Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Really? I could have sworn that was an action that the thread wanted, hence why Magoose added it. It seemed like a decent amount of people wanted to sue Toho for breach of contract so I went for it. I can also see what you're going for as suing Toho right now even if we win will do great harm in damage to relations where we might not get anything going forward.

I don't think we need to build relations with Daiei or Toei because the reward for Japanese distribution was that we get to distribute ALL Japanese films until the end of 1980. So we can just build relations with both studios through releasing their products in the next two years.

If people don't want to sue Toei then I'll probably switch the action to some kind of networking.
Hmm, fair enough. I guess we can wait until the 80s to create new relationships. Plus, if we succeed in buying Sunrise then we can improve our new subsidiary to make not only Anime but movies as well, creating a new competitor for Toho.

Perhaps we could even buy Daiei through them. I might seems a bit obsessed with them, but they did make Gamera, and that kaiju was a competitor with Godzilla back in its day.
So just want a clear consensus, do people want to sue Toho or just leave them be and move on to other companies? A successful court action let's us distribute their movies for two years but could heavily damage relations. Not suing them gives money to Disney and Universal, but it keeps Toho on decent terms and the pro-Lucasfilms camp could have ammunition to take control.
So just want a clear consensus, do people want to sue Toho or just leave them be and move on to other companies? A successful court action let's us distribute their movies for two years but could heavily damage relations. Not suing them gives money to Disney and Universal, but it keeps Toho on decent terms and the pro-Lucasfilms camp could have ammunition to take control.
I don't mind either way. I just feel that suing Toho makes us too much like the very same companies that we were trying to be different from. Not to mention that, in the end, I think we're better off without them. We'll make new and better deals with companies who know they can trust us, and will trust us in return...or we will just use Sunrise for our distributions. Either way, it works.
So just want a clear consensus, do people want to sue Toho or just leave them be and move on to other companies? A successful court action let's us distribute their movies for two years but could heavily damage relations. Not suing them gives money to Disney and Universal, but it keeps Toho on decent terms and the pro-Lucasfilms camp could have ammunition to take control.
Sue the hell out of them...

Even if we end up burning bridges with Toho for good, the message that we are projecting of "Back down from a signed contract and suffer" will prevent many headaches in the future and dissuade future partners from stabbing Lucasfilms in the back.

[X] Plan Empire Rising
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Bruh the Romania part is wild. I knew that Vlad was viewed as a hero but now his popularity is gonna be on steroids.

Actually, @Magoose, how is Vlad now seen in Romania? Similar to how Genghis Khan is to Mongolians?
So just want a clear consensus, do people want to sue Toho or just leave them be and move on to other companies? A successful court action let's us distribute their movies for two years but could heavily damage relations. Not suing them gives money to Disney and Universal, but it keeps Toho on decent terms and the pro-Lucasfilms camp could have ammunition to take control.
Sue them. They fired the first shots when they violated our contract and decided to offer their movies to DIRECT COMPETITERS of LucasFilm and when they tried to take over sunrise sneakly without our notice AND this is not the first time they tried to leave us for BS reasens. So what does this prove about Toho, is that they are comepletly unreliable and never saw our partnerschip as worth while.
Your last visit to Toho had been...illuminating in a way. If anyone had told you that a solid partnership built on reliability (and profit as Mike would oh so helpfully add) would be nearly undone because of greed, well, you'd certainly believe them. Hadn't you seen enough of that here in Hollywood? Enough to taint your views on the industry and try for your own studio alongside George than work with and trust them.

But you'd expected better from Toho. If anything, this has shown you that there's no difference between studios around the world, no matter how much they claim otherwise. Toho had been ready (or nearly) to throw away a profitable partnership, one that had given 110% when it came to their distributions, all because of a small chance at a higher percentage profit.
Remember this? There're no more bridges between us and Toho.
You know the funny thing:

Joseph is seemingly incapable of sitting still may stem from the fact that his son is doing so much to help people.

But also, Bar owner, mercenary, humanitarian, actor, self proclaimed rival of a billionaire, and missionary and quite the job titles and probobly something that he likes to do.

Even if for the romania thing he did it by complete accident.
How has the Coney Island project gone? And when can we get an action to at least discuss putting a Star Wars themed attraction in Steeplechase Park?
You know the funny thing:

Joseph is seemingly incapable of sitting still may stem from the fact that his son is doing so much to help people.

But also, Bar owner, mercenary, humanitarian, actor, self proclaimed rival of a billionaire, and missionary and quite the job titles and probobly something that he likes to do.

Even if for the romania thing he did it by complete accident.
We can always make a film based in the life of Dad...

We can even cast him as himself... Like Audey Murphy...
Speaking of, we should totally team up with Billy Graham for one of his Crusades. Would be interesting to do.
I don't think Bruce would do something like that. especially with someone like Graham.

Nor would he want to. Bruce doesn't seem to be the type to Prostlytize. Besides his wife, but that seems to be something like that.
Lawyer's Dozen
TITLE: Lawyer's Dozen
GENRE: Drama, Crime
SUBGENRE: Courtroom Legal Drama
FORMAT: 1 hour TV show

Basically "What if 12 Angry Men was a TV show", Lawyer's Dozen is unique among law shows in that instead of showing the lives of law enforcement or the lawyers and judges, the main characters whose viewpoints we see are solely the 12 jurors with each story arc revolving around a different jury as they deal with a criminal case. Each story arc would feature a different crime, committed by different people of various circumstances and severity.

The main hook of the series is that we see everything through the Jury's eyes, never through the point of view of the defendant, cops, prosecutor or witnesses. The show's only setting is the courthouse with the audience seeing what the jury sees through the case in the witnesses and evidence and thus both the audience and jury are forced to come to their own conclusions on who is right or wrong based off of the cases built by the prosecution and defense. Sometimes the jury will find the defendant guilty or innocent, and there may be some cases where they make what is implied to be a wrong choice.

Aside from flashback scenes showcasing the trial, the majority of the narrative revolves around the interplay of the jury and how they relate to one another and argue for a guilty or non-guilty verdict. The main strength of the series would thus have to rely heavily on the performances of the actors and the character dynamics between one another similar to Twelve Angry Men. Each case would be told in 1-3 episode story arcs.

With the show being only set in the courtroom, it should be a hopefully cheap project due to lack of costs with set and prop creation. The usage of such a large ensemble cast can also showcase natural diversity and allow for greater casting of overlooked and aspiring actors, or for new stories to be told in settings outside of the big cities.