Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Its less that our security is bad, and more like Mike has been shopping it around behind our back before Francis said "This movie is mine!" before he shut that shit down.
MIIIIKE! You've got some splainin to do!

But in all seriousness, it might have been the right choice to do, up until we got Francis that is. I'm sure we're going to do great with that movie.
Mike Eisners Resolve
Mike Eisners Resolve:

Akio Morita was not someone you had expected to see inside your Sunrise office, but you suppose that was the price of doing business in the land of the rising sun. They did the sort of corporate face-to-face meetings that you were doing.

The thing is, it was unannounced, and as it was clear from the mans face, something he would hope to keep quiet. "Alright Akira, what are you doing here?" You asked clearly as you knew the translator was not going to screw up any of your words.

"I heard you spoke Japanese well enough, what is the problem?" He asked in English.

"Because this is all unannounced, and I don't like it when people come into my office unannounced." You replied as you sat down on the chair. You were warned about this man, this man was brilliant, smart, and he was utterly ruthless in the business world. So… you had to play it by ear.

"I suppose that could have been avoided." He replied. "But I wanted to make sure that Mister O'brian and Mister Lucas were not here in Japan for this meeting. For a simple security reason."

"My security or yours?" You found yourself asking.

"That of the future of United Artists." He said. "There is an offer that will come to your desk, a very large and substantial offer, for you to leave your current posting immediately to become the head of United Artists. With full creative control of not only how you do things there, but also a near-infinite amount of money and resources to come your way. In addition to a 5 percent stake and share in Sony to sweeten the deal."

There was a smirk on the bastard's face as he finished. "I want to make you the most powerful man in Hollywood. For the simple price being your services."

You thought a moment before you almost laughed. "You know Bruce, being a catholic, and a very devout one at that, always told me that Satan appears to give you what you want. Not what you need, but what you desire." You then smirked. "Universal refused my calls when I wanted to become more than some producer from CBS, one of Lucilles Boys they called the lot of us… and I was distraught, almost broken by that bit of failure, that my entire career was going to be stuck with TV shows and lesser productions because no one knew or recognized talent."

You paused. "And then, some kids by the name of George Lucas and Bruce O'Brian went and found my resume, and hired me to be their companies president. A manager in all but name, while they made big decisions and played in their sandbox. And I wasn't going to be that. I worked hard, and made Bruce break a promise he made to George. Made several films that should have been dead in the water, because people didn't like them, didn't understand them, or didn't think they could make any money. Because thats what they do, they don't understand."

Then you finally gave a genuine smile. "And what did I find? I found those same two kids, who listened to me, heeded my advice or my ideas, and turned themselves from amateurs, into men who now shape Hollywood with every film. Pushing the boundaries of what film can be…"

The realization finally dawned on your opponent, that you were not even considering his offer. "And you come in this office, that I built… and offer me… even more than what I already have, but also less?"

"I'm sure we can accommodate any-"

"No, you don't understand Mister Morita." You said firmly. "What can you do, that George Lucas and Bruce O'Brian or any one of those merry men and women that work for them, can't do better?"

There was silence for a moment before he said. "Everything. We have greater resources, production facilities, cameras, writers… We have more of everything."

"Not passion though. Not Loyalty." You said. "Not a grit that would push a young man and his friends and coworkers, to make, produce, edit, and release a film, in two months when all they had was a friends cash and word to want to see a movie." You remembered the stories of American Graffiti, and how they had one shot to get it right, and it blew it out of the water. And everyone. "Every man has his price… unfortunately, my price has already been paid."

You smiled as the CEO of Sony, could only seem to hide his anger that you would not be bought. "I may not have the big title that I had hoped to have when I first started working here…But I do have a say in the most revolutionary film company in the history of the world. And I'm quite fine at where I am."

The CEO stood up. "And if you want a meeting sir… call my secretary. I'll make sure she returns your calls." You said.

AN: So Mike was offered a chance to become a Judas...

But Mike knows what he has... and ain't giving that up.
@Magoose how's our public image doing since we have proven to the world we're the worlds strongest and the bricks scene since Bruce blitzed through it so well he didn't think the bricks were a challenge
You were smiling at the camera as you looked at the cue cards. God Mike was an asshole for this. "Hello, My name is Bruce O'Brian, and I am about to show you a grand tour, of our facilities here at Lucasfilms."

Because Mike Eisner, lord moneybags and greedy film executive, wanted to tell Sid and the MGM boys where to shove it, in the most PR-friendly way possible. And maybe even try to steal a bit of magic from Disney while you were at it.

So what better way to do that, than by playing the jovial Walt Disney-like family man, Bruce O'Brian?

This is really cool. Man, Bruce is gonna be a lot of kids childhood heroes and its gonna be interesting to see the kind of legacy he has. This also makes me really want to produce that one show Orion pitched which was about filmmakers commentating about their movies. Would be wholesome to see Bruce and Carrie do it for their movies.

-[X]Rewarded by the Regan Whitehouse: Presidential medal of freedom? FOR WHAT! you didn't do anything to deserve that kind of praise, give it to someone who deserves it, like George! DC: ??? Rolled:176

You were still trying to understand what the hell was going on and why the President would give you the Presidential Medal of Freedom. You didn't do anything to deserve it. Hell, you didn't even know if you even wanted it.

So in between laying the smackdown towards a congress that needed to know better about art and fiction and television, you had a private audience with the most powerful man in the free world.

And he was happy that you were even there. "Mr.O'Brian I hope that you're not mad about the whole show that is about to come on at your expense?" that jovial voice was something that was offputting to you.

The President was like the kindly grandfather, who underneath, had a dark side to him. Like your dad was to you before you grew older and wise enough to know that that dad could become a very bad man if he wanted to be.

Reagan was like that too, but not in the physical sense. More the same way, you imagined at least, of the kind of people that you hated, like Sid, or the Toho people, and most politicians in general. Always having a need, a want or a desire that you would never know.

"Still wondering why?" You replied. "Though I hope it's for a good reason, besides getting you elected?"

"The American people did that, and you were certainly one of them." He gave a sly smile and he looked away. "I'll tell you part of the reason, and yes it is because you have done quite a bit for the country as a humanitarian, providing a beacon for all Americans and people of the world to aspire to."

"But?" You stopped as the man paused.

"But I am trying to win over the support of some of our more liberal friends who see you as a great hero of the working man."

Ah, and there it is. "This was asked by your party and cabinet?"

He nodded. "You'd be a good politician, Bruce, you seem to realize a lot of things, especially when it's things you don't want to do."

"This is an entirely political stunt." You finally said. "To reward my great humanitarian aid that has saved hundreds of thousands of lives all over the world, as well a great beacon of American prestige abroad, while also providing you with great leverage over parts of the party that think that Secretary Anderson should have been vice president over Bush… and of course, the democratic party who are opposed to numerous parts of your platform. Pushing them for some of the more fantastical, or look bad when one of America's golden boys supports it."

"Some would see it that way, yes. Do you?" He asked.

"I don't like being used as a pawn in a game I don't play?" You replied. "But that doesn't mean I'm not grateful for this award."

"Thank you." He said.

"But I'm no Partisan, Mister President. I hope you realize that." You said. "I'm not going to be at your beck and call to bring people to the cause, thats not my job nor do I want it to be."

"You're an American, I would have it no other way." Reagan smiled.

The Ceremony itself was short, sweet, and to the point. Thank God, because Congress was boring enough. It was only ten minutes, there were photos, and you were on your way with applause, cause you had a plane to catch back to LA.

Reward: You were awarded the presidential medal of freedom. Unknown Positive effect on future charitable actions within the united states.

More unknown effects later on if you choose to get involved in politics.

Interesting interpretation of Reagan and one that I can definitely see being the most accurate. Yeah it's a politcal stunt for Reagan that'll boost his approval and push some of his agenda, but it's also really nice for us in that it was some handy ammunition to slap the old farts at the hearing and boosts some of our own personal initiatives. I'm really looking forward to the positive effects it has on charity as I have some big plans for the rest of the 80s.

What position did Anderson get in the cabinet? Also a bit sad there wasn't any family fluff in Washington, but I presumed Carrie and the kids had a decent time sight seeing.

-[X]Brandon Lee and the Quest for Unifying a Martial Arts: So Brandon. You want me to help you standardize and get Jeet Kun Do to follow the philosophy of your father more closely… and you are doing this by beating the shit out of people? You know what, you got balls boy!? DC: ??? Rolled:D100 + 100 => 189

Brandon and you looked at several of the students of Bruce and other men and women who were on the whole… This is what Bruce wanted for his martial arts category.

You were not amused by it. Because they were not only profiting from Bruce's name and legacy, they didn't understand what Bruce actually wanted.

You didn't either, and there was only a few that did, and they wanted to stop this whole thing from falling into a schism that would never be reconciled.

So Brandon decided, in the break from filming, that he would come here, and fight everyone for the right to be called Grand Master of the martial arts, and well…

Try to mend everything.

And it worked, mostly. He didn't win every fight, but he had moxie that almost everyone could see, and he was desperate to cling onto his fathers dream.

Reward: Brandon prevented a schism in his fathers dream.

Damn, Brandon is certainly a badass. Looks like Bruce's legacy is in good hands.

-[X]The HEMA: You look at what they want to do, and realize that it's going to be a real life medieval tournament… melee in the 20th century. "I'm in!" DC: ??? Rolled:D100 + 130 => 229

Continued in the melee.

-[X]The Strongest Man in the World: So you saw an add. Someone wants to see if they could beat you in a strength contest. Now normally you would ignore it. But the task itself was something you didn't think about. Break stone with your bare hands. DC: ??? Rolled:D100 + 130 => 230

You just showed up and saw these men try to break strength records, and well, you were no strong man, but you were pretty strong.

So you did a few things.

The Farmer's walk was easy, and amost nothing was really easy.

The Atlas Stones… Childs play, you did them all in only two minutes.

And finally, punching through two bricks.

What were you a child? It took some time, but you found the weakness in the masonry. And with two punches, break the wall.

"Lads these are silly. Also, me punching two bricks to prove my strength, it hurts." You showed your hand slightly bloody. "Is also not a good way to measure strength, it measures how hard my punches are."

Everyone was in awe at you. "I'm going home, my kids are waiting for me."

Reward: You stunned everyone with numerous feats of strength that left them all gobsmacked.

Also, your punched through two bricks like it was nothing.

Wow, Bruce has proved himself as so badass he's basically John Wick with Chuck Norris rolled into one. Hell, we might not see Chuck Norrisms because they'll all belong to Bruce, lol. Considering the nat 99 in HEMA and nat 100 in Strongest Man in the World I was hoping that Bruce's athletic trait would be boosted to +40 since that seems like a reasonable jump from where he was when he first gained +30 and all the amazing feats since then. Hope he manages to have his high nat scores.

-[X]Reclaiming Control, with Kittens and Children: Ginger is pregnant with kittens, and you have no idea how the hell that happened. DC: 10 Rolled:D100 + 100 => 110
-[X] Spend time with your kids: Spend some quality time with Mary, Sarah and Joseph and make some good memories. Rolled:D100 + 100 => 161

Ginger was pregnant with kittens… and you don't know how that happened.

You just woke up one morning with your cat not feeling good, and later, you took her to the vet, and than…

Boom, she will have kittens. You thought she was fixed.

Hell everyone did.

Reward: Ginger is going to have kittens. The kids rejoice as they all want their own kittens.

Awwww. On the kids write-in, I was hoping for some wholesome fun like the Kermit box moment a while back, but this is also good. Really looking forward to seeing the kids adventures with their kittens. I presume Ginger will give birth at the start of next turn?

-[X]A Well-Known Fan: So some really famous person is a fan of yours. Maybe you'll learn who they actually are. DC??? Rolled:D100 + 100 => 143
Who did you meet:D20 => 10

"Um sir, you have a… Mister Cullen on Line one."

"Who?" You asked.

"A voice actor working with Tomino on Gundam. He says he wants to see you?"

"Well let him in."

And Peter Cullen's voice was the thing that got your attention. "Hello." He smiled. "My name is Peter, I'm one of the new voice actors."

And the rest, some would say, is history.

Reward: Peter Cullen is a big fan of your work, and is going to be in the new Zeta Gundam

Peter in Gundam, hmmmm....I'm guessing either Jamitov or Blex Forer but I can see him as a Federation OC. Since we got Peter and Transformers is gonna be a Sunset Toy, I'm really hyped and hope we can make it in '82 or '83.

Reward: David Lynch is in. Seems he's weird.

Also he really wants to do Dune for some reason. And Francis is not about to give that up.

Well I hope that this can push Francis to stop being so wishy washy and go film Dune now that the most recent Oscar award winner wants the film.

Oh also some interesting information, Star Wars Return of the Jedi actually had its exterior desert scenes filmed in Arizona, not Tunisia which I was surprised to read. Apparently Tunisia was used for 4,1 and 2. Since Dune 1984 was filmed in Mexico, I wonder if it can be filmed in Arizona too. If it does next year then I can see Bruce being both Han and Duncan Idaho like Overmind wanted.

Reward: Give Michael Mann a TV show on Lucas TV, and he will do this film for you.

Vice in Maimi… what the hell does that mean?

Miami Vice on Lucasvision, Nice. That'd make for an excellent debut show. I also want to do Overmind's Peshwar Lances mystery for a high concept piece.
Wow, Bruce has proved himself as so badass he's basically John Wick with Chuck Norris rolled into one. Hell, we might not see Chuck Norrisms because they'll all belong to Bruce, lol. Considering the nat 99 in HEMA and nat 100 in Strongest Man in the World I was hoping that Bruce's athletic trait would be boosted to +40 since that seems like a reasonable jump from where he was when he first gained +30 and all the amazing feats since then. Hope he manages to have his high nat scores.
Bruce can't go any higher currently because he's already at the max Level +30 is the max for Bruce, unless you dedicate working out for the next year.

He just isn't built different like other people.
This is really cool. Man, Bruce is gonna be a lot of kids childhood heroes and its gonna be interesting to see the kind of legacy he has. This also makes me really want to produce that one show Orion pitched which was about filmmakers commentating about their movies. Would be wholesome to see Bruce and Carrie do it for their movies.
Well that is an option.
Interesting interpretation of Reagan and one that I can definitely see being the most accurate. Yeah it's a politcal stunt for Reagan that'll boost his approval and push some of his agenda, but it's also really nice for us in that it was some handy ammunition to slap the old farts at the hearing and boosts some of our own personal initiatives. I'm really looking forward to the positive effects it has on charity as I have some big plans for the rest of the 80s.
... All I'm going to say is that you have the President of the United States Ear. And that is a very powerful thing to have. dangerous too, but who am I kidding, Bruce already has that kind of stuff in his life.
What position did Anderson get in the cabinet? Also a bit sad there wasn't any family fluff in Washington, but I presumed Carrie and the kids had a decent time sight seeing.
There was, but I was not going to do it.

And Anderson is Secretary of the Treasury.

Don't expect to stop supply side economics.
Damn, Brandon is certainly a badass. Looks like Bruce's legacy is in good hands.
He certinaly tries.
Peter in Gundam, hmmmm....I'm guessing either Jamitov or Blex Forer but I can see him as a Federation OC. Since we got Peter and Transformers is gonna be a Sunset Toy, I'm really hyped and hope we can make it in '82 or '83.
Well I hope that this can push Francis to stop being so wishy washy and go film Dune now that the most recent Oscar award winner wants the film.
He's already demanding it from Mike.
Oh also some interesting information, Star Wars Return of the Jedi actually had its exterior desert scenes filmed in Arizona, not Tunisia which I was surprised to read. Apparently Tunisia was used for 4,1 and 2. Since Dune 1984 was filmed in Mexico, I wonder if it can be filmed in Arizona too. If it does next year then I can see Bruce being both Han and Duncan Idaho like Overmind wanted.
I'm going to chalk it up to Steve outright refusing to go back to Tunisia after indiana Jones.
Miami Vice on Lucasvision, Nice. That'd make for an excellent debut show. I also want to do Overmind's Peshwar Lances mystery for a high concept piece.
YEp... that is the idea.
Don't know if Bruce is among the world's strongest. I tough it was a local event.
While it was a local event, it was...

Seen by a lot of people. and things will be very... very interesting once 83 rolls around.
Well I hope that this can push Francis to stop being so wishy washy and go film Dune now that the most recent Oscar award winner wants the film.
I don't think it was him being so wishy washy, as it was the fact that we were waiting for the technology to be ready. Which I think it is, now we can finally start with the fikming of one of the greatest works of Science Fiction ever written (save for Star Wars.)

So long as we don't do Chani like the movie...yeah, I'm finally saying it. Chani was the one point in Dune Part 2 that made me just wish she did not appear at all. The entire Atheist and unbeliever angle does not work with her in that setting, and her abandoning Paul at the end just wrecks the entire plot for Dune: Messiah, which they had already said they were going to adapt.

And don't even get me started on Alia...!
Oh also some interesting information, Star Wars Return of the Jedi actually had its exterior desert scenes filmed in Arizona, not Tunisia which I was surprised to read. Apparently Tunisia was used for 4,1 and 2. Since Dune 1984 was filmed in Mexico, I wonder if it can be filmed in Arizona too. If it does next year then I can see Bruce being both Han and Duncan Idaho like Overmind wanted.
I do want Bruce to be Duncan Idaho, mainly because it's perhaps one of the most important roles in all of the Dune books. I'm sure Steven will be overjoyed at not having to go back to Tunisia as well.
Miami Vice on Lucasvision, Nice. That'd make for an excellent debut show. I also want to do Overmind's Peshwar Lances mystery for a high concept piece.
Liberty's Crystal Skelethon. I did enjoy worldbuilding an entire new USA after the fall, and while first season is going to be a mystery that also allows the exploration of the new society that has been born, I also hope that the next seasons follow different characters so as to better flesh it out.

If not, then at least use the main character from Season 1 to go to different areas.
Bruce are the theater's selling seats for ROTJ to the people in advance and how are the companies preparing for the mass of Employees calling in sick to watch the final Movie of the Trilogy.
Also… I'm going to make bitch slapping Congress a write in..

Because you all should get the joy of bitch slapping Congress with words.

Instead of leaving it to me.
Let's make the government investigate their own Congressmen just like they did in hillgate
We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing. –The government, definitely.

Also… I'm going to make bitch slapping Congress a write in..

Because you all should get the joy of bitch slapping Congress with words.

Instead of leaving it to me.

...I'll let the people smarter than me take the lead. :V
When we do let's keep it in flowery polite speach the republicans are in charge the people that stand with us to a degree. The dem well they are free game soooooo.

Speaking of government can we import yes minster/priminister show tge public more or less how governments are run in the west

By that i mean do as little as possible to not rock the boat for their voters and donors also :

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