore! Roll a 1 d 4 remove that many dice
Katherine is one of the best Computers in the word and Excels at calculating orbital paths. She has come far and potentially could go further if not for her unfortunate drawbacks of being both an Assertive Woman and Black.
Trait Mitigation - Glenn's Green Light. Katherine is the only one John Glen trusts to check orbits; other astronauts follow his lead, ignore social conventions instead of science, and do not die horribly in space ( Black and Assertive? Ignore! Reduced to 1.).
Trait mitigation—Whose name is on the report? A report with Katherine's name was accepted. NASA is at least willing to listen. ( Black and Assertive? Ignore! Reduced to 1d2.)
Trait mitigation – Not the Secretary, Continual high standards of results and assertive Behavior have finally paid off. Katherine is now officially allowed to attend meetings, sit and even speak. Some even listen! ( Black and Assertive? Ignore! Reduced to 1d3.)
Review data from the Nimbus 7 Weather Satellite.
(Science research 637 / 1200) 3 dice
3 dice total 11, 44, 36. Nil breakthrough, the new total of 738 (completion grants a Guaranteed major success)
The Nimbus seven weather satellite is showing some odd results. During spring at the South Pole, the ozone layer is weakening. You could even call it a hole. Now, you don't know if it is a natural cycle or manmade, but it might help explain some odd weather recorded in the Antarctic.
It's probably not anything serious, merely an academic curiosity. Still , it might be worth a second look. You Make yourself a cup of Coffee and take the milk out of your CFC-powered refrigerator.—a handy invention Freon is mostly nontoxic and a lot better than the previous refrigerants. There shouldn't be any hidden dangers with it ,right?
You chuckle to yourself as you finish filling the tray with Coffee for your team, refilling your cup and putting the milk back in the fridge before you go.
Moon base development
Hardened Electronic computers dc 50
3 dice
Computers are fragile things, especially when there is no atmosphere to protect them from high-energy electron particles. Reliability dc 50
Rolls D100 => 96, 92, 1 | natural one: 1
Well, that certainly could have been a bit better, some progress had been made when the electron gun that the group of scientists was using was knocked. Well one thing led to another and the research was lost in the fire as well as the copy of Tron that had in the Machine rather than the test data that they were supposed to be using.
Reward. Staff goofing off and not keeping records means all progress on Hardened computers is suspect and must be restarted.
Rocket part reliability.
No rocket part is fully reliable; there is always some risk. However, efforts can be made to make parts safer, more reliable, or just cheaper. Each success improves the Part but increases the DC to beat to improve it again. Parts need to be manufactured in engineering to be used.
RS 25 engine.
DC 80, 5 dice total.
D100 => 54, 71, 26, 73,14, > 0 successes nil changes
Nil success in making the rocket engine more reliable or cheaper. You find your attention drawn away as you are busy working on the live tests and certification of the shuttle for regular usage.
You think you have managed to streamline the external tank further , saving 660 pounds by not painting it white. When every gram matters, that is a win. You hope the less professional orange tank will be okay with the public.
All new external tanks now have a reliability DC of 97 and are orange, not shiny white. You will need to find another location to Put the Red Starbird as it really doesn't look good against the orange
External boosters
5 dice, DC 80 (hero Interrupt James M. Beggs) total 4 dice
D100 => 38,16, 80, 76
James waltzes in and takes over the operation. Instead of engineering work, he wines, dines, and discusses parts costs with Pratt and Whitney for the reusable rocket boosters. While most of the management is unavailable, he manages to invite himself to a movie showing of Red Dawn, Lucasfilm's Latest Masterpiece.
Does he make the boosters cheaper? Dc 80 D100 => 84
It turns out Red Dawn is a Patriotic film based on that unpleasantness over in Romania but asking what we would do if they came over here and invaded. It is an excellent movie. The Soviets led by Colonel Strelnikov are Sufficiently evil yet practical. That teen Jed Eckert grows up, fights well and dies a good death, and more importantly, Mayor Finley Bates, the traitor that the whole audience seems to love to hate, well, Lane Smith, the actor that plays him, looks a bit like the representative you are negotiating with.
James doesn't say anything, pointedly doesn't say anything, and sure enough, by the end of the meal, the Pratt and Whitney director has volunteered that Pratt and Whitney will supply the refurbished boosters for cheaper.
Reward: Pratt and Whitney will refurbish and deliver each booster for 3 dice instead of 4.
AN enjoy the latest round of Shananigans. Mary got a working computer controlled robot.
Replied On Jan 7th 2024:
Lucasfilm for the win again!!! Most often, we get a reliability roll, not a price one. This is going to help our bottom line. The boosters are reusable and can also be used for launches without the shuttle if we invest in a cargo system.
Replied On Jan 7th 2024:
Who is Mary? and should we recruit a few more heroes?
Replied On Jan 7th 2024:
Yeah Lucasfilm and Bruce. Hey When is ROTJ Scheduled to be finished anyway?
Replied On Jan 7th 2024:
We were going to get the space camp finished before we started recruiting. I still want to wait, but not too long. We are having issues with retirement from old age.
Replied On Jan 7th 2024:
Cyberjensen > "Who is Mary?"
Bit of a story there. Go to page one and see the "somebody in Hollywood likes you" perk? Yeah. By the power of Omakes and YaDuck dice, Bruce O'Brian has taken over Hollywood or at least Lucasfilm.
Bruce rolls interestingly in a hero of another story sense. and highlights in Quest so far include Killing warner. Making Star Wars even better, boosting Alien, and Close encounters, Trek gets phase two instead of movies. Homes have the reason China not participating in space being they tried to kill Bruce's retaliation tuning China into a hermit kingdom or trying to replicate Hollywood.
Due to an error, Lucasfilm was listed once as a group we could approach for tech support. A pile of Omakes later they now do Digital cameras, computers (go see the Tron update its wild ) and hinted at more.
Now Mary is a recruit attempt from several tuns back. YaDuck rolled her as a super calculator and a suitable replacement for Katherine Johnson. She was also rolled as a successful recruit. A recruiting Omake was half-written when it was realized she didn't have an age. i think she was meant to be Bruce's Sister.
So that was rolled, and well, the YaDuck dice Giveth and the YaDuck dice Taketh away. Her Birthdate was set to 29.7.1978. The thing is, she was already established as a calculator, and well, it was too funny, so we ran with it. The recruiting omake is here. Please remember your diabetes medication before you read it.
More Omakes followed, and general silliness ensued. Mary is now also responsible for practical exoskeletons and computer-controlled robots. If we can pry that from Lucasfilm's hands. Otherwise, we get her and whatever else she invents in '94. We just need to get there first.
I didn't see this earlier but... I am so disappointed in you.😔
It's been a while since I've put up a pitch, but I've been busy. Like... really busy. Like I've mentioned before, I actually took a trip to Brazil to see some family and the traveling was an utterly miserable experience. Connecting flights, over 40 hours total, 8 hour long single flights, airline cancelling flights without informing us, airline lying about us being able to bring carry-on and needing to pay hundreds to bring our shit onto the plan, etc. etc. It was a fucking slog. Worse is the fact that my mom and sister got sick and then got me sick. Actually being in Brazil hasn't been so bad, although I am a bit annoyed about the lack of consistent internet access, but it's a mild inconvenience more than anything. I've been enjoying myself and it's been an overall positive experience seeing the country and meeting my Mom's family, and hopefully I'll also be able to meet my Dad's family before we leave, but I do still have a month left in Brazil, so it's not unlikely. A bunch of other shit has been fucking me over to regarding stuff for my college and losing access to materials to finish my papers, but I'm in the process of trying to sort that all out and it should hopefully all be resolved. I've also just recently been invited to join a brand new youth advisory board for a local special needs and disabilities advocacy group that I've been working with for years, so that's pretty nice. It's not all bad, lol. Anyway, moving on. As promised, here is the project that I was talking about that took me months of on-and-off work. I gave the hint that it was a franchise(did I specify it as a game franchise? I can't remember) known for it's villains, so of course it'd be Far Cry. In this case, it was Far Cry 5. I know that it's a somewhat controversial opinion, but I adore this game. Yeah, it's got it's issues(quite a few, really), but I still really enjoyed it despite that and I find that most of the complaints that I see of the game are related to the ending and make dumb arguments against it as opposed to tackling any substantive problems, like that fucking miserable kidnapping system. Most of the complaints I see of the game are levied towards the ending and specifically the fact that no matter what you do, you can't win. It's not even about how not being able to win is presented to the player, it's just straight up people complaining that they couldn't win period and that it was a bad game because of that. It's really weird cause these are always the same people who are the type to hype up Far Cry 2, despite it being the only other Far Cry game in which you canonically lose. It's weird, it's dumb, and I've yet to see any actual arguments about why the ending is bad beyond "I don't like it" or "But you can't have a cult leader win," which are arguments that I don't consider as being substantive. This thing has taken me a long fucking time to complete, with months of on-and-off work on casting and then weeks of writing this damn thing up, but the absolute worst was the character descriptions. Despite my affection for this game, as time has gone on, I've come to honestly hate this pitch. I'm deeply unsatisfied with both the character descriptions, a mostly slap-dash affair, as well as just how fucking long this BS has taken me. I have so much shit to do and so little time to actually do it without being overwhelmed by it at all and so much of my spare time and focus has gone into organizing this crap and I still have to write up this context prelude like I normally do. I just want to be done with this shit and move the fuck on to other things. All that being said however, I am pretty proud of the casting, as I think it works very well and matches a lot of the characters. It took a while, but I think that the casting was ultimately worth it. Since Rook is a blank slate protag, I decided to name her Mercy Samson. I chose a female because, frankly, I just like female characters. As for her name, I chose Mercy for the irony of her being Wrath and being named Mercy, but her last name is Samson as a reference to the fact that she becomes The Judge because Samson was the last Judge of the ancient Israelites. I also decided to add a bit to her backstory from Wolfenstein, specifically from one of the DLC with the "Monsters in the Basement" line. I didn't get to develop her story nearly as much as I wanted to, but I don't want to look at this fucking thing anymore, so I'm phoning it in at this point. I decided to have this show be written by Taylor Sheridan, who is the guy behind projects like Yellowstone. I thought that this show would be right up his alley and I also want to try and move away from just attributing all my pitches to Mavis. For the composition, I just decided to use a made up band based on the channel that the opening song I chose for this show came from. I've been attributing a lot to Manowar in the same way that I've been doing for Mavis, and I don't really like that. Especially since they don't really match a lot of what I've been using them for, so I decided to create Miracle of Sound here just to fulfill my needs whenever relevant. Anyway, I don't want to talk about this damn thing or even look at it anymore, so I'm going to leave it here. Enjoy it if you can.
TV Show Pitch Eden's Gate Written by: Taylor Sheridan Composed by: Miracle of Sound
GENRE: Action/Drama SUBGENRE: Religion/Thriller/Crime FORMAT: TV Show
SET UP: The remote community of Hope County, Montana, has been taken over by the religious, neo-luddite doomsday cult, Project at Eden's Gate, led by the charismatic and powerful Joseph Seed and his siblings. A small group of local law enforcement and a US Marshal is sent to issue an arrest warrant for Joseph Seed after footage was leaked of the cult's practices. A young junior deputy, fresh to the force, is sent alongside them and is trapped alongside the others when their helicopter crashes. She must work with the other resistance factions to try and liberate Hope County from the despotic rule of the Seeds and their disturbed followers.
Junior Deputy Mercy "Rook" Samson: Junior Deputy Mercy Samson, primarily referred to as Rook, is a newly recruited Sheriff's Deputy of the Hope County Sheriff's Department who is sent to help serve a federal arrest warrant in Hope County, Montana. Rook is sent with Marshal Burke, Sheriff Whitehorse, and fellow deputies Hudson and Pratt, to arrest Joseph Seed, a radical preacher who is the head of Eden's Gate. Though Joseph appears to go willingly when they make the arrest, the situation quickly escalates when the cult responds to the arrest with violence and crash the group's helicopter. In the ensuing chaos, Deputy Hudson is captured, Deputy Pratt and Sheriff Whitehorse disappear, but Marshal Burke and the Deputy manage to escape the standoff, with Joseph calling for a manhunt to locate them. Following a botched escape attempt to leave the county on road, Marshal Burke is also captured by the cult, while Rook is taken away by Dutch, who promptly cuffs her to a bedpost until he decides whether or not to turn her over to the cult. He eventually decides to trust the Deputy, so he supplies her with a new set of clothes (the unlockable "Rook" outfit) and asks for her assistance to liberate his island. Once the Deputy liberates Dutch's island, she is swept into an armed conflict between the Eden's Gate cult and the rest of the Hope County residents. These include Pastor Jerome Jeffries, a Gulf War veteran and local church leader who has seen his congregation taken by Eden's Gate; Mary May Fairgrave, a bartender whose father was driven to suicide by the cult; and Nick Rye, a pilot who aims to eliminate the influence of the cult in order to build a better future for his child. The Deputy uses their help, among others, to build a resistance to put an end to Eden's Gate. When the Deputy is brought to John's bunker, John brings Hudson into the room tied to a chair and still gagged while he discusses his philosophy of atonement and the use of the word "Yes." He speaks to the Deputy about sin and then asks if Hudson or the Deputy should go first for the "atonement" process and Rook volunteers herself by saying "Yes" before Hudson is taken from the room. During her confession, she has Wrath carved into her chest by John, who declares it to be her sin. While Mercy manages to escape, Hudson is unable to be rescued. After killing John, Jacob, and Faith Seed, and going back to where it all began, the Deputy raids Joseph's compound with the members of the Resistance, but the Bliss is used to control the Resistance members, who then turn on the Sheriff and his deputies, capturing Pratt, Whitehorse and Hudson. Joseph gives Rook a choice to either walk away, to save her friends or fight him. Rook rejects Joseph's offer for peace and fights everyone in the compound to free her friends and allies from the Bliss. After freeing everyone, Joseph attacks a final confrontation between him and the Deputy follows. After his defeat, Joseph will prophetically quote Luke 23:34, followed by Revelation 16:1, as nuclear bombs detonate and destroy Hope County. With many either dying from the initial blast or being burned alive in the subsequent inferno, the Deputy, Whitehorse, Pratt, Hudson, and Joseph attempt to drive to Dutch's nearby bunker. A distressed Pratt leaps into the passenger seat where Whitehorse is sitting, all while repeating "we're not gonna make it," distracting the Deputy and causing them to crash into a collapsing tree, killing all but Joseph and the Deputy. Joseph carries her into Dutch's bunker, in a scene that mirrors Dutch carrying her into the bunker at the very beginning of the game. Upon gaining full consciousness, the Deputy awakens chained to the bed, with Dutch's corpse lying beside them, presumably killed by Joseph. Joseph admits that while he should kill the Deputy for all that she's done, he forgives her and shows "mercy," saying that he can't kill her as she's the only person that he has left. He welcomes the Deputy to his family as his child. Mercy is incredibly young, being only 22 years old. She is from Montana but not Hope County and was hired to fill a critical need for the small Sheriff's Office that's been dealing with an issue bigger than they have the staff for, that being Eden's Gate. Mercy graduated high school early and went to college for 4 years, having only recently graduated, as well as only recently finishing Police Academy training and has less than a year of experience officially working in law enforcement. The only reason she was brought along to serve the warrant was because she had EMT training. Despite her typical innocent demeanor, Mercy can be quite a calculating person, being capable of rapidly assessing threats and how to neutralize them with efficiency. Typically a very friendly and good-natured woman, Mercy is an eager, vivacious, young woman always to do a good job and eager to please. She tackles her tasks with enthusiasm and gusto and just wants to help others. She is very strict about following the rules and gets deeply uncomfortable with breaking them, even if for good reasons. She presents herself with a somewhat shy, green, and innocent demeanor and comes off as a bit of an underdog figure who easily empathizes with the struggles of those around her. She approaches the challenges she faces with a resolve to do good and remains mindful of her job as a protector, trying her hardest to avoid inflicting death and serious injury whenever possible. She is initially very stressed out, confused, and neurotic about the whole situation, but over the course of her time in Hope County, she slowly comes to accept things and become a bit too absorbed in her mission, steadily becomes a much darker figure, growing desensitized and losing a lot of her initial optimism and good faith, often brooding when alone. Her good nature is broken down and she is just tired and focused on the annihilation of Eden's Gate. A lot of her professionalism also slowly sheds, even as her effectiveness only increases, leading to more dark humor, quips, and sarcasm, becoming more cynical and sardonic. She also becomes a lot more cruel, mocking the suffering and fear of the Peggie's, condescending towards the cultists, and has no problem inflicting serious wounds, holding no regard towards taking their lives. She also becomes less inclined towards peace and more towards violent solutions, often escalating situations quickly despite it being unnecessary and refuses to accept compromise with Eden's Gate, contrasting with her earlier attitude. She begins to become more like what Joseph Seed fears, well and truly becoming Wrath. Throughout her time combatting Eden's Gate, she struggles more and more with the morality of her actions and the actions of Eden's Gate, along with her faith. She has an issue with needing to be acknowledged as being helpful or well-prepared, unable to stand disappointing authority figures, particularly those that she respects. Despite the short amount of time she's spent with the Hope County Sheriff's Office, she's already developed a reputation for being overly-prepared to the point of absurdity. She is also punctual, anal-retentive, and strongly detail oriented as a result of her father being a very successful real estate mogul and imparting these values onto her. However, she can be a bit rigid and become deeply uncomfortable when pushed outside her comfort zone, at least until she's acclimatized, of which she's somewhat slow to do at first. As her time in Hope County progresses, she becomes more and more free-wheeling and flexible, mostly out of necessity. Initially operating with a strong attachment to proper procedure and professionalism, but becoming less rigid and overly serious as she spends more and more time in Hope County fighting Eden's Gate. She was abused as a child by her father, confessing to John: "When I was a kid, we had a monster in our basement. My father said if I'd done wrong, it'd creep out at night and come for me. I tried to do no wrong. But the monster came all the same." She is also quite the gun nut, having developed the passion with the help of a local cop that would take her aside and teach her about firearms along with survivalism and police procedure to keep her mind off of her father's abuse as best as he could. It was as much as he could do because her father was a powerful real estate mogul and practically owned her hometown. Not even the mayor had the power to gainsay him, so very people were willing to push back against him or intervene on behalf of Mercy, especially when he's already demonstrated his willingness to ruin the lives of others who interfere with him. During one of these meetings with the cop, her father found her and intervened, threatening the man's job, his family, and everything else he could for interfering with him raising his daughter and putting ideas into her head that he disapproved of. While doing so, he also struck Mercy and it was this moment, her shitty life and her father's abuse intruding onto her escapist fantasy, that caused led her to snap. She murdered her father and the officer chose to back her up, ensuring that she wouldn't end up in jail, but he would stop seeing her after that. She confesses how much she thinks back to that day that she killed him and that she guiltily feels immense joy and pleasure at killing him over and over in her dreams and that if given the chance, she'd do it again and again and again. Her relationship with the men in her life contributes to her fixation on older, male authoritative figures like Joseph, the Officer from her youth, or the Sheriff. Despite her mother having never been abusive and doing her best for her daughter, she never defended her daughter from her husband and would meekly take his abusive towards both of them, something that eventually fostered a deep resentment towards her mother even more than towards her father. Mercy despised her mother's weakness and cowardice and is still deeply upset that she never defended her despite that being her job as her mother. Her mother later contracted a very aggressive form of cancer and wanted to see Mercy before she passed, but she refused to go and see her and she passed before they ever met again and she confesses that she wished that she suffered more in her final days. She confesses that she hated her mother more than she ever did her father because of how weak she was and how she left her to suffer, which also contributes to her aggressive atheism, because her mother was devout and raised Mercy to be so as well and so she rejects faith as a way to continue spiting her mother. These confessions, along with her actions towards the Peggies, are what lead to John declaring her sin to be Wrath. Mercy is a talented singer and would sing for her church growing up, although she is very reluctant to do so for others, being embarrassed to do so as well as it being something she associates with her mother, having been taught by her. Kim Rye notes that she is a skilled pilot who could compete with her husband. Mercy has a deep love of animals. During her time combatting Eden's Gate, Mercy develops a unique relationship with each of the Seeds. She develops a deep anger and hatred towards John, along with a sexual tension between them that she refuses to acknowledge. With Jacob, she finds a kindred spirit and someone who is more like her than she would like to admit. In Faith, she sees something to pity and protect. Joseph is someone who she is deeply uncomfortable interacting with, both deeply fearing him yet also feeling some strange draw to him that she is unable to define and fears being sucked in by his charisma. Mercy tends to mumble to herself to keep calm under pressure and plot out how to tackle the challenges she faces. Played by: Lena Headey Alternate: Winona Ryder
Joseph "The Father" Seed: Joseph Seed, also known as "The Father," is a ruthless megalomaniac who is the founder and the leader of the Hope County-based terrorist cult, "Project at Eden's Gate," alongside his brothers and adoptive sister who he dubs "The Heralds." Joseph truly believes that he was chosen by God and that he was told of the coming end of the world and his goal is to protect his followers, or "children" from the coming end and lead them to "Eden's gate." Joseph has no problem killing, torturing, and looting to advance his project. Despite this, he also displays mercy and empathy numerous times. He is calm in dire situations, and is very charismatic, leading to his rise to power, convincing numerous people to join him. His father was often abusive, beating him and his siblings. After the authorities were alerted and the Seed family separated, the siblings were placed into foster care. As a young man, Joseph squatted in an old packing plant in his hometown as he searched for his brothers. During this time, he would also become deeply interested in religion in an attempt to understand the Voice. He would later move to Atlanta in search for John. He would move from job to job, being fired from many for talking about the Voice. One night, he was mugged by three men and it was then that the Voice contacted him for the final time, showing him a vision of the apocalypse and the "punishment" that would be inflicted upon the world. After recruiting his two brothers into his Vision, Joseph began to preach out of a former slaughterhouse in Rome, Georgia, building a considerable congregation. Following the disappearance of a man who had been kicked out of Eden's Gate, the police interrogated and accused the Seeds of being behind the man's disappearance. The Seeds moved their congregation to Hope County soon after. He had a wife and a daughter, both of which were involved in a car accident. During the accident his wife was killed, leaving him with only his infant daughter, who he later killed by pinching the plastic tube attached to her face; shutting off his daughter's life support to prove his willingness to "serve God no matter what he asks." After his failed arrest, Joseph pursues the Deputy, seeking to have her join his congregation. Despite losing many of his followers and his family to the Deputy, he continues to show mercy, believing that she must join according to The Voice. Played by: Ralph Fiennes
John "The Baptist" Seed: The youngest of the three Seed brothers, while Joseph Seed is the de facto head of Eden's Gate, and Jacob Seed is in charge of security, John took to the public role of the church's legal representation, and more privately, the cult's head of indoctrination and influence; serving as the herald of the Holland Valley region of Hope County as well. John was a kind and loving child, which made him an easy target for abuse and exploitation. When John was younger, he was often taken into the kitchen by his parents and beaten senseless until all he could say was "Yes", which has since become his personal motto. After the separation of the Seed family, he was adopted by the Duncan family, a wealthy and highly religious family from Atlanta. The Duncan's considered John's soul to be tainted, psychologically torturing John into confessing any and all sins through interrogation and a series of fundamentalist pastors, which affected him well into his adult years. John believed that he - like all sinners - deserved his punishment and even held a degree of gratitude for them teaching him "the Power of Yes." John has made it his life mission to bestow that power on himself and others, initially through his own vices, until Joseph helped him turn that sadism into helping others find absolution and atonement so that they could be worthy of being sheltered from the Collapse and brought into Eden. John came to understand that even if he had nothing to hide, he would need to make something up, and became extraordinarily skilled at disguising himself with what others wanted to see. As a result, he became skilled at psychological manipulation and used this skill to acquire secrets about others to his own advantage. After attending Duke and graduating at the top of his class, John became one of the fastest rising lawyers in Atlanta, inheriting a small fortune upon the death of his adopted parents. He became extremely wealthy and well-connected, portraying himself as a physical sign of success. Despite this, he disliked himself and society for what it had done to his childhood and wished for its destruction. At some point John gave himself up to earthly vices and became addicted to both drugs and sex. By the time Joseph had contacted him, John was an associate at a major law firm undertaking the redevelopment of his childhood neighborhood in his hometown of Rome. After their meeting, John joined Joseph in his Vision under the role of the confessor of Eden's Gate. Upon arriving at Hope County, John was able to use his fortune in acquiring land and farms without hassle, and quickly became acquainted with the county political and legal system. The most sadistic out of the four family members, John Seed is not a force to be reckoned with by most. He is known as "The Baptist" and wants people to literally see their sins and what they have done, engraving their "sins" into their skin. He is both a masochist and a sadist. John is broadcasting that everyone can be free of sin with one word: "Yes." He reveals that he has Deputy Joey Hudson and announces to everyone watching has been selected to be cleansed and they don't have to do anything. They will come for them and welcome them to Eden's Gate. Even though John may have believed his personal mission in life was to save souls, he was highly sadistic and took a great deal of personal joy in the suffering atonement caused his victims. During the Cleansing, he cruelly drowns the Deputy further until Joseph reprimands him. Joseph later admits that John was not perfect and even a monster at times, especially when compared to the rest of the Seed family, but Joseph dismisses it as only being because of John's childhood abuse. Despite his cruelty, John believes Faith is much worse than him due to her abuse of her "Angels," believing he treated his followers well. Joseph is not quite impressed by the methods that John uses. During his eulogy for John, he also states that "John was not perfect, and sometimes he was not even good," but even so, Joseph still loved John. John has multiple tattoos, including one on his hand that lists the Seven Deadly Sins in Latin. "Acedia" (sloth) has been substituted for "Tristitia," which more closely mirrors the concept of dejection and despondency. Another one of his tattoos is a dove within a wreath, a reference to the biblical story Noah's Ark. He is proficient with tattooing equipment and is the tattoo artist who made Joseph's tattoos, as well as the cult VIP's. Hurk furthermore admires John's tattoos and says you have to "respect the ink," his personality aside. John seemingly wants the Deputy due to him being sexually attracted to her. Adelaide mentions to the Deputy that John is "playing a strange game" with them, and while John wants them, it's frighteningly unclear if he wants the Deputy dead, or alive. John is fearful of his brothers, Joseph and Jacob. He also dislikes Faith. He has sexual relations with a female cult member named Holly "from time to time." He is the only one of the Seeds to not kill one of Rook's allies. During The Confession, John starts off whistling the song "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn, referencing the fact that he "met" the Deputy again, as well as serving as deeper foreshadowing, as the song also plays in the ending of the 1964 movie "Dr. Strangelove," as nukes destroyed the world, similar to the ending of the show. The song also plays in the credits. Played by: Bradley Cooper
Jacob "The Wolf" Seed: Jacob Seed is the older brother of Joseph Seed. Jacob is the herald in charge of the Whitetail Mountains region and head of security of the cult, responsible for maintaining the security of his family and training new soldiers for Eden's Gate. Jacob Seed is a veteran of the United States Armed Forces, in which he served as a marksman as a part of the 82nd Airborne Division, the same 82nd Airborne Division Dutch served before him. Jacob Seed is a veteran from the first Gulf War in Iraq. Jacob killed and ate his exhausted army mate Miller during the Gulf War, having later developed an obsession with meat. When he was a child, he often fought with his parents and stood up for his brothers, who looked up to him as a protector. He also frequently fought with Joseph and blames himself deep down for how corrupt things have become despite his ability to prevent it. Unlike his brother John and his adoptive sister Faith, Jacob is not afraid of his brother Joseph. Jacob is very protective towards Faith, even though she's only adopted as their sister. He is the most skeptical of the family when it comes to religion. He is an expert marksman. Due to his wartime trauma, Jacob has adopted a nihilistic and Darwinist outlook in life. He takes great pride in his work of "culling the herd," though believes the world has lost its edge over its reluctance to sacrifice the weak any longer, implied to be a result of his PTSD. As Joseph states, he brought "many demons" home from the war with him and that his worse fear was not of dying but not leaving behind any legacy as a soldier. Despite his loyalty to the Father, Jacob holds doubt that Joseph actually "spoke to God" but nevertheless truly believes Joseph's premonition of The Collapse was true and following his brother gave him a renewed mission and loyalty, claiming that he would be willing to die for Joseph. Despite his grievances with his brother's beliefs, he does see fit to humor them both. As a military man, Jacob's battle-ridden and thuggish demeanor hide a very strategic mind, reflected in the fact that most of his attacks against the Deputy are more cerebral than physical, including starvation and indoctrination. Jacob holds a great deal of disdain for the Whitetail militia, claiming they are an insult to soldiers and takes a personal delight in brainwashing the Deputy to murder Eli, considering him a "coward." Played by: Jeff Bridges
Faith "The Siren" Seed: Faith Seed is the latest and current adopted younger sister of Joseph Seed. She acts as one of Joseph's heralds and manages the Henbane River region, overseeing the production of both Bliss and of her "Angels." Faith Seed is an identity and position that Joseph has given to multiple women within the cult. It is revealed by Tracey, as well as a voice recording from Faith herself, that the current Faith's real name is Rachel. She is the third Faith to pass Joseph's trial to obtain her role and has kept her position due to her devotion. Being a master manipulator, she easily conveys herself as a victim to garner sympathy and loyalty for Joseph yet this only hides her cruelty. Faith sees little to absolutely no wrong in any of her actions as in her mind she is providing happiness and peace to her followers who make their decisions to be part of The Bliss on their own, spinning her enemies as violent extremists attacking innocent people. She tends to present facts and describe events in a way that suits her beliefs and her agenda, but the motivation for her actions seems to be grounded in her eagerness to protect the purity of the Bliss, her fantasy world, from disruptive influences - a world where she is loved and her vulnerable ego is not threatened by mockery, abuse, and insults. Until the damage done by Rook becomes too much within her region, Faith sticks to peaceful attempts to convince the Junior Deputy to join the Cult. However, she is more than capable of cruelty. She dismisses the resistance as being a "sad band of soldiers cowering in the jail," rarely appearing in person. As Faith, she tells "a true story" about a young woman who was "bullied by friends, abused by her family." It is implied in the Collapse DLC that her father was a pharmacist and that he was unspeakably a bad person, contributing to her knowledge of drugs and subsequent substance abuse. Tracey describes Rachel as a person who was always too nice, who always kept the peace and was ready to agree, "avoiding fights instead of realizing when a fight needed to happen... Good ain't nice and Rachel did not get that. It was the only thing we ever fought about before. And she couldn't fight even when it was to save her own damned skin." According to Sheriff Whitehorse, Tracey and Rachel, had been friends, "joined a free spirit movement in the west, smoking doobies, banging on drums." But Rachel and Tracey fell on harder drugs and fell out of favor with their community. Tracey searched for a new home and found the Project at Eden's Gate and took Rachel along to join the cult. Things changed for her when she met Joseph. According to Faith, the Father welcomed her, introducing her to a strict moral code without drugs and alcohol whereby she recovered from her addiction. Unlike Rachel, Tracey soon realized the Cult's duplicity and left them, while Rachel immersed herself completely in the ideology of Eden's Gate. Moments before her death, Faith tells a different story, about how Joseph took her when she was 17, drugged her and threatened her. According to The Book of Joseph, she was given a dose of scopolamine and became "purified", taking on the role of the sister. To help manipulate her victims, Faith likes to depict herself as innocent and childlike as can be seen in The Bliss where she often giggles, runs and skips around to appear harmless. Her likeness such as dressing completely in white and attempting to appear pure is to make herself appear like a flower - both in an attempt to help her manipulations and to convince herself. After freeing Marshal Burke from the Bliss, she strangely reveals her own deceptive behavior to Rook, saying: "All my life I dealt with people like you. People who underestimate sweet, innocent Faith. You see what you wanna see... a playful butterfly, a delicate flower... a child with childish thoughts. It's easier to disregard a child. Tracey made the same mistake as you. While you all ignored me, I walked right through every one of you." Behind the facade of this seemingly smug self-assuredness, Faith holds doubts about her own purity due to her past of drug addiction and her true value to the Seed family. Despite claiming to be loyal to The Father for accepting her for "who she is" and giving her a new family, Faith lives in fear of whatever punishment Joseph will inflict upon her should she disappoint him. As the fourth Faith, she is constantly worried that one day she could be replaced like her predecessors - evident when Rook burns her personalized Word of Joseph and she becomes terrified over what he will do to her. She hates the Faith name, and still considers Rachel to be her real name. During her fight with the Junior Deputy, Faith screams that she was bombarded with drugs and threatened by the Father to do his bidding when she was seventeen. Of course, virtually everyone says Faith is known to be a liar so everything she says holds some doubt. Faith acknowledges this fact during a discussion with the Junior Deputy but she simply asks her if she's going to judge her based on what other people say. Just like the other heralds, Faith transformed her sin, that being drug addiction, into a virtue. While the hard drugs she had used were only for her own 'benefit,' she views the Bliss as benefitting others as it pacified them, made them forget their fears, and prepared them for serving a higher purpose: the survival of mankind. Faith has a tattoo of the chemical formula for cocaine and scopolamine on her left forearm (C17H21NO4), tying into her background as a drug addict. Faith, however, says that she "took to a needle," indicating that she instead used heroin. Many phones found in the Henbane River region have messages left from Faith. These phones are seemingly part of Faith's Bliss induced hallucinations, as unlike other phone messages which can be found in Hope County that are on modern landlines with answering machines, Faith's phone messages are on older rotary phones that often are clearly unplugged. Faith's line: "No more distractions. No more pity," implies that she spares the Junior Deputy out of pity. Faith is always seen barefoot. Faith is a talented singer, as proved by her rendition of "Amazing Grace." She can sometimes be heard speaking to Rook even though far from any Bliss sources, likely as a prolonged effect of the bliss. When Faith has control over people in the Bliss, they have an increasing amount of blue butterflies, tied to her control over a person progressing over time. When in the Henbane River region, Faith appears at random and speaks for a bit or sings, often appearing holding a flower and skipping or walking around in a small area. The more time that passes, and the more resistance Rook builds up, Faith becomes increasingly angrier towards the Junior Deputy. During her first encounter with the Junior Deputy she is the least hostile to her, unlike the other heralds, Jacob and John, but her resentment at Rook's resistance to her attempts to entice her to join the Cult keeps growing as the Resistance continues to challenge her in the Henbane river region, as seen when she influences Marshal Burke to kill Virgil Minkler solely to punish the Deputy for her repeated interference. Played by: Reese Witherspoon
Sheriff Earl Whitehorse: The Sheriff of Hope County, Montana, he is tasked with accompanying Marshal Burke with his deputies in taking Joseph Seed, the head of the Project at Eden's Gate cult into custody. Earl Whitehorse is a man known for his preference for diplomacy over war, as demonstrated when he urges US Marshall Burke and his deputies to avoid instigating conflict with the cult. He also voices multiple times before landing that he believes it would be in their best interest to call off the arrest and to return to base. During the arrest, he manages to prevent bloodshed by calming down both the cultists and the Marshal; however, once the group reaches their helicopter, he loses control of the situation. Following the helicopter's crash, he disappears and escapes in the ensuing chaos ending up at the Hope County Jail. Through the course of events, Whitehorse comes to truly understand just what really goes behind the weight of his job, and he becomes one of the most important figures of the resistance. He is divorced and suffered from a mild heart attack due to the stress of his job prior to the events of the show. Played by: Dabney Coleman
Deputy Joey Hudson: Deputy Joey Hudson is one of the Hope County Sheriff Department Deputies sent with U.S. Marshal Cameron Burke to arrest Joseph Seed. Though Joseph appears to go willingly when they make the arrest, the situation quickly escalates when the cult responds to the arrest with violence. In the ensuing chaos, she is kidnapped, while Joseph launches a manhunt to capture Marshal Burke and the Junior Deputy. She is given to John Seed, who takes a special liking in tormenting her publicly in the cult's broadcasts. Played by: Salma Hayek
Deputy Staci Pratt: One of the Hope County Sheriff's Department Deputies sent with U.S. Marshal Cameron Burke to arrest Joseph Seed. After his capture, Pratt is taken into the northern section of the county, the Whitetail Mountains. He is later revealed to have been broken and conditioned by Jacob Seed. Played by: Matthew Perry
Marshal Cameron Burke: A federal agent sent to Hope County by the United States Marshals Service to arrest the head of the Project at Eden's Gate. Burke is tasked with serving an arrest warrant to radical preacher, Joseph Seed, and taking him into custody. Although pleaded to by Sheriff Whitehorse not to "fuck with Joseph Seed," stating that "sometimes it's best to leave well enough alone," Burke is determined to complete his assignment, and bring Joseph Seed to justice. Played by: Mykelti Williamson Alternate: Terry Crews
Pastor Jerome Jeffries: Pastor Jerome Jeffries is a Gulf War veteran and former Gunnery Sergeant who found religion, and has served as a Roman Catholic priest in Hope County for 15 years after the end of his military service. He met and became friends with Joseph Seed, the same man who would be his future enemy, as fellows in faith. Joseph convinced the pastor's flock to leave the church and follow his own, stealing the entire congregation. Jerome took it in stride until Eden's Gate locked down the entire county. Jerome was beaten and left for dead. He survived, and vowed to protect the cult's intended victims from Joseph Seed who now calls himself "The Father." He became a key figure in The Resistance in Fall's End, determined to take Hope County back. Played by: Mario Van Peebles
Dutch Roosevelt: Richard Roosevelt, better known as "Dutch," is a survivalist living on his own island near the Whitetail Mountains region of Hope County. He is the first resistance member Rook makes contact with, and keeps supplying information to the Junior Deputy throughout the campaign through the radio. Like the Project at Eden's Gate cult, he is also preparing for the end of the world, but he deeply resents Joseph Seed and his siblings, whom he considers absolute fanatics and very dangerous. Since the cult's arrival, he kept collecting information on Joseph and the Heralds, amassing a great deal of data on the cult's operation and its key personnel. Despite being a loner, he knows most of the Resistance members, and maintains a good relationship with them. He previously served in the Vietnam War, having served with the 82nd Airborne during the war. Dutch finds the deputy washed ashore near the Henbane River following her botched escape attempt. Although he is pondering whether he should turn the Deputy over to the cult, he finally decides to help her build a Resistance against Eden's Gate that could stand their ground until help arrives from outside the county. He asks the Deputy's help in liberating his island, and once his island is liberated, he keeps feeding information to the Deputy via radio on the various regions and the key Resistance members she should contact. Played by: J.K. Simmons
Sharky Boshaw: Charlemagne Victor Boshaw IV, commonly known as Sharky Boshaw, is a pyromaniac and resistance member. Sharky was an accident and after his mother gave birth to him at a public toilet, he was simply left there for his grandmother to pick him up and raise him. He is a serial arsonist with many previous run-ins with the law, but that didn't deter Eden's Gate. They invited him to join them and walk the path to a better life. When he found out that a better life involved torture and brainwashing, Sharky decided to fight the cult and his fire followed. Sharky happens to be Hurk's younger cousin. Sharky usually uses a shotgun with incendiary rounds or a flamethrower. Played by: Michael Rooker
Mary May Fairgrave: The current owner and bartender of the Spread Eagle Bar, Mary desires revenge against the Seed Family and Eden's Gate for destroying her family, and driving her father to suicide. With little left to lose, she decides to help Rook and The Resistance at any opportunity. Played by: Elizabeth Shue Alternate: Connie Nielsen
Grace Armstrong: Grace is the daughter of a war veteran and sharpshooter and she served as a sniper in Afghanistan for the U.S. Army. A Bowden Scopes billboard displayed throughout Hope County reveals that Grace once won a national title. She is also an Olympic bronze medalist for sharpshooting. Grace originally never took Eden's Gate seriously, and her father antagonized the cult for years. The police turned a blind eye to Eden's Gate, who eventually took over the Armstrong shooting range. Two weeks before Rook showed up in Hope County, Grace and her father were ambushed by Peggies, who ran them off the road and into the Henbane River, killing her father. Because of her father's murder, Grace holds a deep-seeded hatred for the Peggies. Grace is very stoic and reserved, but she is a staunch ally of Rook and will assist in the fight against Eden's Gate without hesitation. Played by: Nia Long Alternate: Angela Bassett
Jess Black: Jessica "Jess" Black is a master huntress, resistance member, and Dutch's niece. She never had a proper childhood and she ended up in trouble frequently. After running away from home to live with her Grandmother, a hard-core prepper and survivalist, her no-nonsense Grandmother straightened her out fast by teaching her how to hunt and live off the land. After her Grandmother passed away, Jess went back to living with her folks, but just when things were starting to look up, Eden's Gate showed up. A Peggie henchman named The Cook broke into their house one night and abducted them. The Cook starved and tortured them relentlessly before finally brutally killing Jess' parents in front of her. Jess escaped, and thanks to her Grandmother's lessons, she now has the know-how to take down cultists and rescue others. She's determined to save everyone she can and get revenge on The Cook. Played by: Demi Moore
Nick Rye: A pilot living in Hope County, he is the husband of Kim Rye and the father of Carmina Rye. He is the owner of Carmina, a seaplane that has been passed down through his family. Nick is a lifelong mechanic and bush pilot from a family of distinguished military airmen, who "flew in the war so [Nick] didn't have to." Unlike his grandfather and father, Nick refused to enlist in the military, causing a strained relationship with his father. He is also a crop-duster by trade. Nick's grandfather was the original owner of the plane Carmina, which he used to transport mail for the Postal Service. His father used it to charter wealthy people around in the Valley. Nick was the one to add machine guns onto the plane. With a daughter on the way, and Eden's Gate at their door, Nick steels his courage and sides with The Resistance and the deputy in order to protect his family. Played by: Mark Pellegrino
Kim Rye: Kimiko Rye, known primarily as Kim, is the wife of Nick Rye and the mother of Carmina Rye. Kim and her parents are from Canada and her parents heavily disapproved of both her marriage to Nick and her choice to live in Montana, only staying six hours for the wedding. Nick states that even before the cult they found Hope County to be a dangerous place full of guns. She is seen to be heavily pregnant prior to the birth. Although her husband Nick Rye wants to leave Hope County with his family, Kim convinces him to stay and help fight the Project at Eden's Gate Cult with their friends. She later gives birth to her daughter, named Carmina, and Nick dubs the deputy their godparent. Played by: Sarah Oh
Hurk Drubman Jr: Hurk Drubman Jr. helps the Resistance fight against Joseph Seed and his cult. He is American, but according to Willis he "couldn't name the last two Presidents, and doesn't even know the words to The Star Spangled Banner." Hurk Jr. was born two prongs short of a fork, raised on TV dinners and soap operas in the absence of his father and his mother, who ran the family's small business. Hurk Jr. tried his hardest to figure things out on his own. Thirty-five years later, he can barely zip his own fly. When Hurk Jr.'s mother ran away with another man, his father decided to enter politics and moved to their homestead in the Whitetail Mountains. Hurk Jr.'s response was to spend the next few years backpacking around the world, from the Rook Islands to Kyrat, but he eventually found his way back to Hope County. Now Hurk Jr. lives with his dad in a fortified compound, "enjoying" the old man's company and the many guns and armored vehicles on the property. Played by: Mark Boone Jr
Adelaide Drubman: Adelaide Drubman, better known as "Addie," is a real estate agent and helicopter pilot. Addie married a wealthy older man, Hurk Drubman Sr., when she was in her 20s through their shared love of Reagan, Jesus Christ, and the NRA. It was after their son Hurk Drubman, Jr. was born that the attention of Hurk Sr. started to drift to other interests. While father and son went on hunting trips, Addie stayed home to manage the business holdings of Hurk Sr. After a decade of indifference and infidelity from her husband, Addie filed for divorce. She and her lawyer ensured she got the lion's share, including Hurk Sr.'s marina. In turn, she "let" Hurk Sr. keep the kid and enjoyed her life to the fullest: booze, bazookas, and boy toys. Now in her 60s, Addie is still trying to live the same life. A few months prior, she hooked up with Xander Flynn. Addie lavished him with gifts and, after a while, convinced Xander to move in with her. Eventually Eden's Gate started sniffing around, looking to buy up her land. When she refused to sell out, they came with guns and took it by force. Banished from her own home, a furious Addie has been plotting revenge and brushing up on target practice with her prized AK-47. Played by: Faye Dunaway
Xander Flynn: A member of the Resistance and Adelaide Drubman's lover. He resides at the Drubman Marina in the Henbane River region. Xander is described as a hot, young, SoCal himbo. He was on vacation at Adelaide's marina a few months prior and enchanted her. Adelaide lavished Xander with gifts and, after a while, convinced him to move in with her. He is a young man who lives an alternative lifestyle and enjoys non-rural proclivities such as life coaching, yoga, meditation, and pretentious environmentalism. Adelaide enjoys his attractive physique which is complemented by his skills at making smoothies, but evidently driving dredgers is not one of Xander's strengths. Despite his immature demeanor, Xander cares deeply about Adelaide, which is evidenced by the S.O.S. note he left at Hollyhock Saloon. Played by: Sean Astin
Eli Palmer: A doomsday prepper living in the Whitetail Mountains region of Hope County. He is the leader of the Whitetail Militia, a large doomsday prepper group and the local resistance, and is at war with Jacob Seed's cultists in the Whitetail Mountains region. Years prior, Eli worked in construction and reveals to the Deputy that he used to be employed by Jacob, having helped the Seed family construct their bunkers across Hope County. Played by: Brian Blessed
Tammy Barnes: A member of the Whitetail Militia and the second in-command of the Militia, she becomes it's leader after the death of Eli. Her husband, Mark, left her to join Eden's Gate and was later killed by them. Eli and her have been good friends, although disagreements on how to handle the war against the cult has gotten them into arguments. She is suspicious of the Junior Deputy and doesn't trust easily when it comes to strangers. Played by: Kathy Bates
Wheaty: A member of the Whitetail Militia. Played by: Adam Beach
Wilhelmina Mable: A cantankerous, cranky, and brusque old woman. A member of the Resistance, she is the owner-operator of Peaches' Taxidermy in the Henbane River region, named after her pet cougar. She has a rude, disdainful demeanor to nearly everyone she meets, and swears like a sailor. She seems to be an almost unwilling member of the resistance; mostly driven because the alternative is to side with Eden's Gate. Played by: Angela Lansbury
Tracey Lader: Tracey was one of the locals who joined the cult, only to find out that what seemed to be a worthy cause from the outside was quite the opposite from the inside. The cult deemed that she was a risk so she was selected for "re-education," but she left the cult instead and became a member of the Hope County Cougars. Tracey acts very surly to the Junior Deputy when they initially meet and expects her to pull her weight for the Cougars' cause. However, as the Deputy began to make a difference in their region, Tracey comes to respect the Deputy. She is also unenthusiastic about Virgil Minkler's enthusiasm for team spirit. Tracey was a good friend with Rachel Jessop before she gave in to the cult. Played by: Gabrielle Union
Mayor Virgil Minkler: The mayor of Hope County-turned-leader of the Hope County Cougars, a faction of the Resistance against the Project at Eden's Gate. While based out of the Hope County Jail, it becomes readily apparent that Virgil is the enthusiastic albeit mainly ceremonial lead of the group while the far more serious duties of coordinating the Cougars are shared between Sheriff Whitehorse and Tracey Lader. Nevertheless, Minkler takes his relegated position with a degree of his own seriousness, proving to be quite the stickler when it comes to the distribution and adherence to the wearing of pinned uniform badges featuring the group's namesake amongst the members to encourage camaraderie and solidarity. A meek and kind-hearted man, Winkler was the mayor of Hope County that first welcomed Joseph Seed and his flock, seeing them as benevolent, perhaps either out of naivete or a willingness to let their teachings and charity speak for itself. However, as the Project further radicalized over time into a insular sect devoted to violent religious extremism, his son and wife ran away to join the cult. After the attempted arrest of Joseph Seed, Virgil would see firsthand the capabilities of the cult he'd once welcomed as Faith Seed set out her Angels to "save" anyone they find in the Henbane River - whether they wanted to be saved or not. As Hope County as a whole descended into chaos, with Faith establishing the Project's Bliss production in the region on a massive scale, Virgil and Tracey Lader gathered as many survivors as they could find, including Sheriff Whitehorse, to the fleeting safe haven of the Hope County Jail. Played by: Christopher Lloyd Alternate: Rick Moranis
Dr. Charles Lindsay: Dr. Charles Lindey is the main doctor for The Resistance faction, the Hope County Cougars. Although he is only qualified to be a veterinarian, he seems to be adept at his work, despite implying that he was barely qualified for even that. Played by: Brendan Fraser
Merle Briggs: A foul-mouthed Southern "redneck", who claims that he knew the cult was bad news the second he saw Joseph Seed. He is kidnapped and rescued by Rook. Played by: Danny Trejo
Wendell Redler: Wendell Redler is a veteran of the Vietnam War, who many years ago made a pact with his squad members that they'd be ready for an event such as the Eden's Gate takeover, and prepared for this event by stashing weapons and supplies in a shed in Wendell's front yard. To keep the stash safe from any one man being able to steal it all, or one of them going rogue and taking it, they etched a single digit into their Vietnam Veteran lighters, with Wendell being the one to know the proper sequence of the dozen numbers. Unfortunately, as the years have gone by, all of Wendell's friends have dropped, one by one, until he is the last man standing. Wendell requests The Junior Deputy find his friends' lighters, and bring them back before the Project at Eden's Gate cult finds them. As a reward, he will let the Deputy have the contents of the stash, as he knows they'd get better use out of it than he would. His story about the Vietnam War is rife with historical inaccuracies and none of Wendell's actual "Squad Mates" name's are on the dog tags the Deputy collects. He may have either exaggerated or remembered it wrong, not being able to remember all the details after several decades. It's also just as likely that he may not being entirely honest to Rook while telling the story. His nickname, "Cowboy," is a reference to the Vietnam War film Full Metal Jacket. Played by: Wilford Brimley
Willis Huntley: Agent Willis Huntley is a CIA operative. Against the wishes of his superiors in Washington, Willis travels to Hope County, Montana and enlists the Junior Deputy's help in recovering an "embarrassing" VHS tape from a bunker controlled by the Project at Eden's Gate. When talking to his superiors that they need him for an urgent case, he tells Rook that he can no longer continue his alliance, taking the VHS with him Played by: Bryan Cranston Alternate: Chuck Norris
Oh, something else that I just remembered. I'd like for us to hold off on doing Psych for LucasTV for right now because I'm in the process of recasting for the 90s. I'd also like to recommend that after Are you Afraid of the Dark? and Salem's Lot, we start on SCP. The reward for my pitch was that it could be produced and I'd like to get the ball rolling on that as soon as possible, since there is so much to cover and I think it can last for a long time. As a final note, I've been trying to look through our current catalogue of potential films to see what would work for Ardmore, and while there are a couple, I'd like to explicitly recommend We Happy Few to become an Ardmore Production.
So like I mentioned a while back, the post about us getting the adaptation rights for a Cam Jansen Animated TV Show inspired me to make a live action version, which I decided to do for the 90s. There's not much to the pitch itself, but I think it would be a nice expansion of what we already have and a natural extension of the IP. I decided to have Cam be played by Bryce Dallas Howard because I needed a young red head and she came to mind first for a red head who would be sufficiently young at this point. I then decided to have it be directed by Ron Howard since I thought it would be nice to allow Ron to work with his daughter. For the writers, I included David A. Adler, the writer of the Cam Jansen series, as part of the writing credits along with Laura Philips, who would be the primary writer for the live action series. Laura Philips is just some lady I found who worked on a live action adaptation of Nancy Drew around this time, so I decided to slap her onto the project since I felt like she worked well enough. I didn't do character descriptions because, frankly, the work for the character descriptions on Eden's Gate fucking traumatized me and I'll be trying to avoid doing them as much as I can from now on. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!
TV Show Pitch Cam Jansen Directed by: Ron Howard Written by: David A. Adler and Laura Philips
GENRE: Mystery SUBGENRE: Children's FORMAT: TV Show
SET UP: Based on the children's book series written by David A. Adler. Jennifer "Cam" Jansen is a young girl who loves solving a good mystery, big and small; from stolen diamonds to missing cake, she'll tackle them all. She solves these crimes and mysteries alongside her best friend, Eric Shelton, with the help of her photographic memory.
Jennifer "Cam" Jansen
Played by: Bryce Dallas Howard Eric Shelton
Played by: Nick Stahl
Psych Pitch 90s Recast Written/Directed by: Jonathan Lynn
GENRE: Mystery/Comedy SUBGENRE: Police Procedural/Drama FORMAT: TV Show
SET UP: Shawn Spencer has an incredible talent for deduction, memory, and perception, and has been trained by his father to one day become a cop since he was a kid. He never became a cop and found it difficult to hold down a job, only making use of his talents to occasionally send in tips to the police. One day, he is called in by the police because his tips are so good, that they begin to suspect that he may have some sort of involvement with these crimes. Unable to explain to them why he was able to solve these cases without running into trouble, he pretends to be psychic in order to explain his knowledge. Finally settling on his career, Shawn opens up Psych. Shawn continues to solve cases as a consultant for the Santa Barbara Police Department alongside his best friend, Burton Guster, all while continuing to pretend he is psychic.
Shawn Spencer: Works as a freelance consultant to the Santa Barbara Police Department, along with his business partner and lifelong best friend Burton "Gus" Guster. He is highly observant and skilled in deductive reasoning, however, he pretends that his skills are due to him being a psychic. Shawn comes from a family of police officers and his father, Henry, is a decorated sergeant who trained Shawn from childhood to be hyper-observant. He often refuses to take things seriously or approach with the gravity they may deserve, instead adopting a very laid back, slacker, jokester attitude. Played by: Paul Rudd
Burton Guster: Shawn's best friend since childhood, they co-own the detective agency "Psych." Unlike Shawn, he tends to be strait-laced, more cautious, and usually tries to act professionally, yet usually ends up as invested in jokes and snacks as Shawn is. He is academically advanced and knowledgeable on various subjects, particularly math and science and his experience with pharmaceutical sales aids Shawn in his investigations frequently. Despite both Shawn and Gus coming to rational conclusions from observable evidence, both occasionally indulge in supernatural explanations for crimes. He is famous for his many aliases, usually given to him by Shawn, including "Magic Head," "Lavender Gooms," "Ghee Buttersnaps," and "Control Alt Delete." He is known for being attracted to all types of women, but they are usually crazy or else end up as the prime suspect. Played by: Chris Tucker Alternate: Donald Faison
Juliet O'Hara: A junior detective for the Santa Barbara Police Department and is Lassiter's partner. She joined the SBPD after Lassiter's old partner got transferred and was originally a cop in Miami. She is very kind and empathetic, but is just as tough. Played by: Tracy Pollan
Chief Karen Vick: The SBPD Chief. She is tough but fair, usually reluctant to hire Shawn and Gus for cases, but almost always gives in. She respects Shawn's help and input but firmly keeps him in check as much as she can when he pushes the limits of the law and her patience. Played by: Meredith Baxter
Carlton Lassiter: The head detective for the Santa Barbara Police Department. Lassiter is a ten-year veteran of the force and the youngest Head Detective of the SBPD to be named to the position. He is skeptical of Shawn's psychic abilities and is extremely annoyed by Shawn's comic antics. However, he occasionally must come to Psych for help with his more difficult cases. Played by: Corbin Bernsen
Henry Spencer: Shawn's uptight, precise father and a former police sergeant. He is frequently visited by Shawn with questions about various cases but is usually reluctant to help. Played by: Ed Harris
Buzz McNab: A naive, but kind and lovable cop who often provides Shawn and Gus with clues. He takes every case given him by Lassiter and Juliet with a polite, optimistic attitude, despite both Lassiter and Jules finding said cases to be menial. Played by: Steve Guttenburg
Woody the Coroner: A police coroner that Shawn shares a mutual respect with. He is a very odd man, but one who is ultimately good and kind. His wife cheats on him with multiple men, some of whom he has approved. He is also apparently wanted in the Philippines. Played by: Tim Conway
Young Shawn
Played by: James D. Rodriguez (James Roday)