Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Just an idea for the future can we invest in PVTS enough to get someone from lucasfilm to have a seat on the board and stop them messing with Gundam or is that not needed?

Well Joseph has just successfully negotiated a thousand people to refugee to the west.

Ok so we should do a call dad roll and a charitable heart roll and see if they need a few million dollars then? actually how about we use our profits from Dracula for this just to throw some fuel on the fire?

I would really like to aquire sunrise and talk to the minitrey of culture. If my meomory is correct if we wan to invet in tokyo beofre land proces become insane we need to do it NOW. My understanding is tokyo is currently mostly traditional post war rebulds and is about to become the cyberpunk capital this decade.

then Brandon still needs help and some effort needs to happen in the family as well as the tradition of the Christmas party.

Are there any cons we could go to as Conan with or without the family and increase hype?
New York bar owner has staredown with the Soviet miltary and wins.
New York Bar Owner, Mercenary, Adventurer, Actor, and Father of the Goose, had a stare-down with the Soviet Military and Won.

Poor Donny, being emasculated like that while Joseph lives, must make him feel small and insignificant.
Just an idea for the future can we invest in PVTS engh to get someone from lucasfilm to have a seat on the board and stop them messing with gundam or is that not needed?
No they won't fuck around, they are not in the mood to find out.

Also I forgot this Action:

[]The Toho Fuck ups: So Toho broke a contract. Time to make them pay for it! DC: ???
this is me...

I just want to get to the 80's so I can bombard you with so many bonuses, actions and other stuff, but can't because if these turns are going to take forever.

So I'm caught in a pickle of wanting to get to the 80's so that things can finally really get going.

Also me:
If we roll we enough I expect a couple of seppukus...
I'm too tired to deal with this.

Take the 12 actions and let me sleep, you have successfully bullied me into letting you keep two actions on a regular and keeping it going.
this is me...

I just want to get to the 80's so I can bombard you with so many bonuses, actions and other stuff, but can't because if these turns are going to take forever.

So I'm caught in a pickle of wanting to get to the 80's so that things can finally really get going.

Take the 12 actions and let me sleep, you have successfully bullied me into letting you keep two actions on a regular and keeping it going.
Ok, sorry for bothering you @Magoose ... I was complaining mostly because the end of 70s would be the perfect time to do certain investments, make contacts, and acquire rights for stuff... And that is much more difficult on to schedule that in a 3 month turn (because many other actions become much more urgent, so it is much more difficult to justify actions, like investments, networking or, The Ideas of Industry)...

But I promise you that I will no longer complain about this matter, and I hate that have you felt bullied over this.
Also me:
I'm too tired to deal with this.
Sorry about this as well, but did it really bother you that much my Seppuku joke?

I mean, it was meant to be a mostly harmless bit of black comedy and nothing more...
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[] Gophering, and other signs of stuff: You want to try and learn how work behind the camera works, and what better way than being a gopher. DC: 50 (You have no idea what the hell they were doing, and you have no idea either)
I love how this is a thing we can how confused would a director ed be if we showed up on their Set as a gopher.
Batman Production Rolls:

Production Roll:D100 - 70 => -6

Final Directing Roll:D100 => 100

In the end, you think you made one of the best movies of your life.

And that was without question.

Star Wars was not going to be any worse than this.

Bruce O'Brian: D100 + 430 + 20 => 506
Clint Eastwood:D100 + 200 => 291
Alec Guinness:D100 + 200 => 211
Faye Dunaway:D100 + 200 => 269
Roy Scheider:
D100 + 200 => 246
John Travolta:
D100 + 200 => 300
Robert Redford:
D100 + 250 => 332
David Ogden Stiers:
D100 + 200 => 259
Jack Nicholson:
D100 + 200 => 282
David Patrick Kelly:
D100 + 200 => 251
Robert Shaw:
D100 + 200 => 249
Jodie Foster:
D100 + 200 => 238
Lou Ferrigno:
D100 + 200 => 297
James Woods:
D100 + 200 => 265
Adam West:
D100 + 200 => 290
Julie Newmar:
D100 + 200 => 275

Bruce/Clint: D100 + 230 => 309
Bruce/Faya:D100 + 230 => 265
Bruce/Alec:D100 + 230 => 270
Bruce/John:D100 + 230 => 278
Bruce/Robert:D100 + 280 => 340
Bruce/Shaw:D100 + 230 => 316
Bruce/Jack:D100 + 230 => 316
Bruce/Roy:D100 + 230 => 312
Bruce/Jodie:D100 + 230 => 279

Clint/Faya:D100 + 230 => 297
Clint/Jodie:D100 + 230 => 287
Clint/David: D100 + 230 => 274
Clint/Jack:D100 + 230 => 274
Clint/Robert:D100 + 280 => 364

Roy/John:D100 + 230 => 235
Roy/Jack:D100 + 230 => 301
Roy/Robert Shaw:D100 + 230 => 241
Roy/David:D100 + 230 => 320

David/Lou:D100 + 230 => 280
David/Jack:D100 + 230 => 294
David/Robert:D100 + 280 => 325

Adam/Julie:D100 + 230 => 254

The VFX:D100 + 50 => 120

The SFX: D100 + 50 => 133

The Score:D100 => 88

Location:D100 => 88

All Fight Choreography:D100 + 100 => 184

Batman Iconography:D100 => 93

You smiled as you grinned at the editors. "Don't fuck it up."

Reward: Current Quality of Batman: D100 + 300 => 386

Batman will be released Summer of 1979

Bruce Gains +5 to Directing Skill.

For the next film he directs, get a -50 to Production rolls.

+20 to Directing Rolls

The Batman is now off production.

Awesome stuff. Seems like The Batman will be one of the best movies ever made and we are a contender for the definitive Batman and the one that most people will think of in regards to the character. Everything's high and good all around with glorious fight scenes and SFX courtesy of our involvement. We're definitely up for the running for Best Director and Actor, and I think due to his nat 100 that John may get a nomination for Best Supporting Actor.

Oh I know.


D2 => 2

Blowout was made.

Awesome! John Travolta gets to star in a Lucasfilms movie and with him being the protagonist of a Noir thriller, this and Batman may be the big break John needs to break out of typecasting and do whatever he wants.

Fri Sep 08 2023 12:07:07 GMT+0800 (Philippine Standard Time)
Rolling line 1 : 1d100 + 0 to total : 97, TOTAL: 97
Well Joseph has just successfully negotiated a thousand people to refugee to the west.

Oh thank the Lord! The O'Brian family legend really goes and it appears like Joseph has transformed himself from being Bruce O'Brian's father and a New York community figure into an anti-Communist patriot, humanitarian and Catholic hero. We definitely need to make some movies about him and I guess Joseph earned Bruce and Carrie's first son being named after him.

this is me...

I just want to get to the 80's so I can bombard you with so many bonuses, actions and other stuff, but can't because if these turns are going to take forever.

So I'm caught in a pickle of wanting to get to the 80's so that things can finally really get going.

Also me:

I'm too tired to deal with this.

Take the 12 actions and let me sleep, you have successfully bullied me into letting you keep two actions on a regular and keeping it going.

It's okay Magoose, this is a more than great outcome and you continue to be an awesome QM! Looking forward to the 80s and you do whatever you need to do to get there.

[X] Plan Empire Rising
-[X]The Lucasfilms Christmas Party of 1978: Time to have a party! DC: 0
-[X]The Toho Fuck ups: So Toho broke a contract. Time to make them pay for it! DC: ???
-[X]The Next Mike Eisner Action Plan of 1978: Mike needs to meet up with the directors, Alan... and You, to get everything going. This year was a success. But it could be better. DC: 0 (Begin a miniturn to develop new movies)
-[X]The Final Preparations: George was ready, and he gave you the script, the story and his notes. "What You've been busy, so I just uh… did some work for you." DC: ???
-[X]Cementing some Bridges: Tomino and Ralph both had two differing takes… but now is not the time for fighting. DC: 30
-[X]The Hokadio Connection: You joined Mike to go to Japan to speak to the Minster of Culture. DC: 20
-[X]The Sunrise: So time to cement Sunrise as a truly awesome Subsidiary DC: 20 (Also cost 20 million)
-[X]The Media Blitz of Conan The Barbarian: You are looking at the media list that Mike put up. "Alright, who's first?" He said. (Linetail what you want to do next) DC: ???
--[X] While you're in Japan, arrange for an interview with a popular Japanese news outlet to promote Conan. You speak fluent Japanese and Japan is a big fan of Lucasfilms, take the opportunity to ensure that Conan gets a big response overseas.
-[X]Brandon Needs to Graduate, Part 2: Brandon. Guess what, I'm going to get you through accelerated classes. Good luck. DC: ???
-[X]There is Training: So Brandon, you have been taught by many of Bruce's Other students, well time to see if you're ready to learn from… you. DC:20/???
-[X]A Beautiful Night: Carrie snuggled you close. "Is it wrong that I enjoy every moment of this?" She asked. "I want us to have this forever."
-[X]Brandon and Mary: Brandon frowned at the costume. "I am not going to continue this charade." "yes you will, or your mother will hear about this."

Okay, so once again limited upon obligations, but now we at least got Batman out of the way so we can focus our full attention on Lucasfilms greatness.

Attend the Christmas party. It lead to big developments last time and it's nice to keep the tradition for solidarity between the company, celebrate success for both films proper and Dreamworks, prep for Star Wars, and perhaps welcome Sunrise. Also I really hope Mary and George III are able to meet at the party.

Make sure that Toho obeys the contract and we are able to keep releasing their films, but if we don't it's okay because it only lasts for two more years and we can go to other companies like Toei. Do the Mike Eisner master plan so we know what to do for both Lucasfilms proper and Dreamworks for the next year, lots of scripts, so little resources. Also, I think Magoose promised we may get more producers and directors when we do this so that's something to look forward to.

See the Empire Strikes script and try to cement it as great. Help Tomino and Ralph compromise and get the best art. Speak to the Culture Ministry and secure Hokkaido as our filming spot so we don't have to go to that hellhole in Norway. Buy Sunrise so we have awesome anime. Also while in Japan, take the time to promote Conan to our Japanese audience, really play off of our fluency.

Help Brandon with his school work, though I think Bruce is applying too much of himself in Brandon to make him take advanced classes and graduate early, but who knows. Train Brandon and continue to make him a badass. A nice night with Carrie to unwind, and Brandon and Mary stuff.

Unfortunately I have to eliminate the Linda and Shannon action in order to make up for this rare opportunity to promote Conan in Japan and help for the fact we've neglected the media blitz for most of the year. Also want to call Dad, but can't because of limited action pool, though it makes sense to hold it off because most of this turn he'll be in Romania or in the process of organizing the evacuation, so we save it for next turn.
@Kaiser Chris
Can we replace the Conan action with an action to donate money to romina.

Would love to but first off the situation doesn't really seem like it would organically allow for Bruce to donate money and weapons to Romania considering that the revolution likely just kicked off in late November, so for half the turn the revolution hasn't even happened yet and it's in poor taste to do prescience. Also considering Joseph is fighting in Romania, if Bruce funds the Rebels while he's still there then the Soviets might legit kill him so I don't think Bruce would take that chance. Then our financial wealth which is in the hundreds of millions is not enough to fund a revolution long term. Sure we can arm a brigade or two, but those supplies will run out.

It's best to just leave funding for the CIA and if Bruce wants to help Romania, then deliver funding for refugees from the conflict through his organizations. Also if Bruce were to fund the Romanian revolution, that would make him a felon under the Logan Act which says that American citizens cannot transact business with foreign governments in dispute with the United States. Since America does not officially recognize the rebels as the rightful government (We don't even know if they established a government) then Bruce would be conducting a felony, not to mention the horrible shot to our reputation and careeer:

Logan Act - Wikipedia

[X] Plan Empire Rising

Also, Kaiser Chris, I'm not sure if we should try to make a fight out of the whole mess with Toho. Perhaps we should instead try to build more bridges with different studios in Japan. Either Daiei Films or Toei.
Also, Kaiser Chris, I'm not sure if we should try to make a fight out of the whole mess with Toho. Perhaps we should instead try to build more bridges with different studios in Japan. Either Daiei Films or Toei.

Really? I could have sworn that was an action that the thread wanted, hence why Magoose added it. It seemed like a decent amount of people wanted to sue Toho for breach of contract so I went for it. I can also see what you're going for as suing Toho right now even if we win will do great harm in damage to relations where we might not get anything going forward.

I don't think we need to build relations with Daiei or Toei because the reward for Japanese distribution was that we get to distribute ALL Japanese films until the end of 1980. So we can just build relations with both studios through releasing their products in the next two years.

If people don't want to sue Toei then I'll probably switch the action to some kind of networking.