[X] Plan The O'Brian Revolution
-[X] "Hello everyone, I would like to start off by saying that it's an honor to be here. It's an honor to be in front of this nation and take part in this historic event where we shall embark on a great journey to take back the country and protect its future. America, now more than ever, sits at the helm to decide the future of our world. We must move forward as compassionate leaders and understanding mentors to those who will follow us, not only in the next few years but in the decades to come where the policies decided on today will shape their entire lifetime. Is our duty As Americans be a beacon of Hope to the downtrodden and a sanctuary for those seeking a better life. I can truly say from experience that I have had the fortune to live the American dream. Part of that is from my own work, but a significant portion of it comes from the fact that I had the ability and access to follow my own dreams thanks to this nation. That I have the freedom to chose my career, the freedom to speak and perform as I could, the freedom to build a business and support others, the freedom to live in a society of trust and tolerance; freedoms that we take for granted yet are the foundation of our happiness as much of the world suffers in tyranny.
-[X] "-Our economy is in an ever downward spiral where stagflation is destroying our communities and denying the American its potential and dream. Inflation has made the dollar worthless and with egregious taxes that deprive the working American and their family of hard earned wealth and place it into bloated and ineffecient oversight and meddling, the people cannot live, much less survive on an income that cannot keep with the times. Under Governor Reagan's plan, inflation shall be the priority of Washington where instead of infinitely printing money to apply band-Aids to grave wounds, the dollar shall regain its strength and with it the working family may know security and comfort once more. From there, sustainable and long overdue tax cuts shall return the wealth back to its rightful owners, spurring growth and economic development. No longer shall we be content with settling for good enough and maybes, but instead to let the sparks of creativity, talent and innovation light a burning fire to create a shining city of over two hundred million lights.
-[X] "-Of course what good shall our fiscal policies be if the backbone of our nation's economy, our energy sector is not kept in a robust in sustainable state to provide cheap and clean energy to all Americans. Twice in the past decade has our economy been held hostage due to our extreme dependence on fossil fuels, first for our defense of an ally, and second through punitive measures from a radical theocracy who continues to hold our embassy hostage? Why is it that instead of taking measures to move for energy independence and cooperation with allied nations, that this administration has chosen to simply make new deals with a monopolistic cartel? We have the industry, the knowledge and the talent to push for long-lasting and productive energy whether that our powerful nuclear reactors created through the CARE Act, our sand batteries which cheaply and reliable store energy anywhere in the world, or our developing wind and solar technology which only need the proper nurturing to release their full potential. Not only shall it protect our economy as it expands to new heights, but create a cleaner and healthier world for children where they shall not live with the burden of smog or acid rain."
-[X] "-However, if we are to maintain a prosperous nation, we must remember to strike a firm balance in slashing the waste and bloat of the federal government, and maintaining our civic duty to the American people. Over the past decade the federal government has become bloated, intrusive, and suffocating because our leaders forgot that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and through hubris that one man or party can be the only solution to all then become abusive to where we can only rely upon government instead of thinking and acting for ourselves. We still remain a liberal democracy, but the foundation is laid for true tyranny which shall rise if we don't take action. Yet what of the reverse? If there is no government, if everything is to be slashed and burned, what kind of nation shall we be? A country that does not keep the peace in our cities, a country where those who lack the means are left to rot and die, a country with no guiding princples or direction to unite and create a better tomorrow? If we are to create the best government then we must kill not it, but cull the rot and heal it in guidance to its proper state where its values and identity are as the Founding Fathers intended, by the people and for the people. Government is not to be a sword to forward the power and ideology of one man or party, it is a noble shield to defend our rights and freedom against the eternal specter of tyranny. In Carrying out the Reagan reforms where power is returned back to the people to govern themselves, let us be vigilant in what comes after instead of resting on our laurels, to carry out the will of the American people, defend our communities when they are at threat, and fulfill our obligations of moral and responsible leadership in times of crisis."
-[X] "-If we are to truly 'Make America Great Again', we must take a deep introspective look into what makes America great and where we have as a nation failed as a past in keeping our promises and living by our ideals. I love our country, I believe that at its core and its spirit that America is a guiding force for good and freedom. However, while the spirit and idea is pure and noble, it's message and light has been corrupted by past leaders who twisted the words and vision of the Founding Fathers in selective choice, that some people are real Americans and others are not. With each year since the Declaration, we have gotten better and this country has done some truly remarkable things and will continue to be even greater. Now more than ever we live by our ideals, but we cannot be content with simply saying "Mission accomplished" and forget what previously lead to the scars which tainted the American Dream and Great Melting Pot. For in ignorance lies the root of prejudice and hate that tears apart our nation and keeps us from being our best character. Through wise reflection and admittance we can treat each other with love and compassion, creating a community where every individual is valued for their wonderfully unique and amazing selves and through the many different and diverse parts comes a greater and and more beautiful whole. That is what America should always be.
-[X] "-One of the great traits of Ronald Reagan is that he is a leader who we can trust to not only get us back on the moon, but stay there. Our nation is one founded by pioneers and explorers, seeking out a new life to escape the misery of the old world. When Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific, did we just pat ourselves on the back and call it a day? No, we explored and built just as we shall do on the moon and throughout the stars of the greater galaxy, a dream and way of life that if not common to us, then shall be so for our children and theirs. While I may be famous for my part in Star Wars, space is more than just conflict, it's a vast beautiful expanse full of wonders and gifts our creator has given to us once we have reached the potential of our home and cradle. Let us seize the stars and explore all that there is and can be."
-[X] "-This nation is under siege from a great evil, that has infested our streets and our threating our youth and future. That is the plague of drugs. I am an actor in Hollywood and I can tell you horror stories of these horrific things that have done on good and honest people who were at their low point. We must fight them with all our might, to destroy their supply and heal the sick of their addiction for our future! I believe that Ronald Reagan is one of the only men who can launch and lead this crusade. Whereas our opponents would legalize promote narcotics in the name of pleasure and self-destruction, Governor Reagan knows when to take a stand and say no to the scourge which divides communities and destroys the potential and health of our youth in a lifelong suicide. When we embark on this challenge and say no, we must remember that the ultimate evil and insidious architects of this epidemic are the creators and their vile partners and masters, not the sick who through misfortune fell on the slippery slope to addiction for whatever cause pushed them to fall. When someone falls and is at their lowest, we must never punish them for their state, but lend an open and welcoming hand of love and compassion, to help them back up and rise above to be their best selves. Do not push away your prodigal sons and daughters in disgust or shame, welcome them with open arms and companionship to heal and rehabilitate, so that what was once lost shall be found."
-[X] "-At our core America is a nation of immigrants, even the Native nations having migrated millennia ago for opportunity and prosperity. My own father was an immigrant, coming from Ireland on the eve of World War II, and when his family was able to forge a better life for themselves, he repaid America by defending democracy and the way of life for our Korean allies, then returning home and building a home, providing for me and my siblings so we may do better and live to our fullest potential. To live in freedom and build a better future for our families is the American dream, and it's one that every man, woman and child no matter the color of their skin and beliefs should engage in. In these past couple of years I have done my best to make sure the dream is achieved by those who come to seek it. Starting with our Vietnamese allies who were abandoned in their time of defeat and despair, now building vibrant and robust communities where their children can be free, happy and reach from the stars. Most recently I with Project Lighthouse moved to provide a safe refuge for victims of the Romanian genocide and their war against the Soviets. While some return to their nation to rebuild, many have stayed and work for a future where their children shall be safe and never know war. They are good people, great people and some of the greatest gifts this nation has ever received. The Democrats claim to be a party of immigrants and diversity, but when the time comes to build homes for those who want to be American, the Democratic party tends to neglect them or turn away in scorn, just as Governor Brown tried to deny the entrance of our Vietnamese allies or how the Carter State Department denied Project Lighthouse's aid to the Mariel Boatlift out of vanity, leaving tens of thousands of Cubans and Haitans at this very moment to suffer in squalor and destitution out of pride and politics. We must never exclude our immigrants or treat them with scorn like lepers, for they are the lifeblood of the American heart. What is an American and what do they look like? To me all an American is anyone who who holds our value's of life, liberty an the pursuit of happiness in his heart. Good people, great friends and welcome neighbors."
-[X] "-It is no exaggeration to say that our nation is at its lowest point and weakest on the world stage in living memory. As we speak, 52 Americans are held hostage by a terroristic regime for the crime of pledging loyalty to our flag. Our military is lost and without direction, in desperate need of reform to defend our interests. Our allies look to us with skepticism and mistrust, many good friends have fallen either to Marxism or dictatorial oppression. Yet there is light within the darkness. The brave and miraculous example of the Romanians have shown us that even in the face of ultimate evil, that good shall triumph through the will of a united people fighting for justice, and we witnessed the first rollback of Communism in our history. We must welcome these great heroes into the fold of friendship and learn from there example to adapt and overcome the Red Tides so that all may know the fruits of democracy and one day there will be a world free from totalitarianism. The Communists are on the ropes and I believe that under a Reagan administration we may finally be able to deliver the knockout blow and end this wretched Cold War so that hundreds of millions of innocents in the East can finally live a life of liberty."
-[X] "-When looking at our foreign policy, one of the greatest and most inexcusable failures has been realpolitik and the toleration of evil and tyranny in the pursuit of victory. In our pursuit of the destruction of Marxism and the containment and downfall of the Soviet Union, we must not forget the other evil Empires that exist throughout the world. Apartheid South Africa who have created a terrible system that Jim Crow could only have dreamed of. Mad Pol Pot who exterminates anyone associated with the crime of participating in modern civilization, and Red China who after killing their history and purging millions in the Cultural Revolution, we gave a slap on the wrist and welcomed into the international community. All Realpolitik does is empower tyrants and condone crimes against humanity for abstract and paltry strategic benefit. Recently my family nearly paid the price for this ludicrous enablement when the Chinese Communist Party, our supposed "Friend" against the Soviets sent assassins to our home, ordering my death for the crime of making films. If these are the kind of friends we pursue in the name of victory then it would be better to throw in the towel. Even for the regimes who do not send assassins after our citizens, our toleration of their injustice only leads to more evils, such as how previous blank checks to the Shah created pressure that rose to the boiling point of the Revolution, and with democracy tainted by the Shah's association with us, the voices of freedom and liberty were silenced by zealots and terrorists, creating one of our worst enemies through toleration of wrong. This Banality of Tyranny cannot stand if we are to truly act as a beacon of liberty. If a flawed nation makes earnest strides to peace, good governance and human decency, then I say welcome them in open arms, but not before. Do not empower tyrants and turn their crimes to normalcy, for if we normalize oppression abroad then we shall be blind and silent when our home falls to tyranny."
-[X] "-As we fight to spread democracy and freedom around the globe and maintain commitments to our friends and allies, we cannot ever forget to win the peace at home. When Vietnam ended, hundreds of thousands of veterans were being harassed and discriminated for their service, many of whom were drafted, and for answering the call and serving the flag, losing many friends to the ultimate sacrifice and carrying grave scars, they were treated worse than scum. In California, I worked together with Governor Reagan to combat this social malaise, and through Reagan's excellent leadership and direction of the state legislature, we were able to give our heroes the support and relief they deserved, kickstarting a movement across the nation to properly welcome our veterans home and make sure they took part in the American dream, a promise that we must always be vigilant on and never waver in support."
-[X] "-It's been a long and brutal four years, capping off a lost and troubled decade. However, we've been through worse as a nation and as always we shall persevere through the night and rise to bask in the day. As I know well from my time in the ring, the fight is never finished until the last bell rings; we're a long ways off and this party and nation has got a lot of fire and grit left to throw its punches and continue the good fight for freedom and human decency. Let's not only make America great again, but see that this time from the melting pot every American of every race, religion, creed and identity shall join us under the stars and stripes for a new age of opportunity, equality, brotherhood and hope. Now as I'm sure you're tired of the trailers and want to see the main star of this show, let me waste no further time and give a warm welcome to the man who I am proud to have called my Governor, the great patriot who shall be elected as our 40th President come November, Ronald Wilson Reagan!"
Alright there it is, Bruce's RNC speech or at least the highlights of it. Because I can't comprehend how to properly write a speech of this magnitude with tens of thousands of words, I chose to do the highlights of major issues. Bruce is a Compassionate Conservative, and I did my best to implement that plus with some of his personal anecdoes broadly in line and supportive of Reagan. Any feedback is appreciated.